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2022年考博英语-山西大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题Theres a whole( )of bills waiting to be paid.问题1选项A.stockB.stackC.numberD.sequence【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。4个选项都有“大量”的意思。A选项stock“储备物;备用物;供应物”,指储存以后拿来用的物品,a stock of“一批,大量储备”;B选项stack“大量;许多;一大堆”,指数量很多的物品,a stack of“一堆,一摞”;C选项number“大量”,a number of“一些,许多”,搭配可数名词复数形式;D选项sequence“序列,顺序”,指有先后顺序和连贯的事物,a sequence of“一系列,一连串”。句意:有一大堆的账单等着你去付。There is 是单数形式,结合语境中一大堆的账单和词组用法,a stack of“一堆”和bills“账单搭配”。因此B选项正确。2. 单选题When you win, your errors are( ); when you lose, your errors are magnified.问题1选项A.expandedB.obscuredC.cultivatedD.exaggerated【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项expanded “扩充的,展开的”;B选项obscured “遮蔽的,湮没的”;C选项cultivated “有教养的;栽培的,培植的”;D选项exaggerated “夸张的,言过其实的”。本句表示“当你胜利时,你的错误会被( );当你失败时,你的错误会被放大。”根据句意可知空格处应填magnified(放大的)的反义词,因此B选项正确。3. 单选题Its in your best( )to quit smoking, for you have some breathing problems.问题1选项A.sakeB.benefitC.advantageD.interest【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:戒烟对你最有利,因为你有一些呼吸问题。be in sbs (best) interest (s) (to do sth)=be the best thing for someone,因此D选项正确。4. 单选题Despite the suspects( )to be innocent, there is compelling evidence that he was involved.问题1选项A.assertionB.convictionC.speculationD.accusation【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项assertion“断言;主张;认定”;B选项conviction“定罪;确信;坚定的信仰”;C选项speculation“投机;推测;思索”;D选项accusation“控告;谴责”。句意:尽管嫌疑犯( )自己无辜,但他参与了此事证据确凿。根据语境,嫌疑犯assertion“断言;主张;认定”自己无辜比较合理。因此A选项正确。5. 翻译题FROM ENGLISH TO CHINESEHappiness is sometimes seen as a state of mind. But this is not how Aristotle regards it. “Well-being”, as we usually translate his term for happiness, is what we might call a state of soul, which for him involves not just an interior condition of being, but a disposition to behave in certain ways. As Ludwig Wittgenstein once remarked, the best image of the soul is the body. If you want to observe someones spirit, look at what they do. Happiness for Aristotle is attained by virtue, and virtue is above all a social practice rather than an attitude of mind. Happiness is part of a practical way of life, not some private inner contentment.【答案】幸福有时被视为一种精神状态。但亚里士多德不这样认为。“幸福”,正如我们通常解释这个术语,我们可以看作为灵魂状态。对他来说,这不仅是个人存在的内在条件,也是一种特定的行为方式。路德维希维特根斯坦曾说过,人的身体是灵魂的最好图画。如果你想了解某人的“灵魂”,看看他们做了什么。对亚里士多德来说,幸福是通过美德实现的。美德首先是一种社会实践,而不是一种心灵态度。幸福是实际的生活方式的一部分,不是某种私密的内在满足。6. 单选题The rehabilitation center admits patients who have difficulties to get rid of( )drinking.问题1选项A.compulsoryB.compulsiveC.conditionalD.compelling【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项compulsory“强制的,规定的,义务的”;B选项compulsive“难以制止的;难控制的”;C选项conditional“附带条件的;依而定的”;D选项compelling“非常强烈的;不可抗拒的”。句意:这个康复中心接纳那些难以戒酒的病人。结合语境与选项,酒瘾为难以制止的,可知compulsive与其意思对应。因此B选项正确。7. 单选题Into her nineties, her thinking( )acute and her character forceful.问题1选项A.remainedB.retainedC.maintainedD.contained【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项remained “保持”;B选项retained “保存”;C选项maintained “维护”;D选项contained “包含”。句意:虽已年届九旬,她( )头脑敏锐,个性很强。题干的意思是虽然她年纪很大了,但还是保持清晰的头脑,因此A选项正确。8. 翻译题美国有五分之四的人在工作中感受到压力。是什么原因引起的工作压力呢?许多人认为不公平或不切实际的工作量是其中一个主要原因。这种工作量常常会导致个人生活和职业生活失衡。另一个原因是缺乏工作安全感。如果你不停地担心下周是否还能有工作,压力就会进入并占领你的生活。如果你还需要养家、养孩子,情况就更会如此。【答案】Four out of five Americans feel pressure at work. What causes work pressure?Many people believe that unfair or unrealistic workloads are one of the main reasons. This kind of workload often leads to an imbalance between personal and professional lives. Another reason is lack of job security. If you are constantly worrying about whether you will have a job next week, stress will enter and take over your life. This is especially true if you still need to support your family and children.9. 单选题In English learning, a( )circle occurs when a student makes more errors after being scolded.