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2022年考博英语-山西大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题At short notice rescue troops were sent to help the vehicles( )the deep snow.问题1选项A.soaked withB.stuck inC.intended forD.connected to【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项soaked with“用浸泡,使浸透”;B选项stuck in“陷入,插入”;C选项intended for“用来”;D选项connected to“连接”。句意:刚接到通知,救援部队就立马被派去帮助这些深深( )在雪里的车辆。根据语境,车辆stuck in“陷入”雪中比较合理。因此B选项正确。2. 单选题The second definition, though accurate, is equally as( )and useless as the first one, from a practical point of view.问题1选项A.penitentB.constitutedC.repellentD.pedantic【答案】D【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项penitent“后悔的,愧疚的”;B选项constituted“组成;建立”;C选项repellent“令人厌恶的;防的”;D选项pedantic“迂腐的,学究气的”。句意:第二个定义虽然准确,但从实用性看,也和第一个定义一样( ),毫不实用。definition不至于repellent“令人厌恶的”,但是有可能pedantic“学究气的”,这里可以翻译成纸上谈兵的,符合生活实际。因此D选项正确。3. 单选题The company can constantly monitor the level of heat and energy and adjust( ).问题1选项A.accordinglyB.basicallyC.conventionallyD.subjectively【答案】A【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项accordingly“相应地”;B选项basically “基本地”;C选项conventionally“传统地”;D选项subjectively“主观地”。题干意思:公司可以不间断地监控热量和能源的指数,并且( )进行调整。因此A选项正确。4. 单选题A driver can go through a red light( )a police officer signals him to do so.问题1选项A.whetherB.untilC.ifD.unless【答案】C【解析】考查连词辨析。A选项whether“是否,不论”;B选项until“直到为止”;C选项if“如果”;D选项unless“除非”。句意:( )警察示意司机可以闯红灯,他就可以这样做。根据语境,if“如果”警察示意可以闯红灯比较合理。如果选D选项unless“除非”,应该换成the driver cant run the red light才合理。因此C选项正确。5. 单选题Into her nineties, her thinking( )acute and her character forceful.问题1选项A.remainedB.retainedC.maintainedD.contained【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项remained “保持”;B选项retained “保存”;C选项maintained “维护”;D选项contained “包含”。句意:虽已年届九旬,她( )头脑敏锐,个性很强。题干的意思是虽然她年纪很大了,但还是保持清晰的头脑,因此A选项正确。6. 单选题The ability to focus attention on important things is a( )characteristic of intelligence.问题1选项A.decliningB.definingC.deceivingD.defending【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项declining“下滑的;衰退的;倾斜的”;B选项defining“最典型的;起决定性作用的”;C选项deceiving“欺骗性的”;D选项defending“防守型的”。句意:把注意力集中在重要事情上的能力是智慧的一个( )特征。根据语境,defining“最典型的”和intelligence“智慧”搭配比较合理。因此B选项正确。7. 单选题Dog owners must( )the dogs waste in containers provided throughout the park.问题1选项A.pick upB.set asideC.dispose ofD.take off【答案】C【解析】考查动词短语辨析。A选项pick up “捡起;获得;收拾”;B选项set aside “留出;驳回,撤销;不顾”;C选项dispose of “处理;转让;解决;吃光;除掉;卖掉”;D选项take off “起飞;脱下;离开;突然成功”。句意:养狗人必须用公园内提供的容器处理狗的排泄物。A选项pick up 应该更侧重于捡起狗狗拉在地上的排泄物,而题干中说到了在容器内,在容器内处理狗狗的排泄物更适合,因此C选项正确。8. 翻译题FROM CHINESE TO ENGLISH我说过我们要发展记忆,那是因为我们生活中有此需要。没有文化的动物中,能以本能来应付生活,就不必有记忆。我这样说,其实也包含了另一项意思,就是人在记忆上发展的程度是依他们生活需要而决定的。我们每个人,每一刻,所接触的外界众多复杂,但是并不进入我们的感觉,我们有所选择。和我们眼睛所接触的外界我们并不都看见,我们只看见我们所注意的,我们的视线有焦点,焦点依着我们的注意而移动。注意的对象由我们选择,选择的根据是我们生活的需要。【答案】I said we develop memories because we need them in our lives. Without culture, animals cope with life by instinct. Thus memory is necessary for them. By saying this, I also mean that people develop memory according to the needs of their lives. Every one of us, is connected to this vast and complex world in every moment, but dont receive all into our senses, which means we choose. We do not see everything that our eyes touch. We see only what we notice, because there is a focus in our sight which moves on the basis of our attention. And the object of attention is chosen by us, according to the needs of our life.9. 