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2022年考博英语-西北工业大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题The concept of “environment” is certainly difficult and may even be misunderstood; but we have no handy substitute. It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are internal and biological and those that are external and environmental. But in actual practice this system breaks down in many ways, because the organism and the environment are constantly interacting so that the environment is modified by the organism and vice versa. In the case of man, the difficulties with the environmental concept are even more complicated because we have to deal with man as an animal and with man as a bearer of culture. If we look at man as an animal and try to analyze the environmental forces that are acting on the organism, we find that we have to deal with things like climate, soil, plants, and such-like factors common to all biological situations; but we also find, always, very important environmental influences that we can only class as “cultural”, which modify the physical and biological factors. But man, as we know him, is always a bearer of culture; and if we study human culture, we find that it, in turn, is modified by the environmental factors of climate and geography. We thus easily get into great difficulties from the necessity of viewing culture, at one moment, as a part of the man and, at another moment, as a part of the environment.1.Which of the following words can best describe the popular understanding of “environment” as the author sees it?2.According to the author the concept of “environment” is difficult to explain because( ).3.In analyzing the environmental forces acting on man the author suggests that( ).4.As for culture, the author points out that( ).5.In this passage, the author is primarily concerned with( ).问题1选项A.Elaborate.B.PrejudicedC.Faultless.D.Oversimplified.问题2选项A.it doesnt distinguish between the organism and the environmentB.it involves both internal and external forcesC.the organism and the environment influence each otherD.the relationship between the organism and environment is unclear问题3选项A.biological factors are less important to the organism than cultural factors to manB.man and other animals are modified equally by the environmental forcesC.man is modified by the cultural environment as well as by the natural environmentD.physical and biological factors exert more influence on other organism than on man问题4选项A.it develops side by side with environmental factorsB.it is also affected by environmentC.it is generally accepted to be part of the environmentD.it is a product of mans biological instincts问题5选项A.the interpretation of the term “environment”B.the discussion of the organism and biological environmentC.the comparison between internal and external factors influencing manD.the evaluation of mans influence on culture【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。题目问的是“下列哪个选项最能描述作者对环境这个词的描述?”文章第二句话提到“区分有机体和周围环境,以及将作用于有机体的力分为内部的、生物的、外部的和环境的看起来很容易”(It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are internal and biological and those that are external and environmental),所以可以看出来作者认为把对环境的描述过于简单化,选项D符合题意。第2题:细节事实题。题目问的是“作者认为环境这个概念很难被解释是因为什么?”文章第三句提到“但是在实际中,这个体系在很多方面上都不成立,因为有机体和环境不断在相互作用,因此环境被有机体改变,反过来也如此”(But in actual practice this system breaks down in many ways, because the organism and the environment are constantly interacting so that the environment is modified by the organism and vice versa),选项C“有机体与环境相互影响”符合题意。第3题:判断推理题。题目问的是“关于环境因素作用在人类身上的分析,作者有什么建议?”文章倒数第二句话提到“但是人类一直是文化的拥有者;如果研究人类文化,我们会发现,反过来,它被气候和地理位置等环境因素改变着”(But man, as we know him, is always a bearer of culture; and if we study human culture, we find that it, in turn, is modified by the environmental factors of climate and geography),因此,选项C “人类被文化环境和自然环境改变”符合题意。