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2022-2023年考博英语-辽宁大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Many people think of deserts as( )regions, but numerous species of plants and animals have adapted to life there.问题1选项A.barrenB.virginC.voidD.wretched【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。barren意为“贫瘠的,不毛的”;virgin意为“未开发的,原始状态的”;void意为“无效的,空的”;wretched意为“不幸的,悲惨的”。but前后的内容含义转折关系,再根据人们通常对desert(沙漠)的印象是广阔无垠的荒地,因此选A。句意:许多人认为沙漠是不毛之地,但是许多种类的植物和动物已经适应了那里的生活。2. 翻译题6. Instead of being approached by human personnel, the bank foyer is staffed by a robot, which serves as the bank lobby manager, and is able to communicate with customers to meet their needs and solve their problems. The difference between a traditional self-service bank and the unmanned bank is the intelligent self-service equipment which is able to access various banking services within the branch.【答案】【参考译文】6.在银行大厅迎客的不是人类员工,而是作为银行大堂经理配备的一个机器人,它能与客户交流互动以满足其需要并解决其问题。传统的自助银行和无人银行之间的区别在于智能自助服务设备,它能够访问分支机构内的各种银行服务。3. 单选题She had spent several days( )her lecture, so it was quite successful.问题1选项A.shiningB.pleadingC.pavingD.polishing【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项shining“闪烁,发亮,发光,擦亮,擦光”;B选项pleading“恳求,辩护,引证,承认”;C选项paving“铺设,铺(路)”;D选项polishing“打磨,擦亮,磨光”。句意:她花了几天时间润色自己的演讲稿,因此演讲相当成功。D选项polish还有“(使)优美;润饰(通过修改,作小的变动或增加新的内容)”的意思,如:polish an article/a speech润饰一篇文章/一篇演讲稿。因此D选项正确。4. 单选题Tony has not the least( )of giving up his research work.问题1选项A.intentionB.interestC.wishD.desire【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项intention“打算,意图,意向”,后可接of 短语,也可以接不定式短语;B选项interest“兴趣,爱好,利息,趣味”,后接介词in;C选项wish“希望,愿望;祈求,心愿;祝愿,祝福”与D选项desire“欲望;要求,心愿”后一般接不定式。句意:托尼毫无放弃其研究工作的打算。因此A选项正确。5. 翻译题In formulating hypotheses, a common error is the uncritical acceptance of apparent commonsense but untested assumptions. Thus in the field of psychology, it was for many years automatically assumed that the main cause of forgetfulness is the interval of time elapsing between successive exposures to a learning stimulus. Experimentation, however, was subsequently undertaken, and several other factors, such as motivation and the strength or effectiveness of the stimulus, turned out to have an ever more important bearing on the problem. A somewhat similar error arises from neglect of multiple causes. Thus two events may be found to be associated, e.g. when the incidence of a disease in a smoky industrial sector of a city is significantly higher than that in the smoke-free zones, a research worker might infer that the existence of the disease is due to the smokiness of the area when in fact it might equally well be found in other reasons, such as the under-nourishment of the inhabitants or over-crowding.【答案】【参考译文】在提出假设的过程中,一个常见的错误是不加批判地接受表面上是常识但未经检验的假设。因此,在心理学领域,多年来不经思索地认为健忘的主要原因是消逝在连续受到学习刺激之间的时间间隔。但是后来的实验表明了还有其他几个因素在这个问题中起重要的作用,比如动机和刺激的强度和效力。一个有些类似的错误源自忽视原因的多样性。因此,两个事件可能会被发现有关联,例如,当一种疾病的发病率在烟雾弥漫的城市工业区明显高于无烟区域时,研究人员可能会推论疾病的存在是由于该地区的烟雾的关系,而事实上可能是由于其他的同样可以造成这种疾病的原因,比如居民的营养不良或过分拥挤。6. 翻译题世界不会缺少贪婪,且很少有人、公司或国家能例外。企业和国家总是相互竞争,采用不那么合法的手段获取优势。随着全球网络的出现,技术扩散至每个人,贪婪来到了那些可能永远也不会犯罪的人旁边。贪婪在各个层面上都起作用,而大多数信息系统存在的薄弱环节则为企图利用这些弱点的人提供了攫取惊人利润的机会。【答案】【参考译文】Greed is in no short supply, and few individuals, business, or countries are exempt. Business and governments constantly maneuvered to gain an advantage over each other, relying on less-than-legal techniques to gain an edge. With the Global Network in place, and the proliferation of technology for everyone, greed has found its way to people who might otherwise never commit a crime. Greed operates at all levels, and due to the vulnerability of most information systems, provides opportunity to exploit their weakness for enormous profits.7. 翻译题为了全面实现小康社会,中国政府制定了强有力的平衡、平等发展的计划。经过多年的努力,中国已经形成政府为主、大家参与的扶贫模式。中国开发式扶贫工作遵行的是独立自主、全面发展的道路。这不仅对促进国民经济的持续快速发展、社会稳定、民族团结发挥了重要作用,也为世界的反贫困事业做出了贡献。我们最终的目标是缓解和消除贫困,实现全体人民的共同富裕。我们将进一步把减贫作为工作重点,大力推进发展与改革,努力为扶贫创造良好的环境。