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2022-2023年考博英语-郑州大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 翻译题Translate the following part into Chinese.In social life, time plays a very important part. In the U.S.A. Guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries. In other areas of the world it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise between people from cultures that treat time differently.【答案】在社交生活中,时间扮演着重要的角色。在美国,如果客人在一个聚会的前3天或4天才收到邀请,他们就会觉得自己没有受到高度重视。但并不是所有国家都这样。在世界的其他地方,太早和别人约好时间被认为是愚蠢的,因为超过一个星期的提前预约很容易被人忘掉。时间在不同国家有不同的意义。因此,来自看待时间不同的文化的人之间会产生误会。2. 单选题Each Monday in four( )weeks is called four( )Mondays.问题1选项A.successive, consecutiveB.continuous, consecutiveC.consecutive, successiveD.consecutive, continuous【答案】C【解析】考查近义词辨析。successive,consecutive,continuous都有“连续的”的意思,successive侧重指一个接着一个连续发生;consecutive侧重指事情按照次序连续发生,强调连贯性;continuous强调一件事情在不断地进行着,没有间断。句意:连续四周的每个星期一被称为连续四个星期一。连续四周指的是按照次序连贯的四周,用consecutive表示,连续四个星期一指有先有后,依次发生的星期一,用successive表示。因此C选项正确。3. 翻译题Translate the following part into English.纵观国际国内大势,我国发展仍处于可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期。我们要准确判断重要战略机遇期内涵和条件的变化,全面把握机遇,沉着应对挑战,赢得主动,赢得优势,赢得未来,确保到2020年实现全面建设成小康社会的宏伟目标。【答案】An examination of both the current international and domestic environments shows that China remains in an important period of strategic opportunities for its development, a period in which much can be achieved. We need to have a correct understanding of the changing nature and conditions of this period, seize all opportunities, respond with cool-headedness to challenges, and gain initiative and advantages to win the future and attain the goal of completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020.4. 单选题When Robert Shiller, a Yale economist and bestselling author, told a crowd of finance professors and economics students last spring that only 10 percent of his money was invested in stocks, they gasped.Managers might suggest anywhere from 50 to 90 percent. But 10 percent? This was heresy.How about 0 percent?Thats the share that investors should plow into domestic stocks, according to Ben Inker, director of asset allocation for Grantham, Mayo, and Van Otterloo &, Co. (GMO), a money-management firm with some $85 billion in assets.Welcome to a contrarian view of todays equity markets. A small but vocal band of heretics is calling into question not only the profit potential of stocks but also the foundation for conventional wisdom about investing. Even for those who disagree with them, their arguments serve as a reality check for the market.Are conventional portfolios really as safe as experts say?“Dont be surprised that the Wall Street brokerage firms spend most of their time telling you that stocks are cheap,” warns Mr. Inker. “Wall Street likes the market. It likes trading. Wall Street makes a lot more money off of trading stocks than trading bonds.”The trick is to determine your portfolios exposure to risk, analysts say. And that depends to a surprisingly large degree -on how diversified it is and how long youre prepared to stay the course. These are key elements of “modem portfolio theory,” which came into being in the 1950s and eventually won its creator, Harry Markowitz, a Nobel PrizeEssentially, portfolio theory holds that investors reap the greatest return with the least risk when they allocate their money among diverse classes of assets, hold them for the long term, and rebalance the portfolio when the various classes of assets stray too far from their original allocation.To make it work, you need to own asset classes that dont move in lock step, make accurate estimates of their future returns, and use a very long time horizon. A miscalculation in even one of these steps, however, can seriously hurl the prospects for reaching your ultimate goal.“The long-term nature is the driving force of the portfolio,” says Jerry Korabilk, vice president of Ibbotson Associates, a Chicago-based asset allocation adviser. “All of our clients are institutions, and we develop portfolios with 10-, 20-, even 30-year time horizons.”Riding the roller coasterThus, investors should never try to get in and out of the market at specific times, the theory holds. Instead, they should ride the inevitable ebb and flow of prices. If they have allocated their money correctly, some portion of their portfolio will almost always be making money. By rebalancing their portfolios periodically selling off some of the winning asset classes and buying more of the losers they are continually buying low and selling high, at least in a relative sense.This buy-and-hold strategy has won over hordes of investors. The average Fidelity retirement account has nearly 60 percent of its money in stocks, a recent study found. The overall average for retirement accounts: 61 