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2022年考博英语-云南大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题Id ( )his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.问题1选项A.take into accountB.account forC.make up forD.make out【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项take into account“考虑、顾及”;B选项account for“说明、解释”;C选项make up for“补偿、填补”;D选项make out“理解、辨认”,句意为:我想知道他在当地其他农民和商人中的声望,然后决定是否批准贷款。D选项符合句意,因此选D。2. 翻译题中国人最懂得消遣。中国人从前的读书人,闲暇时间以琴棋书画作为消遣。在中国人看来,艺术品的好坏,意味着作者人格的高低,所以弹琴、下棋、写字和绘画,都代表了一个人的修养。弹琴不是要做音乐家,而是随着美妙的琴声,进入一个辽阔的世界,净化自己的心灵。【答案】The Chinese have the best pastime. In the past, Chinese scholars used to play the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting in their spare time. In the eyes of The Chinese people, the quality of works of art means the level of the authors personality, so playing the piano, playing chess, writing and painting all represent a persons cultivation. Playing the piano is not to be a musician, but with the wonderful sound, into a vast world, purify their own mind.3. 单选题The heavy fog had created an optical( )that made the opposite shore of the lake seem closer than it was.问题1选项A.imaginationB.conclusionC.illusionD.impression【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。illusion“幻觉”;imagination“想象”;impression“印象”;conclusion“结论”。本句意为“浓雾造成了一种错觉,使湖的对岸看起来比实际更近”,幻觉使得远处的景物看起来更近。选项C正确。4. 单选题The authorities claim that the rate of crime is declining, but statistics show( ).问题1选项A.clockwiseB.otherwiseC.elsewhereD.likewise【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项clockwise“顺时针方向的”;B选项otherwise“否则、其他方面的”;C选项elsewhere“在别处”;D选项likewise“同样的、也”,句意为:当局声称犯罪率正在下降,但统计数据却显示出相反的情况。选项B符合题意。5. 单选题Three million people died of AIDS in 2000. As the pandemic grows, it forces the world to see what it may not want to see: that diseases arising among specific populationsprostitutes (known to HIV/AIDS specialists as “sex workers”)and their customers, drug users, and gay mencan flare into greater pandemics; that women in the developing world have little leverage to negotiate safe sex with their partners and are often abused for trying, that poverty, more than any single factor, drives the spread of AIDS by forcing young people into sex work or, as in Eastern Europe, leading them to the trap of injecting drugs; and that rich nations are often insensitive to the health problems of impoverished ones. Ninety-four out of every hundred HIV infected people live in developing nations, where currently available drug therapies are largely unaffordable. While such medicines do not prevent infection, they do lower the level of virus in the body and may, according to some experts, thus reduce transmission rates. Many public health officials say that the drugs coupled with prevention programs in developing nations could slow the pace of the pandemic.Debate over social and economic issues surrounding AIDS lay years away when the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevent (CDCP) sounded the first alarm in June 1981. That month the agency issued a warning about an unusual cellular-immune dysfunction found in “five previously healthy individuals without a clinically apparent underlying immunodeficiency, and a year later, the term AIDS was coined. As the disease took on the dimensions of a plague, it swept away notions that great pandemics belong to history. It added to the understanding that an exotic family of viruses called retroviruses, more commonly seen in animals, could infect humans and cause disease. And it confirmed growing data that viruses could cause cancer in humans.Some 20 years later “we know more about HIV than we know about any microbe ever studied.” says Robert Gallo, who headed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) team that contributed to the discovery of HIV in 1984. But we still dont understand