【答案】【参考译文】In order to realize a well-off society in an all-round way, the Chinese government has formulated a strong plan for balanced and equitable development. After years of efforts, China has formed a poverty alleviation model dominated by the government and participated by everyone. Chinas development oriented poverty alleviation work follows the path of independent and all-round development. This has not only played an important role in promoting the sustained and rapid development of the national economy, social stability and national unity, but also contributed to the worlds anti-poverty cause. Our ultimate goal is to alleviate and eliminate poverty and achieve common prosperity for all people. We will further focus on poverty reduction, vigorously promote development and reform, and strive to create a good environment for poverty alleviation.8. 单选题Although some people advocate terrorists, love of peace is the( )feeling of many people today.问题1选项A.dominantB.predominantC.paramountD.preeminent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。dominant意为“占优势的,占支配地位的”,强调权威;predominant意为“主要的,占主导地位的”,侧重主要的,有优势的;paramount意为“最高的,至上的” ;preeminent意为“卓越的,杰出的”。句意:虽然有些人鼓吹恐怖分子,但热爱和平是当今很多人的主要态度。9. 翻译题Asian Americans. Asians in the United States include many nationalities: Asian Indians, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other. Asian Americans have been heralded as the newest “hot ethnic market”. The demographics support this optimistic outlook. As of the year 2000, approximately 11 million Asians were living in the United States. By 2025 the U.S, Census Bureau has projected that nearly 22 million Asians will reside here. Though the 2.4 million Chinese are the largest group of Asians living in the United States, Asian Indians grew the fastest during the decade from 1990 to 2000, with that population doubling and now totaling 1.7 million in the United States.Asian Americans on average are better educated, have higher incomes, and occupy more prestigious job positions than any other segment of American society. The median household income for Asian Americans in one recent year was $46,700 compared with median incomes of $40,600, $30,300, and $25,900 for whites, Hispanics and African Americans respectively.It is important to emphasize that just as there is no single black or Hispanic market, there certainly does not exist a single Asian market. Moreover, unlike other ethnic groups, such as Hispanics, who share a similar language, Asian Americans speak a variety of uniquely different languages. Among Asian nationalities there are considerable differences in product choices and brand preferences. Even within each nationality there are variations in terms of English language skills and financial well-being. Indeed, it is estimated that over 50 percent of all Asian Americans over the age of 5 do not speak English fluently and many are “linguistically isolated” insofar as they live in homes where no adults speak any English.【答案】【参考译文】亚裔美国人。在美国的亚洲人包括很多民族:印度人、中国人、菲律宾人、日本人、韩国人、越南人和其他民族。亚裔美国人一直被视为是最新的“热门族裔市场”。人口统计数据支持这一乐观前景。截止2000年,大约有1100万亚洲人生活在美国。美国人口普查局预计,到2025年,将会有近2200万亚洲人居住在这里。虽然240万中国人是生活在美国的最大亚洲人群体,但亚裔印度人在1990年到2000年的十年间增长最快,人数翻了一番,现在总计达到170万。与美国社会的其他阶层相比,亚裔美国人平均受教育程度更高,收入更高,占据着更有声望的职位。亚裔美国人的中等家庭收入在最近的一年为4.67万美元,而相比之下的白人、西班牙裔和非洲裔美国人中等家庭的收入分别为4.06万美元、3.03万美元和2.59万美元。需要强调的是,正如没有单一的黑人或西班牙裔市场,当然不存在一个单一的亚裔市场。此外,与其他民族不同,比如拥有类似语言的西班牙裔民族,亚裔美国人讲着各种独特不同的语言。亚裔各民族之间在产品选择和品牌偏好上存在相当大的差异。甚至在每个民族中,在英语语言技能和财务状况方面也有不同。据估计,所有5岁以上的亚裔美国人中实际有50%以上的人不能流利地讲英语,并且还有很多人是“语言上被孤立”,因为他们生活的家庭中没有人讲英语。10. 单选题By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can( )the surroundings.问题1选项A.exploreB.exposeC.exploitD.expand【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。explore意为“勘查,探测”;expose意为“揭露,揭发”;exploit意为“利用,开采”;expand意为“扩大,增加”。由句中的“the radar(雷达)”可知其作用是用来探测,因此选A。句意:通过将雷达波束缓慢地绕着圈移动,我们可以探测周围环境。11. 