percent, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute. Even equity allocations for college and university endowments hover around 57.1 percent, says the National Association of College and University Business Officers.The problem is that investors sometimes have to be extraordinarily patient for the strategy to pay off. In 1981, for example, the S&P 500 index stood at the same level it first achieved in 1965. Today the index is about 30 percent lower than its peak in 2000. Do investors really have to put up with such long periods of losses?Profits of impatienceNo, say a small contingent of money managers. By avoiding the stock market as their primary engine for profit during the past five years, several of these managers have posted good returns.Take the Permanent Portfolio Fund. Unlike many balanced funds, which diversify primarily between stocks and bonds. It encompasses a much wider variety of assets: 20 percent gold bullion and coins, 5 percent silver bullion and coins, 10 percent Swiss franc denominated assets (typically Swiss government bonds), 15 percent US and foreign real estate and natural-resource company stocks, 15 percent aggressive-growth stocks, and 35 percent in dollar assets (Treasury securities in varying maturities and also short-term, high-grade bonds).Over the past five years, while the S&P 500 has slipped backward, the Permanent Portfolio Fund has averaged a startling 10.1 percent growth per year.“We dont correlate to any index because we own different assets,” says the funds manager, Michael Guggino. “In markets where stocks and equities are going sideways or down, we perform very well because our diversification is much broader. If equities go gangbusters like in the 90s, clearly we are going to underperform because we wont be totally in stocks.”Indeed, the fund lagged significantly during the boom years of the 1990s, causing average annual returns for the decade to trail the S&P 500 by four percentage points.1. According to “modem portfolio theory,” we should( ).2. In the last paragraph, “The fund lagged significantly during the boom years of 1990s, causing average annual returns for the decade to trail the S&P 500 by four percentage points.” We see from this sentence that( ) .3. What attitude does the author have towards conventional portfolios?4. In the last 2nd paragraph, “If equities go gangbusters like in the 1990s, clearly we are going to under-perform because we wont be totally in stocks.” We know from this sentence all of the following except that( ).问题1选项A.buy one singly kind of stocksB.never sell our stocksC.sell stocks whose prices go relatively too high in our portfolioD.buy stocks whose prices fluctuates at the same pace问题2选项A.the funds profits were not good enoughB.the funds performance during the 1990s is very poorC.the fund lost money during the 1990sD.the fund did exceedingly well during the 1990s问题3选项A.SkepticalB.ScathingC.DetachedD.Boastful问题4选项A.the 1990s saw a booming stock marketB.“we” under performed during the 1990sC.“we” will change our course of actionD.“we” are not totally in stocks【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据现代资产组合理论,我们应该”。文章第八段提到“这在很大程度上取决于资产的分散性和你打算持有多久。这些是现在资产组合理论的关键部分”(And that depends to a surprisingly large degree on how diversified it is and how long youre prepared to stay the course. These are key elements of “modern portfolio theory”),可知强调的是多样性,而不是“单个”,因此选项A可以排除;文章第十段提到“为了让它(投资组合)起作用,你需要拥有不同类型且不同步变化的资产,并且你还需要对资产进行预估”(To make it work, you need to own asset classes that dont move in lock step, make accurate estimates of their future returns, and use a very long time horizon),因此选项D中的at the same pace错误,可以排除;文章第九段rebalance the portfolio,第十二段提到“平衡投资组合包括出售一些盈利的资产,买入更多亏损的资产类别”(By rebalancing their portfolios periodically -selling off some of the winning asset classes and buying more of the losers),因此选项B错误。综上,选项C符合题意。2.推理判断题。题目问的是“我们从最后一段的这句话中了解到了什么?”文章最后一句提到“实际上,在上世纪90年代的繁荣时期,该基金表现明显滞后,导致这十年的平均年回报率落后于标准普尔500指数4个百分点”(Indeed, the fund lagged significantly during the boom years of the 1990s, causing average annual returns for the decade to trail the S&P 500 by four percentage points),由此可以推断在90年代股市暴涨在基金中不明显,因此选项A符合题意。3.观点态度题。题目问的是“对于传统资产组合,作者是何种态度?”文章第六段提问道“传统的资产组合真的像专家们所说的那样安全吗?”下文对此进行解答,因此选项C“客观的”符合题意。skeptical “怀疑的”;scathing “严厉的”;boastful “自夸的,自负的”。4.推理判断题。题目问的是“我们从倒数第二段的这句话中了解到以下信息,除了”该句出现在倒数第二段最后一句话,意思是“如果股票像90年代那样行情火爆,那么很明显,我们的运作将会差于一般市场价格,因为我们不会完全投资于股市”,“90年代股票市场繁荣”“我们在90年代运作不佳” “我们没有完全投资于股市”均在句子中体现了,只有C选项没有体现,因此该选项符合题意。5. 单选题The governments policies in the past five years have shown a(n)( )in emphasizing the necessity of improving the peasants livelihood.问题1选项A.behaviorB.agonyC.coherenceD.exaltation【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。behavior “行为;举止”; agony “苦恼”; coherence “一致;连贯性”;exaltation “欣喜;提拔”。根据时间状语in the past five years (在过去五年)可知政府对提高农民生活水平的持续关注,因此选项C符合题意。