单选题Once upon a time, people believed staying a healthy weight was easy. To lose weight you simply had to practice the reverse of home economicsspend more than you earned. Unfortunately for many, but perhaps not surprisingly, it turns out that people are rather more complicated than bank accounts.To stay a healthy weight, you need a hormone called lepton to work properly. It sends “Im full” messages from the fat cells up to the brain, where they go, among other places, to the same pleasure centers that respond to drugs like cocaine. Fat people produce plenty of lepton, but the brain doesnt seem to respond to it properly. Last year researchers at the Oregon Research Institute scanned the brains of overweight people and found their reward circuit(线路)were underactive. They were eating more to try to get the enjoyment they were missing.Theres a lot of evidence for the fact that most, if not all, of us have a set point around which our weight can vary by about seven to nine kilos, but anything beyond that is a real struggle. Making changes is hard, particularly if your body is working against you. So why not reject the traditional approaches and try some new method, based on the latest research, that work with your body rather than against it.Several years ago researchers at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore reported that when they gave rats very little food one day and allowed them to eat plenty the next, they showed virtually all the benefits of a permanent calorie restriction diet. The same goes for humans, according to Dr. James Johnson.How does it work? Besides forcing the body to burn fat, it may also cause hormonal changes. Most people say that the diet takes a bit of getting used to, but is not as grinding as trying to cut back on an everyday basis.Older dieters may remember something called brown fat. Unlike the undesirable white stuff; this was a dieters dream. Instead of storing excess energy as fat, brown-fat tissue burned it off to keep you warmat least in mice. Brown fat fell out of favor because researchers couldnt find much in humans but now, thanks to the New England journal of Medicine, its back in fashion. The idea is to expose people to cold temperatures. They then make more brown fat and their weight drops.1.The last sentence in paragraph 1 indicates that peoples understanding of losing weight( ).2.According to the findings of the Oregon Research Institute,( ).3.The method used by the National Institute on Aging can be summarized as “( )”.4.The word “grinding” in the paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to( ).5.It can be learned that brown fat( ).