翻译题Men live in society not because they are men, but because they are animals. The social way of life is a stage in the evolution of life prior to the appearance of the human race.What is distinctive about man is that he had developed social organization far more quickly than any other animal species, so that it is a giant step in complexity between the most elaborate non-human society and the most elementary society of men. Human society shares characteristics with animal societies; it is formed by a given population of individuals, all belonging to the same species. It shows an internal specialization of tasks. Individuals interact as members of the same species and possess one common language which sets them apart from other species. The level of population is perpetuated by means of biological reproduction and of constant struggle against the environment. Similarities like these became conspicuous when human social organization is compared with that of other primates (灵长目).【答案】【参考译文】人类生活在社会中不是因为他们是人,而是因为他们是动物。社会性的生活方式是生命进化中一个先于人类出现的阶段。人类的独特之处在于他发展社会组织的速度要远远快于任何其他动物物种,所以在区分最复杂的非人类社会和最初级的人类社会之间的复杂性方面,这是一大的进步。人类社会和动物社会具有相同的特点,它是由属于同一物种的特定数量的个体组成;它显示了任务的内部具体化过程。个体作为同一物种的一部分相互接触,拥有着共同的语言,而正是这种语言将他们与其他物种区分开来;通过生物繁衍和与环境的持续斗争,人口数量基本保持不变。当人类社会组织和其他灵长类动物的社会组织作比较时,类似这样的相同之处就变得明显了。12. 单选题Her heart was filled with compassion for the motherless children.问题1选项A.sympathyB.regretC.wistfulnessD.sorrow【答案】A【解析】考查同义名词辨析。A选项sympathy“同情,怜悯,同情心”;B选项regret“后悔,歉意”;C选项wistfulness“渴望,伤感,沉思”;D选项sorrow“悲伤,哀伤,痛苦”。句意:她对那些没有母亲的孩子充满同情。Compassion“怜悯,同情,同情心”,A选项的意思与该单词最相近,因此A选项正确。13. 翻译题Deepen educational cooperation in an all-round way to promote long-term development. Education is fundamental to a countrys enduring prosperity. It is necessary for us all to intensify exchanges and cooperation between educational and academic institutions, expand linkages between institutions of higher learning and carry out youth, cultural and sports exchanges in diverse forms. In particular, we should increase educational assistance to less developed countries, promote two-way flow of educational resources and raise the educational level of our region.Strengthen international cooperation in disaster reduction and relief in the spirit of helping those in need and assisting those in difficulty. As natural disasters know no national boundaries, they must be managed by cooperative efforts. In recent years, we have laid a good foundation of cooperation in responding to the sudden strike of the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami and other major disasters. We should step up cooperation in developing a disaster early-warning system, sharing disaster information and reduction technology and enhancing disaster reduction capacity building to bring about harmony between social and economic development and the preservation of natural resources and the ecological environment.【答案】【参考译文】全面深化教育合作以促进长期发展。教育是一个国家长治久安的基础。我们都有必要去加强教育和学术机构之间的交流与合作,扩大高等院校之间的联系并以多种形式开 展青年、文化和体育交流。我们尤其应该增加对欠发达国家的教育援助,促进教育资源的双向流动并提高我们的教育水平。本着助危为安的精神,加强国际减灾救灾合作。自然灾害无国界,应对自然灾害需要各方共同的努力。近年来,我们在应对印度洋大地震、海啸和其他重大灾害的突然袭击中已经奠定了一个良好的合作基础。我们应加强灾害预警系统建设、灾害信息和减灾技术共享、减灾能力建设等方面的合作,实现经济社会发展与自然资源和生态环境保护的和谐统一。14. 单选题President Coolidges statement, The business of America is business, still points to an important truth todaythat business institutions have more prestige in American society than any other kind of organization, including the government. Why do business institutions possess this great prestige?One reason is that Americans view business as being more firmly based on the ideal of competition than other institutions in society. Since competition is seen as the major source of progress and prosperity by most Americans, competitive business institutions are respected. Competition is not only good in itself, it is also the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work are protected.Competition protects the freedom of the