6. 单选题Helen could not help feeling antipathy to ward her fathers new wife whom he married just two months after the death of Helens mother.问题1选项A.sympathyB.concessionC.compassionD.hostility【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项sympathy“同情(强调共同分担,进而对某种经历或遭遇引起共鸣);慰问;赞同”;B选项concession“让步;特许(权);承认;退位”;C选项compassion“同情(强调由于理解而同情,并主动给予帮助,常常指通过自身痛苦或不幸而同情别人);怜悯”;D选项hostility“敌意;战争行动”。句意:海伦对她父亲的新妻子不禁感到反感,她父亲在海伦的母亲去世仅仅两个月后就娶了她。本句关键词antipathy表示“反感;厌恶;憎恶;不相容”,四个选项中D选项最合适,因此D选项正确。7. 单选题The countrys production dropped while prices and unemployed ( ).问题1选项A.under-questionedB.out-spaceC.overestimatedD.skyrocketed【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。under-question“在受盘问中”;out-space 是名词,意思是“外部空间”;overestimate “对估计过高”;skyrocket “飞涨;猛涨”。While前后是对比关系,前面提到“这个国家的生产下降”,因此后面是表示“价格和失业率在上升”,选项D符合题意。8. 单选题Those who have never suffered impairment of sight and hearing seldom make the fullest use of their blessed faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sounds( ).问题1选项A.lazilyB.indifferentlyC.hazilyD.hastily【答案】C【解析】考查副词词义辨析。lazily “懒洋洋地”;indifferently“冷淡地,漠不关心地”; hazily “模糊地, 朦胧地”; hastily“匆忙地,慌忙地”。句意:那些视觉和听觉从未受到损害的人很少充分利用这些有幸获得的官能, 他们的眼睛和耳朵模糊地容纳所有的景象和声音。根据关键词seldom make the fullest use of their blessed faculties(很少充分利用这些有幸获得的官能)可知“模糊地或朦胧地”更符合语境,选项C符合题意。9. 单选题When Use Hadda sold her roomy, three bedroom house a year ago to move into a two-bedroom condo in Berkeley, California, she struggled to arrange her old furniture in her new space. Familiar pieces that had fit together so naturally before no longer connected in the same homey way. Nothing seemed to work. Her seven large wooden bookshelves, standing together in the living/dining room area, looked awkward and a little overwhelming. She couldnt find space for her favorite leather chair and the other furniture grouped around the living room fireplace. In an alcove off the master bedroom, her desk felt out of place and got in the way of the in-wall ironing board. I was frustrated because it looked awful, she says.Hadda turned to a surprising source for help the home stager shed hired earlier to strip the personality from her old home so it would be more attractive to potential buyers.Its not as strange as it sounds. Real-estate agents often recommend that sellers hire a home stager (also known as real-estate enhancer) to whisk through their homes and neutralize them before they go on the market. When staging to sell, a home stager, sometimes with the help of a team, stashes away personal items (your collection of antique dolls, for example, or the model boat on the mantel); repaints aggressively colored walls, and rearranges furniture and accessories to draw attention to a homes best features. Staging to live, as its called, is the logical next step. Having come to appreciate the clean, uncluttered look the stager achieved in their old homes, seller are rehiring stagers to work the same magic in their new home. But this time, instead of seeking to depersonalize your abode, the emphasis is on organizing, decluttering, and rearranging to de-stress the environment, says Barb Schwarz, whos been staging homes for more than 30 years and founded the International Association of Home Staging Professionals four years ago.Its visual therapy, says Schwarz. Its about fine-tuning a space to improve its energy and the flow from room to room, she says. Schwarz estimates that about 40 percent of her staging-to-sell clients ask her to stage their new homes.Staging is also about getting rid of familiar objects that homeowners are overly attached to, says interior designer Pat McMillan, coauthor of Home Decorating for Dummies. A stager can be brutally honest about disposing of clutter and relegating tatty family heirlooms to the closet.Anyone can hang out a shingle in this rapidly growing field, through a three-day course at one of Schwarzs Staging University training programs which covers such topics as traffic patterns, furniture arrangement, and family lifestyle”, earns graduates the right to call themselves Accredited Staging Professionals. Fees vary widely but typically run about $75 an hour. Depending on the number of rooms, the total fee to stage a home may range anywhere from $750 to $3,0000, says Schwarz .1. The sentence Nothing seemed to wok (Paragraph 1) probably means( ).2. Which of the following is true according to the third paragraph?3. We may infer from the third paragraph that( ).4. According to the passage, the stager field is the one in which?问题1选项A.her furniture lost their functions for their new arrangementB.she had lost her job and had nothing to doC.her furniture were too old to be used any longerD.she didnt like her furniture any more for their awful looking问题2选项A.One home stager is enough to do all the works.B.The stagers try their best to prevent the house from being sold.C.Personal items of the home owner will be used to draw attention.D.Walls with inappropriate colors will be repainted.