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2022-2023年考博英语-华东交通大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Gregory Currie, a professor of philosophy eat the University of Nottingham, recently argued in The New York Times that we ought not to claim that literature improves us as people, because there is no “compelling evidence that suggests that people are morally or socially better for reading Tolstoy” or other great books.Actually, there is such evidence. Raymond Mar, a psychologist at York University in Canada, and Keith Oatley, a professor of cognitive psychology at the University of Toronto, reported in studies published in 2006 and 2009 that individuals who often read fiction appear to be better able to understand other people, empathize (起共鸣)with them and view the world from their perspective. This link persisted even after the researchers factored in the possibility that more empathetic individuals might choose to read more novels.Recent research in cognitive science, psychology and neuroscience has demonstrated that deep reading of books is a distinctive experience, very different from the information-driven reading we do on the Web. Although deep reading does not, strictly speaking, require a conventional book, the built-in limits of the printed page are uniquely conducive to the deep reading experience. A books lack of hyperlinks allows the reader to remain fully immersed in the narrative, without having to make such decisions as whether to click on a link or not.That immersion is supported by the way the brain handles language rich in sensory detail and emotional and moral complexity, by creating a mental representation that draws on the same brain regions that would be active if the scene were unfolding in real life. The emotional situations and moral dilemmas that are the stuff of literature are also vigorous exercise for the brain, propelling us inside the heads of fictional characters and even increasing our real-life capacity for empathy.This is not reading as many young people are coming to know it. Their reading, mostly done onscreen, is pragmatic and instrumental. If we allow our children to believe reading onscreen is all there is, we will have deprived them of an enjoyable and enlightening experience that will enlarge them as people. Instead molding our education around young peoples attachment to digital devices and onscreen habits, we need to show them some place theyve never been to, a place only deep reading can take them to.1. Prof, Gregory Currie argues that( ).2.The studies of Raymond Mar and Keith Oatley show that( ).3.Deep reading of paper books compared with reading on the web( ).4.It can be learned from the passage that the author( ).问题1选项A.literature doesnt show peoples moral or social standardsB.only good literature shows peoples moral and social valuesC.reading fiction wont improve people morally or sociallyD.only reading great books benefits people morally and socially问题2选项A.empathetic people are more likely to read novels oftenB.empathetic people have a better perspective on the worldC.reading fiction encourages people to be more persistentD.reading fiction helps people understand others better问题3选项A.requires readers to do more careful thinkingB.enables readers to stay absorbed in the storyC.gives readers many links to other materialsD.allows readers to choose their future reading问题4选项A.supports use of digital devices in classroomB.prefers reading onscreen to reading paper booksC.takes a positive approach to education reformsD.holds a negative attitude toward reading onscreen【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。 根据题干定位到文章首段,“recently argued in The New York Times that we ought not to claim that literature improves us as people, because there is no “compelling evidence that suggests that people are morally or socially better for reading Tolstoy or other great books.”