
The role in the picture is Monkey King。Unit5《First aid》教案(3)(新人教版必修5)。Unit4《Making the news》教案(2)(新人教版必修5)。


1、Match the following great scientists with their contributions.,1. The electric light bulb ( F ) 2. The Origin of Species ( D ) 3. Universal Gravitation and Three Laws of Motion ( B ) 4. The development of telescope ( C ) 5. Big Bang Theory and Black Hole Theory ( A ) 6. Theory of Relativity ( E ),. Skim the passage and answer the following question. Why is the cholera。

2、How much do you know about London? 1. Match the following pictures with their names.,A. Tower Bridge E. The London Eye B. The Houses of Parliament F. Buckingham Palace C. The British Museum G. Big Ben D. Number 10 Downing Street ,2. Discuss in pairs and answer the following questions. 1) Whats the name of the UKs currency and what is its currency symbol? ____________ 2) What is the full name of the UK? __________________。

3、Pre-reading 1. Who is in the picture? Can you say something about it? The role in the picture is Monkey King, a leading role in Journey to the West. The Monkey King, who is brave and wise, has lots of magic power, such as endless life, flying and transformation.,2. Do you think our future life will be similar to the Monkey King? You can predict. Yes. With the help of science, perhaps we can fly in space, overcome many kinds of diseases just like cancers, live much longer t。

4、Pre-reading 1. Radio, television, magazines, newspapers and computer are known as the mass media(大众传播媒体). We can get information or news we need through them. All information and news are made by journalists , who are called “uncrowned king (无冕之王)”.,2. Do you want to be a journalist? Why? Yes, I do. Because as a journalist I can report many things which happened/is happening all over the world in time so that others can know these/those quickly. In my opinion, its a。

5、What do the following pictures stand for? Fill in the following blanks according to what you think about them.,1. The first picture stands for(1) Police Alarm ; the second picture stands for(2) Fire Alarm ; the third picture stands for(3) Emergency Medical Service . When you or others are in trouble, you can get help from them. But before the helpers arrive, you should do something to help the injured, which is called(4) first aid .,2. First aid is a(1) tempora。

6、111英语:Unit5First aid教案(3)(新人教版必修5)Period One warming up and readingTeaching Goals:1Encourage the students to discuss accidents and first aid .2Enable the students to talk about different accidents and how to give first aid in different situations.3Enable the Ss to learn how to use what theyve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly.4Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each para./ part & each passage .Key Teaching PointsHow to i。

7、111英语:Unit3Life in the future教案(1)(新人教版必修5)Period 1 Warming-up and ReadingTeaching Goals:1.Learn some new words and expressions.2.Improve the Ssreading skills.3.To illustrate Ss imagination of future life4.Know the more advanced forms of transport in AD 3005 and the advantages and problems of life in the future.Teaching Methods:1.Inductive method2.Pair work and group work3.Illustration4.Deductive MethodTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in1The tea。

8、111英语:Unit4Making the news教案(2)(新人教版必修5)一. 全模块教学目标 (Teaching aims)1. 能力目标 (Ability aim)Enable the Ss to recognize the variety of jobs there are in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office.Enable the Ss to know what is needed to become a reporter and how to conduct an interview.2. 语言目标 (Language aim)重点词汇和短语 occupation, update, submit, cover, concentrate on, inform, publish, polish, approve, acquire, accuseof, so as to, scoop, deadline, depe。

9、111课题Unit 2 The United Kingdom课型 Reading 课时The First Period【学习目标】1.了解课文涉及到的单词和短语。【课前自学】英汉互译1. unite ___________ 2. kingdom_________ 3. province__________ 4. accomplish _________ 5. conflict___________ 6. unwilling_________7. union ___________ 8. currency _________ 9. rough___________ 10. nationwide _________ 11. architecture_________ 12. clarify _________13. port ___________。

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