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2022-2023年考博英语-中南大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Several hundred million years ago, plants similar to modem ferns covered vast stretches of the land. Some were as large as trees, with giant fronds bunched at the top of trunks as straight as pillars. Others were the size of bushes and formed thickets of me undergrowth. Still others lived in the shade of giant club mosses and horsetails along the edges of swampy lagoons where giant amphibians swam.A great number of these plants were true ferns, reproducing themselves without fruits or seeds. Others had only the appearance of ferns. Their leaves had organs of sexual reproduction and produced seeds. Although their “flowers” did not have corollas these false ferns (today completely extinct) ushered in the era of flowering plants. Traces of these flora of the earliest times have been preserved in the form of fossils. Such traces are most commonly found in shale and sandstone rocks wedged between coal beds.Today only tropical forests bear living proof of the ancient greatness of ferns. The species that grow there are no longer those of the Carboniferous period, but their variety and vast numbers, and the great size of some, remind us of the time when ferns ruled the plant kingdom.1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of the plants described in the passage?2.What does the passage mainly discuss?问题1选项A.They once spread over large areas of land.B.They varied greatly in sizeC.They coexisted with amphibians, mosses, and horsetailsD.They clung to tree trunks and bushes for support问题2选项A.Plant reproduction.B.How to locate fossils.C.An ancient form of plant life.D.Tropical plant life.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。由第一段“Several hundred million years ago, plants similar to modem ferns covered vast stretches of the land. Some were as large as trees, with giant fronds bunched at the top of trunks as straight as pillars. Others were the size of bushes and formed thickets of me undergrowth. Still others lived in the shade of giant club mosses and horsetails along the edges of swampy lagoons where giant amphibians swam.几亿年前,类似于现代蕨类植物的植物覆盖了大片土地。有些和树一样大,树干顶端的大叶子像柱子一样直。有的像灌木丛那么大,形成了灌木丛。还有一些生活在巨大的俱乐部苔藓和马尾草的阴影下,沿着巨大的两栖动物游泳的沼泽泻湖的边缘。”可知A项“它们曾经遍布大片土地”;B项“它们的大小差别很大”;C项“它们与两栖动物、苔藓和马尾草共存”都有提及。故D项符合题意。2.主旨大意题。第一段提到的是这类植物的生存环境,和植物体特征;第二段说到繁殖情况,第三段说的是到现在只能通过热带的化石才能寻找到它们以前的生长足迹。因此,文章通篇讲的是这类植物的发展形态。故C项符合题意。2. 单选题If your goals are general, you should ( )them ( )into sub-goals, so that you have a schedule for each sub-goal too.问题1选项A.undertake.forB.minimize.withC.induct. withD.pare.down【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配undertake “承担,从事”;induct “引导;感应”;minimize “使减到最少;极度轻视”;pare down把 消减成 。句意:如果你的目标太笼统,那么你就应该将它们分为子目标,这样你对每个子目标也有相应的计划表。由句意可知D项正确。3. 单选题Even those who disagreed with Carmens views rarely faulted her for expressing them,for the positions she took were as( ) as they were controversial.问题1选项A.complicatedB.thoughtfulC.subjectiveD.commonplace【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。complicated “难懂的,复杂的”;thoughtful “深思的;体贴的”;subjective “主观的;自觉的”;commonplace “平凡的; 普通的”。句意:即使是那些不同意卡门观点的人,也很少指责她的表达,因为卡门所采取的立场如同有争议那样让人深思。由controversial可知,既然该立场有争议,所以引人深思。故B项符合题意。4. 单选题The French and the Americans have a very different relationship to money, ( )and ostentation.问题1选项A.obnoxiousB.obfuscateC.optimumD.opulence【答案】D【解析】考查形近词辨析。 obnoxious讨厌的; obfuscate使模糊; optimum最佳效果; opulence富裕。句意:法国人和美国人在对待金钱,奢华,以及炫富的关系上大不相同。空格处应填入一个和money并列的名词。5. 单选题( ) at a music store was one of Lil Armstrongs first professional jobs as a young pianist when she came to Chicago in 1917.问题1选项A.Demonstration tunesB.Demonstrating tunesC.Demonstrate tunesD.Tunes that demonstrated【答案】B【解析】考查句子结构。