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2022年考博英语-中国社会科学院考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题Sex and violence on television are called ( ) by people who feel that they serve no purpose other than to improve ratings.问题1选项A.gratifiedB.gratuityC.ingratiatingD.gratuitous【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项gratified“称心的”;B选项gratuity“赏钱;小费”,名词;C选项ingratiating“讨好的;逢迎的”;D选项gratuitous“无理由的;无端的”。句意:电视上的性和暴力被认为它们除了提高收视率没有任何作用的人称之为。C选项符合题意。2. 单选题The truth about alliances and their merit probably lies somewhere between the travel utopia presented by the players and the evil empires portrayed by their critics.问题1选项A.collaborationB.worthC.triumphD.defect【答案】B【解析】merit“优点,价值,功绩”。A选项collaboration“合作,勾结”;B选项worth“价值,财产”;C选项triumph“生理,凯旋”;D选项defect“缺点,不足之处”。B选项与merit“价值”这一意思相近,因此B选项符合题意。3. 单选题One major obstacle Ato economic development is population growth. BThe populations of most developing countries grow at a rate much faster than Cthat of industrialized countries. One reason for this growth is the high crude birth-ratethe number of Dlive births per 1,000 people.问题1选项A.toB.The populationsC.thatD.live births【答案】C【解析】考查代词用法。B选项与C选项中间有比较标志than说明两者之间有比较。C选项的that指代the populations,应与前面的复数形式保持一致,应把that改为those。4. 单选题The leaders of the mythopoetic mens movement believe that modernization has led to the feminization of men. Mythopoets believe that the rise of the urban industrial society trapped men into straitjackets of rationality, thus blunting the powerful emotional communion and collective spiritual transcendence that they believe men in tribal societies typically enjoyed. Most importantly, the movement seeks to restore the deep masculine to men who have lost it in their more modern lifestyles. Other causes for the loss of the deep masculine include: Men no longer being comrades who celebrated their masculinity together. Rather, they had become competitors within their workplaces; Men spending more time in their houses with women than they did with men (in non-competitive terms outside of work). Excessive interaction with women generally kept men from realizing their internal masculinity; Feminism is bringing attention to the “feminine voice.” Through this, the mythopoetic men felt that their voices had been muted (though Bly and others are careful in not blaming feminism for this); The separation of men from their fathers kept them from being truly initiated into manhood, and was a source of emotional damage. Men were suffering further emotional damage due to feminist accusations about sexism. Men should celebrate their differences from women, rather than feeling guilty about them. Men is being discouraged from expressing their emotions. Male inexpressivity is an epidemic and does not correspond to their deep masculine natures. Groups of primarily white, middle-aged, heterosexual men from the professional class retreated from their female loved ones in order to join in spiritual rituals that emphasized homosociality, with the central goal of reclaiming the parts of their masculinity that they had lost called the deep masculine. Because most men no longer perform masculine rituals, mythopoets assert that men have mutated into destructive, hypermasculine chauvinists, or, in the opposite direction, have become too feminized. The mythopoetic men performed rituals at these gatherings, which were meant to imitate those performed by tribal societies when men initiated boys into a deeply essential natural manhood. The movement emphasized the importance of including multiple generations of men in the rituals, so that the men could learn about masculinity from those who were older and wiser. Characteristic of the early mythopoetic movement was a tendency to retell myths, legends and folktales, and engage in their exegesis as a tool for personal insight. Using frequent references to archetypes as drawn