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2022年考博英语-天津师范大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题If Walker becomes governor, he is going to ( )the sales tax in our state.问题1选项A.abolishB.abstainC.abscondD.absent【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。abolish意为“废除,废止”;abstain意为“戒(尤指酒),戒除”; abscond意为“(尤指逃避逮捕)潜逃,逃跑”;absent意为“缺席的,不在场的”。句意:如果沃克成为了州长,他将要废除我们州的营业税。2. 单选题You will get to the church more quickly if you take this ( )across the fields.问题1选项A.trackB.passageC.hedgeD.journey【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。track意为“小路,小道”;passage意为“通道,走廊,段落”;hedge意为“树篱,障碍”;journey意为“旅行,行程”。句意:如果你走小路穿过这片区域,能更快到教堂。3. 单选题Nancy complained about the ( )air conditioner she bought from the department store.问题1选项A.inefficientB.deficientC.ineffectiveD.defective【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。inefficient意为“无效率的,无能的”;deficient意为“不足的,缺乏的”;ineffective意为“无效果的”;defective意为“有缺陷的”。句意:南希抱怨她从百货公司买这台有缺陷的空调。4. 单选题Christians calm Jesus was a real( )character, but some today have their doubts.问题1选项A.historicalB.historicC.historyD.historian【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。historical意为“历史的,历史上的”,指的是和历史有关的或是历史上出现过的人或事;historic意为“有历史影响的”,指重要的历史事件;history意为“历史,历史学”;historian意为“历史学家”。句意:基督徒声称耶稣是历史上一个真实的人物,但今天有些人对此表示怀疑。5. 单选题The student said there were a few points in the essay he( )impossible to comprehend.问题1选项A.has foundB.was findingC.had foundD.would find【答案】C【解析】考查时态。主句为一般过去时,因此从句也要用相应的过去时态,故此处用过去完成时。句意:学生说他发现这篇文章中里有几个很难理解的点。6. 单选题The radioactivity to which they were exposed was so powerful that the dead mens bodies were themselves a radiation ( ).问题1选项A.bumperB.fatalityC.hazardD.expansion【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。bumper意为“缓冲器”;fatality意为“死亡,致命性,宿命”;hazard意为“冒险”;expansion意为“扩大”。句意:他们接触到的放射性是如此强烈,以至于死者的尸体本身就是辐射扩散。7. 单选题Your examination results were quite satisfactory, but ( )if you had spent less time in playing football?问题1选项A.wouldnt they have been betterB.wouldnt they be betterC.wont they have been betterD.wont they be better【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。表示与过去事实相反的假设,从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时,主句用would have done(been)形式,因此选A。句意:你的考试成绩很令人满意,但是,如果你少花点时间踢球的话,成绩不更好吗?8. 单选题The medicine( )his pain but did not cure his illness.问题1选项A.activatedB.mediatedC.alleviatedD.deteriorated【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。activate意为“使活动,触发”;mediate意为“调解,调停”;alleviate意为“减轻,缓和”;deteriorate意为“使恶化”。句意:药物缓解了他的疼痛,但并没有治愈他的疾病。9. 单选题People are getting a better idea of the need to protect ( )property rights.问题1选项A.knowledgeB.intelligenceC.intellectualD.learning【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。intellectual property意为“知识产权”。句意:人们越来越了解到保护知识产权的必要性。10. 单选题Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other peoples. In the same way, when children learn to do all the other things they learn to do without being taught to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicyclecompare those performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his own mistakes for himself, let alone correct them. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him or correct it unless he was made to. Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher. Let him do it himself. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he cant find the way to get the right answer. Lets end this nonsense of grades, exams, marks. Let us throw them all out, and let the children learn what all educated persons must someday learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.Let them get on with this job in the way that seems most sensible to them, with our help as school teachers if they ask for it. The idea that there is a body of knowledge to be learnt at school and used for the rest of ones life is nonsense in a world as complicated and rapidly changing as ours. Anxious parents and teachers say, But suppose they fail to learn something essential something they will need to get in the world? Dont worry! If it is essential they will go out into the world and learn it.1.What does the author think is the best way for children to learn things?2.The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are ( ).3.According to the passage, the author thinks teachers in school should( ).4.The author believes the teachers role in childrens learning should be( ).5.The title of this passage could probably be( ).