广东版(开心)四上《Unit 9 What are you doing》ppt课件.ppt

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9 What are they doing? 9 What are they doing? By:Sanjiao Central Primary School Perpichwu 9 What are you doing? What are you doing? Im playing. playing play 9 What are you doing? What are you doing? Im running. run running 9 What are you doing? What are you doing? Im shopping. shop shopping 9 What are you doing? What are you doing? Im sleeping. sleep sleeping 9 What are you doing? What are you doing? Im writing. write writing 9 What are you doing? What are you doing? Im studying. study studying 写出下列动词的现在分词。(即加上 ing) study studying playing play write writing shop shopping sleep sleeping run running Whats Tony doing? Whats Jenny doing? What are they doing? Shes shopping. Hes writing. They re running. This is a park. What are they doing? Tony is running. The girl is studying. Gogo is playing. The baby is sleeping. Jennys swimming. Its Sunday in the park. Look! Tonys running. Gogos playing the skateboard. Jennys swimming. The girls studying. The baby is sleeping. Ssh! 1.Whats Tony doing? 2.Whats Jenny doing? 3.Whats the girl doing? 4.Whats Gogo doing? Hes running. Shes swimming. Shes studying. Hes playing. Look and write. 9 What are you doing? 学习辅导 P39 第七题 9 What are you doing? 如何表达某人正干什么 ? What are they doing? What is she/ he doing? Shes Hes writing. Theyre painting. 9 What are you doing? What are you doing? Im eating. eat eating 9 What are you doing? What are you doing? Im painting. paint painting 写出下列动词的现在分词。(即加上 ing) study studying playing play write writing shop shopping eat eating sleep sleeping paint painting run running 9 What are you doing? fish read fishing swim reading swimming 1.Whats the boy doing? 2.Whats the girl doing?. 3.What are Tony and Jenny doing? 4.Whats the baby doing? 5.Is Gogo swimming? 9 What are you doing? Hes fishing. Shes reading. Theyre shopping. Yes, he is. Hes sleeping. Read, match and write. 9 What are you doing? Workbook P29 9 What are you doing? 如何表达某人正干什么 ? What are they doing? What is she/ he doing? Shes Hes writing. Theyre painting. 9 What are you doing? Homework today: Writing Book P29,P30 (完成书写本 29,30页 )


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