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北京语言大学21秋汉语写作在线作业二满分答案1. 补叙应用的情况是( )A.文章最后,对影响事件发展的关键伏线予以披露B.围绕主题拓展作者的思路C.对叙述中提到的主要事件和人物作补充交代D.揭示文章思想参考答案:AC2. On May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao won the gold mOn May 5, 2005, at _ World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Ling-hui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in mens with _ score of 4:1.A) a, aB) /theC) a, /D) the, aDthe World Table Tennis Championship是专有名词,由普通名词构成的专有名词,一般前面要加the;with a score of. 比分是。3. The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.蒸汽机发明的结果是机械力代替了人力。4. 1 like the new restaurant,_ Polly. A. so is B. also did C. so does1 like the new restaurant,_ Polly.A. so isB. also didC. so does参考答案C5. I was a teacher but I want to be a doctor now. _ A) So is my friend B) So do my frienI was a teacher but I want to be a doctor now. _A) So is my friendB) So do my friendC) So was my friendD) So it is with my friendD表示后者与前者情况一样,但前者中谓语动词多种形式,后者不能确定谓语动词形式,只能用so it is with.6. 新闻文体中,使用频率最高,使用数量最多的是( )。A.消息B.自我性C.特写D.报告文学参考答案:A7. The scientist played an important part in developing his countrys nuclear power ( ).AThe scientist played an important part in developing his countrys nuclear power ( ).A.processB.profileC.programD.progress答案:C8. Taiwan lies _ the southern coast of China, and its really _ island. Is thatTaiwan lies _ the southern coast of China, and its really _ island. Is that soA、in, aB、in, anC、on ,anD、off ,an正确答案:D9. 黑色幽默的风格特征为冷峻、嘲弄、挖苦、反讽的态度与语调,甚至冷静到了麻木绝望、近乎残酷可怕的地步。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B10. In all newspapers there are different comments _ the 2008 Olympic Games. Afor BaboutIn all newspapers there are different comments _ the 2008 Olympic Games.AforBaboutCinDonD11. You are likely to be attacked if you _.Akeep after a flying targetBhit a flying sauYou are likely to be attacked if you _.Akeep after a flying targetBhit a flying saucerCfire straight at a missleDkeep chasing the enemys tanks正确答案:A12. He met the old professor _ times on the way to school. Adozen Bdozen of CdozensHe met the old professor _ times on the way to school.AdozenBdozen ofCdozensDdozens ofD13. Henrys job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier to make (21) that they were not smuggling (走私) anything into the country. Every evening, except at weekends , he (22) see a factory worker co21. A. known B. clear C. obvious D. sure22. A. would B. must C. might D. should23. A. had B. ought C. used D. wanted24. A. bicycle B. hill C. straw D. worker25. A. when B. before C. while D. as26. A. thinking B. suspecting C. expecting D. insisting27. A. thoroughly B. through C. down D. up28. A. carefully B. successfully C. obviously D. silently29. A. return B. retreat C. retire D. rest30. A. short while B. a period C. few minutes D. some time参考答案:DACCB CBBCB14. 请将正确答案填在第57处。请将正确答案填在第57处。正确答案:EE15. The core lexicon of basic English is ( ).A. made up of French wordsB. from Latin and GrThe core lexicon of basic English is ( ).A. made up of French wordsB. from Latin and GreekC. derived from CelticD. of Germanic origin参考答案:D16. Answer the following questions after reading the two letters.Answer the following questions after reading the two letters.Letter B$Letter B$Letter B17. A letter Dear Amy , We (1)(finally) went on the trip to the Middle East that I told you about! Daphne and the Lees came along. We travelled first by plane to Cairo and then (2) (by ) bus to the siteMark1. Can you replace this by final ?2. Can you replace this by on?3. Can you use the word go here?4. Can you replace this by enjoyed?5. Can you use the word a here?6. Can you replace this by cooking?7. Can you replace this by which?8. Can you leave out the word that here?9. Can you replace this by I tried?10. What does that refer to in this sentence?参考答案:1. No.2. No.3. No.4. No.5. No.6. No.7. Yes.8. Yes.9. No.10. The pictures.18. _ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers_ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct.AIn caseBIn the caseCIn this case DIn that caseA19. 书信署名方式同样要看写信人和收信人是什么关系,它和称呼是不对应的。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A20. Staying in a hotel costs _ renting a room in a dormitory for a week Atwice than Btwice asStaying in a hotel costs _ renting a room in a dormitory for a weekAtwice thanBtwice as much asCas much twice as Das much twiceB21. The buyers normally select the big port with more sailings, or a big port which makes them easier toThe buyers normally select the big port with more sailings, or a big port which makes them easier to send a _.vessel22. How long does the bus _? A. take, takes B. takes, take C. takes, takes-How long does the bus _?A. take, takesB. takes, takeC. takes, takes参考答案A23. There_a big table and a great many chairs in the room.AisBareCwereDhave beenThere_a big table and a great many chairs in the room.AisBareCwereDhave been正确答案:A24. He refused to tell us whether he _ (undertake)the job.He refused to tell us whether he _ (undertake)the job.would undertake25. 