from Jungiananalytical psychology, the movement focused on issues of gender role, gender identity and wellness for the modern man (and woman). Advocates would often engage in storytelling with music, these acts being seen as a modern extension to a form of new ageshamanism popularized by Michael Harner at approximately the same time. The movement sought to empower men by means of equating archetypal characters with their own emotions and abilities. For instance, Michael Messner describes the concept of Zeus energy as emphasizing male authority accepted for the good of the community. Beliefs about the emotional system based in archetypes of great men, mythopoets sought to channel these characters in themselves, so that they could unleash their animal-males. This group primarily analyzed the archetypes of King, Warrior, Magician, Lover and Wildman.As a self-help movement the mythopoetic movement tends not to take explicit stances on political issues such as feminism, gay rights or family law (such as the issues of divorce, domestic violence or child custody), preferring instead to stay focused on emotional and psychological well-being. Because of this neutrality, the movement became a site of social criticism by feminists, and was often characterized as anti-intellectual as well as apolitical. Michael Messner once gave a speech at a gathering, in which he addressed the dangers of celebrating the warrior, as instances of rape are higher in countries that glorify war. The mythopoets responded that they were not interested in intellectual or political pursuits, but were primarily concerned with conducting spiritual and emotional work. Additional feminist critique revolved around the movements absence of womens perspectives, as well as the essentialism in the movements teachings.1.The mythopoetic mens movement can best be understood as ( ).2.The mythopoetic mens movement consists of groups of men who retreated from their female loved ones in order to strive for( ).3.The idea that modernization has led to the feminization of men means that( ).4.The root issue is( ).5.According to the text, the causes for rape must be sought in( ).问题1选项A.a mens literary movementB.a mens liberation movementC.a mens rights movementD.a second-wave feminist movement问题2选项A.gay rightsB.same-sex marriageC.masculinityD.myths, legends and folktales问题3选项A.men cannot be themselvesB.men can no longer make friendsC.mens voice have changedD.men cannot express themselves问题4选项A.feminismB.masculinityC.sexD.gender问题5选项A.the celebration of the archetype of the warriorB.the unleashing of mens“animal-males”C.domestic violenceD.the loss of masculine rituals【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:D第4题:A第5题:A【解析】第1题:1.判断推理题。题干问的是:男权的神话运动可以被看作是?第一段指出:the movement seeks to restore the “deep masculine” to men who have lost it in their more modern lifestyles (这一运动旨在恢复那些在现代生活方式中丧失了“真男儿气概”的男人),以及Feminism is bringing attention to the “feminine voice.” Through this, the mythopoetic men felt that their voices had been muted (though Bly and others are careful in not blaming feminism for this)(女权主义引起了人们对“女性声音”的关注,也因为此,男权的神话运动中的男人感到他们的声音被压制了(尽管布莱和其他人都很小心地不把这归咎于女权主义),以及The movement sought to empower men by means of equating archetypal characters with their own emotions and abilities(该运动试图通过将原型人物与他们自己的情感和能力匹配起来以赋予男性力量)。由此可以看出男权的神话运动呼吁男子气概,男性力量和男性权利。故选C项“男子权利运动”。第2题:2.根据题干定位至第一段:Groups of primarily white, middle-aged, heterosexual men from the professional class retreated from their female loved ones in order to join in spiritual rituals that emphasized homosociality, with the central goal of reclaiming the parts of their masculinity that they had lost called the “deep masculine.”(活动组成员主要是白人、中年男性和异性恋男性,他们暂离了爱人,为了参加强调同性交际,目标是恢复他们失去的,被叫作“真男儿气概”的男子气概的活动仪式。),因此C项“男子气概”正确。第3题:3.语义题。