第4题:细节事实题。题目问的是“关于文化,作者指出了什么?”文章倒数第二句话提到“但是人类一直是文化的拥有者;如果研究人类文化,我们会发现,反过来,它被气候和地理位置等环境因素改变着”(But man, as we know him, is always a bearer of culture; and if we study human culture, we find that it, in turn, is modified by the environmental factors of climate and geography),由此可知,文化也是受环境因素影响的,因此选项B“它也受环境的影响”符合题意。第5题:主旨大意题。题目问的是“作者主要阐述了什么问题?”文章第一句话提到“虽然环境这个概念很难理解,甚至可能被误解,但是我们没有别的替代物”(The concept of “environment” is certainly difficult and may even be misunderstood; but we have no handy substitute),之后都是围绕这个话题展开,由此可知文章主要阐述的就是对“环境”这个术语的解释。选项A“对“环境”的解释”符合题意。2. 单选题Children are getting so fat that they may be the first generation to die before their parents, an expert claimed yesterday.Todays youngsters are already falling prey to potential killers such as diabetes because of their weight. Fatty fast-food diets combined with sedentary lifestyles dominated by televisions and computers could mean kids will die tragically young, says Professor Andrew Prentice, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.At the same time, the shape of the human body is going through a huge evolutionary shift because adults are getting so fat. Here in Britain, latest research shows that the average waist size for a man is 36-38 inch and may be 42-44 inch by 2032. This compares with only 32.6 inch in 1972. Womens waists have grown from an average of 22 inch 1920 to 24 inch in the fifties and 30 inch now. One of the major reasons why children now are at greater risk is that we are getting fatter younger. In the UK alone, more than one million under-16s are classed as overweight or obese double the number in the mid-eighties. One in ten four-year-old are also medically classified as obese. The obesity pandemic - an extensive epidemic which started in the US, has now spread to Europe, Australia, Central America and the Middle East.Many nations now record more than 20 percent of their population as clinically obese and well over half the population as overweight. Prof Prentice said the change in our shape has been caused by a glut of easily available high-energy foods combined with a dramatic drop in the energy we use as a result of technology developments. He is not alone in his concern. Only last week one medical journal revealed how obesity was fuelling a rise in cancer cases. Obesity also increases the risk factor for strokes and heart disease. An averagely obese persons lifespan is shortened by around nine years while a severely obese person by many more. Prof Prentice said: “So will parents outlive their children?” as claimed recently by an American obesity specialist. The answer is yes-or-no. Yes, when the offspring become grossly obese. This is now becoming an alarm-reduced quality of life in terms of both their physical and psychosocial health. So say NO to that doughnut(油炸圈饼)and burger.1.What does the word “sedentary” (Para.2) mean?2.It is known from the passage that( ).3.According to Prof Prentice, what are the reasons for the change in our shape?4.Obesity increases the risk factor of( ).5.What does the author mean by “So say NO to that doughnut and burger” (Para. 4)?问题1选项A.Sitting stillB.Eating too muchC.Studying very hardD.Passive thinking问题2选项A.the average waist size for a man is 36-38 inchB.the average waist size for a woman is 30 inchC.in the mid-eighties, more than half a million under-16s in the UK were classed as overweightD.the obesity pandemic has now spread to South America问题3选项A.We eat too much and refuse to do physical exercises.B.High-energy foods are easy to get and technology develops fast.C.High-energy foods are the main diet and we use technology.D.High-energy foods are easy to get and we consume less energy.