句意:Lil Armstrong 1917年来到芝加哥时,作为年轻的钢琴家的第一份专业工作是在音乐商店里演奏曲调。空格处所填单词与后面部分一起构成名词短语做整个句子的主语。C项demonstrate是动词,不能做主语。 A、D两项中tunes是复数,而谓语动词是was,故排除。6. 单选题When he was accused of being a ( ),he retorted he was not a quack.问题1选项A.traitorB.prodigyC.charlatanD.plagiarist【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项traitor“叛徒”;B选项prodigy“奇迹;奇才”;C选项charlatan“骗子”;D选项plagiarist“剽窃者;抄袭者”。句意:当他被指责为 时,他反驳说他不是庸医。后半句“他反驳自己不是庸医”对应前面,应该表示“被指责为骗子”才符合语境,因此C选项正确。7. 单选题Bill Clinton projected an ( )personality in the 1992 campaign, but that was not his only advantage over Bush and an independent candidate, Ross Perot.问题1选项A.informalB.exaggerativeC.affluentD.effervescent【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。informal “非正式的”;exaggerative “夸张的”;affluent “富裕的;流畅的”;effervescent “活跃的”。句意:比尔克林顿(美国前总统)在1992年的竞选中表现出活跃的个性,但这不是他相对于布什和独立候选人罗斯佩罗的唯一优势。只有D项可以形容personality。8. 单选题Mass media as a carrier and avenue of message ( )has more and more important function and force in modem society.问题1选项A.prognosisB.promulgateC.proclamationD.prolongation【答案】C【解析】考查名词和动词词义辨析。prognosis预知;promulgate传播; proclamation宣布;prolongation延伸。句意:大众媒体作为信息发布的载体与渠道,在现代社会中发挥着越来越重要的作用。根据句意可知,C项符合题意。9. 单选题Paleontologists assumptions about the equable nature of the climate on the primeval island of Pangaea are( ) computer simulations indicating that the islands temperatures tended to fluctuate during the course of a year.问题1选项A.undermined byB.bolstered byC.bolstered byD.challenged by【答案】A【解析】考查动词词组辨析。undermined by被推翻。bolster支持,支撑。confirm确认,确定。challenge挑战。句意:古生物学家认定泛大陆早期岛屿的气候是恒定的,而计算机模拟表明岛上的温度整年都处于变化中。这结果推翻了之前的认定。根据句意可知A项符合题意。10. 单选题Paradoxically, Robinsons excessive denials of the worth of early works of science fiction suggest that she has become quite ( )them.问题1选项A.reflective aboutB.skeptical ofC.enamored ofD.offended by【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。reflective反射的;沉思的;become skeptical of开始非常怀疑 ; enamored of迷恋;become offended by 感到被冒犯。句意:自相矛盾的是,罗宾逊对早期科幻作品价值的过度否认表明她已经开始非常怀疑它们。由Paradoxically和Robinsons excessive denials of the worth of early works of science fiction suggest that可知B符合语境。11. 单选题The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and ( )such illnesses.问题1选项A.disguiseB.impedeC.consummateD.precipitate【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。disguise 掩饰;隐瞒;impede 阻碍;阻止;consummate 完成;作成;使达到极点;precipitate 使沉淀;促成;猛抛;使陷入。句意:新生物精神病学没有否定心理因素的帮助作用可能充当现存生理状况的一种催化剂,从而加速这样的疾病。由 may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions可推断D符合题意。12. 翻译题Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.Once the monologue begins, the Knowledgeable One drones on and on. The Knowledgeable One is a fact person.(1)She may be the history prof who knows the death toll of every Civil War battle, the biology prof who can diagram all the common biological molecules, the accounting prof who enumerates every clause of the federal tax form. Oblivious to students tired eyes and stifled yawns, the Knowledgeable One delivers her monologue, dispensing one dry fact after another.(2)The only advantage to being on the receiving end of this boring monologue is that students do not have to worry about being called on to question a point or provide an opinion; the Knowledgeable One is not willing to give up one minute of her time by giving students a voice. Assume for one moment that student actually manages to stay awake during the monologue and is brave enough to ask a question. In such a case, the Knowledgeable One will address the questioning student as “Mr.” or “Miss.” (3)This formality does not, as some students mistakenly suppose, indicate respect for the student as a fledgling member of the academic community.Not at all. This impersonality represents the Knowledgeable Ones desire to keep as wide a distance as possible between her and her students.The Knowledgeable Ones monologue always comes to a close at the precise second the class is scheduled to end.