问题1选项A.By imitating what other people do.B.By making mistakes and having them corrected.C.By listening to explanations from skilled people.D.By asking a great many questions.问题2选项A.not really important skillsB.more important than other skillsC.basically the same as learning other skillsD.basically different from learning adult skills问题3选项A.allow children to learn by himself or herselfB.point out childrens mistakes whenever theyre foundC.correct childrens mistakes as soon as possibleD.give children more book knowledge问题4选项A.the identifier and corrector of their errorsB.their helper and guideC.the person to grade their performance and give feedbacksD.the person to pass on something essential to them问题5选项A.Let Teachers Stop WorkB.Let Us Make Children LearnC.Let Children Correct Their Own PapersD.Let Children Learn by Themselves【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】第1题:推理判断题。由文章第一段中He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around he in use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other peoples.(他每天都注意到他所使用的语言和他周围的使用的语言之间的差异。一点一点地,他做了必要的改变,使他的语言像其他人的一样)可知作者认为孩子可以通过模仿他人学习东西,因此选A。第2题:事实细节题。由文章第一段中 In the same way(以同样的方式), when children learn to do all the other things they learn to do without being taught to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle可知选C。第3题:细节事实题。由文章第一段中Let him do it himself. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.可知作者认为教师应该允许孩子自己学习,因此选A。第4题:推理判断题。由文章第二段中Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he cant find the way to get the right answer.(当孩子告诉我们他找不到正确答案的时候,我们的工作应该是帮助他)可推测教师的角色应该是学生的帮助者与指导者。第5题:主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了学生应该自己学习,而不是被纠正与灌输式的学习,教师起帮助与指导的作用,因此选D。11. 翻译题Translate the following into ChineseReading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you you ought” to read, you probably wont have fun. But if you put down a book you dont like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good timeand if you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you wont have suffered during the process.【答案】只有当你期望阅读是有趣的时候,它才是有趣的。如果你全神贯注于别人告诉你“应该”读的书,你可能不会有乐趣。但是如果你放下一本你不喜欢的书,并尝试另一本,直到你找到一本对你有点意义的书,然后轻松地读下去,你肯定能乐在其中如果你因为阅读而变得更好,更智慧,更友善,或者更文雅,你就不会在这个过程中受苦。12. 单选题Do you know what a resolution is? its a promise. Most promises are made(1)other people(Mom, I promise Ill tidy my room when I get back from the beach). (2)resolutions are promises that you make to yourself. And New years resolutions are resolutions that people make at the beginning of the year in the(3)that they will improve their lives. Some people write down their resolutions to remember them. But(4)the resolution is important enough, you(5) have to write it down to remember it.There are different kinds of resolutions. Some relate to(6)health such as starting a workout program or(7)the amount of junk food that you eat. Many have to do with self improvement, such as(8)a hobby live painting or photography, or learning a musical instrument. Then there are resolutions that have to do with being better organized. (9)here might include using a weekly planner or organizing your school notes into folder.Despite these differences, there is one thing that most resolutions have(10). People hardly ever keep them. The resolutions are too difficult to keep. For people simply forget. For this reason, some people argue that the best resolution is simply not to make any resolutions!问题1选项A.forB.byC.toD.with问题2选项A.HoweverB.NeverthelessC.LikewiseD.Incidentally问题3选项A.resolveB.assumptionC.pledgeD.hope问题4选项A.asB.ifC.thoughD.because问题5选项A.shouldntB.couldntC.mustntD.wouldnt问题6选项A.normalB.mentalC.publicD.physical问题7选项A.determiningB.increasingC.limitingD.retaining问题8选项A.taking upB.giving upC.holding downD.laying do问题9选项A.ExceptionsB.ExamplesC.SamplesD.Variations问题10选项A.in conclusionB.in diversityC.in commonD.in favor【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C第5题:C第6题:D第7题:C第8题:A第9题:B第10题:C【解析】第1题:考查固定搭配。make promise to意为“对许下承诺”。第2题:考查副词辨析。however意为“然而”,表转折关系,常作插入语;nevertheless意为“然而,不过”,表示尽管作出完全让步,也不会发生任何影响;likewise意为“同样地”;incidentally意为“顺便”。第3题:考查上下文语义。由后面they will improve their live可知新年决心表达的是一种美好的愿望,一种希望,因此选D。第4题:考查上下文语义。由前面的“有些人写下了他们的决心来记住他们”,此处表示转折关系,因此填though(虽然,尽管)。第5题:考查上下文语义。此处表示尽管决心很重要,但你不必一定要把它写下来,因此填mustnt(不必)。