exactly how the virus causes disease.HIV seems full of contradictions, it can overwhelm the human immune system, yet the virus itself is fragile. Cold viruses linger on hands, and sometimes for days on doorknobs, but fresh air dries and destabilizes HIV in hours or even minutes. Contact with rubbing alcohol chlorinated water quickly renders it inactive. Simple bar soap neutralizes HIV by breaking the chemical bonds of its lipids, or fats. And because so few cases of oral transmission have been documented, doctors concluded that the same antiviral compounds in saliva and stomach acids that protect us from a host of germs prove very effective against HIV in low concentrations.Once a person is infected with HIV, however, the virus attacks the very immune cells, called T cells, meant to fight it. “Think about trying to invade a fortress,” said Gary Nabel, director of NIHs Vaccines Research Center. “Would you start by setting off a grenade in front? No. You would sneak in quietly, penetrate the nucleus, and sit there. Youd clone yourself. Youd make lots of copies. Then when an opportune occasion came along, when there was a lot of commotion and people were distracted, youd say, Boom! Here I go.“Thats what HIV does, says Nabel. During a period of typically eight to ten years HIV lurks in the body, mutating rapidly that thus avoiding recognition. It reproduces massively, and waits. Finally, at the introduction of a disease that an unimpaired immune system would normally controltuberculosis or pneumonia for examplethe immune system is overcome by HIV so that it cannot fight and the disease kills.1.“Sex workers” in the text means ( ).2.Whats the main factor to make AIDS spread?3.The term AIDS was created in ( ).4.Which statement is TRUE?5.What makes HIV so successful from its perspective?问题1选项A.AIDS specialistsB.Doctors dealing with sex diseaseC.drug usersD.street girls问题2选项A.Using drugsB.The povertyC.No medicine to prevent infectionD.Rich nations are often insensitive to AIDS.问题3选项A.June 1982B.June 1981C.In the year when CDCP sounded the first alarmD.In the 18th century问题4选项A.The HIV virus itself is strong.B.It is hard to get rid of cold virus on door knobsC.Saliva could make HIV inactiveD.Soap is not useful for us to fight against HIV.问题5选项A.it started by setting off a grenade in front.B.it could stay in the body less than 4 hoursC.it would move quickly in the body.D.It would enter the body quietly, go through the nucleus and stayed there【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.词汇题。题干询问“性工作者”在文中是什么意思?根据文章第一段第二句“prostitutes (known to HIV/AIDS specialists as “sex workers”) 妓女(艾滋病毒/艾滋病专家称为“性工作者”)”,确定题目的sex workers是用来解释prostitutes “妓女”的,所以D选项“妓女”正确。2.细节事实题。题干询问使得艾滋病传播的主要因素是?根据文章第一段第二句中的 “that poverty, more than any single factor, drives the spread of AIDS by forcing young people into sex work or, as in Eastern Europe, leading them to the trap of injecting drugs. 贫穷,比任何单一因素,推动艾滋病的传播通过迫使年轻人为性工作或,在东欧,导致他们的陷阱注射毒品;”,确定B选项“贫穷”是最主要的因素,符合文意。3.细节事实题。题干询问艾滋病这一词是什么吋候被创造的?根据文章第二段第一句“sounded the first alarm in June 1981. 1981年6月,发出第一个警报时” 和第二句“and a year later, the term AIDS was coined. 一年后,艾滋病这个术语被创造了。”确定A选项 “ 1982年6月”正确。4.推理判断题。题干询问下列哪一项陈述是正确的?根据文章第四段第一句“HIV seems full of contradictions,it can overwhelm the human immune system, yet the virus itself is fragile. HIV艾滋病毒似乎充满矛盾,它可以压倒人类的免疫系统,但病毒本身是脆弱的。” 确定A选项 “H1V病毒自身很强”错误;根据文章第四段第二句 “Cold viruses linger on hands, and sometimes for days on doorknobs. 感冒病毒会在手上停留,有时会在门把手上停留几天,但新鲜空气会在几小时甚至几分钟内使艾滋病毒变得干燥和不稳定。” 确定 B选项 “很难去除门把手上的感冒病毒” 正确;根据文章第四段第三句 “Contact with rubbing alcohol chlorinated water quickly renders it inactive. 与外用酒精接触,氯化水很快使其失去活性。”,并没有说唾液可以使它不活跃,所以C选项“唾液可以使得HIV病毒不活跃”错误;根据文章第四段第四句 “Simple bar soap neutralizes HIV by breaking the chemical bonds of its lipids, or fats. 简单的肥皂通过破坏其脂质或脂肪的化学键来中和艾滋病毒。”确定 D选项“肥皂对我们对抗HIV病毒没有作用”错误,所以B选项为正确答案。