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2022年考博英语-中国社会科学院考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题The study concludes: “Certain forms of high self-esteem seem to increase ones proneness to violence. An uncritical endorsement of the cultural value of self-esteem may therefore be counterproductive and even dangerous.”问题1选项A.dispositionB.resistanceC.apprehensionD.likeness【答案】A【解析】句意:某种形式的高自尊似乎会增加一个人对暴力的。A选项disposition“处置;倾向”;B选项resistance“阻力;抵抗力”;C选项apprehension“理解;恐惧;逮捕”;D选项likeness“相似”。结合句意分析选项可知A选项“倾向”更符合题意。2. 单选题Although it rules that these is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of “double effect, a ( ) moral principle holding that an action having two effectsa good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseenis permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.问题1选项A.centurys oldB.century oldC.centuriess oldD.centuries-old【答案】A【解析】考查名词所有格。空格后有名词principle,因此空格处为定语。名词不能直接修饰名词,需要加上名词所有格形式,century加上s,可表示“长达一个世纪的”,前面的冠词a决定century为单数。因此A选项符合题意。3. 单选题In the 1960s and 70s of the last unlamented century, there was a New York television producer named David Susskind. He was commercially successful; he was also, surprisingly, a man of strong political views which he knew how to present so tactfully that networks were often unaware of just what he was getting away with on theirourair. Politically, he liked to get strong-minded guests to sit with him at a round table in a ratty building at the corner of Broadway and 42nd Street. Sooner or later, just about everyone of interest appeared on his program. Needless to say, he also had time for Vivien Leigh to discuss her recent divorce from Laurence Olivier, which summoned forth the mysterious cry from the former Scarlett OHara, “I am deeply sorry for any woman who was not married to Larry Olivier.” Since this took in several billion ladies (not to mention those gentlemen who might have offered to fill, as it were, the breach), Leigh caused a proper stir, as did the ballerina Alicia Markova, who gently assured us that “a Markova comes only once every hundred years or so.”I suspect it was the dim lighting on the set that invited such naked truths. David watched his pennies. I dont recall how, or when, we began our “States of the Union” programs. But we did them year after year. I would follow whoever happened to be president, and Id correct his “real” State of the Union with one of my own, improvising from questions that David would prepare. I was a political pundit because in a 1960 race for the House of Representatives (upstate New York), I got more votes than the head of the ticket, JFK; in 1962, I turned down the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate on the sensible ground that it was not winnable; I also had a pretty good memory in those days, now a-jangle with warning bells as I try to recall the national debt or, more poignantly, where I last saw my glasses.Ive just come across my “State of the Union” as of 1972. In 1972, I begin: “According to the polls, our second principal concern today is the breakdown of law and order.” (What, I wonder, was the first? Lets hope it was the pointless, seven-yearat that pointwar in Southeast Asia.) I noted that to those die-hard conservatives, “law and order” is usually a code phrase meaning “get the blacks.” While, to what anorexic, vacant-eyed blonde women on TV now describe as the “liberal elite,” we were pushing the carefulthat is, slowelimination of poverty. But then, I say very mildly, we have only one political party in the United States, the Property Party, with two right wings, Republican and Democrat. Since I tended to speak to conservative audiences in such civilized places as Medford, Oregon; Parkersburg, West Virginia; and Longview, Washington, there are, predictably, a few gasps at this rejection of so much received opinion. There are also quite a few nods from interested citizens who find it difficult at election time to tell the parties apart. Was it in pristine Medford that I actually saw the nodding Ralph Nader whom I was, to his horror, to run for president that year in Esquire? Inspired by the nods, I start to geld the lily, as the late Sam Goldwyn used to say. The Republicans are often more doctrinaire than the Democrats, who are willing to make smallvery smalladjustments where the poor and black are concerned while giving aid and comfort to the anti-imperialists.1.We may understand Alicia Markova to be ( ).2.In the passage, the author reminds the reader that the broadcast bands are( ).3.The author now finds it difficult to( ).4.The author observes that anti-crime initiatives by Americas political right often either result in or are based upon( ).5.The author was invited to participate in Suskinds television programs because( ).