题干所在句的后面句子指出:Feminism is bringing attention to the “feminine voice.” Through this, the mythopoetic men felt that their voices had been muted (though Bly and others are careful in not blaming feminism for this)(女权主义引起了人们对“女性声音”的关注,也因为此,男权的神话运动中的男人感到他们的声音被压制了(尽管布莱和其他人都很小心地不把这归咎于女权主义)。而且文章说男权的神话运动目的是恢复男子气概,倡导“男权”。因此男权的神话运动倡导者说:“现代化导致了男人的女性化”意思是“男性没有发言权了”,因此D项正确。第4题:4.判断推理题。文章多次提到女权主义对男性女性化的影响。由此推断最根本的问题在于女权主义。故选A。第5题:5.根据题干关键词定位至第二段:Michael Messner once gave a speech at a gathering, in which he addressed the dangers of celebrating the warrior, as instances of rape are higher in countries that glorify war (迈克尔梅斯纳曾在一次集会上发表演讲,他在会上谈到了为战士庆祝的危险,因为在那些宣扬战争的国家,强奸的发生频率更高)。由此可见强奸的发生归因于为战争英雄庆祝。故选A。5. 单选题The English speaker has Aat his disposal a vocabulary and a set of grammatical rule which Benable him to communicate his thoughts and feelings, in a variety of styles, to Cthe other English speakers. His vocabulary, in particular, Dboth that which he uses actively and that which he recognizes, increases in size as he grows old, as a result of education and experience.问题1选项A.at his disposalB.enableC.the otherD.both that which【答案】C【解析】考查代词用法。C选项the other表示“两者中的另一个”,而句中并没有标明只有两个讲英语者。因此应改为other“其他的”。6. 单选题Although in the novel the millennium has been and gone, there are no references at all to real contemporary American or global political events of the time of writing. Chapstick, Pledge, and Skevener in their study The Endless Loop of History: Space Time in the work of David Foster Wallace (London 2001) have already noted the way Infinite Jest divorces itself from history by the use of sci fi elements. They note how compared with the American post moderns, whose works interact with real historical time, Infinite Jest takes place in an ahistorical, allegorical time. DFWs invention of Subsidized Time, and the renaming of years after products and companies shows the way in which the soul-rotting effects of advertising infect time as well as internal and external space (cf: Phillip K Dicks adverts projected onto the moon in The Man in the High Castle). Otherwise, the ubiquitous presence of advertising in contemporary daily life is absent from the novel. Actually, this is not correct. The theme of waste management (also the underlying structure of Don DeLillos novel Underworld) reflects some of the anxieties of the 90s, the decade in which the novel was written: namely, global warming, environmental concerns, nuclear waste management, including its export to third world countries, the trading of carbon emission points, futures swaps in carbon footprints etc. DFW is here simply satirizing contemporary concerns; and a Freudian reading of this theme is both unnecessary and not really illuminating, Don Gatelys work as a shit hoser notwithstanding. DFWs use of spurious knowledge and scholarship (including a spurious academic apparatus at the back of the book) has been amply commented on, especially the doubtful physics of J.O. Incandenzas work with lenses and nuclear annulation, and the iffey math involved in the Eschaton game. By his use of the spurious DFW is not only satirizing the discourse of academic knowledge, but making a serious point about the extent and typology of knowledge itself. Once knowledge becomes so specialized as to become comprehensible to only a very fewthose firmly inside the discoursewhat status does that knowledge gain? To those outside the discourse, the knowledge can only be taken on trust, and therefore all manner of hoods may be winked. In this case the boundaries between the fictional and the real become blurred, a matter for argument. We are used to questioning the reliability of the narrative voice in fiction, but not so able to question in the same way the reliability of academic discourse or specialist knowledge. The presence of the spurious next to the real infects the real, inviting us to extend our distrust of fictional narrative to non-fictional exposition, the fiction (le mensonge) and the truth become