问题1选项A.is unnecessarily complicatedB.seems rather unreasonableC.used to be limitedD.can be partly justified问题2选项A.Overweight people got less pleasure from eating the same amountB.Overweight people enjoyed eating more than the others doC.People will become overweight if they eat more than they needD.People are more likely to be overweight if they produce less lepton问题3选项A.No diet at allB.Diet on a daily basisC.Diet every other dayD.Diet permanently问题4选项A.EffectiveB.RealisticC.UnreliableD.Miserable问题5选项A.converts excess energy into fatB.accumulates easily in human bodiesC.works better in warm temperaturesD.burns extra energy to produce heat【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。第一段说到“Once upon a time, people believed staying a healthy weight was easy.(从前,人们认为保持健康的体重很容易。)”;“Unfortunately for many, but perhaps not surprisingly, it turns out that people are rather more complicated than bank accounts.(不幸的是,对许多人来说,事实证明人比银行账户复杂得多,但这也许并不令人意外。)”,由这两句可以看出以前人们对减肥的概念很片面、有限,殊不知人体机能是很复杂的,所以最后一句话表明了人们对减肥的理解是很有限的,A选项“复杂难懂的”;B选项“似乎是相当不合理的”;D选项“部分可以被证明的”都不符合段意,因此C选项“过去是有限的”正确。2.事实细节题。the Oregon Research Institute的研究出现在第二段,原文“Last year researchers at the Oregon Research Institute scanned the brains of overweight people and found their reward circuit(线路) were underactive. They were eating more to try to get the enjoyment they were missing.(去年俄勒冈州研究所研究人员扫描超重的人,发现他们的大脑奖赏回路(线路)是不够的。他们吃得更多,试图获得他们错过的乐趣。)”的意思是胖的人和其他人吃同等数量的食物时,他们获得的乐趣会比其他人少,因为他们大脑中的奖赏回路不如其他人,因此会吃更多来试图获得乐趣。B选项“超重的人比其他人吃得更多”;C选项“如果人们吃得比需要的多,他们就会超重”;D选项“如果产生的瘦素较少,人们更有可能超重”都不是该研究的内容,因此A选项“超重的人在吃同样数量的食物时得到的快乐较少”正确。3.推理判断题。the National Institute on Aging的研究出现在第四段,原文说到“when they gave rats very little food one day and allowed them to eat plenty the next, they showed virtually all the benefits of a permanent calorie restriction diet.(当他们一天给老鼠很少的食物,第二天让它们吃大量的食物时,它们几乎显示出了长期限制卡路里饮食的所有好处。)”。所以这个方法可以总结为隔天节食。A选项“不节食”不正确;B选项“日常节食” 也不正确;D选项“永久性节食”也不是该研究的内容,因此C选项“隔天节食”正确。4.词义猜测题。第五段“but is not as grinding as trying to cut back on an everyday basis.(但并不像每天尝试节食那么痛苦。)”。grinding的意思是“无休止的;(状态)难熬的”,A选项Effective“有效的,实际的”;B选项Realistic“现实的,逼真的”;C选项Unreliable“不可靠的,靠不住的”;D选项Miserable“痛苦的,悲惨的”。因此D选项正确。5.事实细节题。brown fat出现在文章第六段。“Instead of storing excess energy as fat, brown-fat tissue burned it off to keep you warmat least in mice.(棕色脂肪组织并没有以脂肪的形式储存多余的能量,而是通过燃烧来保持体温至少在老鼠身上是这样的。)”,该句说明棕色脂肪燃烧多余的能量来产生热量。A选项“把多余的能量转化成脂肪”;B选项“容易在人体内积聚”;C选项“在温暖的温度下工作效果更好”都与原文事实不符,因此D选项“燃烧额外的能量产生热量”正确。10. 单选题You can always use( )glass if you need to block a street view.问题1选项A.convertibleB.decorousC.opaqueD.salient【答案】C【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项convertible“可改变的;可转换的;可兑换的”;B选项decorous“礼貌得体的”;C选项opaque“(玻璃、液体等)不透明的,不透光的,浑浊的”;D选项salient“显著的;最重要的”。句意:如果你需要遮挡街景,可以使用( )玻璃。opaque“(玻璃)不透明的,不透光的”,glass(玻璃)可以遮挡光,符合语境。因此C选项正确。11. 单选题I was( )by their kindness and moved to tears.问题1选项A.preoccupiedB.embarrassedC.overwhelmedD.counseled【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项preoccupied“使全神贯注,抢先占有”;B选项embarrassed“使困窘”;C选项overwhelmed“(情感)难以承受”;D选项counseled“被劝告”。句意:我被他们的善良( ),感动得流下眼泪。overwhelmed“(情感)难以承受”和带有情绪色彩的move to tear搭配使句子通顺。因此C选项正确。12. 单选题Some years ago, Houston airport faced a troubling issue. Passengers were(1)about the long waits at baggage claim (行李提取处).(2), the executives increased the number of baggage handlers. The plan(3): the average wait fell to eight minutes, well within industry standard.(4)the complaints persisted.