(4)No sooner has she delivered her last forgettable word than the Knowledgeable One packs up her notes and shoots out the door, heading back to the privacy of her office, where she can pursue her specialized academic interest- free of any possible interruption from students. The Knowledgeable Ones hasty departure from the lecture hall makes it clear she has no desire to talk with students. (5)In her eyes, she has met her obligations, she has taken time away from her research to transmit to students what she know. Any closer contact might mean she would risk contagion from students, that great unwashed mass. Such a danger is to be avoided at all costs.【答案】1.她可能是一位历史教授,知道每一场内战的死亡人数;她可能是一位生物学教授,能够绘制出所有常见生物分子的图表;也可能是能够列举联邦税表每一项条款的会计学教授。2.成为这段无聊独白的接受者的唯一好处是,学生们不必担心被要求提出问题或发表意见;知识渊博的人不愿意放弃哪怕一分钟时间来为学生发声。3.这种形式并不像一些学生错误地认为的那样,表明了对学生作为学术界新生成员的尊重。4.她刚说出最后一个容易被遗忘的单词,知识渊博的那位就收拾好笔记,冲出门去,回到自己的私人办公室,在那里她可以追求自己的专业学术兴趣没有任何学生可能的打扰。5.在她看来,她已经履行了她的义务,她从她的研究中抽出时间把她所知道的传授给学生。13. 单选题One of the first ( )of reduced burning in Amazon rain forests was the chestnut industry: smoke tends to drive out the insect that, by pollinating chestnut tree, allow chestnuts to develop.问题1选项A.reformersB.casualtiesC.criticsD.beneficiaries【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。reformer改革家,改良者;casualty 伤亡人员; critics评论家;beneficiaries受益人。句意:在亚马逊雨林中减少焚烧的直接受益者之一是栗子工业:通过给栗树授粉,使栗子发育的昆虫往往会被烟雾赶走。根据冒号后的内容可判断空格处应填一个正面的积极词汇,故D项正确。14. 写作题Write an essay of about 250 to 300 words on the topic “Love and Being Loved according to the instructions given below.爱和被爱是人际社会关系最重要的一对因子。爱是付出,它是奉献;被爱是接受,它是幸福;但它们又是相互置换。请你围绕这一命题,结合事例谈谈你对它们的认识和看法。【答案】略15. 单选题The origin of the theory that major geologic events may occur at regular intervals can be traced back not to a study of volcanism or plate tectonics but to an investigation of marine extinctions. In the early 1980s,scientists began to look closely at the question of how these extinctions occur. Two paleontologists, Raup and Sepkoski, compiled a master list of marine species that died out during the past 268 million years and noted that there were brief periods during which many species disappeared at once. There mass extinctions occurred at surprisingly regular intervals.Later studies revealed that extinctions of terrestrial reptiles and mammals also occurred periodically. These findings, combined with the research of Raup and Sepkoski, led scientists to hypothesize the existence of some kind of cyclically recurring force powerful enough to affect living things profoundly. Speculation that so powerful a force might affect geologic events as well led geologists to search for evidence of periodicity in episodes of volcanism,seafloor spreading, and plate movement.1.The author of the passage would most likely describe the findings of Raup and Sepkoski as ( ).2.The author of the passage is primarily concerned with( ).3.According to the passage, Raup and Sepkoskis research was concerned with( ).问题1选项A.Plausible, because the findings supported the theories of previous researchers.B.Significant, because the findings were an impetus for subsequent research.C.Controversial, because the findings contradicted the theories of previous researchers.D.Questionable, because the authors were not working in their field of expertise问题2选项A.Determining the dates of various geologic eventsB.Defending the conclusions reached by Raup and SepkoskiC.Establishing a link between the disciplines of paleontology and geologyD.Explaining how a theory concerning geologic events was formulated.