individual by ensuring that there is no monopoly of power. In contrast to one, all powerful government, many businesses compete against each other for profits. Theoretically, if one business tries to take unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose to competing business which treats its customers more fairly. Where many businesses compete for the customers dollar, they cannot afford to treat them like inferiors or slaves.A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive, and government, which is a monopoly. Because business is competitive, many Americans believe that it is more supportive of freedom than government, even thought government leaders are elected by the people and business leaders are not. Many American believe, then, that competition is as important, or even more important, than democracy in preserving freedom.Competition in business is also believed to strengthen the ideal of equality of opportunity. Competition is seen as an open and fair race where success goes to the swiftest person regardless of his or her social class background. Competitive success is commonly seen as the American alternative to social rank based on family background. Business is therefore viewed as an expression of the idea of equality of opportunity rather than the aristocratic idea of inherited privilege.1.The statement The business of America is business probably means( ).2.Americans believe that they can realize their personal values only( ).3.Who can benefit from business competition?4.Government is believed to differ strikingly from business in that government is characterized by( ).5.It can be inferred from the passage that the author believer( ).问题1选项A.The business institutions in America are concerned with commerce.B.Business problems are of great importance to the American government.C.Business is of primary concern to AmericansD.America is a great power in world business问题2选项A.when given equality of opportunityB.through doing businessC.by protecting their individual freedomD.by way of competition问题3选项A.Honest businessmen.B.Both businessmen and their customers.C.People with ideals of equality.D.Business institutions and government.问题4选项A.its absolute control of powerB.its function preserving personal freedomC.its role in protecting basic American valuesD.its democratic way of exercising leader问题5选项A.Americans are more ambitious than people in other countriesB.In many countries success often depends on ones social statusC.American businesses are more democratic than these in other countriesD.Businesses in other countries are not as competitive as those in America【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第一段中的that business institutions have more prestige in American society than any other kind of organization, including the government(在美国社会中,商业机构比任何其他类型的组织都有更高的声誉,包括政府)可知C选项“商业是美国人最关心的问题”符合题意。2.细节事实题。由文章第二段中的Competition is not only good in itself, it is also the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work are protected.(竞争本身不仅是好的,它也是美国其他基本价值观如个人自由、机会平等和努力工作的保护手段)可知D选项“通过竞争”符合题意。3.细节事实题。由文章第三段中的Theoretically, if one business tries to take unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose to competing business which treats its customers more fairly. Where many businesses compete for the customers dollar, they cannot afford to treat them like inferiors or slaves.(理论上,如果一个企业试图利用其客户的不公平优势,它将输给对其客户更公平的竞争性企业。当许多企业为了顾客的钱而竞争时,他们不能像对待下级或奴隶那样对待他们)可知是从从企业与客户两个角度说明商业竞争的,因此选B。4.细节事实题。由文章倒数第二段中的A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive, and government, which is a monopoly.(人们常常将商业和政府进行对比,一个具有竞争性,另一个具有垄断性)可知A选项“其对权力的绝对控制”符合题意。5.推理判断题。由文章最后一段中的Competitive success is commonly seen as the American alternative to social rank based on family background. Business is therefore viewed as an expression of the idea of equality of opportunity rather than the aristocratic idea of inherited privilege.