2019中考英语 重点单词回扣+阅读 九全 Unit 1-2习题 人教新目标版.doc

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2019人教英语重点单词回扣+阅读及答案:九全1-2一、阅读理解。Fast-food workers in 58 cities in the USA did not go to work on Thursday. They went on strike because they want more money. The workers these years get paid the lowest wage (工资). This was set at $7.25 in xx and has not changed since then. Many workers say they cannot afford to live on that. The price of everything has gone up but their wages have stayed the same for five years. The workers want $15 an hour, which is double their wage. Julio Wilson, a cashier at a pizza restaurant, told the BBC he earns $9 an hour. He said that wasnt enough to support himself and his five-year-old daughter. He said: “I know I may lose my job by doing so, but its my right to fight for what I deserve (应得的).” McDonalds and Burger King both spoke about the strike. They said they did not make decisions about how much to pay workers in most of their restaurants. They said each restaurant is independent and the manager decides how much to pay the workers. McDonaldsprofitswere over $5.5 billion in xx. The burger giants (巨人) did say that an increase in wages would mean more expensive hamburgers. Americas National Restaurant Association (协会) said the wages were low because the staff are young and have little work experience. It said: “Only five per cent of restaurant employees earn the lowest wage and they are mainly working part-time and half are teenagers.”( ) 1. Workers strike because _. A. They didnt like fast food. B. They wanted more money. C. They got new jobs. D. They wanted more food.( ) 2. How much is the minimum wage in the USA? A. $7.35 B. $7.25 C. $7.55 D. $7.95( ) 3. Which of the following isWRONG?A. The fast-food workers want a 50% pay increase.B. McDonalds said it didnt decide how much to pay its workers.C. A restaurant association said wages were low because workers are young.D. Only 5% of all restaurant workers get the minimum wage.( ) 4. What does the underlined word “profits” mean? A. 销售价 B. 亏损 C. 盈利 D. 成果( ) 5. What is the best title of this passage?A. U.S. fast-food workers stop workingB. Having little work experience.C. Workers and their restaurants.D. Teenagers should earn more money【参考答案】1-5 BBACA二、完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A long time ago in India, there were a young king and a wise man who was the kings friend. This king was a good man, _1_ he talked too much. In fact, sometimes the king could not stop talking.The wise man thought, “I must _2_ the king talk less. But how?”There was a lake not _3_ from the palace. A tortoise and two birds lived near the lake, and they were _4_ good friends. One day, the birds said to the tortoise, “_5_ are going to a beautiful mountain tomorrow. _6_ you like to come with us?” The tortoise answered, “_7_ can I go with you? I cant fly?“We can take you,” the birds said. “Hold a stick in your mouth, and well carry the stick between us.”“Thank you. Youre very _8_,” said the excited tortoise.“Bite on (咬住) stick, and dont _9_. If you open your mouth, youll fail,” the birds said.The next day, the king and wise man saw the two _10_ in the sky. “Look!” said the king. “Those birds are carrying _11_! Whats it?”The tortoise heard this and wanted to say, “Im a tortoise! Im flying!” He opened his mouth to say it, and _12_ the ground. “Its a dead tortoise!” said the _13_. “Why did it fall down the sky?”The wise man answered. “This talkative tortoise couldnt hold onto the stick _14_ it couldnt keep its mouth shut. Great king, this shows us how bad it is to talk _15_.This king said, “I understand you, my friend.” And after that he became a wiser and less talkative king.