最近在纽约时报上提出,我们不应该声称文学提高了我们作为人的水平,因为没有“令人信服的证据表明,阅读托尔斯泰或其他伟大著作的人在道德上或社会上更优秀”。A选项“文学不能体现出人们的道德和社会水平”,B选项“只有好的文学可以体现人们的道德和社会水平”,C选项“阅读小说不会提高人们的道德或社会地位”,D选项“只有读伟大的书籍,才能使人在道德和社会上受益”。因此,C选项符合题意。2.细节事实题。根据题干定位到原文第二段的第二句话“individuals who often read fiction appear to be better able to understand other people, empathize (起共鸣)with them and view the world from their perspective.” 人经常读小说似乎能更好地理解他人,与他们起共鸣,从他们的角度看待这个世界。A选项“具有同理心的人更有可能经常阅读小说”,B选项“有同理心的人对世界有更好的看法”,C选项“读小说能使人更有毅力”, D选项“读小说可以帮助人们更好地理解别人”。因此,D选项符合题意。3.细节事实题。根据题干定位到原文第三段,“A books lack of hyperlinks allows the reader to remain fully immersed in the narrative, without having to make such decisions as whether to click on a link or not.”一本书没有超链接,读者可以完全沉浸在叙述中,而不必决定是否点击链接。A选项“要求读者做更细致的思考”,B选项“使读者在故事中保持专注”,C选项“给读者提供许多其他材料的链接”,D选项“允许读者选择未来的读物”。因此,B选项符合题意。4.观点态度题。根据题干定位到原文最后一段,“If we allow our children to believe reading onscreen is all there is, we will have deprived them of an enjoyable and enlightening experience that will enlarge them as people.”如果我们允许我们的孩子相信在屏幕上阅读就是一切,我们就剥夺了他们一种愉快而有启发性的体验,而这种体验可以扩大他们的知识面。A选项“支持在课堂上使用数字设备”,B选项“比起纸质书,作者更喜欢看屏幕”,C选项“对教育改革采取积极的态度”,D选项“对屏幕阅读持消极态度的人”。因此,D选项符合题意。2. 单选题The statistics Ive cited and the living examples are all too familiar to you. But what may not be so familiar will be the increasing number of women who are looking actively for advancement of for a new job in your offices. This woman may be equipped with professional skills and perhaps valuable experience. She will not be content to be Executive Assistant to Mr. Seldom Seen of the Assistant Vice Presidents Girl Friday, who is the only one who comes in on Saturday.She is the symbol of what I call the Second Wave of Feminism. She is the modern woman who is determined to be.Her forerunner was the radical feminist who interpreted her trapped position as a female as oppression by the master class of men. Men, she believed, had created a domestic, servile role for women in order that men could have the career and the opportunity to participate in making the great decisions of society. Thus the radical feminist held that women through history had been oppressed and dehumanized, mainly because man chose to exploit his wife and the mother of his children. Sometimes it was deliberate exploitation and sometimes it was the innocence of never looking beneath the pretensions of life.The radical feminists found strength in banding together. Coming to recognize each other for the first time, they could explore their own identities, realize their own power, and view the male and his system as the common enemy. The first phases of feminism in the last five years often took on this militant, class-warfare tone. Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Germaine Greer, and many others hammered home their ideas with a persistence that aroused and intrigued many of the brightest and most able women in the country. Consciousness-raising groups allowed women to explore both their identities and their dreamsand the two were often found in direct conflict.What is the stereotyped role of American women? Marriage. A son. Two daughters. Breakfast. Ironing. Lunch. Bowling, maybe a garden club of for the very daring, non-credit courses in ceramics. Perhaps an occasional cocktail party. Dinner. Football or baseball on TV. Each day the same. Never any growth in expectations unless it is growth because the husband has succeeded. The inevitable question: “Is that all there is to life?” The rapid growth of many feminist organizations attests to the fact that these radical feminists had touched some vital nerves. The magazine “Ms.” was born in the year of the death of the magazine “Life.” But too often the consciousness-raising sessions became ends in themselves. Too often sexism reversed itself and man-hating was encouraged. Many had been with the male chauvinist.It is not difficult, therefore, to detect a trend toward moderation. Consciousness-raising increasingly is regarded as a means to independence and fulfillment, rather than a ceremony of fulfillment itself. Genuine independence can be realized through competence, through finding a career, through the use of education. Remember that for many decades the education of women was not supposed to be useful.1. What was the main idea of this passage?2.What was the authors attitude toward the radical?3.What does the word “militant” mean?4.What was the radical feminists view point about the male?