问题1选项A.a current popular figure in the United StatesB.a much sought-after interview subjectC.a popular, rather than intellectual, interview subjectD.a Russian defector to the United States问题2选项A.invariably used for the public goodB.private, rather than public, propertyC.public, rather than private, propertyD.fair and balanced问题3选项A.run for SenateB.differentiate between a Republican and a DemocratC.remember details or informationD.identify code-words in the media问题4选项A.the desire to eliminate povertyB.protection of propertyC.the State of the UnionD.profiling.问题5选项A.of his varied political experienceB.he turned down the Democratic nomination for U.S. SenateC.his knowledge of Larry OlivierD.his status as an anti-imperialist【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:1.推理判断题。由第一段中“Leigh caused a proper stir, as did the ballerina Alicia Markova, who gently assured us that a Markova comes only once every hundred years or so. 费雯丽(英国电影演员)引起了一场特有的轰动,正如芭蕾舞女演员艾丽西亚玛克娃温和地向我们保证一个玛克娃每一百年左右才出现一次所带来的轰动一样。”和文中提及“大卫萨斯坎德(David Susskind)是纽约的一位电视节目制作人”可推知“艾丽西亚玛克娃是一位受欢迎而不理智的采访对象”,C选项正确。第2题:2.推理判断题。由第一段中“so tactfully that networks were often unaware of just what he was getting away with on their-our-air 如此巧妙地,以至于广播电视网经常不知晓他(即大卫萨斯坎德) 在他们自己的电台上侥幸逃脱了什么。”可知B 选项“私有的而不是公有的财产”正确。第3题:3.细节事实题。由第二段中“I turned down the Democratic nomination for U.S. senate on the sensible ground that it was not winnable我基于明智的理由(即进入参议院是不可成功的)而拒绝了美国参议员民主党提名”可知A选项“竞选参议院席位”正确。第4题:4.推理判断题。由第三段中“But then, I say very mildly, we have only one political party in the United States, the Property Party, with two right wings, Republican and Democrat.然而,我非常温和地说,我们在美国只有一个政党,即产权党,它有着民主党和共和党两个权力党派。”可知B选项“保护产权”正确。第5题:5.细节事实题。由第三段中“I was a political pundit我是一位政治专家”可知A项“他的各种政治经验”正确。4. 单选题If a company is already effectively( ) its competitors because it provides service that avoids a damaging reputation and keeps customers ( ) leaving at an unacceptable rate, then investment in higher service levels may be wasted, since service is a deciding factor for customers only in extreme situation.问题1选项A.in par with.fromB.in a par with.inC.on par with.out ofD.on a par with.from【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。第一空的固定搭配是on a par with“与同等;和一样”;第二个空格处的搭配是“keep sb. from doing sth.”。因此D选项符合题意。5. 单选题The orangutan of Sumatra and Borneo shares 96.4 percent of the same genetic make-up as humans. These peaceful, Ared-hair primates spend their days Bchewing on fruit, leaves and flowers from trees, Calong with any stray insects that might be hidden Damong the foliage.问题1选项A.red-hairB.chewing onC.along withD.among the foliage【答案】A【解析】考查词形。A选项后面修饰的是primates“灵长类”,名词,因此划线词应为形容词形式。这类词语的构成规则为:形容词+名词+ed构成新的形容词,所以应将red-hair改为red-haired“红发的”。6. 单选题( ) is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.问题1选项A.WhatB.WhichC.ThatD.Whether【答案】A【解析】考查主语从句。空格后出现了两个be动词,可知前面部分为一个主语从句。从句中缺少主语成分,四个选项中只有what可以引导。因此A选项符合题意。7. 单选题(1) Player 1 may not know these particular words of wisdom, but chances are shes thinking much the same as she tries to decide whether to send Player 2 some of her $10 stake. If she does, the money will be tripled, and her anonymous partner can choose to return none, some, or all of the cash. But why should Player 2 send anything back? And why should Player 1 give anything in the first place? Despite the iron logic of this argument, she types in her command to send some money. A few moments later she smiles, seeing from her screen that Player 2 has returned a tidy sum that leaves them both showing a net profit.(2) Based on exactly the same cold logic that Player 1 dismissed, the so-called Nash equilibrium predicts that in economic transactions between strangers, where one has to make decisions based on a forecast of anothers response, the optimal level of trust is zero. Yet despite the economic orthodoxy, the behavior of Players 1 and 2 is not exceptional. In fact, over the course of hundreds of such trials, it turns out that about half of Player 1s send some money, and three-quarters of Player 2s who receive it send some back.Zak is a leading protagonist in the relatively new field of neuroeconomics, which aims to understand human social interactions through every level from synapse to society. It is a hugely ambitious undertaking. By laying bare the mysteries of such nebulous human attributes as trust, neuroeconomists hope to transform our self- understanding. (3 ) “As we learn more about the remarkable internal order of the mind, we will also understand far more deeply the social mind and therefore the external order of personal exchange, and the extended order of exchange through markets.”