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2022-2023年考博英语-上海交通大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题He was very intelligent, but he ( ) the requirement for a manager.问题1选项A.fell short ofB.ran short ofC.ran out ofD.froze out of【答案】A【解析】动词词组辨析。fell short of达不到, 缺乏;ran short of快用完了;ran out of用完;froze out of不是词组。句意:他很聪明, 但达不到管理职位的要求。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题Educational Service InC.operates 70 institutes in the United States and they concentrate on providing career-focused degree programs to ( ) 28 000 students.问题1选项A.considerablyB.approximatelyC.preferablyD.ideally【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。 considerably相当地,非常; approximately大约,近似地; preferably更好地; ideally理想地。句意:美国教育服务公司运营着70家学院, 主要为大约2.8万名学生提供以职业为中心的学位课程。空后为数字,只有 approximately后可接数字。所以选项B正确。3. 单选题The poison produced by the spiders skin is so ( ) that it will paralyze a bird or a monkey immediately.问题1选项A.lethalB.liableC.tediousD.profound【答案】A【解析】形容词的辨析题。lethal致死的, 致命的;liable 有责任的, 有义务的;tedious 乏味的, 单调的;profound 知识渊博的。句意:蜘蛛皮肤产生的毒液是致命的,它会立即使一只鸟或一只猴子瘫痪。选项A符合句意。4. 单选题He finally agreed to sign the agreement with us, but with some ( ) .问题1选项A.recurrenceB.rejectionC.reluctanceD.refutation【答案】C【解析】名词辨析题。recurrence循环,重现rejection拒绝,抑制;reluctance勉强,不情愿;refutation反驳,驳斥。句意:他最终同意与我们签订协议,但有些不情愿。选项C符合句意。5. 单选题When he left high school, he ( ) to go to college and study for a degree, rather than get a job straight away.问题1选项A.optedB.forwentC.indulgedD.excelled【答案】A【解析】词义辨析题。opt选择,opt to do sth.指选择做某事;forwent摒弃,放弃;indulge沉溺,放纵,后面一般接介词in;excelled超过,一般与at或in搭配。句意:高中毕业后,他选择上大学攻读学位,而不是直接找工作。选项A符合句意。6. 单选题The relationship between technology and development is complicate.At times the negative features of technology seem to _ the positive ones.问题1选项A.withdrawB.dischargeC.maximizeD.outweigh【答案】D【解析】动词辨析题。withdraw取回;(使)撤退;discharge解雇,卸下;maximize使最大化;outweigh 胜过,超过。句意:技术与发展之间的关系很复杂。有时,技术的负面特征似乎超过正面特征。选项D符合句意。7. 单选题It is our firm ( ) that a step forward has been taken and will bring the country back to economic prosperity.问题1选项A.convictionB.empowermentC.imperativeD.proposition【答案】A【解析】名词辨析题。conviction确信,证明;empowerment 许可,授权;imperative命令,需要,势在必行;proposition提议,命题。句意:我们坚信,已经向前迈出了一步,并将使国家恢复经济繁荣。选项A符合句意。8. 单选题It is perhaps, no accident that many of the outstanding figures of the past were amazingly versatile men. Right up until comparatively recent times, it was possible for an intelligent person to acquaint himself with almost every branch of knowledge. Thus, a man of genius like Leonardo da Vinci engaged in many careers at once as a matter of course. Da Vinci was so busy with his numerous inventions that he barely found the time to complete his paintings. He came very near to fulfilling the Renaissance ideal of the universal man, the man who was proficient at everything. Today, we rarely, if ever, hear that a musician has just invented a new type of submarine.Knowledge has become divided and sub-divided into countless, narrowly-defined compartments. The specialist is respected; the versatile person, far from being admired, is more often regarded with suspicion. The modem world is a world of highly-skilled experts who have had to devote the greater part of their lives to a very limited field of study in order to compete with their fellows. But this has not been achieved without considerable