问题1选项A.The Second Wave of Feminist.B.Womens Independent Spirits.C.The Unity of Women.D.The Action of Union.问题2选项A.He supported it wholeheartedly.B.He opposed it strongly.C.He disapproved to some extent.D.He ignored it completely.问题3选项A.Aggressive.B.Ambitions.C.Progressive.D.Independent.问题4选项A.Women were exploited by the male.B.Women were independent of the male.C.Womens lives were deprived by the male.D.The male were their common enemy.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。第一段举了一个具体的例子,第二段指明She is the symbol of what I call the Second Wave of Feminism. She is the modern woman who is determined to be.(她是我所说的第二次女权主义浪潮的象征。她就是现代女性的代表。),接下来全文围绕女权运动展开论述。因此A选项“第二次女权主义浪潮。”最符合文章主旨。B选项“女性的独立精神”和C选项“女性的团结”只是文章的一个方面,不能概括文章主旨,所以B,C错误。D选项“工会的行动”在文中没有提及,所以D错误。2.观点态度题。由题干可以定位到文章倒数第二段中The rapid growth of many feminist organizations attests to the fact that these radical feminists had touched some vital nerves. The magazine “Ms.” was born in the year of the death of the magazine “Life.” But too often the consciousness-raising sessions became ends in themselves. Too often sexism reversed itself and man-hating was encouraged. Many had been with the male chauvinist.(许多女权主义组织的迅速发展证明了这样一个事实,即这些激进的女权主义者已经触动了一些重要的神经。女士杂志就在生活杂志停刊那年诞生。可是唤起觉醒的会议常常成为这些活动的目的。性别歧视常常颠倒过来,鼓励憎恨男人。许多人都曾是大男子主义者。),表明了作者对激进分子有点批评、不满的态度。接下来最后一段又说到It is not difficult, therefore, to detect a trend toward moderation. Consciousness-raising increasingly is regarded as a means to independence and fulfillment, rather than a ceremony of fulfillment itself. Genuine independence can be realized through competence, through finding a career, through the use of education.(因此,不难发现一种温和的趋势。提高觉悟越来越被认为是独立和实现的手段,而不是实现本身的仪式。真正的独立可以通过能力,通过寻找事业,通过教育来实现。),说明了作者的观点:独立是靠踏实工作,提高妇女自身的能力来实现的。因此C选项“在某种程度上不赞成。”最能说明作者对激进分子的态度。A选项“全心全意地支持”,B选项“强烈反对”,D选项“完全忽视”的说法都过于绝对,所以A,B,D错误。3.词义推测题。由题干关键词“militant”可以定位到文章第四段第三句The first phases of feminism in the last five years often took on this militant, class-warfare tone.(在过去的五年里,女权主义的首要方面经常以这种激进的、阶级斗争的调子出现。),说明过去五年的女权运动斗争性很强。因此A选项“好斗的”符合题意。B选项“雄心壮志的”,C选项“进步的”,D选项“独立的”在文中均没有提及,所以B,C,D错误。4.客观细节题。由题干关键词“radical feminist”可以定位到第四段第一、二句The radical feminists found strength in banding together. Coming to recognize each other for the first time, they could explore their own identities, realize their own power, and view the male and his system as the common enemy.(激进的女权主义者在紧密团结中找到了力量。第一次她们认识了自己,她们可以探索自我,意识到她们的力量,把男人及其制度视为她们共同的敌人。),说明激进女权主义者对男性的看法是把他们视作共同的敌人。因此D选项“男性是她们共同的敌人。”正确。A选项“女性被男性剥削”,B选项“女性独立于男性”,C选项“女性的生活被男性剥夺”在文中均没有提及,所以A,B,C错误。3. 单选题David tends to feel useless and unwanted in a society that gives so much( )to who compete well.问题1选项A.prestigeB.regimeC.superiorityD.legislation【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项prestige“威信”;B选项regime“政体”;C选项superiority“优越”;D选项legislation“立法”。句意:在这样一个给予强者显赫声望的社会里,大卫觉得自己无用,不被社会需要。本句表示强者获得威望。因此A选项正确。4. 单选题Technological developments( )new skills in many industries,leaving those workers with outdated skills out of work.问题1选项A.necessitateB.associateC.negotiateD.differentiate【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项necessitate“使成为必要,需要”,B选项associate“联想,联系”,C选项negotiate“谈判,商议”,D选项differentiate“区分,使有差别”。句意:技术的发展使许多行业产生了新技能,使那些拥有过时技能的工人失业。因此,A选项符合句意。5. 单选题It was a bold idea to build a power station in the deep valley, but it( )as well as we had hoped.问题1选项A.came offB.went offC.brought outD.made out【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项come off“成功,实现”;B选项go off“离开,变质”;C选项bring out“出版,生产”;D选项make out“辨认出,理解”。