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专题四完形填空记叙类专练考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx学校: 姓名: 班级: 考号: 题号-一-二二总分得分注意事项:卡上1、答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2、请将答案正确填写在答题评卷人得分1、阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Hannah Taylor is a schoolgirl form Manitoba, Canada.One day, when she wasfive years old, she was walk ing with her mother in dow ntow n Winn ipeg. They saw aman 1out of a garbage can. She asked hermother why he did that andher mother said that the man was homeless and hun gry. Hannah was very She could nt understand why some people had to live theirlives without shelter or eno ugh food. Hannah started to think about how she could 3, but, of course, there is not a lot one five-year-old cando to solve( 解决)the problem of homelessness.Later,when Hannah attended school, she saw another homeless person. It wasa woman, 4 an old shopping trolley( 购物车)which was piledwith 5. It seemed that everything the womanowned was in them. Thismade Hannah very sad, and even more 6 to do something. She had beentalki ng to her mother about the lives of homeless people7 theyfirst saw the homeless man. Her mother told her that if she did something to change the problem that made he r sad, she would nt 8 as bad.Hannah began to speak out about the homelessness in Manitoba and then in other prov in ces. She hoped to 9 her message of hope and aware ness. Shestarted the Ladybug Foudation ,an organization aiming at getting rid of homelessness. She began to 10 “ Big Bosses ” lunches, where she would try topersuade local bus in ess Leaders to11 to the cause. She alsoorga ni zed a fun drais ing( 募捐)drive in Ladybug Jars ” to collect every on es spare cha nge duri ng “ Make Change mon th. More recen tly, the foun dati onbega nano ther 12 called Nati onal Red Scarf Day-a day whe n people don ate$20 and wear red scarves in support of Can adas13 and homeless.There is an emerge ncy shelter in Winn ipegcalled“ Hann ahs Place ” ,someth ing that Hannah is very14of. Hann ahs Place is dividedinto several areas,providi ngshelter for people whe n it is socoldthat 匹 outdoors can mean death. In the more tha n five years sinceHannah bega n her activities, she has received a lot of16. Forexample, she received the 2007 BRICK Award recog nizing the17ofyoung people to cha nge the world. But18all this, Hannah stillhas the 19 life of a Winn ipeg schoolgirl, except thatshe paysregular visits to homeless people.Hannah isone; of manyexamples of young people who are makinga20in the world. You can,too!1.A.jumpi ngB.eat ingC.cryi ngD.wavi ng2.A.a nno yedB.n ervousC.ashamedD.upset3. A.behaveB.ma nageC.helpD.work4.A.push ingB.carry ingC.buyi ngD.holdi ng5.A.goodsB.bottlesC.foodsD.bags6.A.excitedB.determ inedC.en ergeticD.grateful7.A.si neeB.u nlessC.althoughD.as8. A.sou ndB.getC.feelD.look9.A.excha ngeB.leaveC.keepD.spread10. A.sellB.deliverC.hostD.pack11.A.co ntributeB.leadC.applyD.agree12.A.campaig nB.tripC.procedureD.trial13.A.elderlyB.hungryC.lo nelyD.sick14.A.awareB.afraidC.proudD.sure15.A.goi ngB.sleepi ngC.traveli ngD.playi ng16.A.praisesB.i nvitati onsC.repliesD.appo in tme nts17.A.n eedsB.i nterestsC.dreamsD.efforts18.A.forB.throughC.besidesD.alo ng19. A.healthyB.publicC. no rmalD.tough20.A. choiceB.profitC.judgeme ntD.differe nee2、阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。