(4) As Zaks collaborator Steve Knack of the World Bank points out: “Trust is one of the most powerful factors affecting a countrys economic health. Where trust is low, individuals and organizations are more wary about engaging in financial transactions, which tends to depress the national economy.”And trust levels differ greatly between nations. The World Values Survey, based at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has asked people in countries around the world, “Do you think strangers can generally be trusted?” the positive response rate varies from about 65% in Norway to about 5% in Brazil.(5) “Policy-makers in these latter countries might be urgently interested in mechanisms that enable them to raise national trust levels,” observes Knack.问题1选项A.Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside our control.B.Crucially for international economic development, what is true for individuals turns out also to be true for nations.C.Disturbingly, countries where trust is lower than a critical level of about 30%as is the case in much of South America and Africarisk falling into a permanent suspicion- locked poverty trap.D.“Its good to trust; its better not to,” goes an Italian proverb.E.They believe their findings even have the potential to help make societies more productive and successful.F.He points out that our brains have been tailored by evolution to cope with group living.G.This outcome doesnt just flout proverbial wisdom, it thumbs its nose at economic theory.问题2选项A.Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside our control.B.Crucially for international economic development, what is true for individuals turns out also to be true for nations.C.Disturbingly, countries where trust is lower than a critical level of about 30%as is the case in much of South America and Africa - risk falling into a permanent suspicion- locked poverty trap.D.“Its good to trust; its better not to,” goes an Italian proverb.E.They believe their findings even have the potential to help make societies more productive and successful.F.He points out that our brains have been tailored by evolution to cope with group living.G.This outcome doesnt just flout proverbial wisdom, it thumbs its nose at economic theory.问题3选项A.Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside our control.B.Crucially for international economic development, what is true for individuals turns out also to be true for nations.C.Disturbingly, countries where trust is lower than a critical level of about 30%as is the case in much of South America and Africa - risk falling into a permanent suspicion- locked poverty trap.D.“Its good to trust; its better not to,” goes an Italian proverb.E.They believe their findings even have the potential to help make societies more productive and successful.F.He points out that our brains have been tailored by evolution to cope with group living.G.This outcome doesnt just flout proverbial wisdom, it thumbs its nose at economic theory.问题4选项A.Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside our control.B.Crucially for international economic development, what is true for individuals turns out also to be true for nations.C.Disturbingly, countries where trust is lower than a critical level of about 30%as is the case in much of South America and Africa - risk falling into a permanent suspicion- locked poverty trap.D.“Its good to trust; its better not to,” goes an Italian proverb.E.They believe their findings even have the potential to help make societies more productive and successful.F.He points out that our brains have been tailored by evolution to cope with group living.G.This outcome doesnt just flout proverbial wisdom, it thumbs its nose at economic theory.问题5选项A.Even more intriguingly, it seems that this urge to respond positively when someone shows trust in us is largely outside our control.B.Crucially for international economic development, what is true for individuals turns out also to be true for nations.C.Disturbingly, countries where trust is lower than a critical level of about 30%as is the case in much of South America and Africa - risk falling into a permanent suspicion- locked poverty trap.D.“Its good to trust; its better not to,” goes an Italian proverb.E.They believe their findings even have the potential to help make societies more productive and successful.F.He points out that our brains have been tailored by evolution to cope with group living.G.This outcome doesnt just flout proverbial wisdom, it thumbs its nose at economic theory.【答案】第1题:D第2题:G第3题:F第4题:B第5题:C【解析】第1题:1.此句为整篇文章的开头,用意大利的谚语引入主题,“信任是件好事,但最好不要信任。”,根据第一段的内容,主要讲到了玩家一和玩家二之间的金钱交易行为以及是否彼此信任,可知,文章的主题为信任关系,所以选项D符合文意。2.文章第一段主要用实例说明了经济交易中的信任关系,也是对意大利谚语的一种反驳和证明,说明经济交易中是存在信任关系的。