(5), the airport executives undertook a more careful analysis. They found that it(6)passengers a minute to walk from their arrival gates to baggage claim and seven more minutes to get their bags. (7), roughly 88 percent of their time was spent standing around waiting for their bags.So they decided on a new approach:(8)reducing wait time, they moved the arrival gates farther away from the main terminal. Passengers now had to walk six times longer. Complaints dropped to near(9).This story shows that the experience of waiting is defined only partly by the objective(10)of the wait. Occupied time (walking to baggage claim) feels(11)than unoccupied time ((12)at baggage claim). Research on queuing has shown that, people on average,(13)how long theyve waited in a line.This is also(14)one finds mirrors next to elevators. The(15)was born during the post-World War II boom, when the spread of high-rises(16)complaints about elevator delays. The reason behind the mirrors was(17)to the one used at the Houston airport: give people something to occupy their time.(18)overnight, the complaints ceased.Well never(19)lines altogether, but a better understanding of the psychology of waiting can help make those(20)delays more bearable. And when all else fails, bring a book.问题1选项A.warningB.thinkingC.askingD.complaining问题2选项A.In responseB.In factC.In theoryD.In turn问题3选项A.failedB.workedC.stoppedD.continued问题4选项A.SoB.ButC.OrD.And问题5选项A.PuzzledB.ScaredC.DelightedD.Relieved问题6选项A.spentB.neededC.costD.took问题7选项A.In generalB.In additionC.In any caseD.In other words问题8选项A.in spite ofB.instead ofC.by means ofD.because of问题9选项A.nothingB.zeroC.noneD.no问题10选项A.complaintB.reachC.feelingD.length问题11选项A.shorterB.betterC.longerD.harder问题12选项A.lookingB.standingC.servingD.pointing问题13选项A.dislikeB.disagreeC.overestimateD.misunderstand问题14选项A.howB.whatC.whyD.when问题15选项A.reasonB.problemC.standardD.idea问题16选项A.called forB.pointed outC.led toD.began with问题17选项A.accustomedB.specificC.helpfulD.similar问题18选项A.RatherB.QuiteC.EntirelyD.Almost问题19选项A.crossB.eliminateC.drawD.create问题20选项A.inadequateB.impatientC.impossibleD.inevitable【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:A第6题:D第7题:D第8题:B第9题:B第10题:D第11题:A第12题:B第13题:C第14题:C第15题:B第16题:C第17题:D第18题:D第19题:B第20题:D【解析】1.考查动词辨析。联系下文可知客户在抱怨排队时间长。A选项warning“警告”; B选项thinking“思考”;C选项asking“请求”,因此D选项正确。2.考查语境理解。由空格前,联系第一题“Passengers were complaining about the long waits at baggage claim(乘客们在抱怨行李提取处等待时间太长)”,空格后“the executives increased the number of baggage handlers.(行政人员增加了行李搬运工的人数。)”可知,空格后是对空格前做的回应。B选项In fact“事实上,实际上”;C选项In theory“理论上”;D选项In turn“轮流,依次”,都不符合上下文语境,因此A选项正确。3.考查语境理解。根据下文“the average wait fell to eight minutes, well within industry standard.(平均等待时间降至8分钟,完全符合行业标准。)”可知这项计划奏效了,等待时间下降了。因此B选项正确。4.考查逻辑关系。根据上文“the average wait fell to eight minutes, well within industry standard. (平均等待时间降至8分钟,完全符合行业标准。)”和下文“the complaints persisted.(人们的抱怨仍在继续)”可知空格处填的词应该表示转折。A选项So表原因;B选项But表转折;C选项Or表并列;D选项And表并列,因此B选项正确。5.考查动词辨析。“( ), the airport executives undertook a more careful analysis.”意为“因为机场管理人员进行了更仔细的分析”。A选项Puzzled“困惑”;B选项Scared“害怕”;C选项Delighted“高兴,愉快”;D选项Relieved“解除”。因此A选项正确。6.考查固定搭配。It take sb some time to do sth意为花费时间做某事,没有It spend sb some time to do sth这个说法,spend的用法是sb spend some time (in) doing sth,它的主语必须是人;cost的用法是sth cost sb +金钱;need的主语一般是人,不用it作形式主语。