广东版(开心)四上《Unit 1 Hi, Gogo!》ppt课件.ppt

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二、填上单词所缺的字母。 1. sn_wy 2. y_ck_ 3. g_ _d 4. b_ d 5. sp_ cy 6. t_sty 7. C_n_d_ 8. Th_il_nd 9. w_s 10. w_re 三、根据句意,把括号里的字母组合成单词。 1. The chicken in Jims Restaurant is _(a y t s t ). 2. My mother likes _( i y c p s ) food. 3. The weather was _( o n w s y ) and cold in Harbin in winter. 4. Her cousin was in _(a n d c a a ) last month. 5. Lisa is my _( o o d g ) friend. 四、连词成句。 1. was Canada I in yesterday _ 2. like the was food what Thailand in _? 3. you where were month last _? 4. what the was weather like yesterday _? 三、根据课文内容完成对话。 Gogo: Look! Here comes a _! Where did you _ from? Actress: Many _! Tony: Where were you last _? Actor: We _ in Beijing. Tony: Where were you last _? Actress: We were in _. Tony: What was the _ like in Thailand? Actress: It was _. Gogo: Come on! Lets _ to Thailand. 四、选择题。 ( )1. What _ the weather like yesterday? It _ sunny. A. is; was B. was; was C. were; was ( )2. Were they in Beijing_? A. tomorrow B. the day after tomorrow C. last month ( )3. _were you last week? We were in China. A. What B. When C. Where ( )4. Lets _ to Thailand. A. going B. go C. goes ( )5. What was the food like in China? _ A. It was sunny. B. It was Jennys. C. It was tasty. 三、写出下列单词的反义词。 big_ good_ tasty_ heavy _ wet _ tidy _ dirty _ tall _ old _ hot _ thick _ sad _ 四、看图完成以下对话。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.A: Where was he last month? B: He _. 2. A: Were you in China yesterday? B: No, I _ in _. 3. A: What was the food like? B: It _. 4. A: What is the weather like in winter? B: It _. 5. A: What was her hair like? B: It _. 三、根据句意,用 was或者 were填空。 1. My shoes _ dirty yesterday, but they are clean now. 2. Dick _ in hospital last summer vacation. 3. The weather _ good in Shanghai last year. 4. My parents and I _ in Japan last week. 5. The food in KFC _ spicy yesterday. 四、根据中文提示,在横线上填上合适的单词。 1. I _( ) from America. 2. Were you in _( ) last month? 3. The food in Sichuan is _( ). 4. They are working in a _( ). 5. We visited many _( ) in Beijing. 五、阅读短文,对的写“ T”, 错的写“ F”。 Last summer vacation the weather was sunny and hot. Tom And his parents were in England. They swam in the sea.They Played badminton on the beach. Also they visited many places in England. They liked the food there. It was tasty. They had a good time. ( )1. Tom and his friend were in England. ( )2. The weather was good. ( )3. They swam in England. ( )4. The food in England was tasty. ( )5. They didnt like the food. 六、选出划线部分发音不同的选项。 ( )1. A. good B. food C . Look ( )2. A. go B. clock C. shop ( )3. A. yucky B. duck C. July ( )4. A. spicy B. did C. like ( )5. A. Thailand B. rain C. paint 七、写出可以替换划线部分的单词。 1. The weather is sunny today. _ _ 2. The food is very tasty. _ _ 3. We were in England last week. _ _ 4. His father is a teacher. _ _ 5. She studied English yesterday. _ _ 八、选择题。 ( )1. The weather _ sunny yesterday, but today it _ rainy. A. was; was B. is; is C. was; is ( )2. It was a _ day. A. snow B. snowy C. rain ( )3. Come _! Lets _ to Thailand. A. on; go B. on; going C. to; go ( )4. Jack and Mary _ in China last month. A. was B. were C. are ( )5. It _ a bad summer. A. was B. were C. am ( )6. Look! Here _ a circus! A. coming B. came C. comes ( )7. What _ the food like yesterday? It _yucky. A. is; is B. was; is C. was; was ( )8. My friends _on vacation last summer. A. are B. was C. were ( )9. What _ she _ last night? A. did; did B. did; do C. do; do ( )10. Tony _trees last Sunday. A. plant B. planted C. planting 九、在 B栏中找出能够回答 A栏的答案,并把答案的编号填在相应 的括号里。 A B ( )1. What is the weather like today? A. It is rainy. ( )2. What was the food like? B. It was spicy. ( )3. Where do you come from? C. I studied. ( )4. Were you in Thailand? D. I come from Japan. ( )5. What did you do yesterday? E. No, I was in China. 十、翻译句子,每条横线上只填一个单词。


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