mirrors of each other. The title of a work stands in metonymic relationship to the content of the work: War and Peace, for example, signifies the two main themes and structuring devices of that novel. For existing books, (real, read books), the title summons up everything we know or remember about the book. Where that work is non-existent (fictional, spurious, lost or simply unknown/unread) the title acts as an empty signifier, which we can fill with our imagination, effectively writing the work ourselves in a flash. Barthes calls these bookless titles prolepses; Nabokov creates summaries and detailed commentaries for them (in Pale Fire and The Real life of Sebastian Knight); Borges bases his whole stylistics on this process of metonymic expansion; and Eco fills entire imaginary libraries with these fantastical books. DFW for his imaginary works, like Hoffmann, has a penchant for excessively long and humorous titles, whose length guides us in this process of creation cf: Good Looking Men in Small Clever Rooms that Utilize Every Centimeter of Available Space With Mind-Boggling Efficiency (title of one of J.O. Incandenzas entertainments), and Mousetraps and their Influence on the Character and Achievement of the Feline Race (title of one of Murrs books from Hoffmanns The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr).1.According to the author, the use of some of the anxieties of the 90s does not contradict the proposition that the novel Infinite Jest takes place in an ahistorical time because( ).2.DFWs invention of Subsidized Time exemplifies( ).3.Following Roland Barthes, which of the following titles would be an example of prolepsis?4.An innovation by DFW to post modern fiction is exemplified by( ).5.The title of the novel suggests that it is( ).问题1选项A.the millennium has been and goneB.DFW is here simply satirizing contemporary concernsC.DFWs invention of Subsidized TimeD.he uses scifi elements问题2选项A.the ubiquitous presence of advertising in contemporary daily lifeB.the commercialization of American societyC.the endless loop of historyD.American post modernism问题3选项A.War and PeaceB.The Real life of Sebastian KnightC.Mousetraps and their Influence on the Character and Achievement of the Feline RaceD.The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr问题4选项A.the unreliable narratorB.the distrust of academic discourseC.the process of metonymic expansionD.fictional, spurious, lost or simply unknown/unread works问题5选项A.an allegoryB.a parodyC.an apophasisD.a procatalepsis【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:1.细节事实题。题干问的是:作者认为,使用90年代的一些焦虑并不与小说无尽的玩笑发生在一个非历史时期的观点相矛盾,是因为什么?由“Chapstick, Pledge, and Skevener in their study The Endless Loop of History: Space Time in the work of David Foster Wallace (London 2001) have already noted the way Infinite Jest divorces itself from history by the use of sci fi elements. They note how compared with the American post moderns, whose works interact with real historical time, Infinite Jest takes place in an ahistorical, allegorical time. Chapstick、Pledge和Skevener在他们的研究历史的无限循环:时空(The Endless Loop of History: Space Time in the work of David Foster Wallace (London 2001))中已经注意到,无穷无尽的玩笑是如何通过使用科幻元素从历史中分离出来的。他们注意到,与美国后现代主义者相比,他们的作品是如何与真实的历史时间互动的,无穷无尽的笑话发生在一个非历史的寓言时代。”据此可知,DFW运用了一些科幻元素将Infinite Jest与历史分离,所以与当代(90年代)的一些焦虑不相矛盾。第2题:2.细节事实题。由题干定位到“DFWs invention of Subsidized Time, and the renaming of years after products and companies shows the way in which the soul-rotting effects of advertising infect time as well as internal and external space (cf: Phillip K Dicks adverts projected onto the moon in The Man in the High Castle). Otherwise, the ubiquitous presence of advertising in contemporary daily life is absent from the novel. DFW发明了补贴时间(政府通过销售年份的名字来赚钱的项目),并在产品和公司之后对时间进行了重新命名,这些都显示出广告对时间以及内部和外部空间的腐蚀作用(参见菲利普K迪克(Phillip K Dick)在高城堡里的人(The Man in the High Castle)中对月球的广告)。