5.细节事实题。题干询问从H1V病毒本身来看是什么使得它如此成功的?根据文章第五段第三句“Would you start by setting off a grenade in front? No. You would sneak in quietly, penetrate the nucleus, and sit there. “你能先在前面放一枚手榴弹吗?”不。你会悄悄地溜进去,穿透细胞核,然后坐在那里。”,确定D选项“它安静地进入人的身体,进入到细胞核里而并停留在那里”正确。6. 单选题With this sensitive machine, we can find the ( )of a milligram of aspirin in an Olympic-size swimming pool.问题1选项A.counterpartB.equivalentC.averageD.installation【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析。A选项counterpart “对应的事物,副本”;B选项equivalent “ (价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的”;C选项average “平均数,平均水平”;D选项installation“安装,就职”。题目强调的是与游泳池中的一毫克的阿司匹林相等重量的物质, 所以B选项。7. 单选题He was( )when he heard the unexpected news, but I finally convinced him.问题1选项A.incredibleB.inevitableC.incredulousD.indifferent【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项incredible“难以置信的”;B选项inevitable“必然的、不可避免的”;C选项incredulous“怀疑的、不轻信的”;D选项indifferent“冷漠的、不关心的”,句意为:当他听到这个意外的消息时,他觉得不可思议,但我最终说服了他。A选项符合句意,因此选A。8. 单选题With the possible exception of equal rights, perhaps the most heated argument across the United States today is the death penalty. Many argue that it is an effective deterrent to murder, while others think there is no enough proof that the death penalty reduces the number of murders.The argument advanced by those opposed to the death penalty is that it is cruel and inhuman punishment, that it is the mark of a bad society and finally that it is of questionable effectiveness as a deterrent to crime anyway.In our opinion, the death penalty is a necessary action. Throughout recorded history there have always been those peculiar persons in every society who made terrible crimes such as murder. But some are more dangerous than others.For example, it is one thing to take the life of another in time of blind anger, but quite another to coldly plan and carry out the murder of one or more people in the style of a butcher. Thus, murder, like all other crimes, is a matter of relative degree. While it could be argued with some reason that the criminal in the first instance should be merely kept from society, such should not be the fate of the latter type murderer.The value of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime may be open to discussion. But the majority of people believe that the death penalty protects them. Their belief is proved by the fact that the death penalty prevents murder. For example, from 1954 to 1963, when the death penalty was carried out from time to time in California, the murder rate remained between three and four murders for each 100, 000 population. Since 1964 the death penalty has been done only once, and the murder rate has risen to 10.4 murders for each 100, 000 population. The sharp climb in the states murder rate, which began when killings stopped, does not happen by chance. It certainly shows that the death penalty does deter many murderers. If the law about death penalty is vetoed, some people will be murdered some whose lives may have been saved if the death penalty were in effect. This is really a life or death matter. The lives of thousands of people must be protected.1.The principal purpose of this passage is to( ).2.The authors response to those who urge the death penalty for all is likely to be( ).3.According to Paragraph 4, it can be inferred that( ).4.The passage attempts to establish a relationship between( ).5.The authors attitude towards “death penalty” is( ).问题1选项A.speak for the majorityB.initiate a vetoC.criticize the governmentD.argue for the value of the death penalty问题2选项A.negativeB.friendlyC.supportiveD.hostile问题3选项A.the death penalty is the most controversial issue in the United States todayB.the second type of murderers should be sentenced to deathC.the veto of the bill reestablishing the death penalty is of little importanceD.the value of the death penalty as a deterrent to crime is not to be debated问题4选项A.the murder rate and the imposition of the death penaltyB.the effects of execution and the effects of isolationC.the importance of equal rights and that of the death penaltyD.executions and murders问题5选项A.opposingB.supportingC.neutralD.sarcastic【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。