问题4选项A.diabetes, short sight, cancer and strokesB.diabetes, cancer, strokes and psychosocial illnessC.cancer, strokes, fatty and heart diseaseD.strokes, heart disease, diabetes and headaches问题5选项A.Answering the question “Will parents outlive their children?”B.The doughnut and burger should be banned.C.We should lead a healthy life.D.We should begin dieting.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:C【解析】第1题:词义题。题目问的是“第二段出现的单词sedentary是什么意思?”文章第二段第二句话提到“高热量速食加上被电视机和电脑掌控的生活方式正在使年轻人走向死亡”(Fatty fast-food diets combined with sedentary lifestyles dominated by televisions and computers could mean kids will die tragically young),这里主要讲的是“肥胖”产生的原因,除了高热量食物之外,就是缺少运动,因此可以推测出sedentary lifestyles缺乏运动的生活方式,即“静态生活方式”。因此选项A符合题意。第2题:推理判断题。题目问的是“下列哪项可以从文章中得出?”文章第三段倒数第三句提到“仅仅在英国,就有超过一百万16岁以下的孩子被视为超重或肥胖,比80年代中期多了一倍”(In the UK alone, more than one million under-16s are classed as overweight or obese double the number in the mid-eighties),选项C“在80年代中期,英国超过50万16岁以下的孩子被视为超重”符合题意。第3题:细节事实题。题目问的是“根据Prentice教授的观点可知,体型变化的原因是什么?”文章第四段提到“教授认为体型变化是因为吃太多高能量食物,以及由于科技进步让我们消耗的能量显著下降”(Prof Prentice said the change in our shape has been caused by a glut of easily available high-energy foods combined with a dramatic drop in the energy we use as a result of technology developments),选项D“高能量食物容易获取,消耗的能量却减少”符合题意。第4题:细节事实题。题目问的是“肥胖会增加哪些风险?”文章最后一段提到肥胖会增加患癌、中风、心脏病的风险(Only last week one medical journal revealed how obesity was fuelling a rise in cancer cases. Obesity also increases the risk factor for strokes and heart disease.),该段还提到肥胖会导致身体和心理的问题(This is now becoming an alarm-reduced quality of life in terms of both their physical and psychosocial health);文章第二段提到肥胖是一个潜在的杀手,因为会导致糖尿病(Todays youngsters are already falling prey to potential killers such as diabetes because of their weight),因此选项B符合题意。第5题:推理判断题。题目问的是“作者第四段的对甜甜圈和汉堡包说不意味着什么?”文章第四段提到吃太多高热量的食物,而消耗却减少是体型改变的原因,而这里的甜甜圈和汉堡包都是属于高热量食物,不健康的食物,因此选项C“我们应该过健康的生活”符合题意。3. 翻译题在学问上打下坚实的基础将使你终生受益。在学习的初级阶段,学校所有科目中最重要的是语言和数学。语言是阅读和交流的工具,中文不好,你就不能很好地表达自己;没有很好的掌握一门外语,你就会发现很难吸收外国的新知识。数学能训练人的逻辑思维。 其他学科也各有用处,很难说哪一门更重要。比如,体育和音乐教育对于促进人的智力发展同样是重要的。The first beginnings of the theory may be prompted by casual observation and experience. In these first probes toward theory, description of facts makes up most share of the effort. Increasing sophistication and rigor leads to a growing concern with testing tentative theories using carefully selected data and a variety of statistical techniques. In these later developments, the subject matter of a discipline becomes increasingly theoretical and deductive, rather than empirical and descriptive.【答案】Laying a solid foundation for study will work for all your life. In the rudimentary stage of learning, the most important subjects in school education are language and Mathematics. Language is a tool for reading and communication. If you are poor in your mother language, you cannot express yourself well. And you will find its difficult to absorb new knowledge from other countries without mastering a foreign language. Mathematics can train peoples logical thinking. Its hard to tell which subject is more important, for other subjects also have their own advantages. For instance, physical and music education make contribution to our intelligence development.不经意的观察和经历可能会促进理论的开始。在探究理论之初,描述事实构成了这种探索努力的最大部分。随着理论不断变得复杂和严谨,人们开始使用精心挑选的数据和各式各样的统计方法来测试尝试性的理论。在随后的发展中,学科的主题变得理论化,并且具有推导性,不再是经验和描述的。4. 单选题You should have your eyes examined( )to be sure of your eyesight.问题1选项A.periodicallyB.persistentlyC.continuouslyD.continually【答案】A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。periodically “定期地;周期性地;偶尔”;persistently “坚持地;固执地”;continuously “连续不断地”;continually “不断地;频繁地”。句意:为了确保你的视力,你应该定期检查眼睛。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题With her last child having left home, she felt a( )need to fill her time.