cost. The scientist, who outside his own particular subject is little more than a moron, is a modem phenomenon; as is the man of letters who is barely aware of the tremendous strides that have been made in technology. Similarly, specialization has indirectly affected quite ordinary people in every walk of life. Many activities which were once pursued for their own sakes, are often given up in despair; they require techniques, the experts tell us, which take a life-time to master. Why learn to play the piano, when you can listen to the worlds greatest pianists in your own drawing-room?Little by little, we are becoming more and more isolated from each other. It is almost impossible to talk to your neighbor about his job, even if he is engaged in roughly the same work as you are. The Royal Society in Britain includes among its members only the most eminent scientists in the country. Yet it is highly disturbing to find that even here, as one of its members put it, at a lecture only 10% of the members can understand 50% of what is being said!1.The passage implies that( ).2.The word moron (Paragraph 2) most probably means ( ) .3.Which of the following is the best possible title for the passage?4.According to the passage, in order to stand out, a scientist should ( ) .5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?问题1选项A.men of remarkable achievements in the past were accidentally versatileB.no great man in the past was qualified as universal except da VinciC.nowadays versatile men are generally highly regardedD.nowadays it is nearly impossible for a man to be versatile问题2选项A.a foolish manB.a hard-working manC.an expertD.a miserable man问题3选项A.How to Become a Versatile Man.B.Versatile Men.C.How to Become an Intelligent Man.D.Intelligent Men.问题4选项A.engage in as many careers as possibleB.become a member of the Royal SocietyC.confine himself to a limited area of studyD.be aware of the great progress in science and technology问题5选项A.Da Vinci was too busy with his many inventions to finish his paintings.B.In the modem world a man can become versatile without paying the price.C.Nowadays a man of letters scarcely knows about the changes in technology.D.During the Renaissance much emphasis was placed on being universal.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节推理题。第一段的最后一句为本文的主旨句“Today, we rarely, if ever, hear that a musician has just invented a new type of submarine.”这句话的潜在意思就是说: 现在多才多艺的人越来越少。选项D符合原文。2.语义题。原文中的分号, 以及as说明, 前后是同类事物的比较。根据下文的who is barely aware of可知,moron表示的是什么都不知道的人, 所以选项A正确。原文句意:有些科学家在他自己的研究领域之外和白痴一样。3.全文主旨题。结合全文内容可知,本文主要是讲多才多艺的人,作者只是提出自己的看法,并没有说如何成为一个多才多艺的人,所以选项B正确。4.细节事实题。根据第二段第三句“. experts who have had to devote the greater part of their lives to a very limited field of study in order to compete with their fellows.”科学们不得不把大部分的生命投入到一个非常有限的研究领域,以便与他们的同行竞争。选项 C 符合原文。5.细节判断题。根据第二段第四句“But this has not been achieved without considerable cost.”这里采用双重否定强调这一目标的实现需要付出相当大的代价。所以选项B与原文不符。9. 单选题Now that the excitement of celebrating has had a chance to ( ) , its time to turn the Olympic ideal into reality.问题1选项A.cut offB.carry awayC.turn offD.wear off【答案】D【解析】动词词组辨析。 cut off切断,中断; carry away运走;失去自制力;turn of关闭; wear off逐渐减少,逐渐消失。句意:既然庆祝的激情已经开始逐渐消失, 那么是时候把奥林匹克理想变成现实了。10. 单选题The project goal is for students to build complex and interesting sentences and ( ) , whole paragraphs. The teacher explains.