


1、UNIT3HowDoYouCometoSchool 学习目标1 学会听 说 读 写 bus train ship taxi school home 2 听懂句子 Howdoyougotoschool school sku l goto home h m go b s bus by Igotoschoolbybus 学校 train tre n by 武汉 IgotoWuhanbytrain shi。

2、Littlemouse littlemouse Runsofast runsofast Whereareyougoing Whereareyougoing Tellmenow letmeknow Let ssingasong Unit5Whereareyougoing park Whereareyougoing Iamgoingtothepark cinema shop book store Gu。

3、Unit1 Winter Vacation,Part A,play football,go to the museum,take photos,make dumplings,How do you spend the Spring Festival?,I make rice cakes.,How do you spend the Spring Festival?,We go to the fair。

4、Unit 3 My school calendar,Lets learn,Lets sing,Lets chant,Day day , What day is it? Monday Monday , Its Monday. Day day , what day is it? Tuesday Tuesday , Its Tuesday. Day day , What day is it? Wed。

5、Unit 4,When is Easter?,sing and chant,My school calender,January,(Jan.),February,(Feb.),March,(Mar.),May,June,July,August,(Aug.),September,(Sept.),October,(Oct.),November,(Nov.),December,(Dec.),New Ye。

6、人教PEP五年级下册,Lets chant,- Excuse me! Is this pen yours? - No, its not mine. - Is this book yours? - Yes, its mine. Thank you.,Lets Review,Lets spell,long,sing,young,ring,Lets spell,think,ink,tru。

7、Unit4 Transportation,Lets sing a song.,Chant: Its Time To Go To School Its time to go to school. Its time to go to school. Hurry up. Hurry up. Its time to go to school. Hurry up. Hurry up. Its tim。

8、Unit 1 The Olympic Games,Part A,colors,red,black,white,green,yellow,pink,orange,blue,Whats your favorite color?,Chant,Spring is green. Green, green, green. Summer is red. Red, red, red. Fall i。

9、Unit2 Physical Exercises,Part A,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,Share,Early to bed,early to rise,makes you healthy,wealthy。

10、Unit 6 An Unusual Day,Uaual day,Uaual day,一般现在时表示经常性,规律性,习惯性的状态或者动作。如每天起床,吃饭,上学,一个星期去几次超市等。这个动作经常发生,是一般的情况,而不是具体的某一次。还有些动作或状态是永恒的,如地球绕着太阳转,太阳从东方升起等。,标志性的词有:Usually sometimes always often every。

11、Unit2 Physical Exercises,Part A,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,记忆大比拼,OVER,Share,Early to bed,early to rise,makes you healthy,wealthy。

12、Unit7 Christmas,Part A,Christmas,圣诞节,i,i,a,k,Ch,C,Christmas is coming.,is coming. 表示“将来到来。”,a,Christmas,tree,tree,树,Christmas,a,card,card,卡片,a,robot,robot,computer,o,u,ju:,电脑,robot,o,o,u,机器人,footb。

13、Family = Father and mother I love you. Unit 5 My Family Part A My family New words I 我 brother 弟弟 sister 姐姐 father 爸爸 mother 妈妈 介绍自己的家人 This is my. 这是我的 This is my family. Hi, this is my father!。

14、Unit 6 Colors Part A an apple 一个苹果 a apple 一个 红 苹果 red a banana yellow 一根 黄色的 香蕉 a frog 一只青蛙 a frog 一只 绿色 的青蛙 green a fish 一条鱼 an fish 一条 橙色 的鱼 orange Lets chant. Red and yellow Red red y。

15、Lets learn What did you do last weekendread a book had a cold saw a filmslept went boating What did you doI read a book。

闽教版英语四上Unit 1Our ClassroomPart A课件1
闽教版英语四下Unit 4TransportationPart A课件1
闽教版英语六下Unit 6Dreem JobPart A课件1
闽教版英语六下Unit 5OccupationPart A课件1
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