问题1选项A.tenseB.thoroughC.pressingD.small【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。tense “紧张的”;thorough “彻底的;十分的”;pressing “紧迫的;迫切的;small “小的;少的;微弱的”。句意:随着最后一个小孩离家,她迫切需要填满她的时间。选项C符合题意。6. 单选题What we consider a luxury at one time frequently becomes a ( ), many families find that ownership of two cars is indispensable.问题1选项A.fashionB.necessityC.proclivityD.nuisance【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。fashion “时尚;时装;样式”;necessity “需要;必需品”;proclivity “倾向;癖性”;nuisance “讨厌的人;损害”。句意:我们曾经认为的奢侈品频繁地成为了必需品,很多家庭发现拥有两辆车是很有必要的。选项B符合题意。7. 单选题When the opposing player fouled John, John let his anger( )his good sense and hit the boy back.问题1选项A.got the feel ofB.got the hang ofC.got the better ofD.got the worst of【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。get the feel of “开始熟谙;习惯于”;get the hang of “得知的窍门”;get the better of “打败;战胜”;get the worst of “失利;遭到失败”。句意:当对方球员对约翰犯规时,约翰让自己的愤怒战胜了自己的理智,他回击了那个男孩。选项C符合题意。8. 单选题It is scarcely an exaggeration to say that during the Cold War period the threat( )by nuclear arms seemed an ever-present danger.问题1选项A.imposedB.convokedC.posedD.provoked【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。impose “强加;征税”;convoke “召集;召开”;pose “造成;摆姿势”;provoke “驱使;激怒;煽动”。句意:毫不夸张地说,在冷战期间,核武器造成的威胁似乎是一种永远存在的危险。选项C符合题意。9. 单选题In the packed hall, the people sitting close to me( )me into the comer little by little.问题1选项A.draggedB.drewC.frightenedD.wedged【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。drag “拖拉;拖曳”;draw “画;拉;吸引”;frighten “使惊吓;吓唬”;wedge “楔入;挤进”。句意:在拥挤的大厅,紧挨着我坐的人逐渐将我挤进了角落。选项D符合题意。10. 单选题Research should continue on controlled nuclear fusion, but no energy program should be premised on its existence until it has proved practical.问题1选项A.focusedB.concentratedC.agreedD.based【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们应该继续核聚变研究,但是不能把能量项目建立在它存在的.,除非证明它的可行性。focus “集中,聚焦”;concentrate “集中(注意力)”;agree “同意”; base “以为基础”。根据后文的“on its existence”可推测出划线单词premise的意思是“以为前提”,选项D符合题意。11. 单选题The future of this company is( ): many of its talented employees are flowing into more profitable net-based businesses.问题1选项A.at oddsB.in troubleC.in vainD.at stake【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。at odds “有分歧,争执”;in trouble “陷入困境”;in vain “徒劳”;at stake “濒于险境”。句意:这家公司面临危机:很多有才的员工正流向获利更高的网络公司。选项D符合题意。12. 单选题The cheerful, lively melody of dance music( )almost all the weary soldiers.问题1选项A.drainedB.divertedC.renewedD.revived【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。drain “喝光,排水,流干”;divert “转移;使转向”;renew “使更新;续借”;revive “使复兴;使苏醒”。句意:这支充满活力的欢快舞曲使那位筋疲力尽的士兵振奋起来。选项D符合题意。13. 单选题Since our research so far has not produced any answers to this problem, we need to adopt a different ( )to it.问题1选项A.methodB.mannerC.styleD.approach【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。method “方法,办法”,后+of; manner “方式,态度”,后+of;style “风格,方式”,后+of; approach “方法,途径”,后+to。句意:既然我们目前的研究没有得出任何解决这个问题的答案,我们需要换一种方式了。选项D符合题意。14. 单选题In the accident three men were trapped in a submerged vehicle, and their only hope was another man whose legs were broken.问题1选项A.wreckedB.burntC.overturnedD.sunk【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在这次事故中,三个人被困在一辆被水淹没的汽车中,而另外一位腿受伤的男性是他们唯一的希望。wrecked “失事的,遇难的”;burnt “烧焦的”;overturned “倾覆的”;sunk “下沉的”。划线单词submerge的意思是“水下的”,因此选项D符合题意。15. 