根据句意:在深谷里建发电站是个大胆的想法,但结果与我们原来所希望的一样。也就说,这个想法得到实现,所以选项A符合语境。6. 单选题I have no idea of fashion, so my choice of clothes seems quite arbitrary.问题1选项A.assertiveB.decisiveC.optionalD.tasteful【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项assertive“肯定的”;B选项decisive“决定性的”;C选项optional“随意的”;D选项tasteful“有品位的”。句意:我对时尚一窍不通,所以我对衣服的选择似乎很随意。划线部分arbitrary是随意的意思。因此C选项正确。7. 翻译题剪纸是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期特别流行。形式多样的剪纸手法可以说是很绝妙的,但剪纸艺术之独特、栩栩如生的美的表现还要靠每一个艺术家的艺术造诣。【答案】【参考译文】Paper-cutting is one of the most popular traditional folk art forms in China. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years and was particularly popular during the Ming and Qing dynasties. The diverse forms of paper-cutting techniques can be described as wonderful, but the unique, lifelike beauty of the art of paper-cutting depends on the artistic attainment of each artist.8. 翻译题1. 科学研究的方法不过是人类思维活动的必要表达方式,也就是对一切现象进行思索并给以精确而严肃解释的表达方式。(3)2. 按照Sveiby的观点来看,既然知识是个无形的关键资产,将知识从一个员工传递给另一个员工,或者从外部资源传递给员工的能力就是企业的一个重要能力。(4)3. 就像因事故而堵在晚间高峰路上发怒的司机一样,如果网页打开很慢或者不能很快进入网页时,上网的人就会坐立不安。(4)4. 正是这个信息系统影响着人们医疗保健的范围和质量,它使社会服务更加公正,它提高了个人的舒适度,为安全和自由行动采取更多的措施。(4)【答案】1. The method of scientific research is nothing more than a necessary expression of the activity of the human mind, that is, an expression that contemplates and gives a precise and serious explanation of all phenomena.2. From Sveibys point of view, since knowledge is a key intangible asset, the ability to transfer knowledge from one employee to another, or from external resources to employees, is an important capability of an enterprise.3. Like a driver stuck in an accident and fuming on the evening rush hour road, people who surf the Internet can get fidgety if the page opens slowly or they cant get to it quickly enough.4. It is this information system that influences the scope and quality of peoples health care, it makes social services more just, it increases the comfort of individuals and takes more measures for safety and free movement.9. 单选题Cultural rules determine every aspect of food consumption. Who eats together defines social units. For example, in some societies, the nuclear family is the unit that regularly eats together. The anthropologist Mary Douglas has pointed out that, for the English, the kind of meal and the kind of food that is served relate to the kinds of social links between people who are eating together. She distinguishes between regular meals, Sunday meals when relatives may come, and cocktail parties for acquaintances. The food served symbolizes the occasion and reflects who is present. For example, only snacks are served at a cocktail party. It would be inappropriate to serve a steak or hamburgers. The distinctions among cocktails, regular meals, and special dinners mark the social boundaries between those guests who are invited for drinks, those who are invited to dinner, and those who come to a family meal. In this example, the type of food symbolizes the category of guest and with whom it is eaten.In some New Guinea societies, the nuclear family is not the unit that eats together. The men take their meals in a mens house, separately from their wives and children. Women prepare and eat their food in their own houses and take the husbands portion to the mens house. The women eat with their children in their own houses. This pattern is also widespread among Near Eastern societies.Eating is a metaphor that is sometimes used to signify marriage. In many New Guinea societies, like that of the Lesu on the island of New Ireland in the Pacific and that of the Trobriand Islanders, marriage is symbolized by the couples eating together for the first time. Eating symbolizes their new status as a married couple. In U.S. society, it is just the reverse. A couple may go out to dinner on a first date.Other cultural rules have to do with taboos against