根据文章第一句,“perhaps the most heated argument across the United States today is the death penalty.”,可知死刑是讨论最激烈的话题,所以文章的主题为死刑。又根据下文,“Many argue that it is an effective deterrent to murder, while others think there is no enough proof that the death penalty reduces the number of murders.”,可知许多人肯定死刑的价值,认为死刑是对谋杀罪的有效震慑,而另一些人则认为死刑没有多大的价值,因为没有足够的证据证明死刑的实施减少了谋杀的数量。又根据文章第三段,“In our opinion, the death penalty is a necessary action.”,可知作者认为死刑是一项必要的举措。综上可知,整篇文章的主要目的在于为死刑的价值作辩护。选项D符合题意。2.观点态度题。根据文章第四段,“it is one thing to take the life of another in time of blind anger, but quite another to coldly plan and carry out the murder of one or more people in the style of a butcher. .While it could be argued with some reason that the criminal in the first instance should be merely kept from society, such should not be the fate of the latter type murderer.”,可知一种是在盲目愤怒的时候夺走别人的生命,一种是以屠夫的方式冷酷地策划和实施对一个或多个人的谋杀。前者可以仅仅通过社会隔离的方式受惩罚,而后者则不然。可知作者认为要根据谋杀程度来选择死刑。所以作者对那些主张对所有人判处死刑的人的反应很可能是否定的。选项A符合题意。3.判断推理题。根据文章第四段,“While it could be argued with some reason that the criminal in the first instance should be merely kept from society, such should not be the fate of the latter type murderer.”,第一种谋杀罪犯(盲目愤怒的时候夺走别人的生命)应该仅仅被社会隔离,而第二种冷酷地策划和实施对一个或多个人的谋杀的罪犯不应该仅仅被隔离,而是应该被处以死刑。可判断出第二类杀人犯应该被处以死刑。选项B符合题意。4.判断推理题。根据文章最后一段,“The sharp climb in the states murder rate, which began when killings stopped, does not happen by chance. It certainly shows that the death penalty does deter many murderers.”,可知本段用加利福尼亚的例子得出结论。本州谋杀率的上升并非偶然,是死刑停止实施的结果,可以清楚地表明,死刑确实制止了许多谋杀的念头。可判断出作者想要讨论的是死刑的实施和谋杀率的关系。选项A符合题意。5.观点态度。纵观全文,作者首先在第三段表明自己的观点“死刑是一项必要的举措”,然后在下文通过论述和实例证明,死刑的实施确实有助于抑制谋杀率。可判断出作者对于实施死刑的态度是支持的。选项B符合题意。9. 翻译题As many people hit middle age, they may start to notice that their memory and mental clarity are not what they used to be. We suddenly cant remember where we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintances name, or the name of an old band we used to love. As the brain fades, we refer to these occurrences as “senior moments”. While seemingly innocent, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a damaging impact on our professional, social and personal life.Neuroscientists, experts who study the nervous system, are increasingly showing that theres actually a lot that can be done. It turns out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental workouts can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions. Thinking is essentially a process of making connections in the brain. To some extent, our ability to excel in making the connections that drive intelligence is inherited.【答案】随着许多人步入中年,他们可能会开始注意到,他们的记忆力和思维清晰度已经不如从前了。我们突然记不起刚才把钥匙放在哪里了,或者记不起一个老相识的名字,或者记不起一个我们曾经喜欢过的老乐队的名字。当大脑衰退时,我们将这些现象称为“老年时刻”,虽然看起来很无辜,但这种精神注意力的丧失可能会对我们的职业、社交和个人生活造成潜在的破坏性影响。神经科学家,研究神经系统的专家,越来越多地表明实际上有很多事情可以做。事实证明,大脑和我们的肌肉一样需要锻炼,正确的脑力锻炼可以显著提高我们的基本认知功能。思考本质上是在大脑中建立联系的过程。在某种程度上,我们在建立驱动智力的联系方面的卓越能力是遗传的。10. 单选题Time for another global-competitiveness alert. In the Third International Mathematics and Science study-which last year tested a half-million students in 41 countriesAmerican eighth graders (1) below the world average in math. And thats not even(2)part. Consider this as you try to(3)which countries will dominate the technology markets of the 21st century: top 10 percent of Americas math students scored about the same as the average kid in the global(4) , Singapore.It isnt exactly a news flash these days(5) Americans score behind the curve on international tests. But educators say this study(6) because it monitored Variables both inside and outside the classroom. Lazinessthe factor often(7)for Americans poor performanceis not the culprit here. American students(8) spend more time in class than pupils in Japan and Germany.