单选题Too often young people get themselves employed quite by accident, not knowing (1)lies in the way of opportunity for promotion, happiness and security. (2)chances are that the young people will be(3)doing jobs that afford them little or no satisfaction. Our school leavers face so much(4) that they seldom care what they do(5). they can earn a living. Some stay long (6)a job and learn to like it;(7)quit from one to another looking for something to suit them. The young graduates who leave the university look for jobs that offer a(8)up to their expectation.Very few go out into the world knowing exactly what they want and realizing their own abilities. The reason in all this confusion is that there never has been a proper(9)guidance in our educational institution. Nearly all(10)in the dark and their chief concern when they look for a job is to ask how much they get paid. They(11)bother to think whether they (12)the job or, even more important, whether the job suits them. Having a job is more than merely providing yourself and your (13)with daily bread and some money for leisure and entertainment. It sets a pattern of life and decides the(14)of friends, leisure and interest, and in many ways, determines social(15)in life.问题1选项A.whichB.howC.whatD.that问题2选项A.As a resultB.For instanceC.HoweverD.Nevertheless问题3选项A.rentedB.appointedC.employedD.borrowed问题4选项A.rivalryB.competitionC.contestD.match问题5选项A.as long asB.as much asC.so far asD.as hard as问题6选项A.awayB.upC.atD.among问题7选项A.anotherB.the otherC.otherD.others问题8选项A.paymentB.bonusC.salaryD.wage问题9选项A.professionalB.vocationalC.technicalD.academical问题10选项A.gripB.grindC.growD.grope问题11选项A.alwaysB.oftenC.sometimesD.never问题12选项A.are involved withB.are suited forC.are familiar withD.are tired of问题13选项A.intimatesB.attendantsC.familiesD.dependants问题14选项A.selectionB.electionC.optionD.choice问题15选项A.stateB.conditionC.statusD.statue【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A第6题:C第7题:D第8题:C第9题:B第10题:D第11题:D第12题:B第13题:D第14题:A第15题:C【解析】第1题:考查宾语从句。空格处需要填入一个引导从句的引导词,充当know的宾语,并且在从句中做主语。因此选项C符合题意。第2题:考查逻辑关系。上一句提到“他们不知道为什么被聘上”,空格处所在句子提到的就是造成的原因,因此选项A“结果是”。第3题:考查固定搭配。Be employed in doing sth. “受雇于”。选项C符合题意。第4题:考查名词词义辨析。rivalry“竞争,对抗”;competition“竞争,竞赛”,泛指各种竞争;contest “比赛,竞赛”,主要是指音乐、书法方面的比赛; match “比赛,匹配”。空格处所在句子的大意是:我们学校毕业生面临那么大的竞争。选项B符合题意。第5题:考查词组辨析。as long as“只要”;as much as“和一样多”;so far as“到目前为止”;as hard as “像一样努力”。前面提到毕业生遇到的竞争很大,因此为了能生活,并没有去了解工作性质,只要能够糊口。因此选项A符合题意。第6题:考查介词词义辨析。away “离开”;up “在之上”;at “在”;among “在之间”。空格处所在句子的大意是:有些人在一个岗位上坚持了很久。选项C符合题意。第7题:考查固定搭配。前面提到some,与之对应的是others,因此选项D符合题意。第8题:考查名词词义辨析。payment “报酬”,不一定指工资;bonus “奖金”;salary “薪水”;wage “工资”,通常用复数形式,按日或者按周来计算。空格处所在句子的大意是:年轻的大学毕业生期望能找到一份薪水符合预期的工作。选项C符合题意。第9题:考查形容词词义辨析。professional “专业的”;vocational “职业的”;technical “技术上的”; academical “ 学术的”。前一句提到“很少有学生毕业后完全知道他们想要什么,怎样来提高自己的能力”,空格处这一句提到了原因,是因为学校没有给他们提供职业指导,因此选项B符合题意。第10题:考查固定搭配。grope in the dark的意思是“在黑暗中摸索”,选项D符合题意。第11题:考查逻辑关系。前一句提到他们考虑的只有工资问题,可知除了工资,他们不会去考虑别的事情,因此选项D符合题意。第12题:考查词组辨析。be involved with “涉及 ”;be suited for “适合于”;be familiar with “熟悉”;be tired of “厌烦”。空格处所在句子的大意是:他们从来不考虑自己是不是适合这份工作。选项B符合题意。第13题:考查名词词义辨析。intimates “密友”;attendants “服务员”;families “家庭”;dependants“受赡养者”。空格处所在句子的大意是:工作能够为你和需要你扶养的人提供食物和娱乐。选项D符合题意。第14题:考查名词词义辨析。selection “选择,挑选”;election “选举,当选”;option “选项”;choice “选择,选择权”。空格处所在句子的大意是:它建立了一种生活模式,决定了朋友、娱乐和爱好的选择。选项A符合题意。第15题:考查名词词义辨析。state “国家,州,状态”;condition “条件,情况”;status “地位,状态”; statue “雕像,雕塑”。前面提到了交什么样的朋友,选择什么样的娱乐方式,空格处提到的与之对应的是社会地位,因此选项C符合题意。16. 单选题Being both spoiled and lazy, the boy( )everyone else for his lack of success.问题1选项A.criticizedB.blamedC.chargedD.accused【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。criticize “批评”;blame “责备,归咎于”;charge “控诉,告诫”;accuse “控告,谴责”。blame 常与for 连用;charge 后跟for;accuse 后接of。根据“for his lack of success”可知选项B符合题意。17. 单选题By advocating moderate change, they think that they can keep consumer costs low.问题1选项A.reasonableB.radicalC.immediateD.minimum【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:通过提倡改变,他们认为可以保持消费者的低成本状态。reasonable “合理的,明智的”;radical “根本的,彻底的”;immediate “立即的”;minimum “最低的”。根据后面的“消费者的低成本状态”可知前面的改变是“适度的”,即划线单词的意思是“适度的;合理的”。因此选项A符合题意。18. 单选题The poor thing has had a tooth out, so he cant talk but manages to( ) to capture attention.问题1选项A.moanB.


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