第6题:考查上下文语义。由such as starting a workout program(锻炼计划)or _ the amount of junk food that you eat可知与身体有关,因此填physical,physical health意为“身体健康”。第7题:考查上下文语义。or表示并列关系,由前面的“开始锻炼计划”可知此表示“限制垃圾食品”,因此填limiting。第8题:考查上下文语义。由前面Many have to do with self improvement(许多人必须自我改进)可推测此处表示开始一个新的爱好,因此填taking up(开始,从事)。第9题:考查上下文语义。由后面的using a weekly planner or organizing your school notes into folder可知这里是举例说明,因此填examples(例子)。第10题:考查上下文语义。由前面的Despite these differences(尽管有这些差异),但有一个大部分决心是相同的,因此填in common(共有的,相同的)。13. 单选题You should try to ( )your ambition and be more realistic.问题1选项A.reserveB.restrainC.retainD.reclaim【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。reserve意为“预定,储存,保留”;restrain意为“抑制,压抑”;retain意为“保持”;reclaim意为“开拓,开垦”。句意:你应该控制你的野心,更现实一点。14. 单选题The heat in summer is no less ( )here in this mountain region.问题1选项A.concentratedB.extensiveC.intenseD.intensive【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。concentrated意为“集中的”;extensive意为“广泛的”;intense意为“激烈的,强烈的,非常的”;intensive意为“加强的,集中的”。句意:这个山区夏天的酷热也同样强烈。15. 单选题How we look and how we appear to others probably worries us more when we are in our teens or early twenties than at any other time in our life. Few of us are content to accept ourselves as we are, and few are brave enough to ignore the trends of fashion.Most fashion magazines or TV advertisements try to persuade us that we should dress in a certain way or behave in a certain manner. If we do, they tell us, we will be able to meet new people with confidence and deal with every situation confidently and without embarrassment. Changing fashion, of course, does not apply just to dress. A barber today does not cut a boys hair in the same way as lie used to, and girls do not make up in the same way as their mothers and grandmothers did. The advertisers show us the latest fashionable styles and we are constantly under pressure to follow the fashion in case our friend think we are odd or dull.What cause fashions to change? Sometimes convenience or practical necessity or just the fancy of an influential person can establish a fashion. Take hats, for example. In cold climates, early buildings were cold inside, so people wore hats indoors as well as outside. In recent times, the late President Kennedy caused a depression in the American hat industry by not wearing hats: more American men followed his example.There is also cyclical pattern in fashion. In the 1920s in Europe and America, short skirts became fashionable. After World War Two, they dropped to ankle length. Then they got shorter and shorter the miniskirt was in fashion. After a few more years, skirts became longer again.Today, society is much freer and easier than it used to be. It is no longer necessary to dress like everyone else. Within reason, you can dress as you like or do our hair the way you like or do your hair the way you like instead of the way you should because it is the fashion. The popularity of jeans and the “untidy look seems to be a reaction against the increasingly expensive fashion of the top fashion houses.At the same time, appearance is still important in certain circumstances, and then we must choose our clothes carefully. It would be foolish to go to an interview for a job in a law firm wearing jeans and a sweater and it would be discourteous to visit some distinguished scholar looking as if we were going to the beach or a night club. However, you need never feel depressed if you dont look like the latest fashion photo. Look around, you and youll see that no else does either!1.The author thinks that people are ( ).2.Fashion magazines and TV advertisements seem to link fashion to( ).3.Causes of fashions are( ).4.Present-day society is much freer and easier because it emphasizes( ).5.Which is the main idea of the last paragraph?问题1选项A.satisfied with their appearanceB.concerned about appearance in old ageC.far from neglecting what is in fashionD.reluctant to follow the trends in fashion问题2选项A.confidence in lifeB.personal dressC.individual hair styleD.personal future问题3选项A.uniformB.variedC.unknownD.inexplicable问题4选项A.uniformityB.formalityC.informalityD.individuality问题5选项A.Care about appearance in formal situations.B.Fashion in formal and informal situations.C.Ignoring appearance in informal situations.D.Ignoring appearance in all situations.