山东省滨州市2019年中考英语总复习 第8课时 八下 Units 1-2习题.doc

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山东省滨州市2019年中考英语总复习 第8课时 八下 Units 1-2习题.doc_第1页
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第8课时 八年级下册 Units 12一、选择填空 1(xx江西南昌高安三模) of the hats suited him, so Jack had to try on a third one.ANeither BEitherCBoth DNone2(xx江苏连云港中考)National Treasure quickly rose to the top television rating ranks after it was presented on CCTV. It means a growing in traditional culture among Chinas youth.Ainterest BdirectionChabit Ddream3(xx山东东营中考)Hi, Li Mei. How is your new school?Fantastic. We can choose the courses according to our . I love operas, so I took the Beijing Opera class.Agrades BtalentsCinterests Dexperiences4(2019原创)Whats the matter you?I have a headache.Awith Bon Cin Dabout5I have a pain in my back. . Youd better see a doctor.AIm sorry to hear thatBNothing seriousCIt doesnt matterDCongratulations6(2019原创)Nowadays, some students make money by leaflets.Agiving out Bgiving awayCgiving up Dgiving back7(2019原创)We have to the bike ride because of the bad weather.Aput off Bturn offCtake off Dget off8(2019原创)Can you that life will be like in 100 years time?I think there will be more robots.Aimagine BconsiderCshare Ddiscover9(2019预测)I didnt take your advice at that time, so I am in such a terrible .Asituation BdiscussionCintroduction Dvacation10(xx山东滨州模拟)What should we do for the disabled children in the Childrens Home?You are supposed to a study group to help themAtake up B.fix upCset up D.stay up二、完形填空 (xx山东滨州中考)Everyone wants to have healthy teeth. When you laugh, you will 1 your mouth and show your teeth. The healthier your teeth are, the happier you feel. Why is that?Its 2 your teeth are important in many ways. Take care of them, and theyll help to take care of you. Strong, 3 teeth help you grow. They also help you speak clearly. You can take pate of your teeth by doing like these:Brush your teeth 4 a day, after getting up and before bedtime. And you brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time 5 the teeth along the sides and in the back. Take your time while brushing. Spend at 6 three minutes each time you brush. Be sure your toothbrush is soft. Ask your parents to help you get a new toothbrush 7 three months. Clean between your teeth with dental floss(牙线). It feels strange when you do it at first, but soon youll get used to 8 it. Brushing 9 your teeth healthy. You also need to care about what you eat and drink. Eat 10 fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of drinks.Do you want to have white and healthy teeth? Please brush your teeth! 1A.close Bwash Cserve Dopen2A.though Bbecause Cif Dwhen3A.tight Bwhite Chealthy Dclean4A.once BtwiceCthree times Dfour times5A.on Bin Cat Dto6A.first Bleast Conce Dlast7A.every Bboth Ceither Dneither8A.helping Bmaking Cfeeling Ddoing9A.starts BproducesCkeeps Dsuggests10A.a lot Blots of Cfew Da little三、阅读理解(xx山东济南天桥期末)Hi! I am Li Langjing, 15. I study at Korowa Anglican Girls School in Melbourne, Australia. I love music and traveling. I would like to share my stories with you!Volunteers are probably some of the most overlooked people. But no activity would carry on smoothly without hardworking volunteers.This month, I volunteered at the Color Run in Melbourne. Although I didnt have as much fun as the runners, I still learned a valuable lesson.My job was to give a highfive to every runner at the finish line. At the beginning, we saw it as a simple task. When the first runner passed, we reached out our hands and yelled “Good job” excitedly.However, as more and more people crossed the finish line and touched their hands with mine, my arms got sore(酸的). To make things worse, it became hotter. Our clothes were all wet because of the sweat and we felt tired.But soon we saw a group of kids running towards usthey were about six years old. Although they could hardly catch their breath, they still kept going with big smiles on their faces. They put up their hands and said,“Highfive!”At that moment, I was quite touchedthey were so young, and they refused to give up. Suddenly, I felt myself bee full of strength. I clapped their hands, “Well done, little guys!”That is the meaning of being a volunteer. It is never an easy job. However, we meet different people and see the spirit that moves them. Even if such spirit is not often found in daily life, it can encourage us a lot when we do see it occasionally(偶尔)1We are not sure if the writer of the passage .Ais Li Langjing Bis 15 years old Cloves running Dloves traveling2What was the writers job at the Color Run in Melbourne?AShe ran beside the runners.BShe gave highfive to runners.CShe offered water to runners.DShe led runners to the finishing line.3At the very beginning, the writer thought her job was .Aeasy Btiring Cunimportant Dboring4What made the writer feel moved?ASeeing so many people with sweat.BHer clothes were soaked with sweat.CSome young kids were very tired, but refused to give up.DAll of the runners gave her a highfive.5According to the author, what is the meaning of being a volunteer?AHaving as much fun as the runners.BVolunteers should not be the most overlooked people.CWatching runners finish their games and win medals.DMeeting different people and being encouraged by their spirit.四、口语交际根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整,合乎情景(有两个多余选项)。(xx山东滨州阳信一模)(Jack and Tom are talking at break.)Jack: Hi,Tom.Tom: Hi, Jack. 1. Jack: Im reading an article about Kobe Bryant.You know he has left NBA because of age and injuries.Tom: 2. His leaving made all his fans sad, including me. He is one of the greatest players in NBA.Jack: Thats true. He has won first NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals.Tom: He is a real basketball hero. 3. Jack: Yes. He often started to practice as early as 5 am.Tom: He has a real love for basketball. We should do things like him.Jack: 4. Nobody can succeed easily unless he works hard.Tom: Bryant can have some time to relax now.Jack: Youre right. Oh, its time for class. 5. Bye.Tom: Me, too. Bye.AWhat a pity!BI quite agree.CIts a pleasure.DNice talking with you.EWhat are you reading?FHow long did he practice every day?GDo you know how hard he was working?五、汉译英将下列英语句子译成汉语,汉语句子译成英语。1The boy could hand out food at the food bank. 2You can go to the hospital to cheer up the sick kids/children. 3多亏了老师的帮助,我可以取得好成绩。(thanks to) 4昨天我们想出了一个好的计划。(e up with) 5我把我的旧衣服捐赠给了儿童之家。(give away) 参考答案一、15 AACAA610 AAAAC二、15 DBCBA610 BADCB三、CBACD四、EAGBD五、1.这个男孩可以在食品银行发放食物。2你可以去医院看望生病的孩子们以使他们高兴起来。3Thanks to my teacher, I can get good grades.4We came up with a good plan yesterday.5I gave away my old clothes to the Childrens Home.


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