(竞争成功通常被视为是美国人对基于家庭背景的社会等级的替代方式。因此,商业被视为是机会平等观念的一种表达,而不是继承特权的贵族观念)可知B选项“在许多国家,成功往往取决于一个人的社会地位”符合题意。15. 单选题For thousands of Canadians, bad service is neither make-believe nor amusing. It is an aggravating and worsening real-life phenomenon that encompasses behavior ranging from indifference and rudeness to naked hostility and even physical violence. Across the country, better business bureaus report a lengthening litany of complaints about contractors, car dealers, repair shops, moving companies, airlines and department stores. There is almost an adversarial feeling between businesses and consumers.Experts say there are several explanations for ill feeling in the marketplace. One is that customer service was an early and inevitable casualty when retailers responded to brutal competition by replacing employees with technology such as 1800 numbers and voice mail. Another factor is that business generally has begun placing more emphasis on getting customers than on keeping them. Still another is that strident, frustrated and impatient shoppers vex shop owners and make them even less hospitableespecially at busier times of the year like Christmas. On both sides, simple courtesy has gone by the board. And for a multitude of consumers, service went with it.The Better Business Bureau at Vancouver gets 250 complaints a week, twice as many as five years ago. The bureau then had one complaints counselor and now has four. People complain about being insulted, having their intelligence and integrity questioned, and being threatened. One will hear about people being hauled almost bodily out the door by somebody saying things like “I dont have to serve you!” or “this is private property, get out and dont come back!” What can customers do? If the bureaus arbitration process fails to settle a dispute, a customers only recourse is to sue in small claims court. But because of the costs and time it takes, relatively few ever do.There is a lot of support for the notion that service has, in part, fallen victim to generational change. Many young people regard retailing “as just a dead-end job that youre just going to do temporarily on your way to a real job”. Young clerks often lack both knowledge and civility. Employers are having to train young people in simple manners because that is not being done at home. Salespeople today, especially the younger ones, have grown up in a television-computer society where theyve interacted largely with machines. One of the biggest complaints from businesses about graduates is the lack of interpersonal skills.What customers really want is access. They want to get through when they call, they dont want busy signals, they dont want interactive systems telling them to push one for this and two for thatthey dont want voice mail. And if customers do not get what they want, they defect. Some people go back to local small businesses: the Asian greengrocer, a Greek baker and a Greek fishmonger. They dont wear name tags, but one gets to know them, all by name.46. At a business place of bad service, the worst one can get is( ).47. One of the reasons for such ill feeling in the marketplace is that( ).48. What has changed at Vancouver Beler Service Burcau in the past five years?( )49. Young clerks often lack interpersonal skills chiefly because they( ).50. The authors attitude towards businesses and bad service is( )them.问题1选项A.indifference and rudenessB.naked hostility and physical violenceC.having intelligence and integrity questionedD.being insulted and threatened问题2选项A.shoppers are usually strident, frustrated and impatientB.shoppers often take businesses to court to settle themC.businesses use new technology instead of employeeD.businesses are keen on keeping customers, not getting them问题3选项A.More effective.B.Less bureaucracy.C.More business.D.Better staff.问题4选项A


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