问题1选项A.foremostB.ultimatelyC.readilyD.intimately【答案】B【解析】副词辨析题。foremost首要的,最先的;ultimately最终,根本;readily容易地,乐意地;intimately熟悉地,亲密地。句意:“该项目的目标是让学生构建复杂有趣的句子,最终形成完整的段落。”老师解释道。选项B符合句意。11. 单选题With a candle in hand, he carefully ( ) the flight of narrow stairs to his bedroom.问题1选项A.assertedB.ascertainedC.assembledD.ascended【答案】D【解析】动词辨析题。assert断言,坚持,维护;ascertain查明,确定;assemble聚集,集合;ascend攀登,上升。句意:他手里拿着蜡烛,小心翼翼地登上狭窄的楼梯,来到自己的卧室。选项D符合句意。12. 单选题Another big issue ( ) the nation is the problem of the education of its citizens.问题1选项A.confiningB.confirmingC.conformingD.confronting【答案】D【解析】动词辨析题。confine限制,局限;confirm确认,批准;conform符合,遵守;confront面临,遭遇。句意:这个国家面临的另一大问题是公民的教育问题。选项D符合句意。13. 单选题Ideas ( ) from ones own experience are sometimes more valuable than those from books.问题1选项A.derivedB.deprivedC.retreatedD.restored【答案】A【解析】固定搭配。derive from来自;deprive剥夺,使丧失,后面一般接介词of;retreat撤退;restore归还,使恢复。句意:人的经验之谈有时比书本里的话更有价值。选项A正确。14. 单选题Up until the age of 18, I read very little. I (1 ) myself to what was necessary for a secondary-school (2 ) . I was always busy either playing soccer or falling in love. Then came the day when, as a young columnist, my main (3 ) was to reaD.And I got to like it. My head spun! An unknown passion took (4 ) of me. What happened? For me, it was the (5 ) of a new state of being in love. I began to take possession of books and to annotate them. (6 ) I would tell them, in an only slightly (7 ) way, how much I liked them or didnt. Today, 25 years later, I (8 ) through my books from those days and its magic, finding myself face to face with the young man I once was. Sometimes I (9 ) him. Other times I find him (10 ) . Certain remarks seem (11 ) to me now. Others make me happy. I was right about that, I sometimes say to myself. Twenty-five years later I find the (12 ) trace of my thoughts, my (13 ) of that time. Thats why I never lend out my books. I give (14 ) the ones of which I have two (15 ) and the ones Ive never reaD.But the ones Ive (16 ) up cannot (17 ) : they have become my journals, my (18 ) .To let someone read them would be (19 ) myself up to scrutiny. I would be allowing others to break into me like a (20 ) breaks into a house.问题1选项A.contributedB.definedC.limitedD.controlled问题2选项A.paperB.diplomaC.permitD.qualification问题3选项A.interestB.assignmentC.responsibilityD.right问题4选项A.advantageB.holdC.chargeD.obsession问题5选项A.intrusionB.attackC.invasionD.raid问题6选项A.ReallyB.ButC.ThusD.Besides问题7选项A.distortedB.twistedC.contortedD.zigzagged问题8选项A.thumbB.scanC.fingerD.turn问题9选项A.enjoyB.understandC.receiveD.identify问题10选项A.promisingB.eloquentC.credibleD.hopeless问题11选项A.interestingB.exactC.stupidD.desperate问题12选项A.liveB.aliveC.livingD.lively问题13选项A.sensibilitiesB.sentimentsC.sensesD.sensitivities问题14选项A.outB.awayC.upD.in问题15选项A.editionsB.versionsC.copiesD.volumes问题16选项A.markedB.drawnC.writtenD.signed问题17选项A.spreadB.circleC.circulateD.cycle问题18选项A.acknowledgementsB.recognitionsC.admissionsD.confessions问题19选项A.givingB.turningC.openingD.revealing问题20选项A.guestB.liarC.robberD.burglar【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A第6题:C第7题:C第8题:A第9题:B第10题:D第11题:C第12题:C第13题:A第14题:B第15题:C第16题:A第17题:C第18题:D第19题:C第20题:D【解析】1.根据上下文, 前文提到我很少读书,仅仅读一些为了得到中学文凭而必须读的书,由此推测作者将自己限制在有限的学习内容当中。2.名词词义辨析。 paper论文; diploma毕业证; permit允许; qualification资格。根据句意,仅仅读一些为了得到中学文凭而必须读的书。故答案为B。3.名词词义辨析。