问题1选项A.vigorousB.viciousC.voluntaryD.vertical【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项vigorous“精力充沛的,有力的”;B选项vicious“恶劣的,严重的”;C选项voluntary“志愿的;自发的”;D选项vertical“垂直的;直上的”。句意:在英语学习中,如果学生挨骂后犯错更多,就会形成( )循环。根据语境,vicious“恶劣的,严重的”搭配circle“循环”比较合理,翻译成恶性循环。因此B选项正确。10. 单选题At short notice rescue troops were sent to help the vehicles( )the deep snow.问题1选项A.soaked withB.stuck inC.intended forD.connected to【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项soaked with“用浸泡,使浸透”;B选项stuck in“陷入,插入”;C选项intended for“用来”;D选项connected to“连接”。句意:刚接到通知,救援部队就立马被派去帮助这些深深( )在雪里的车辆。根据语境,车辆stuck in“陷入”雪中比较合理。因此B选项正确。11. 单选题Once upon a time, people believed staying a healthy weight was easy. To lose weight you simply had to practice the reverse of home economicsspend more than you earned. Unfortunately for many, but perhaps not surprisingly, it turns out that people are rather more complicated than bank accounts.To stay a healthy weight, you need a hormone called lepton to work properly. It sends “Im full” messages from the fat cells up to the brain, where they go, among other places, to the same pleasure centers that respond to drugs like cocaine. Fat people produce plenty of lepton, but the brain doesnt seem to respond to it properly. Last year researchers at the Oregon Research Institute scanned the brains of overweight people and found their reward circuit(线路)were underactive. They were eating more to try to get the enjoyment they were missing.Theres a lot of evidence for the fact that most, if not all, of us have a set point around which our weight can vary by about seven to nine kilos, but anything beyond that is a real struggle. Making changes is hard, particularly if your body is working against you. So why not reject the traditional approaches and try some new method, based on the latest research, that work with your body rather than against it.Several years ago researchers at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore reported that when they gave rats very little food one day and allowed them to eat plenty the next, they showed virtually all the benefits of a permanent calorie restriction diet. The same goes for humans, according to Dr. James Johnson.How does it work? Besides forcing the body to burn fat, it may also cause hormonal changes. Most people say that the diet takes a bit of getting used to, but is not as grinding as trying to cut back on an everyday basis.Older dieters may remember something called brown fat. Unlike the undesirable white stuff; this was a dieters dream. Instead of storing excess energy as fat, brown-fat tissue burned it off to keep you warmat least in mice. Brown fat fell out of favor because researchers couldnt find much in humans but now, thanks to the New England journal of Medicine, its back in fashion. The idea is to expose people to cold temperatures. They then make more brown fat and their weight drops.1.The last sentence in paragraph 1 indicates that peoples understanding of losing weight( ).2.According to the findings of the Oregon Research Institute,( ).3.The method used by the National Institute on Aging can be summarized as “( )”.4.The word “grinding” in the paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to( ).5.It can be learned that brown fat( ).问题1选项A.is unnecessarily complicatedB.seems rather unreasonableC.used to be limitedD.can be partly justified问题2选项A.Overweight people got less pleasure from eating the same amountB.Overweight people enjoyed eating more than the others doC.People will become overweight if they eat more than they needD.People are more likely to be overweight if they produce less lepton问题3选项A.No diet at allB.Diet on a daily basisC.Diet every other dayD.Diet permanently问题4选项A.EffectiveB.RealisticC.UnreliableD.Miserable问题5选项A.converts excess energy into fatB.accumulates easily in human bodiesC.works better in warm temperaturesD.burns extra energy to produce heat【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。第一段说到“Once upon a time, people believed staying a healthy weight was easy.