文章第二段把这种信任再次放到经济理论中进行了讨论。所以第一段实验得出的结果不仅是对谚语的一种蔑视,而且是对第二段中提到的经济理论的挑战。选项G符合题意。3.根据文章第三段,主要提到了Zak的相关理论和观点,因为空格上文提到了Zak这个人物,所以下文用he来指代。选项F符合题意。4.根据文章第四段,可知主要提到信任是影响一个国家经济最强大的因素之一,所以本段的首句应与国家经济相关。选项B符合题意。5.根据文章第五段,主要内容为不同国家之间的信任水平存在差异,并给了一些统计调查数据。空格前给出了挪威和巴西有关信任度的调查数据,可判断出空格中会继续列举数据。又根据空格后文,提到后面一类的国家迫切需要提升国民信任度。可知空格中会列举一些国民信任度较低的国家,选项C符合题意。第2题:第3题:第4题:第5题:8. 写作题Write a 100120-word summary of the article in question 3.【答案】The history of black liberation movements in the USA could be characterized as a struggle over images as much as a struggle for rights and equal access. However, the control over images met many setbacks: it was considered not as important as equal access; the power to segregate was mistakenly believed by many blacks as the greatest power against them; black people have made few revolutionary interventions in it; racial desegregation partly led many black people to be less attentive to it; nationalist black freedom movements often only cared about questions of “good” and “bad” imagery and did not promote a more expansive cultural understanding of the politics of essence and identity that ultimately restricted and confined black image production.9. 单选题That was a man-made disaster that clearly ( )if the federal government, the Federal Emergency Management Agency,had quickly marshaled the political will and resources to evacuate those without access to cars,instead of promoting on its Web site a faith-based charity that clearly no match for the problem.问题1选项A.may have been avertedB.could have been avertedC.may have avertedD.could have averted【答案】B【解析】考查虚拟语气。根据选项可以判断本题考查虚拟语气,空格后为if引导的虚拟条件句。当条件句为过去完成时表示对过去的虚拟时,主句为would/could/should/might+have done形式,排除A和C。主句的主语是disaster,与动词avert之间形成被动关系,因此B选项符合题意。10. 单选题Another concern ( )has to do with the effect ones living will might have on insurance premiums. Can ones insurance rates go up if they request total care instead of minimal care during their final days?问题1选项A.to be raisedB.having raisedC.being raisedD.raising【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词。句中还有might have,可知空格处为非谓语动词形式,其逻辑主语是concern,由句意判断,concern与raise之间是被动关系,且表示正在出现的情况,因此C选项符合题意。11. 单选题In addition, findings reveal that males receive more teacher attention than females, boys receive more specific comments about their academic performance, Athat there are differences Bfavoring males in task assignment, in Cteachers expectation of students behavior based on gender, as well as in such areas as overall curriculum design, classroom activities, and educational tracking (particularly in math, science, vocational courses, Dand extracurricular activities).问题1选项A.that there are differencesB.favoring males inC.teachers expectation of students behaviorD.and extracurricular activities【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。表示某方面有区别时,应使用there are differences in,B和C选项应为并列关系,B选项前少了一个in。12. 单选题Government policymakers should consider ( )benefit coverage for temporary employees, promoting pay equity between temporary and permanent workers, assisting labor unions in organizing temporary workers, and( ) firms to assign temporary jobs primarily to employees who explicitly indicate that preference.问题1选项A.to mandate .to encourageB.to mandate. encouragingC.mandating .to encourageD.mandatingencouraging【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。consider doing sth. “考虑做某事”;第二个空格前有and,可知promoting,assisting和空格处为并列结构,因此D选项符合题意。13. 单选题In addition to curricula, programs, and comprehensive support services, schools( ) sexist bias, harassment, and violence, so a number of school districts and states are currently adopting sexual harassment policies.问题1选项A.have to make a final stand forB.must make an unequivocal stand againstC.have to adopt a firm stand toD.must keep an unambiguous stand over【答案】B【解析】考查情态动词与词组辨析。句意:除了课程项目,和全面的支持服务之外,学校性别歧视的偏见,骚扰,和暴力,所以很多学区和州目前采用性骚扰政策。must比起have to更有紧迫性,学校从主观方面来说有必要和义务应对这些问题,因此排除A和C。stand against“反对;抵抗”;stand over“延期;监督”,从句意判断应选择B选项。14. 单选题Good writers are often also ( )readers who enjoy equally fiction and nonfiction, prose and poetry, philosophy and science.问题1选项A.carnivorousB.omnivorousC.herbivorousD.prestigious【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项carnivorous“食肉的;肉食性的”;B选项omnivorous“杂食的;无所不吃的;无所不读的”;C选项herbivorous“食草的”;D选项prestigious“有名望的”。句意:优秀的作家通常也是的读者,这些人同样喜欢小说和非小说、散文和诗歌、哲学和科学。根据句意,此处选择B选项更为合适。15. 单选题Russias economy until recently one of the fastest growing in Europe is in dire straits. Traditional industries such as steel are hurting badly. The decade-long consumer boom has turned into a slump as unemployment soars. The government has cash to spend after years of sensible budget


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