


1、第11课时 单项选择 B 1 改编题 Mrs Gao often get mad at her noisy son but she is always her noisy pupils in the music class A angry with B patient with C worried about D similar to D 2 预测题 To keep ch。

2、Grade 8 Book 1 Units 1 2 1 xx贺州 During 在 期间 the summer vacation we mustnt go swimming alone in the river Its dangerous 2 xx贺州 Mr Miller is a very humorous 幽默的 teacher His classes are very in。

3、第8课时 八年级下册 Units 1 2 一 阅读理解 2019预测 How many hours do you spend sitting in a chair every day Eight hours in the office and three hours in front of the TV after work is the answer for man。

4、Grade 8 Book 2 Units 1 2 1 xx北部湾经济区 We are going to interview 采访 the famous writer next week 2 xx柳州 Its our duty to protect the environment 环境 3 xx贺州 It has been 20 years since I graduat。

5、Grade 9 Book 2 Units 1 2 单词拼写 1 There is a big playground in the middle 中间 of our school 2 Its really tiring 累人的 to climb up to the top of Mount Hua 3 Dont point 指 at someone with your finge。

6、第13课时 九年级 Units 1 2 一 阅读理解 xx山东济宁中考 There is an unusual holiday in the US that falls on the fourth Thursday of April every year It is very different from Christmas Thanksgiving or oth。

7、第13课时 九年级 Units 1 2 一 完形填空 xx山东枣庄台儿庄期中改编 Now more than 40 million foreigners around the world are learning Chinese The relationship 关系 between the United States and China is be。

8、第13课时 九年级 Units 1 2 一 选择填空 1 2019原创 Dad please dont tell mom that I will e back next Sunday I want to keep it a and give her a surprise A chance B choice C secret D idea 2 2019原创 How di。

9、第8课时 八年级下册 Units 1 2 一 完形填空 2019预测 Have you ever worked as a volunteer Volunteers dont get paid for what they do but the experience of helping others can be more valuable than 1 There a。

10、第8课时 八年级下册 Units 1 2 一 选择填空 1 xx江西南昌高安三模 of the hats suited him so Jack had to try on a third one A Neither B Either C Both D None 2 xx江苏连云港中考 National Treasure quickly ros。

11、Grade 9 Book 1 Units 1 2 1 xx贵港 The teacher will divide us into four groups to play the new game 2 xx桂林 Online shopping has many advantages 优势 3 xx来宾 We havent decided whether 是否 or not to g。

12、2019中考 人新 英语课本回扣习及答案 九全U1 2 一 阅读理解 In China there are many special bookstores Sanlian Taofen Bookstore became the first 24 hour bookstore in Beijing at the beginning of April Popu。

13、2019人教英语重点单词回扣 阅读及答案 九全1 2 一 阅读理解 Fast food workers in 58 cities in the USA did not go to work on Thursday They went on strike because they want more money The workers these year。

14、2019人教英语重点单词回扣 阅读及答案 八下1 2 一 阅读理解 The BritishMuseum in London had its most successful year ever in xx More than 6 7 million visitors passed through its doors The previous record。

15、2019人教英语重点单词回扣 阅读及答案 八上1 2 一 阅读理解 Britain says it will send ten war ships to Gibraltar on Monday The ships will make a stop there on their way to the Middle East Many people thin。

16、2019中考 人新 英语课本回扣习及答案 八下U1 2 一 阅读理解 Dear daughter You are a wonderful person and your mother and I love you It will not be long before you leave home to make your way in the world。

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