(从前,人们认为保持健康的体重很容易。)”;“Unfortunately for many, but perhaps not surprisingly, it turns out that people are rather more complicated than bank accounts.(不幸的是,对许多人来说,事实证明人比银行账户复杂得多,但这也许并不令人意外。)”,由这两句可以看出以前人们对减肥的概念很片面、有限,殊不知人体机能是很复杂的,所以最后一句话表明了人们对减肥的理解是很有限的,A选项“复杂难懂的”;B选项“似乎是相当不合理的”;D选项“部分可以被证明的”都不符合段意,因此C选项“过去是有限的”正确。2.事实细节题。the Oregon Research Institute的研究出现在第二段,原文“Last year researchers at the Oregon Research Institute scanned the brains of overweight people and found their reward circuit(线路) were underactive. They were eating more to try to get the enjoyment they were missing.(去年俄勒冈州研究所研究人员扫描超重的人,发现他们的大脑奖赏回路(线路)是不够的。他们吃得更多,试图获得他们错过的乐趣。)”的意思是胖的人和其他人吃同等数量的食物时,他们获得的乐趣会比其他人少,因为他们大脑中的奖赏回路不如其他人,因此会吃更多来试图获得乐趣。B选项“超重的人比其他人吃得更多”;C选项“如果人们吃得比需要的多,他们就会超重”;D选项“如果产生的瘦素较少,人们更有可能超重”都不是该研究的内容,因此A选项“超重的人在吃同样数量的食物时得到的快乐较少”正确。3.推理判断题。the National Institute on Aging的研究出现在第四段,原文说到“when they gave rats very little food one day and allowed them to eat plenty the next, they showed virtually all the benefits of a permanent calorie restriction diet.(当他们一天给老鼠很少的食物,第二天让它们吃大量的食物时,它们几乎显示出了长期限制卡路里饮食的所有好处。)”。所以这个方法可以总结为隔天节食。A选项“不节食”不正确;B选项“日常节食” 也不正确;D选项“永久性节食”也不是该研究的内容,因此C选项“隔天节食”正确。4.词义猜测题。第五段“but is not as grinding as trying to cut back on an everyday basis.(但并不像每天尝试节食那么痛苦。)”。grinding的意思是“无休止的;(状态)难熬的”,A选项Effective“有效的,实际的”;B选项Realistic“现实的,逼真的”;C选项Unreliable“不可靠的,靠不住的”;D选项Miserable“痛苦的,悲惨的”。因此D选项正确。5.事实细节题。brown fat出现在文章第六段。“Instead of storing excess energy as fat, brown-fat tissue burned it off to keep you warmat least in mice.(棕色脂肪组织并没有以脂肪的形式储存多余的能量,而是通过燃烧来保持体温至少在老鼠身上是这样的。)”,该句说明棕色脂肪燃烧多余的能量来产生热量。A选项“把多余的能量转化成脂肪”;B选项“容易在人体内积聚”;C选项“在温暖的温度下工作效果更好”都与原文事实不符,因此D选项“燃烧额外的能量产生热量”正确。12. 翻译题Quitting smoking is more of a matter of willpower than of individual choice, for smoking is widely recognized as addictive. Although counseling and medication can increase the odds that a smoker quits permanently, the best way to avoid dilemmas is never to take up smoking to begin with.The irreversible effects of cigarette smoking vary in intensity and are related both to the amount and duration of exposure and the age at which the person is initially exposed. This report challenges the notion that a few years of exposure to smoking will have no lasting harmful consequences. We hope to discourage this prevalent but vital habit and suggest that tobacco-related health effects decline substantially as time away from smoking increases.【答案】人们普遍认为吸烟成瘾,与其说戒烟是个人选择的问题,不如说是意志力的问题。虽然就医和药物治疗能增加永久戒烟的概率,但避免进退两难的最好办法是一开始就不吸烟。吸烟带来不可逆的影响程度不同,且与烟瘾和烟龄有关,也与最初接触烟的年龄有关。本报告挑战的是一种观点,即几年的吸烟史不会产生长期的不良后果。我们希望劝说人们不要染上这一常见而致命的习惯,并指出随着戒烟时间的增加,烟草对健康产生的影响就会大幅度减少。13. 单选题Do your children worry that they might feel pressure to( )your heros image?问题1选项A.catch up withB.add up toC.come up withD.live up to【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项catch up with“赶上;逮捕;处罚”;B选项add up to“总计达”;C选项come up with“提出;想出;设法拿出(所需钱款)”;D选项live up to“符合;做到”。句意:你的孩子是否担心他们会对( )你心目中英雄的形象感到压力?根据语境,live up to“符合;做到”搭配heros image“英雄形象”比较合理。因此D选项正确。14. 单选题It is obvious that,( )self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is harmful.问题1选项A.whileB.asC.whenD.since【答案】A【解析】考查连词辨析。A选项while用作连词时,译为“当时候,和同时;虽然,尽管”;B选项as表原因;C选项when表时间;D选项since表原因。题干的意思是“很明显,虽然自我意识是一种健康的品质,( )过度的自我意识是有害的。”所以空格处应填while表转折。因此A选项正确。15. 单选题The more women and minorities make their way into the ranks of management, the more they seem to want to talk about things formerly judged to be best left unsaid. The newcomers also tend to see office matters with a fresh eye, in the process sometimes coming up with critical analyses of the forces that shape everyones experience in the organization.Consider the novel views of Harvey Coleman of Atlanta on the subject of getting ahead. Coleman is black. He spent 11 years with IBM, half of them working in management development, and now serves as a consultant to the likes of AT&T, Coca Cola, Prudential, and Merch. Coleman