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由文章第一段中How we look and how we appear to others probably worries us more when we are in our teens or early twenties than at any other time in our life.(当我们十几岁或二十出头的时候,我们的外表和我们对别人的表现可能比我们生命中的任何时候都更让我们担心)排除A、B选项;由第一段中Few of us are content to accept ourselves as we are, and few are brave enough to ignore the trends of fashion.(我们中很少有人满足于接受我们自己的现状,很少有足够的勇气来忽略时尚的趋势)可知C选项“远远没有忽视时尚的东西”正确。第2题:细节事实题。由题干关键字magazines and TV定位到文章第二段中Most fashion magazines or TV advertisements try to persuade us that we should dress in a certain way or behave in a certain manner. If we do, they tell us, we will be able to meet new people with confidence and deal with every situation confidently and without embarrassment. 可知时尚杂志和电视广告把时尚与自信联系在一起,因此选A。第3题:推理判断题。由题干关键字cause定位到文章第三段中Sometimes convenience or practical necessity or just the fancy of an influential person can establish a fashion. 可知造成时尚变化的原因是有很多种,因此选B。第4题:推理判断题。由题干关键字freer and easier定位到文章第五段中Within reason, you can dress as you like or do our hair the way you like or do your hair the way you like instead of the way you should because it is the fashion.(出于某种原因,你可以用你喜欢的方式来装束,也可以用你喜欢的方式,或者用你喜欢的方式对待你的头发,而不是你所应该的方式,因为它是时尚)可知当今社会更尊重个人选择,强调个性,因此选D。第5题:主旨大意题。由文章最后一段第一句At the same time, appearance is still important in certain circumstances, and then we must choose our clothes carefully.(同时,外表在某些情况下仍然很重要,所以我们必须谨慎地选择我们的衣服)以及后面作者的举例,可知在正式场合下需要注意着装,因此选A。16. 单选题Linda was ( )the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.问题1选项A.to startB.to have startedC.to be startingD.to have been starting【答案】B【解析】考查时态。was to表示将来过去时,have done表示本来要做而没有做,根据句意选B。句意:Linda本来在一个月前要做实验的,但她最后改变了主意。17. 单选题Why was the suggestion that she ( )to our party rejected the day before yesterday?问题1选项A.be invitedB.to be invitedC.being invitedD.has been invited【答案】A【解析】考查虚拟语气。在表示“建议、要求、命令、意愿”等意义的名词,后面跟的表语从句中和同位语从句中谓语动词用“(should)+动词原形”的虚拟语气,should可以省略,因此选A。句意:为什么前天她受邀参加我们聚会的建议被拒绝了?18. 单选题Of all the components of a good nights sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and rears, by the late 1970s. neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just mental noise the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep. Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the minds emotional thermostat regulating moods while the brain is off-line And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better, its your dream says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicagos Medical Center. If you dont like it, change it.Evidence from brain imaging supports this view. The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep-when most vivid dreams occur-as it is when fully awake, says Dr, Eric NofZinger at the University of Pittsburgh. But not all parts of the brain are equally involved, the limbic system (the emotional brain) is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet, We wake up from dreams happy of depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day says Stanford sleep researcher Dr. William Dement.The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwrights clinic. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day. Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we dont always think about the emotional significance of the days events-until, it appears, we begin to dream.And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams. As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream, visualize how you would like it to end instead, the next time is occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course. With much practice people can learn to, literally, do it in their sleep.At the end of the day, theres probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping of we wake up in a panic”. Cartwright says Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased peoples anxiety. Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist. For the rest of us, the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings, sleep-or rather dream-on it and youll feel better in the morning.1.Researchers have come to believe that dreams( ).2.By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show( ).3.The negative feelings generated during the day tend to( ).4.Cartwright seems to suggest that( ).5.What advice might Cartwright give to t


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