写作过程四要素中的写作客体就是( )。A.作者B.世界C.作品D.读者参考答案:B26. 体验者要想寻找、看见、捕捉、发现属于自己的东西,仅仅沉在生活底层,和对象打成一片并获得某种思想或感情的认同就足够了。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A27. 狭义散文是( )才有的说法。A.古代B.向外的抒情文体C.五四D.当代参考答案:D28. 我们有幸自荐,盼望能有机会与你们合作,扩大业务。我们有幸自荐,盼望能有机会与你们合作,扩大业务。We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension.29. a此报盘以我方书面接受为准。 b此报盘以提前售出为准。 c此报盘以商品未售出为准。 d此报盘以贵方10日a此报盘以我方书面接受为准。b此报盘以提前售出为准。c此报盘以商品未售出为准。d此报盘以贵方10日之内回复为有效。e此报盘以样品确定后生效为准。f此报盘在5月1日以前为有效。g此报盘以我方最后确认为准。h此报盘以获得出口(进口)许可证为准。i此报盘以装第一艘轮船为准。j此报盘以你方答复到达我地为准。A$E$G$H$B$C$J$I$D$F30. 写作过程四要素中的写作载体就是( )。A.作者B.人物特写C.作品D.读者参考答案:C31. He agreed _ me _ an early start, so he agreed _ my proposal.A、with ,to , onB、toHe agreed _ me _ an early start, so he agreed _ my proposal.A、with ,to , onB、to, with , onC、with, on, toD、on, to , with正确答案:C32. 关于积聚的说法不正确的是( )。A.积聚分为一般积聚、专门积聚和综合积聚三种B.立意C.学写作者必先学积聚D.积聚为精选内容、表达意图提供了有力的保证参考答案:A33. 真实性指新闻报道与所反映的客观事实的一致程度,这是新闻的本源和生命,是新闻最重要的特征。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B34. 获取材料的主要方式有( )A.观察B.体验C.调查D.检索参考答案:ABCD35. Over the years, there have been plenty of proposals to_prosperity.Abring backBpickOver the years, there have been plenty of proposals to_prosperity.Abring backBpick outCmake outDact on正确答案:A36. 常见的过渡形式有( )A.过渡段B.过渡句C.关联词语D.没有任何标示参考答案:AB37. 人物消息是以通讯的形式报道新闻人物的活动与事迹的新闻体裁。( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B38. Astyle. ,BwayCmethodDmannerAstyle. ,BwayCmethodDmanner正确答案:B解析:thewaywelive中theway是先行词,welive是个定语从句,中间省了inwhichthat,意为我们生活的方式。注意容易误选style,此处需要的是担当从句的句子而不是名词性短语。39. We are looking forward to receiving your cable extension of the above L/C thus enabling us to effectWe are looking forward to receiving your cable extension of the above L/C thus enabling us to effect shipment of the goodsAout of questionBin questionCin the questionDout of the questionB40. 悬念式导语是指这种方式的特点是激发读者的阅读兴趣,增强可读性。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B41. 散文区别于小说、戏剧的很重要的标志在于散文是一种( )。A.向内的抒情文体B.情节C.向内的叙事文体D.向外的叙事文体参考答案:A42. 如要获取材料,观察的条件有( )A.端正观察态度B.运用比较方法C.选好观察点D.加入理性思考参考答案:ABCD43. 网络上的超文本不具有超越时空障碍的辐射力。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A44. 演讲既然带有一个“演”字,就说明它不是单纯的“讲”,而是带有某些“表演”的性质。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B45. GBP 97 per metric ton CIF Copenhagen.GBP 97 per metric ton CIF Copenhagen.正确46. The attention to details assures you that the setting and service are as perfect asThe attention to details assures you that the setting and service are as perfect as your meal , whether its a quiet dinner for two , or a business lunch. (翻译)参考答案:无论静谧的两人晚餐还是商务午餐,细致入微的服务都会保证这里的环境和服务与您所点的食物一样品质优良。47. We confirm supply of 1000 pairs of the shoes _ the prices stated _ your Order No888 and wWe confirm supply of 1000 pairs of the shoes _ the prices stated _ your Order No888 and will allow a 5% special discount _ your order worth 5000 or above.at, in, on48. 广告的“3B”创意原则不包括( )。A.美女BeautyB.通讯C.动物BeastD.身体Body参考答案:D49. 演讲稿又叫演说词,它是用作口头发表的演讲文稿。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B50. 属于艺术分析内容的是( )A.艺术构思B.人物介绍C.直接叙述D.景物和环境的描写参考答案:AD51. 拟题准确就是要“题文相符”,在一定程度上概括文章基本内容、揭示文章的主题。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B52. Is this hotel _ you said we were to stay in your letterA、whereB、whatC、thatD、whichIs this hotel _ you said we were to stay in your letterA、whereB、whatC、thatD、which正确答案:A53. 关于通讯的说法不正确的是( )。A.通讯原称通信报导,由消息演变而来B.受众特点C.文艺通讯又称报告文学D.纪实不属于通讯的一种参考答案:D54. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact, it is very comfortable toAsitBsit onCbe satDThe chair looks rather hard, but in fact, it is very comfortable toAsitBsit onCbe satDbe sat on正确答案:B55. 批复适用于对重要问题提出见解和处理办法。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A56. 综合消息中的事实,一般要求有点有面,概貌叙述和典型事例相结合,有横断面、纵断面、纵横合一等综合方式。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B57. The red car is nearly _ the green car. A) 5 time the size of B) 5 times the size ofThe red car is nearly _ the green car.A) 5 time the size ofB) 5 times the size ofC) 5 time as size asD) 5 time as size ofB注意time要加-s,the size of的意思是某某的“体积、尺寸”。58. 教案是向学生传授科学知识的重要途径,因而,它自身的科学性显得尤为突出和重要。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B59. 公文按照行文方向可以分为以下三种:( )A.上行文B.下行文C.平行文D.逆行文参考答案:ABC60. Is she really ill? _. She&39;s in hospital. A) I hope so B) I&39;m sure C) IIs she really ill?_. Shes in hospital.A) I hope soB) Im sureC) I dont think soD) Im afraid soD


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