因此D选项正确。7.考查短语辨析。根据上文“They found that it took passengers a minute to walk from their arrival gates to baggage claim and seven more minutes to get their bags.(乘客从到达登机口走到行李认领处需要1分钟,取行李又需要7分钟。)” 和下文“roughly 88 percent of their time was spent standing around waiting for their bags.(他们大约88%的时间是在站着等行李。)”可知上下文表示的意思是一样的,所以空格处应填一个表并列关系的短语。因此空格处应填“in other words”,因此D选项正确。8.考查短语辨析。A选项in spite of“不管,不顾”;B选项instead of“代替,而不是”;C选项by means of“依靠,借助于”;D选项because of“因为,由于”,句意:他们没有缩短等待时间,而是把到达门移到离主航站楼更远的地方。因此B选项正确。9.考查语境理解。句意:参考第48题,他们没有缩短等待时间,而是把到达门移到离主航站楼更远的地方。现在乘客们得多走六倍的路。投诉几乎为( )。从句意我们可以看出空格处应该为一个数值,选项中只有B选项符合,因此B选项正确。10.考查名词辨析。句意:这个故事表明,等待的体验只在一定程度上取决于客观等待的( )。A选项complaint “抱怨”不符合句意;B选项reach “范围”不符合句意; C选项feeling “感觉”与句中的体验相冲突;D选项length “时长”符合句意,因此D选项正确。11.考查逻辑关系。该句意为:被占用的时间(走到行李认领处)感觉比没被占用的时间(站在行李认领处)( )。根据上文中提到的,机场管理人员把到达门移到离主航站楼更远的地方,乘客们在等待的过程中感觉有事情可做,就会觉得走路的时间比等待的时间短,因此A选项正确。12.考查动词辨析。该空格处应填与前面括号内(walking to baggage claim)相对应的单词。A选项looking “看”;B选项standing “站”;C选项serving“招待、服务”;D选项pointing“指向,表明”,其中只有B选项与前面括号内的内容适配度更高,因此B选项正确。13.考查动词辨析。句意:关于排队的研究表明,人们平均会( )自己排队等候的时间。A选项dislike “不喜欢,厌恶”;B选项disagree“不同意,反对”;C选项overestimate “高估”;D选项misunderstand “误解,误会”。联系上下文可知人们总是以为自己的排队时长很长,其实不然,所以人们经常高估自己排队等候的时间,因此C选项正确。14.考查语境理解。句意:这也是( )电梯旁边有镜子。根据下文可知,正是因为镜子让人们在等待的时候有事可做,所以会让人们感觉等待时间缩短了,所以空格处应填有因果关系的词,因此C选项正确。15.考查语境理解。该句子句意为:这个( )出现在二战后的经济繁荣时期,当时高楼林立,导致了人们对电梯延误的抱怨。由此可知,人们对电梯的延误感到抱怨更偏向于是一种社会问题。A选项reason “原因”;B选项problem “问题”;C选项standard “标准”;D选项idea “方法”,因此B选项正确。16.考查短语辨析。A选项call for “要求,需要,倡导”;B选项point out “指出,指明”;C选项lead to “导致”;D选项begin with “以开始,开始于”。参考55题,句意为:这个问题产生于二战后的经济繁荣时期,当时高楼林立,( )了人们对电梯延误的抱怨。根据句意可知空格处应填导致了人们的抱怨,所以C选项正确。17.考查固定搭配。A选项be accustomed to的意思:习惯于;习以为常;B选项be specific to “针对而言,仅限于”;C选项be helpful to do sth. 对做有帮助,后面一般接to do不定式;D选项be similar to “与相似,和相似”,to后面可以接人,也可以接物。句意:镜子后面的原因和休斯顿机场使用的( ):让人们有事可做。一夜之间,投诉停止了。联系上下文可知镜子和机场都是为了让人们在等待的时候有事情可做,他们的目的是一样的,因此D选项正确。18.考查副词辨析。句意:( )一夜之间,投诉停止了。A选项rather “宁可,宁愿,相当”;B选项quite “很,相当,完全”;C选项entirely “完全的”;D选项almost“差不多,几乎”。联系题干可知D选项正确。19.考查动词辨析。A选项cross “穿过,横过”,cross后面一般不用lines,而是cross the line,cross the line逐字解释是越过某条界线,一般是指触犯了某项禁忌或者规则,做了过分的事情。B选项eliminate “消除,排除”;C选项draw“画,拉,吸引”;D选项create“创造,创立”。句意:我们永远不会完全( )排队。根据句意可知B选项正确。20.考查形容词辨析。A选项inadequate “不充分的,不适当的”;B选项impatient “焦躁的,不耐烦的”;C选项impossible “不可能的”;D选项inevitable“不可避免的”。句意:但更好地理解等待的心理可以帮助让那些( )延误变得更容易忍受。联系句意,D选项正确。13. 单选题Cardinal MEZZOFANTI of Bologna was a secular saint who was said to speak 72 languages. Or 50. No one was certain of the true figure, but it was a lot. Visitors flocked from all comers of Europe to test him and came away stunned. Two condemned prisoners were due to be executed, but no one knew their language to hear their confession. Mezzofanti learned it in a night, heard their sins the next morning and saved them from hell.Or so the legend goes. In “Babel No More”, Michael Erard has written the first serious book about the people who master vast numbers of languagesor claim to. A journalist with some linguistics training, Mr. Erard is not a hyperpolyglot himself (he speaks some Spanish and Chinese), but he approaches his topic with both wonder and a healthy dash of scepticism.To find out whether anyone could