作为一名专栏作家, 我的主要职责是阅读。4.take advantage of sb.利用; take hold of sh.抓住,吸引; take charge of sb.控制; take obsession of sb.困扰。根据句意, 一股莫名的激情吸引了我。选项B符合句意。5.intrusion闯入; attack袭击; invasion侵略;raid袭击,查抄。根据句意,能与love搭配的动词只能是 intrusion,爱情是闯入进来的。选项A正确。6.逻辑关系。根据上下文的联系, 可知这里应该为因果关系。选项C正确。7.distorted歪曲的, 曲解的, 一般指说的话或做的事被曲解; twisted扭曲的,别扭的; contorted扭曲的; zigzagged呈之字形的。 twisted和 contorted都有扭曲的意思, twisted主要指身体的扭曲, contorted表达较为抽象, 这里指不直白的, 即委婉的表达方式。所以选项C更符合原文。8.thumb through the book为固定搭配, 意为迅速翻阅一本书。9.从下文可知, 这里的him指曾经的自己。选项只有 understand符合文章上下文语意及逻辑关系。10.根据原文, 曾经的他不爱阅读,在现在的我看来,应该是 hopeless的。故答案为D。11.根据下文Others make me happy. 可以推断出, 前后句子形成对比关系。因此填空处应该填写与 happy意义相对的词汇,选项C stupid符合要求。12.同根词辨析。live活的;生动的;alive只能做表语,不可做定语; living鲜活的,生动的; lively活泼的,有生气的。选项中,能与trace搭配的形容词只有living合适。句意:25年后, 我找到了我思想的鲜活痕迹。选项C正确。13.sensibility感觉,感情; sentiment多愁善感,情绪;sense感觉,知觉理智; sensitivity敏感性。根据句意, 填空处应填入与 thoughts意义相近的词。选项A更适合。14.动词介词搭配。此处所选的介词应与give构成一个词组,并与 lend out(借出)同义。 give out用尽,耗尽; give away捐献,赠送; give up放弃; give in屈服。选项B正确。15.名词词义辨析。根据句意, 若有两本同样的书, 或是从未阅读过的书, 他会捐献出去。两本同样的应用 two copies; two editions和 two versions是两版,指内容不同;two volumes泛指两册,不强调内容是否相同。选项C符合原文。16.前文讲到作者喜欢在自己的书上记录心得体会,这里也指那些被他注解过的书,动词选mark与介词up搭配,意为给做记号。17.根据原文, 这里指作者做了笔记的书不愿将它流传出去。spread一般指看不见的东西进行传播, 所以选项C正确。18.acknowledgement了解,认识; recognition认识; admission承认,认可; confession自白, 忏悔。根据上文可知, 每次当作者翻开那些被做了注释的书, 就好像遇到了以前的自己, 说明这些书对作者来说就像是自己的自白, 选项D符合原文。19.根据句意:这些做过笔记的书本,若是被别人读了,就好像把自己赤裸裸地暴露在外了似的。选项C正确。20.break into(入室抢劫)的强盗是 burglar。选项D正确。15. 单选题The best films arc those which ( ) national or cultural barriers.问题1选项A.transcendB.transitC.transcribeD.transact【答案】A【解析】形近词辨析题。transcend超越,胜过;transit运输;transcribe抄写;transact办理,交易。句意:最好的电影是那些超越了民族或文化障碍的电影。选项A符合句意。16. 单选题Soil ( ) is a natural process. It becomes a problem when human activity causes it to occur much faster than under natural conditions.问题1选项A.preservationB.abrasionC.erosionD.eruption【答案】C【解析】名词辨析题。preservation保留,保护;abrasion磨损,损耗;erosion腐蚀,侵蚀;eruption喷发,爆发。句意:土壤侵蚀是一个自然过程。当人类活动导致它比自然条件下发生得快得多时,这就成了一个问题。选项C符合句意。17. 单选题No one really knows who composed this piece of music, but it had been ( )to Bach.问题1选项A.associatedB.identifiedC.attributedD.considered【答案】C【解析】固定搭配。 associate通常与with搭配,意为交往,结合; identify to认出,识别; attribute to归属,把归于, consider不与to搭配。句意:没人知道是谁谱写了这首曲子, 但它是巴赫的作品。选项C正确。18. 单选题Last month, Mars and Earth were at the closest points in their ( ) orbits. The distance between the two worlds was 68 million kilometers.问题1选项A.identicalB.respectiveC.rigidD.reverse【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。 identical恒一的,完全相同的; respective各自的,分别的; rigid严格的,僵硬的; reverse反面的。句意:上个月火星和地球在各自轨道上的距离最近, 两个世界之间的距离是6800万公里。选项B符合句意。19. 单选题He had a quarrel with his wife and just( ) her.问题1选项A.became ofB.got hold ofC.walked out onD.passed over【答案】C【解析】动词词组辨析。became of 使遭遇;降临于;发生情况;got hold of 抓住;握住, 占有;walked out on 丢在一边;passed over 越过;忽略;宽恕;回避。句意:他和妻子吵了一架, 然后把她丢在一边。选项C符合句意。20. 单选题To maintain a leading position in the market, companies have to develop products which are cheaper, more( ) and more reliable than those of their competitors.问题1选项A.innovativeB.commensurateC.enlighteningD.legitimate【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析题。innovative创新的,革新的;commensurate相称的,同量的;enlightening富有启发的;legitimate合法的,合理的,正当的。句意:为了在市场上保持领先地位,公司必须开发出比竞争对手更便宜、更创新、更可靠的产品。选项A符合句意。


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