问题3选项A.staging to live is a certain step for all the staging to sell clients.B.stagers are rehired to help the clients organize their new houses.C.stagers are rehired to help the clients sell their new houses.D.staging to live costs much more than the step of “staging to sell”.问题4选项A.anyone can buy a satisfying house fromB.anyone can earn a lot of moneyC.anyone can have a tryD.anyone can start a training company【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C【解析】1.推理判断题。题目问的是“句子没有什么看起来发挥了作用可能是什么意思?”文章第一段第二句提到曾经摆放在一起的成套的家具现在却不再按照以前的方式摆放了(Familiar pieces that had fit together so naturally before no longer connected in the same homey way);第四句提到她的七个大型的木制书柜被摆放在客厅里面,使它们看起来不协调并且占了大量的空间(Her seven large wooden bookshelves, standing together in the living/dining room area, looked awkward and a little overwhelming),因此可知选项A“重新摆放后的家具失去了作用”符合题意。2.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据第三段可知下列哪句话是正确的?”文章第二段提到Hadda后悔没有早点找一个理家老手来帮她去掉房子之前的印记,以便吸引潜在买家(Hadda turned to a surprising source for help the home stager shed hired earlier to strip the personality from her old home so it would be more attractive to potential buyers),由此可知选项D“不合适的墙面颜色需要重新刷油漆”符合题意。3.推理判断题。题目问的是“从第三段可推断出什么?” 文章第三段倒数第二句话提到在见识到了理家老手的高超手段后,他们会再次雇佣理家老手去打理他们的新家(Having come to appreciate the clean, uncluttered look the stager achieved in their old homes, seller are rehiring stagers to work the same magic in their new home),因此选项B符合题意。4.细节事实题。题目问的是“根据文章可知,理家行业怎么样?”文章最后一段第一句话提到每个人都可以尝试在这个领域发展(Anyone can hang out a shingle in this rapidly growing field),选项C符合题意。10. 单选题Fundamentally, income disparity describes two disparate groups: rich and poor. It is hardly news that the rich are getting richer. The underlying story is a familiar one: the wealthiest households own the most assets, namely stocks, and asset prices have risen at a ferocious pace in recent years. Beyond the standard explanation, it is also the case that the emergence of technology, rising productivity, and an expanding global market have brought forth a new upper class among corporations. These newly wealthy firms pay skilled employees well and in an ever-tighter labor market, they are forced to constantly sweeten their employees compensation.Then there are the poor, where conditions are a little murky. Falling unemployment, anecdotal evidence of rising starling wages for low level service jobs, and the relative non-event of welfare reform so far suggest that conditions at the low end are improving. Yet at the same time, whole communities under siege by crime and hopelessness cannot be ignored.That said, income inequality as a blanket indictment off our economic system does not fly. Income disparity is the gas that runs our economic engine. The ability to someday earn more, to live at a higher standard, is what gets people out of bed in the morning, particularly in our consumer-oriented economy. Income disparity only becomes a problem if it widens to the extent that the labor force believes that greater wealth can only be achieved by the already wealthy.Indeed, it is unreasonable to state that income disparity is eroding the labor forces will to improve productivity and move ahead. Increasing labor force participation, record homeownership, surging consumer confidence and spending, near record levels of immigration, and urban renewal are all anecdotal evidence that hopes are high. All types of people are flourishing in the New Economy and there is sufficient evidence to suggest that most still want their shot at the brass ring.So why are there still very poor households in this country? There are many reasons. Our economy is shifting towards the production of higher value goods and services. Unskilled labor is not valued to the degree that it once was, and unskilled workers are paid accordingly. There has also been a recent surge of immigration into the U.S. Many migrants to this country, particularly those who are unskilled or language challenged, require time to be absorbed into our economy. If skills are lacking, it may take a generation or two to move ahead.It is also important to remember that it is not the ultimate goal of every person to be fabulously rich. One of the fundamentals of economics is that one decides how hard to work, where to work, and what risks to take. Monetary wealth is not the sole means of maximizing utility. Each person has a finite life span and finite abilities; it is up to the individual to apply those as they see fit. The wealthy getting wealthier is not always evidence to others that they themselves are falling behind.1. In the authors country,( )may benefit from the development of its economy.2. It is implied in this p


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