While high school does not gen erally en courage stude nts to explore newaspects of life,college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went throughthis 1 process and found someth ing that has cha ngedmy 2 at college for the better:I discovered ASL-American SignLanguage(美式手语).I n ever felt an urge to3 any sig n Ian guage before.Myentire family is hearing,andso are all my friends.The 4 Ianguageswere eno ugh in all my in teract ions(交往).Little did I know that I would discovermy 5 for ASL.The 6 began during my first week at college. I watched asthe ASL Club 7their translationof a song. Both the hand movementsandthevery8ofcom muni cat ingwithoutspeak ing9me. What I saw was completely un like anything I hadexperie needinthe10.Thisnewn essjustleftme11more.After that, feeli ng the n eed to12further, I decided todrop in on one of ASL clubs meet in gs. I only lear ned how to13thealphabet that day. Yet in stead of being discouraged by my 14 progress was excited. Ithenmade it a pointto 匹 those meet ings and lear n all I could.The followi ng term, I16an ASL class. The professor wasdeaf and any talk ing was17. I soon realized that the sile nee wasnot un pleasa nt.18,if therehad been any talking,it wouldhave19us tolearnless. Now, I appreciate the sileneeandthe20way of com muni cati on it ope ns.1.A.search ingB.pla nningC. naturalD.formal2.A.progressB.experie neeC.majorD.op inion3.A.chooseB.readC.lear nD.create4.A.officialB.foreig nC.bodyD.spoke n5.A.loveB.concernC.goalD.request6.A.meet ingB.tripC.storyD.task7.A.recordedB.performedC.recitedD.discussed8.A.ideaB.am ountC.dreamD.reas on9.A.disturbedB.supportedC.embarrassedD.attracted10.A.e ndB.pastC.courseD.dista nee11.A.showi ngB.acti ngC.sayi ngD.wa nti ng12.A.exerciseB.exploreC.expressD.explai n13. A.pri ntB.writeC.sig nD.co unt14.A.slowB.steadyC.no rmalD.obvious15.A.chairB.sp on sorC.atte ndD.orga nize16.A. missedB.passedC.gave upD.registered for17.A.prohibitedB.welcomedC.ig noredD.repeated18.A. LastlyB.ThusC.I nsteadD.However19.A.requiredB.causedC.allowedD.expected20. A.easyB.popularC.quickD.new3、In 1973, I was teachi ngeleme ntary school.Each day, 27kids 1 “The ThinkingLaboratory. ” Thatwasthe 2 students voted for after deciding that“ Room 104 wastoo 3.Freddy was an average but not an average person. He had therare bala nee of fun and compassi on(同情).He would 5 the loudestover fun and be the saddest over anyone s 6.Before the school year 7,I gave the kids aspecial 8, T-shirts with the words“ VerbsAreYour9” on them. I had advised the kids that while verbs(动词) mayseemdull ,most of the 10 things they do throughout their lives willbe verbs.Through theyears,I d runintoformerstude ntswho wouldprovide11on