问题3选项A.Learning more about the habitats of marine species.B.Studying plate tectonics and the occurrence of volcanism over the past 268 million yearsC.Examining extinctions of marine species over the past 268 million yearsD.Confirming previous evidence suggesting that extinction of terrestrial species occurred regularly【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。由“Two paleontologists, Raup and Sepkoski, compiled a master list of marine species that died out during the past 268 million years and noted that there were brief periods during which many species disappeared at once.两位古生物学家,Raup和Sepkoski,编制了一份在过去2.68亿年间灭绝的海洋物种的总清单,并指出,有一段短暂的时期,许多物种同时消失。”这种发现为后面研究带来了巨大的影响。B项“意义重大,因为这些发现是后续研究的推动力。”相符。2.推理判断题。由第一段第一句话“The origin of the theory that major geologic events may occur at regular intervals can be traced back not to a study of volcanism or plate tectonics. 认为重大地质事件可能定期发生这一理论的起源可以追溯到火山活动或板块构造研究。” 可以看出全文主要是讲述板块理论如何形成的。3.细节事实题。第一段“Raup and Sepkoski, compiled a master list of marine species that died out during the past 268 million years and noted that there were brief periods during which many species disappeared at once. 普和塞普科斯基编撰了一份过去2.68亿年间灭绝的海洋物种的总名单,并指出,有一段短暂的时期,许多物种同时消失。”可知他们主要是证明之前的生物灭绝是突然发生的还是具有周期性的结果。C项符合题意。16. 单选题The attorney was an intelligent debater; he ( )the cross-questioning of the Supreme Court Judge on the case issue inquiry.问题1选项A.relishedB.estimatedC.interruptedD.dreaded【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。relished 玩赏,品味;estimated 评估,判断; interrupted 中止,打断;dreaded 恐惧,担心。句意:律师是一个非常有智慧的辩论者。他打断了最高法院法官关于案件调查的盘问。C项符合句意。17. 单选题Our biological uniqueness requires that the effects of a substance must be verified by ( )experiments, even after thousands of tests of the effects of that substance on animals.问题1选项A.evolutionaryB.humanC.randomD.replicated【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。evolutionary进化的,发展的;human人类的;random任意的,胡乱的;replicated重复的。句意:我们生物的唯一性要求一种物质的效用必须被人类实验所证明,甚至是在经过对该物质在动物身上千万次的试验以后。根据句意可知B项符合题意。18. 单选题A little more than a century ago, Michael Faraday, the noted British physicist, managed to gain audience with a group of high government officials, to demonstrate an electrochemical principle, in the hope of gaining support for his work.After observing the demonstration closely, one of the officials remarked bluntly “Its a fascinating demonstration, young man, but just what practical application will come of this?”“I dont know,” replied Faraday, “but I do know that 100 years from now youll be taxing them”.From the demonstration of a principle to the marketing of products derived from that principle is often a long, involved series of steps. The speed and effectiveness with which these steps are taken are closely related to the history of management, the art of getting things done. Just as management applies to the wonders that have evolved from Faraday and other inventors, so it applied some 4,000 years ago to the workings of the great Egyptian and Mesopotamian import and export firms, to Hannibals remarkable feat of crossing the Alps in 218 B.C, with 90,000 foot soldiers, 12,000 horsemen and a “conveyor belt” of 40 elephants or to the early Christian Church, with its world-shaking concepts of individual freedom and equality.These ancient innovators were deeply involved in the problems of authority, division of labor, discipline, unity of command, clarity of direction and the other basic factors that are so meaningful to management today. But the real impetus to management as an emerginprofession was the Industrial Revolution. Originating in 18th-century England, it was triggered by a series of classic inventions and new processes; among them John Kays Flying Shuttle in 1733, James Hargreaves Spinning Jenny in 1770, Samuel Cromptons Mule Spinner in 1779 and Edmund Cartwrights Power Loom in 1785.1.The anecdote about Michael Faraday indicates that ( ).2.According to the passage, management is defined as( ).3.In the passage we can see that management came into its own( ).