广东版(开心)四上《Unit 8 Review 2》ppt课件.ppt

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Task 1: Review the words: dance sing swim paint play the guitar play chess speak English guitar drums trumpet piano violin instruments Play the + instruments We can dance . Can you dance ? He can play basketball . Can he play basketball ? He can play the guitar. He cant play the guitar ? Task 2: Pair work. (Look at the pictures and make the dialogue ) Can you ? Yes, I can. No, I cant. -What club do you want to join?-I want to join the club. -Can you ? -Yes, I can. English club chess club swimming club music club art club Task 3: Talk about the clubs. (Look at the pictures and make conversation .) A poster Musicians Wanted for School Concert Are you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums or the guitar? Then maybe you can be in our school concert.Please talk to Zhang Heng for more information. How to write a poster A: I want to join the school concert. B: Can you sing? A: Yes, I can . B:Can you dance? A: Can you play the piano, the trumpet? B: No, I cant. A:I think you can be in school concert. Make the conversation like this . Summary : Can you/he/she ? Yes,I/we /he /she can. No, I/we /he /she cant. What club do you want to join ? I want to join club. 2. I ant to join club. 1. Play + the +instruments(乐器 ) 3. Play +球类名词 talk to sb 对某人谈话 talk with sb 与某人交谈 talk towith sb about sth 对某人谈 论 Summary : 1. Can you/he/she ? Yes,I/we /he /she can. No, I/we /he /she cant. 2. What club do you want to join ? I want to join club. 下面的短语你都会吗 ? 1,弹钢琴 2,拉小提琴 3,打鼓 4,弹吉他 5,吹喇叭 play the piano play the violin play the guitar play the trumpet Play + the +instruments(乐器 ) Play the drums Exercises: 你能写出下列短语吗 ? 1,打篮球 2,踢足球 3,打排球 4,打乒乓球 5,打棒球 play basketball play football /soccer play volleyball play ping-pong play baseball Play +球类名词 1.你会游泳吗? 2.她会弹吉他吗?会。 3.你们会画画吗?不会。 4.他们会说英语吗?会。 Can you swim? Can she play the guitar? Can you paint? Can they speak English? Yes, she can. No, we cant . Yes, they can. 1. I can play chess .(改为一般疑问句) 2. She can speak Chinese .(改为否定句) 3. Can your brother play basketball ?(作肯 定回答) 4. We want to join the English club .(划线 提问) 5. Can Tom and Amy paint ?(作否定回答) Can you rewrite them ? No , they cant . Can you play chess ? She cant speak Chinese . Yes , he can . What club do you want to join ? Can you say these in English? 1.下象棋 2.弹吉他 3.英语俱乐部 4.艺术俱乐部 5.加入音乐俱乐部 6.我想加入音乐俱乐部 play chess play the guitar English club Art club I want to join the music club join the music club Can you fill in the blanks ? 1._ you swim ? Yes, I can. 2.Can your father play the guitar ? No, he _ . 3. What club _ you want to join ? 4. Can Lucy and Alice dance ? Yes , _ can . 5. We want _ join the English club . Can cant do they to


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