否则,现代生活中无处不在的广告就会从小说中消失。”与A项“广告在当代日常生活中无处不在”相符。第3题:3.判断推理题。首先得弄清楚文中对prolepsis(预期叙述,预辩法)的解释,由Where that work is non-existent (fictional, spurious, lost or simply unknown/unread) the title acts as an empty signifier, which we can fill with our imagination, effectively writing the work ourselves in a flash. Barthes calls these bookless titles prolepses; 在作品不存在的地方(虚构的、虚假的、丢失的或根本不为人知的/未读的),标题就像一个空的符号,我们可以用我们的想象力来填满它,有效地在一瞬间写出自己的作品。巴特称这些无书的书名为prolepses;而后由DFW for his imaginary works, like Hoffmann, has a penchant for excessively long and humorous titles, whose length guides us in this process of creationDFW对于他的想象作品,比如霍夫曼,有一个写非常长的,幽默的标题的嗜好,它的长度引导我们在想象创作随后举了两个例子来说明,Mousetraps and their Influence on the Character and Achievement of the Feline Race. 是其中一个,人们可以通过长长的标题来创作。故C项符合题意。第4题:4.细节事实题。由By his use of the spurious DFW is not only satirizing the discourse of academic knowledge, but making a serious point about the extent and typology of knowledge itself. Once knowledge becomes so specialized as to become comprehensible to only a very fewthose firmly inside the discoursewhat status does that knowledge gain? 运用虚假的知识,DFW不是在讽刺学术话语而是严肃地指出了知识的范围和类型本身。一旦知识变得如此专业化,以至于只有极少数人那些坚定地站在话语之内的人才能理解,那么这些知识又能获得什么样的地位呢?由此可知B项“DFW对专业学术话语持不信任态度”符合题意。第5题:5.判断推理题。题干问由小说的标题可知这是一篇?由Infinite Jest takes place in an ahistorical, allegorical time. 可知Infinite Jest无尽的玩笑最有可能是一篇寓言。7. 单选题But Naifeh and Smith reveal a keen intellect,an avid reader and a passionate observer of other artists work who progressed from labored figure studies to inspired outbursts of creative energy. Far from an artistic flash in the pan, he pursued his calling with dogged determination against nearly insurmountable odds.问题1选项A.insuperableB.unsurpassableC.uncountableD.invaluable【答案】A【解析】句中说到他“with dogged determination”,坚持不懈地追求自己的理想,因此insurmountable odds必然代表“无法克服的困难”这一含义。A选项insuperable“不能克服的”;B选项unsurpassable“无法超越的”;C选项uncountable“无数的;不可数的”;D选项invaluable“无价的;非常贵重的”。从句意上来判断,这里的nearly insurmountable odds指的是“几乎无法克服的障碍”,因此A选项符合题意。8. 单选题I think of the PhD a little like the Grand Tour, a tradition in the 16th and 17th centuries Awhere youths would travel around Europe, getting a rich exposure to Bhigh society in France, Italy, and Germany, Clearn about art, architecture, language, literature, fencing, riding all of the essential liberal arts that a gentleman was expected to have experience Dwith to be an influential member of society.问题1选项A.whereB.high societyC.learn aboutD.with to【答案】C【解析】考查并列结构。C选项的learn about是getting a rich exposure 的并列成分,形式应保持一致。9. 单选题Under Oregons Death with Dignity Act, which came into force in 1997, physician-assisted suicide has accounted for between 0.06 and 0.14 percent of total deaths, or somewhere around 40 per year. The estimate for deaths in Britain,( ), is 650.问题1选项A.should the proposed legislation become lawB.as long as the proposed legislation became lawC.soon after the proposed legislation becomes lawD.the proposed legislation should become law【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。由空格句中的词estimate可知这一立法建议目前在英国尚未被采纳,因此是虚拟。当if引导的虚拟条件句中谓语动词部分含有助动词should时,可省略if并把should前置,形成倒装。因此A选项符合题意。10. 单选题One of the most important non-legislative functions of the U. S. Congress is the power to investigate, which is usually delegated Ato committeeseither Bstanding committees, special committees Cset for a specific purpose,or joint committees Dconsisted of members of both houses.问题1选项A.toB.standingC.set forD.consisted【答案】D【解析】考查非谓语动词。句中的joint committees是consist of“由组成”的逻辑主语。且consist of不能用被动语态,应将D选项consisted改为consisting。11. 单选题During the mid-1980s, my family and I spent a(1)year in the historic town of St. Andrews, Scotland. Comparing life there with life in America, we were impressed by a(2) disconnection between national wealth and well-being. To most Americans, Scottish life would have seemed(3) . Incomes were a


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