says that based on what hes seen at big companies, he weighs the different elements that make for long-term career success as follows: performance counts a mere 10%, image, 30%; and exposure, a full 60%. Coleman concludes that excellent job performance is so common these days that while doing your work well may win you pay increases, it wont secure you the big promotion. He finds that advancement more often depends on how many people know you and your work, and how high up they are.Ridiculous beliefs? Not to many people, especially many women and members of minority races who, like Coleman, feel that the scales (障眼物) have dropped from their eyes. “Women and blacks in organizations work under false beliefs,” says Kaleel Jamison, a New York based management consultant who helps corporations deal with these issues. “They think that if you work hard, youll get aheadthat someone in authority will reach down and give you a promotion.” She adds, “Most women and blacks are so frightened that people will think theyve gotten ahead because of their sex or color that they play down (使不突出) their visibility.” Her advice to those folks: learn the ways that white males have traditionally used to find their way into the spotlight.1.According to the passage, “things formerly judged to be best left unsaid” (Line 2, Para.1) probably refers to “( )”.2.To achieve success in your career, the most important factor, according to the passage, is to( ).3.The reason why women and blacks play down their visibility is that they( ).4.The author is of the opinion that Colemans beliefs are( ).5.The best title for this passage would be( ).问题1选项A.criticisms that shape everyones experienceB.the opinions which contradict the established beliefsC.the tendencies that help the newcomers to see office matters with a fresh eyeD.the ideas which usually come up with usually come up with new ways of management in the organization问题2选项A.let your superiors know how good you areB.project a favorable image to the people around youC.work as a consultant to your superiorsD.perform well your tasks given by your superiors问题3选项A.know that someone in authority will reach down and give them a promotionB.want to give people the impression that they work under false beliefsC.dont want people to think that their promotions were due to sex or colorD.believe they can get promoted by reason of their sex or color问题4选项A.biasedB.popularC.insightfulD.superficial问题5选项A.Role of Women and Minorities in ManagementB.The Importance of Being VisibleC.Job Performance and AdvancementD.Sex and Career Success【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.语义推测题。根据第一段The more women and minorities make their way into the ranks of management, the more they seem to want to talk about things formerly judged to be best left unsaid. The newcomers also tend to see office matters with a fresh eye, in the process sometimes coming up with critical analyses of the forces that shape everyones experience in the organization. (进入管理层的女性和少数族裔越多,她们似乎就越想谈论以前认为最好不要说的事情。新人往往用新奇的眼光来看待公司的事务,在这过程中,时而会伴随一些压力批判的分析,这些压力塑造了每个员工的阅历。)。A选项“形成每个人阅历的批判”:形成每个人阅历的批判更针对新人来说。C选项“帮助新人以新眼光看待办公室事务的倾向”:帮助新人在文中没有提到。D选项“这些想法通常会产生新的组织管理方式”:因为这些想法会带来新的管理方式文中也没有提到。B选项“与既定信念相矛盾的观点”:以前认为最好不说的肯定是不被群体所接受的观念,符合生活实际,分析加排除法确定答案。因此B选项正确。2.语义推测题。根据第二段第四句the different elements that make for long-term career success as follows: performance counts a mere 10%, image, 30%; and exposure, a full 60%(对促成长期职业成功的不同因素进行了如下权衡:业绩仅占10%,形象占30%;而曝光率高达60%),以及第六句advancement more often depends on how many people know you and your work, and how high up they are(晋升往往取决于有多少人了解你和你的工作,以及他们的职位高低),可知在事业成功上,在比自己职位高的人面前的曝光率最重要,故A选项“让你上司知道你有多优秀”正确,业绩和形象不是最重要的,故B选项“在周围的人面前树立良好形象”和D选项“出色完成上级交代的任务”错误。C选项“做上级的顾问”:根据第三段第三句,Kaleel Jamison是一名管理顾问,但不意味着要通过做上级的顾问来取得事业成功。因此A选项正确。3.细节推断题。根据第三段第五句Most women and blacks are so frightened that people will think theyve gotten ahead because of their sex or color(大多数女性和黑人非常害怕人们会认为他们升职是因为他们的性别或肤色),可知C选项“不希望人们认为他们晋升是因为性别或肤色”正确,D选项“相信他们可以因性别或肤色而晋升”错误。