eating certain things. In some societies, members of a clan, a type of kin (family) group, are not allowed to eat the animal or bird that is their totemic ancestor. Since they believe themselves to be descended from that ancestor, it would be like eating that ancestor or eating themselves.There is also an association between food prohibitions and rank, which is found in its most extreme form in the caste system of India. A caste system consists of ranked groups, each with a different economic specialization. In India, there is an association between caste and the idea of pollution. Members of highly ranked groups can be polluted by coming into contact with the bodily secretions, particularly saliva, of individuals of lower-ranked castes. Because of the fear of pollution, Brahmans and other high-ranked individuals will not share food with, not eat from the same plate as, not even accept food from an individual or from a low-ranking caste.1. According to the passage, the English make clear distinctions between( ).2.According to the passage, who will NOT eat together?3.According to the passage, eating together indicates all the following EXCEPT( ).4.The last paragraph suggests that in India( )decides how people eat.5.Which of the following can best serve as the topic of the passage?问题1选项A.people who eat togetherB.the kinds of food servedC.family members and guestsD.snacks and hamburgers问题2选项A.The English.B.Americans on their first date.C.Men and women in Near Eastern societies.D.Newly-weds on the island of New Ireland.问题3选项A.the type of foodB.social relationsC.marital statusD.family ties问题4选项A.pollutionB.foodC.cultureD.social status问题5选项A.Different kinds of food in the world.B.Culture and manners of eating.C.Symbolic meanings of food consumption.D.Relations between food and social units.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.判断推理题。题目问的是:英国人将什么进行了明确的区分?根据关键词“the English”定位到第一段第四句for the English, the kind of meal and the kind of food that is served relate to the kinds of social links between people who are eating together.(对英国人来说,食物的种类和供应的食物与一起吃饭的人们之间的社会联系有关。)再根据后面的举例以及本段最后一句the type of food symbolizes the category of guest and with whom it is eaten.(食物的种类象征着客人的类别以及和谁一起吃。)由此可知,英国人对于供应食物的种类做了明确的区分,所以选项B正确。2.细节事实题。题目问的是:哪些人不会在一起吃饭?原文第二段首句提及In some New Guinea societies, the nuclear family is not the unit that eats together.(在一些新几内亚社会,小家庭通常是不会一起吃饭的。)后面进行了举例,男性通常和他们的妻子孩子分开吃饭。以及本段最后一句也提及This pattern is also widespread among Near Eastern societies.(这种模式在近东社会中也很普遍。)由此可知,选项C符合原文。3.判断推理题。题目问的是:下面哪一个不是一起吃饭所表明的信息?根据原文的内容可知,第一段提到了社会关系,第二段提到了家庭关系,第三段提到了婚姻关系,所以选项B、C、D均正确,只有选项A不是“eating together”所表明的事情,所以本题选A。4.细节事实题。题目问的是:最后一段表明,印度的什么决定了人们怎么吃?根据最后一段首句There is also an association between food prohibitions and rank, which is found in its most extreme form in the caste system of India.(食物禁忌和等级之间也有联系,这在印度的种姓制度中表现得最为极端。)由此可知,印度的社会地位决定了人们怎么吃。所以选项D正确。5.主旨大意题。原文第一段的第一、二句为本文的主题句Cultural rules determine every aspect of food consumption. Who eats together defines social units.(文化规则决定了食物消费的方方面面。谁在一起吃饭定义了社会群体。)由此可知,本文主要是讲食物和社会群体的关系,所以选项D正确。10. 单选题I waited until he had( )before I told him I was leaving and headed for the front door.问题1选项A.handed downB.calmed downC.turned downD.tracked down【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项handed down“把.传给,流传下来”,B选项calmed down“冷静,平静”,C选项turned down“拒绝,调低”,D选项tracked down“追捕,查出”,句意:我一直等到他平静下来,才告诉他我要离开并朝前门走去。因此,B选项符合句意。11. 单选题Researchers at the University of Illinois determined that the( )of a father can help improve a childs grades.问题1选项A.involvementB.communicationC.interactionD.association【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项involvement“涉及”;B选项communication“交流”;C选项interaction“交互”;D选项association“协会”。句意:易里若斯大学的研究者们确定父亲的介入有助于孩子提高成绩。本句表示父亲的介入,因此A选项正确。12. 单选题The wooden cases must be secured by overall metal strapping so that they can be strong enough to s


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