really learn so many languages, Mr. Erard set out to find Modern Mezzofantis. The people he meets are certainly interesting. One man with a mental age of nine has a vast memory for foreign words and the use of grammatical endings, but he cannot seem to break free of English word order. Ken Hals, who was a linguist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and died in 2001, was said to have learned 50 languages. Professional linguists sill swear by his talent. But he insisted he spoke only three (English, Spanish and Warlpirifrom Australias Northern Territory) and could merely “talk” in others. Mr. Erard says that true hyperpolyglottery begins at about 11 languages, and that while legends abound, tried and tested exemplars are few.At the end of his story, however, Erard finds a surprise in Mezzofantis archive: flashcards. Stacks of them, in Georgian, Hungarian, Arabic, Algonquin and nine other tongues. The worlds most celebrated hyperpolyglot relied on the same tools given to first-year language learners today. The conclusion? Hyperpolyglots may begin with talent but they arent geniuses. They simply enjoy tasks that are drudgery to normal people. The talent and enjoyment drive a virtuous cycle that pushes them to feats others simply shake their heads at.1.The word “hyperpolyglot” (para. 2) refers to the one who( ).2.By “a healthy dash of skepticism”, the author demonstrates Mr. Erards( ).3.Mr. Erards efforts to find the Modern Mezzofantis( ).4.What is the emphasis in the last paragraph?5.The passage is most likely a part of( ).问题1选项A.enjoys learning languagesB.receives strict language trainingC.speaks many languagesD.excels in language tests问题2选项A.biased opinionB.objective attitudeC.strong motivationD.extreme curiosity问题3选项A.are not very fruitfulB.will not end in vainC.seem to pay offD.are highly appreciated问题4选项A.There is no shortcut in language learning.B.We all have the potential to be a good language learner.C.Some people are more gifted to learn languages.D.Good language learners have special learning techniques.问题5选项A.a research paperB.a science fictionC.a news reportD.a book review【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.语义推测题。根据第二段第三句A journalist with some linguistics training, Mr. Erard is not a hyperpolyglot himself (he speaks some Spanish and Chinese),(埃拉尔是一名记者,接受过一些语言学训练,但他自己并不是( ),他会说一点西班牙语和汉语),会说一点西班牙语和汉语用来补充解释前面的 hyperpolyglot,和C选项“会说多种语言”对应,hyperpolyglot是“语言狂人”,故C选项正确。A选项“喜欢学语言”文章没有提到。B选项“接受严格的语言训练”:Erard学过一些,说不上严格。D选项“擅长语言测试”,文章没有讲语言测试。因此C选项正确。2.语义推测题。根据第三段最后一句Mr. Erard says that true hyperpolyglottery begins at about 11 languages, and that while legends abound, tried and tested exemplars are few.(埃拉尔说,真正的语言狂人大约从会11种语言开始,虽然传说比比皆是,但经过验证的例子却很少。),可知实际上语言狂人没有大家所知的那么多,所以Erard的怀疑是客观的,故B选项“客观的态度”正确,A选项“有偏见的观点”错误。C选项“强烈的动机”和D选项“极度的好奇心”和事例无关。因此B选项正确。3.语义推测题。根据第三段第一句To find out whether anyone could really learn so many languages, Mr. Erard set out to find Modern Mezzofantis. (为了弄清楚是否真的有人能学会这么多语言,埃拉尔开始寻找现代的Mezzofantis。),和第三段最后一句tried and tested exemplars are few(通过验证的例子很少),表明Erard的调查目的起码有些成效,故C选项“似乎有回报”正确。A选项“都不是很有成效”:在这过程中Erard遇到很多有趣的人,做了一些测试,得到一些结果。B


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