A选项“知道会有上级向下视察,给他们升职”和B选项“想给人一种他们在错误信念下工作的印象”文章没有提到。因此C选项正确。4.语义推测题。根据第二段第二句Coleman is black (科尔曼是黑人)和第三段第二句Not to many people, especially many women and members of minority races who, like Coleman, feel that the scales have dropped from their eyes(不是很多人,特别是很多女性和少数种族,如科尔曼,觉得障碍已经从他们的眼中消除),作者认为不是很多人能够发现这一点,特别是少数种族,也就是黑人,而作为一位黑人,科尔曼能够发现,可见作者非常欣赏科尔曼,认为他很有洞察力,故C选项“有洞察力的”正确。A选项“有偏见的”,B选项“受欢迎的”和D选项“肤浅的”不符合题意。因此C选项正确。5.主旨大意题。根据第三段最后一句Her advice to those folks: learn the ways that white males have traditionally used to find their way into the spotlight.(她对这些人的建议是:学习白人男性传统上寻求进入聚光灯下的方式。),结合文章对于被看见的重要性的数据和例子,可知文章主旨在讨论被上级看见在工作中的重要性,故B选项“被看见的重要性”正确。A选项“女性和少数族裔在管理中的作用”:没有提到女性和少数族裔在管理中如何发挥作用。C选项“工作表现与晋升”:工作表现与晋升的关系只是文章内容之一。D选项“性别与事业成功”:性别与事业只有提到一点。因此B选项正确。16. 单选题We spent an hour( )with the crowds as we did our shopping.问题1选项A.purlingB.cobblingC.jostlingD.tapping【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项purling“用反针编织;用金银丝绣”;B选项cobbling“修,拙劣地修补;草率地拼凑,粗制滥造;铺鹅卵石,用圆石铺面”;C选项jostling“推搡,推挤;争夺”;D选项tapping“轻敲,打拍子,窃听”。句意:在购物时我们一个小时( )在人群中。jostling“推搡”和the crowds搭配,符合购物时拥挤的生活场景。因此C选项正确。17. 单选题Many countries have made it illegal to talk into a hand-held mobile phone while driving. But the latest research provides further confirmation that the danger lies less in what a motorists hands do when he takes a call than in what the conversation does to his brain. Even using a “hands-free” device can impair a drivers attention to an alarming extent.Melina Kunar of the University of Warwick and Todd Horowitz of the Harvard Medical School ran a series of experiments in which two groups of volunteers had to pay attention and respond to a series of moving tasks on a computer screen that were reckoned equivalent in difficulty to driving. One group was left undistracted while the other had to engage in a conversation about their hobbies using a speakerphone. As Dr. Kunar and Dr. Horowitz report in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, those who were making the equivalent of a hands-free call had an average reaction time 212 milliseconds slower than those who were not. That, they calculate, would add 5.7 meters to the braking distance of a car traveling at 100kph. They found that the group using the hands-free kit made 83 percent more errors in their tasks than those who were not talking.Dr. Kunar and Dr. Horowitz also explored the effect of simply listening to somethingsuch as a radio programme. For this they played a recording of the first chapter of Bram Stokers “Dracula.” Even though the test subjects were told to pay attention because they would be asked questions about the story afterwards, it had little effect on their reaction time. The research led by Frank Drews of the University of Utah suggests the same thing is true of the idle chatter of a passenger. Dr. Kunar reckons that having to think about responses during a phone conversation competes for the brains resources in a way that listening to a monologue does not.Punishing people for using hand-held gadgets while driving is difficult enough, even though they can be seen from outside the car. Stopping people making hands-free calls would probably be impossibleespecially because more and more vehicles are now being fitted with the necessary equipment as standard. Persuading people to switch their phones off altogether when they get behind the wheel might be the only answer. Who knows, they might even come to enjoy not having to take calls. And theyll be more likely to arrive in one piece.1.In Kunar and Horowitzs experiments, the subjects who performed tasks while talking( ).2.According to Frank Drews, listening to a passenger talking( ).3.According to the last paragraph, the law forbidding the use of hand-held phones when driving ( ).4.The best hope of stopping people from using hands-fre


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