( )1. A. but B. and C. or D. so( )2. A. hear B. help C. watch D. see( )3. A. in front B. far away C. near D. behind( )4. A. either B. both C. all D. we( )5. A. You B. They C. People D. We( )6. A. Should B. Would C. Could D. Might( )7. A. How B. What C. When D. Where( )8. A. polite B. lucky C. happy D. kind( )9. A. jump B. fly C. talk D. climb( )10. A. Indians B. tortoises C. birds D. friend( )11. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything( )12. A. fell to B. flew over C. ran away D. walked on( )13. A. king B. wise man C. tortoise D. birds( )14. A. so B. because C. whether D. though( )15. A. a little B. too much C. too many D. a bit语篇解读:乌龟在空中飞行本是不可能的事,但聪明的乌龟做到了。在鸟的帮助下,它含着木棍飞上了天空,但因为多嘴导致了它跌下来摔死的下场。这个故事再一次告诉我们“沉默是金”这个道理。1. A。 根据下文“这个聪明的人要帮助国王少说一点话”可知这两句话之间形成转折关系。but意为“但是”,故选A。2. B。 根据句意“我必须帮助国王少说话”可知应选help。3. B。 首先可排除in front,因其后接介词of而非from;near和behind后可直接加名词,不需要加介词,故排除;far away from.意为“离远”。4. C。 表示“三者或三者以上都”用all,因为这里有两只鸟和一只乌龟。故选C。有同学觉得可把两只鸟看作一个整体,误选both。5. D。根据下一句的us可知此处应填We。6. B。Would you like to do sth.?为固定结构,意为“你想要做某事吗?7. A。 句意为“我不能飞,怎么能和你们一起去呢?”询问方式用How。8. D。 乌龟是在表示自己对鸟儿的感谢,句意为“你们真好”。9. C。 因为用嘴巴咬住棍子,所以应该是不能张开嘴巴说话,用talk。10. C。根据下文国王的话可知是两只鸟。11. C。文中是指某些不确定的东西,肯定句用something。12. A。 fall to the ground意为“掉到地面上”符合句意。fly over飞过;run away 逃跑;walk on继续走,都不符合题意。13. A。 文中提到两个人the wise man和the king,由下一段中的“The wise man answered.”可知提问的人是king。14. B。前果后因,选because。15. B。由第一段中的“.he talked too much”和第二段中的“.I must help the king talk less.”可知应选B。三、任务型阅读。阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。In many countries, it is still common to see the whole family cooking together. You will find parents, their childrens grandparents in the same kitchen at the same cooking as a family. They talk with each others are fun and make a great meal at the same time. However, a lot of families are too busy nowadays to spend this time together.In fact, it is very important to find some time to cook together. Even if it is just once a month, whenever it is possible, cooking as a family should be done. Family members rarely get a chance to connect with each other as a family, and cooking together can change that. It can also foster an interest in different types of foods, such as healthy food like vegetables and fruits.Having children cook with their family in the kitchen also makes them more confident. They can feel like they are doing something important by meeting the needs of their family. It is also more likely that the family will eat dinner together if they prepare it together.Cooking as a family will also help members understand family values. Cooking together is sure to bring the family happiness and make them close.1. Why should cooking as a family be done whenever it is possible, even if it is just once a month?_(不超过25个字)2. Whats the title of the passage?_【参考答案】1. Family members can get a chance to connect with each other as a family, and also foster an interest in different types of foods. 2. Cooking as a Family四、重点单词回扣重点单词1. _n交谈;谈话2. _ adv.大声地;出声地3. _n句子 4. _n语法5. _v重复;重做 6. _n物理;物理学 7. _v增加;增长 8. _v出生; adj.天生的9. _n能力;才能 10. _ adj.活跃的;积极的11. _n注意;关注 12. _v(使)连接;与有联系13. _v&n.回顾;复习 14. _n知识;学问15_n病人;adj.有耐心的 16. _n秘密,秘诀17. _n笔记,记录; v注意,指出 18. _n亲属;亲戚19. _n花园;园子 20. _v欣赏;仰慕21. _ adj.死的;失去生命的 22. _n生意;商业 23. _v警告;告诫 24. _n款待,招待; v招待,请(客)25. _n现在,礼物; adj.现在的 26. _n蔓延,传播; v传播,展开 参考答案:1. conversation2. aloud3. sentence 4. grammar5. repeat6. physics7. increase8. born9. ability10. active11. attention12. connect13. review14. knowledge15. patient 16. secret17. note18. relative19. garden20. admire21. dead22. business23. warn24. treat25. present26. spread


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