(9) , they get more homework and watch the same amount of TV. The problem, educators say is not the kids but the curriculum that is too(10) . The study found that lessons for U.S. eighth graders contained topics mastered by seventh graders in other countries.Teachers actually agree the Americans need to(11)their kids to more sophisticated math earlier. Unfortunately, experts say, the teachers dont recognize that(12) these concepts are taught is as important as the concepts themselves. Most educators rely(13) on textbooks and rote learning. While many textbooks cover(14) ideas, most do so superficially,(15) students with the, techniques but not the mastery, of the broader principles.问题1选项A.recordedB.scoredC.gainedD.climbed问题2选项A.the leastB.the lessC.the worstD.the worse问题3选项A.carry outB.figure outC.count upD.show up问题4选项A.villageB.leaderC.friendD.country问题5选项A.whatB.whereC.whenD.which问题6选项A.ineffectiveB.comparableC.importantD.delighted问题7选项A.ignoredB.viewedC.exaggeratedD.blamed问题8选项A.vastlyB.accuratelyC.actuallyD.merely问题9选项A.As is knownB.To begin withC.Not only thatD.Even so问题10选项A.smallB.shortC.easyD.poor问题11选项A.relateB.exposeC.leadD.instruct问题12选项A.whereB.whyC.howD.whether问题13选项A.hardB.exclusivelyC.intentionallyD.consequently问题14选项A.advancedB.colorfulC.controversialD.ambitious问题15选项A.carryingB.expectingC.leavingD.shaping【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C第6题:C第7题:D第8题:C第9题:C第10题:C第11题:B第12题:C第13题:B第14题:A第15题:C【解析】(1)考查动词辨析。record意为“记录,记载”;score意为“得分”;gain意为“获得”;climb意为“攀登”。由tested a half-million students in 41 countriesAmerican eighth graders 26 below the world average in math.(在41个国家测试了50万学生,美国八年级学生的数学低于全球平均水平)可知B选项最为恰当。(2)考查逻辑关系。根据前句可知美国学生的数学成绩很差以及空格后面的top 10 percent of Americas math students scored about the same as the average kid in the global(前10%的美国数学系学生的得分与全球平均水平相当),可知the worst(最差的,最糟糕的)符合逻辑,此处表示“这一点还不是最糟糕的”。(3)考查词组辨析。carry out意为“实施,执”;figure out意为“理解,弄清”;count up意为“计算总数”;show up意为“出现,揭露”。此处表示“弄清楚哪个国家在21世纪的技术市场占主导地位”,因此选B。(4)考查逻辑关系。Singapore是the global_的同位语,由前面的which countries will dominate the technology markets of the 21st century(哪个国家在21世纪的技术市场占主导地位)可知leader(领导者,领袖)符合逻辑,指新加坡在数学上属于全球领先地位。(5)考查定语从从句。空格处前后为两个完整的句子,用关系副词引导定语从句,先行词为表示时间的there days,因此用when引导定语从句并在从句中作时间状语。(6)考查形容词辨析。ineffective意为“无效果的”;comparable意为“可比较的”;important意为“重要的”;delighted意为“高兴的,愉快的”。此处表示“这项调查很重要”,因此选C。(7)考查动词辨析。空格处为过问分词作定语修饰the factor。 ignore意为“忽视”;view意为“观看,查看”;exaggerate意为“夸张,夸大”;blame意为“把归咎于,责怪”。此处表示“对美国学生表现不佳的原因进行指责”,因此选D。(8)考查副词辨析。vastly意为“极大地”;accurately意为“正确无误地,准确地”;actually意为“实际上”;merely意为“仅仅,只不过”。由前面的Laziness is not the culprit here.(懒惰不是罪魁祸首),可知美国小学生实际上念书的时间比日本和德国都要长更符合语境,因此选C。(9)考查逻辑关系。as is known意为“众所周知”;to begin with意为“首先,起初;not only that意为“不仅如此”;even so意为“虽然如此,即使如此”。由前面可知美国学生在课堂花的时间比德国和日本小孩要多,以及空格后的they get more homework(他们有更多的家庭作业)可知此处表示递减关系,因此选C。(10)考查逻辑关系。由后面句子The study found that lessons for U.S. eighth graders contained topics mastered by seventh graders in other countries.(这项研究发现,美国八年级学生的课程中包含了其他国家七年级学生掌握的课程)以及前句“教育工作者说,问题不在于孩子,而在于课程太了”,可知easy(容易的)符合逻辑。(11)考查动词辨析。relate意为“(把)联系起来”;expose意为“暴露,显露,使面临”;lead意为“代领,领路”,lead to意为“导致”;instruct意为“指示,命令”。此处表示“教事实上,老师们也同意美国人需要更早地给他们的孩子接触更高的数学水平”,因此选B。(12)考查名词性从句。此处表示“专家认为这种理念和如何教这些概念一样重要”,因此用how引导主语从句。(13)考查副词辨析。空格处为副词修饰动词rely on。hard意为“努力地,费力地”;exclusively意为“排他地,独占地,完全地”;intentionally意为“有意地,故意地”;consequently意为“因此,所以”。此处表示“很多专家只信赖教科书和死记硬背”,因此选B。(14)考查形容词辨析。advanced意为“先进的,高级的”;colorful意为“鲜艳的”;controversial意为“有争议的,引起争议的”;ambitious意为“有雄心的,有野心的”。由句中的while可知前后是转折关系,与superficially(浅薄地,肤浅地)相对的是advanced,因此选A。(15)考查动词辨析。空格处为现在分词担当伴随状语。carry意为“运送,携带”;expe


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