old classmates. I learned that Freddy did severaljobs afterhis12fromhigh schoolandrema inedthesame13pers onI met fortyyears before .On ce,whileworki ngoverni ghtata store,he let a homeless man14in histruck. Ano thertime , he 1 a friend money to buy a house .Just last year, I was 16 a workshop whe n some one kno cked atthe classroom door. A woma n17the in terrupti on and han ded me anen velope.I stopped teach ing and 18 it up. In sidewere the“Verbs” shirt a nd a 19 from Freddy s mother. “ Freddy passedaway on Than ksgivi ng. He wan ted you to have this.”20something from Freddy.I told the story to the class. As sad as it was, I couldn t help smiling.1.A.builtB.e nteredC.decoratedD.ra n2.A. nameB.ruleC.bra ndD.pla n3.A.smallB.darkC.stra ngeD.dull4.A.scholarB.stude ntC.citize nD.worker5.A.speakB.si ngC.questi onD.l augh6.A.misfort uneB.disbeliefC.dish on estyD.mistake7.A.cha ngedB.approachedC.returnedD.en ded8.A.less onB.giftC.reportD.message9. A.Frie ndsB.AwardsC.MastersD.Tasks10.A.simpleB.uniqueC.fu nD.clever11.A.assessme ntsB.comme ntsC.i nstructi onsD.updates12.A.graduati onB. retireme ntC.separati onD.resig nati on13.A. dari ngB.modestC.cari ngD.smart14.A.waitB.sleepC.studyD.live15.A.paidB.chargedC.le ntD.owed16.A.observi ngB.prepari ngC.desig ningD.con duct ing17.A.regrettedB.avoidedC.excusedD.ig nored18.A. ope nedB.packedC.gaveD.held19.A.pictureB.billC.noteD.diary20.A. choseB.tookC.expectedD.borrowedAlthoughFreddy was taken from us,we all评卷人得分4、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Great Wall of China is more than 6000 kilometers long. It winds(it) way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains,through valleys at last it reaches the sea. The Great Wall hasa history of over t wenty centuries.The firstpart of it (build)duri ngthe Springand Autu mn Period.During theQin Dynasty,(keep)theenemy outof his empire,EmperorQin Shihua nghad all thewalls(join) up. Thus, the Great Wall came into being.The Great Wall is wide eno ugh attop for five horsesortenmentowalksidebyside.Alongthewallarewatchtowers, soldiers used to keep watch. Fires were lit on thetowers as a (warn) whe n the en emy came.It was (extreme) difficult to build such a wall in thean cie nt days without anymoder nmach in es.All the work was donehand. Thousands of men died and were buried under the wall theybuilt. The Great Wall was made not only of stone and earth, but of the flesh and blood of milli ons of men.5、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。When you take a walk in any of the cities in the West, you often see a lotof people (walk) with dogs.It is still true that the dog isthemost useful and faithfulanimal in theworldBut the reasons why peoplekeep a dog(cha nge). 1 n the old days, people used to train dogs to protectthemselves againstthe attacksfrom beasts. And laterthey came(realize)thatthedogwasnotonlyusefulwilli ngto obey itsmaster. For example, when peopleused dogsforhun ti ng,thedogswouldnoteatwhat theycaughtwithout(permit).But now peoplein the city need not protectthemselvesaga inst attacks of ani mals. Why do they keep dogs, the n? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery, but the (important) reason isfor companionship. For a child, dog is his best friend when hehas no friends to play with; for a young couple, a dog is childwhe n they have no childre n; for old couples, a dog is also their child whe n theirreal childre n have grow n up. So the main reas on why people keep dogs has cha nged protecti on.6、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。For the last 20 years, Elizabet h Eaton Rosenthal, fineartist in NewYork, has been dressing from head to toe in (variety)shades of gree n. To her, gree n is the happiest, most positive color in the world, so she can t imagine (wear) anything else.is most widely known, Elizabeth,“ The Green Lady ofCarroll Garde ns ” , has always had a thing for experime nting. At one point in herlife she (choose) to wear only the 1930s print dresses. Her(prefer) for gree n started in her fifties with some home-mixedgree n n ail polish. But it quickly spread to her clothi ng and her home.Elizabeth s house is mostly green as well,the front doorto her backyard, and everywhere in betwee n.She knows that green makes her happy and helps her deal with daily (problem) , so she wont dream of wearingany othercolor. that s not her only motivation for wearing green. The75-year-old artist also does it because it makes other peoplehappy.When(ask) if she ever gets tired of green, Elizabeth Sweetheart said,“ Oh no, n ever. It keeps gett ing better every day.”7、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Researchers from the Un iversity of Michiga n have found that astr on autsbrainscha ngeshape duri ng spaceflight.It is the first study(look) into how the brain cha nges in space. Researchers lookedat high-tech MRI(磁共振成像)pictures of the brains of 26 astronautswho spent timein space. Twelve of the (astronaut) spent two weeks on the SpaceShuttle, and 14 spe nt six mon ths on the Intern ati onal Space Stati on. All of them (experie nee)in creases and decreases in the size of (differ) parts of the brain. The Ion ger an astr on aut spe nt inspace ,the (big) the size differe nces were.The re search produced some (interest)findings.One wasthat on gravity means fluids do not drop in the body, there is ashift in the brain s positi on in side the skull. The brain becomes either smaller or bigger.The findingscouldhelp doctorsto treat problemsthat affect the brain sfunction.They couldtreatpeople with problems (cause) byIon g-term bed rest. They could also help those who have a build-up of fluid in the brain, which can lead brain damage. We will understand moreabout neurons( 神经元)in the brain connect. The findings willalso help future trips to Mars.参考答案:一、完形填空1.答案:1.B; 2.D; 3.C; 4.A; 5.D; 6.B; 7.A; 8.C; 9.D; 10.C; 11. A; 12.A; 13.B; 14.C;15.B; 16.A; 17.D; 18.B; 19.C; 20.D2.答案:1.A; 2.B; 3.C; 4.D; 5.A; 6.C; 7.B; 8.A; 9.D; 10.B; 11.D; 12.B; 13.C; 14. A;15. C; 16.D; 17 .A; 18.C; 19.B; 20.D解析:1.结合句意,我”自己走过了这个探索(search)的过程。