问题1选项A.politicians tax everythingB.people are skeptical about the value of pure researchC.taxes are uppermost in scientists mindsD.he was rejected by his government问题2选项A.accomplishing wondersB.the creator of the Industrial RevolutionC.the art of getting things doneD.supervising subordinates问题3选项A.in the Egyptian and Mesopotamian import and export firmsB.in the development of the early Christian ChurchC.at the time of Michael FaradayD.in the eighteenth century【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D【解析】1.判断推理题。定位到第二段中 “Its a fascinating demonstration, young man, but just what practical application will come of this? 年轻人,这是一个令人着迷的演示,但它究竟会产生什么实际应用呢?”可知B项“人们对纯研究的价值持怀疑态度”正确。2.判断推理题。定位第四段中 “The speed and effectiveness with which these steps are taken are closely related to the history of management, the art of getting things done. 采取这些步骤的速度和效率与管理的历史即完成工作的艺术密切相关。”可知C项“完成工作的艺术”正确。3.细节事实题。定位到最后一段中 “Originating in 18th-century England, it was triggered by a series of classic inventions and new processes它起源于18世纪的英国,由一系列经典的发明和新工艺引发。”可知D项正确。19. 单选题It is so mild and moist as I saunter along by the wall east of the Hill that I remember, or anticipate, one of those warm(1) in the spring, when the earth is just laid bare, the wind is south, and the cladonia lichens are(2) and lusty with moisture, your foot sinking into them and pressing the water out as from a sponge, and the(3)places also are drinking it in. You wander(4) in a beaded coat, wet to the skin of your legs, sit on moss-clad rocks and stumps, and hear the(5)of migrating sparrows flitting amid the shrub oaks, sit long at a time, still, and have your thoughts. A rain which is as serene as fair(6) , suggesting fairer weather than was ever seen. You could hug the clods that(7) you. You feel the fertilizing influence of the rain in your mid. The part of you that is wettest is fullest of life, (8) the lichens. You discover evidences of immortality not known to(9) .You cease to die. You detect some buds and sprouts of life. Every(10)in the old rye-field is on virgin soil.And then the rain comes thicker and faster than before, thawing the(11) frost in the ground, detaining the migrating bird, and turn your back to it, full of serene, contented(12) , soothed by the steady dropping on the withered leaves, more at home for being abroad, more comfortable for being wet, sinking at each step (13)into the thawing earth, gladly(14)the gray rotting ice. The dullest sounds seem sweetly modulated by the air. You leave your tracks(15) spring rye, scaring the fox-colored sparrows along the woodsides. You cannot go home yet; you stay and sit in the rain. You(16) along the distant woodsides, full of joy and expectation, seeing(17)beauty, hearing nothing but music, as free as the(18)sparrow, seeing far ahead, a courageous(19) ,a great philosopher, not indebted to any academy or college for this(20),but chiefly to the April rain, which descend on all alike.问题1选项A.showersB.pitfallsC.blizzardsD.rainstorms问题2选项A.swollenB.springeC.windedD.swabbed问题3选项A.sunnyB.saggyC.sandyD.faddy问题4选项A.absolutelyB.indefinitelyC.consequentlyD.magnificently问题5选项A.vibrationB.murmuringC.uproarD.lisping问题6选项A.skyB.weatherC.moistureD.climates问题7选项A.defileB.deveinedC.doxasticD.granulate问题8选项A.simulate toB.dislike toC.likeD.likewise问题9选项A.snobbismB.stealsC.geniusD.divines问题10选项A.stepB.pressC.cornerstoneD.episode问题11选项A.restrainingB.upstandingC.demandingD.remaining问题12选项A.believeB.thoughtC.entrustD.perception问题13选项A.deepB.hoveringC.shadowD.paraffined问题14选项A.disturbed inB.breaking upC.interruptionD.breaking through问题15选项A.perspectiveB.in respects ofC.in fields ofD.aspects of问题16选项A.glideB.slide


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