文章的首句讲道高中一般不鼓励学生探索生活的新方面 , 大学为这次探索奠定了基础。 search 为 explore 的同义替 换,A项符合文意。故正确答案为A。2. 结合句意 , “我”自己走过了这个探索的过程并且发现了一些东西将使我的大学的经历(experie nee)变得更好。progress 意为进步,发展;前进”,major意为主修科 目” ,opinion 意为“意见 , 主张” , 均不符合文意。故正确答案为B。3. 结合句意 , 我以前没有过想要学习 (learn) 任何手语的欲望。 ehoose 意为“选择” ,read意为“阅读” ,ereate 意为“创造” , 均不符合文意。故正确答案为C。4. 结合句意 , 口语 (spoken language) 在“我”的所有交往中足够了。 Spoken language 为固 定搭配 , 意为“口语” , 与上文提到的手语 (sign language) 相对 ,D 项符合文意。故正确答案 为 D。5. 结合句意 , “我”几乎不知道“我”会发现自己对于美式手语的热爱(love) 。 eoneern 意为“关系 ; 关心” ,goal 意为“目标 ; 球门” ,request 意为“请求 ; 需要” , 均不符合文意。 故 正确答案为 A。6. 结合句意 , 故事 (story) 在我大学的第一周开始。 meeting 意为“会议” ,trip 意为“旅行” ,task 意为“工作 ,作业;任务” ,均不符合文意。故正确答案为C。7. 结合句意 , “我”观看了美式手语俱乐部表演 (perform) 一首歌曲的翻译。 reeord 意为 “记录 ; 录音” ,reeite 意为“背诵 ; 叙述” ,diseuss 意为“讨论” , 均不符合文意。故正确答案为 B。8. 结合句意 , 手的动作和不说话的交流这个想法 (idea) 吸引了“我”。 amount 意为“数量 ;总额” ,dream 意为“梦想” ,reason 意为“理由” , 均不符合文意。故正确答案为A。9. 结合句意 , 手的动作和不说话的交流这个想法吸引 (attraet) 了“我”。 disturb 意为“打 扰; 妨碍” ,support 意为“支持” ,embarrass 意为“使局促不安 ; 使困窘 ; 阻碍” , 均不符合 文意。故正确答案为 D。10. 结合句意 , 我看到的完全不同于我在过去 (in the past) 经历的任何事情。 in the past为固定搭配 , 意为“在过去” , 故 past 符合文意。故正确答案为B。11. 结合句意,这种新奇恰恰让我想(want)要更多。D项符合文意。故正确答案为D。12. 结 合句 意 , 在 那之 后 , 感 觉 到想 要 探索 (explore) 更 远的 需要 ,exereise 意 为“ 锻炼” ,express 意为“表达” ,explain 意为“解释” , 均不符合文意。故正确答案为B。13. 结合句意 , 那天我只学会了如何表示 (sign) 字母表。 print 意为“印刷 ; 打印” ,write 意为“写,写字;写作” ,eount 意为“计算 ;认为” ,均不符合文意。故正确答案为C。14. 结合句意 , “我”没有被这一缓慢的 (slow) 的学习过程所打击 , 反而很兴奋。 steady 意为 “稳定的” ,normal 意为“正常的 ; 正式的” ,obvious 意为“明显的” , 均不符合文意。 故正确答案为 A。15. 结合句意 , “我”很重视参加 (attend) 这次会议 ,attend meeting 意为“参加会议”。 ehair 意为“椅子” ,sponsor 意为“发起 ; 赞助” ,or ganize 意为“组织” , 均不符合文意。 故正确答案为 C。16. 结合句意 , “我”报名参加 (register for) 了美式手语课。 miss 意为“想念 ; 错过” ,pass意为“经过 ;通过” ,give up 意为“放弃” ,均不符合文意。故正确答案为D。17. 结合句意 , 美式手语课的老师是聋人 , 在学习手语的课堂任何言语谈话都是禁止的(prohibited) 。 weleome 意为“欢迎” ,ignore 意为“忽视” ,repeat 意为“重复” , 均不符 合文意。故正确答案为A。18. 结合句意 , 美式手语课禁止谈话也不是那么不愉快 , 相反 (instead), 如果谈话可能使人学 的更少。 lastly 意为“最终地” ,thus 意为“因此” ,however 意为“然而” , 均不符合文意。 故正确答案为 C。19. 结合上文 , 在手语课堂如果说话 , 可能导致 (cause) 学生们学的更少。 require 意为“要求 命令” ,allow 意为“允许” ,expect 意为“期待” , 均不符合文意。故正确答案为B。20. 结合上文 , “我”感激禁止谈话这样的沉默的新型(new) 交流方式。 easy 意为“简单的” ,popular 意为“受欢迎的” ,quick 意为“快的” , 均不符合文意。故正确答案为D。3.答案: 1.B; 2.A; 3.D; 4.B; 5.D; 6.A; 7.D; 8.B; 9.A; 10.C; 11.D; 12.A; 13.C; 14.B;15.C; 16.D; 17.C; 18.A; 19.C; 20.B解析: 1. 本文是一篇记叙文 , 主要讲了作者的一个学生 Freddy 既有趣又有同情心 , 作者在 Freddy 高中毕业前送给他一件衬衫 , 上面写着告诫他“动词”在人生中的重要性 , 而他在毕 业后也保持着乐于助人的品质 , 但不幸的是 Freddy 在若干年后去世了 , 而那件衬衫也回到了 作者的手中 , 作者以及他的学生们都从 Freddy 身上学到了一些宝贵的品质。考查动词词义辨析 ,A.built建造 ,B.entered 进入 ,C.decorated 装饰 ,D.ran 跑步 , 根据句意 :每天 ,27 个孩子都会“进入”“思想实猃室” ,故选 B.2. 考查名词词义辨析 ,A.name 名字 ,B.rule 规则 ,C.brand 品牌 ,D.plan 计划 , 结合文意 : 应该 是“思想实验室”这个“名字”是同学们投票得来的 , 故选 A.3. 考查形容词词义辨析 ,A.small 小的 ,B.dark 黑的 ,C.strange 奇怪的 ,D.dull 无聊的 , 由后 文可知 ,同学们是因为“ 104 班级”这个名字太“无聊”才把名字改为“思想实验室”的 , 故选 D.4. 考查名词词义辨析 ,A.scholar 学者 ,B.student 学生 ,C.citizen市民 ,D.worker 工人 , 通读全文可知 Freddy 是作者的一名“学生” , 故选 B.5. 考查动词词义辨析 ,A.speak 说 ,B.sing 唱歌 ,C.question 质问 ,D.laugh 大笑 , 结合文意 : 对于好玩的事情 , 他会“笑”地最大声 , 故选 D.6. 考 查 名 词 词 义 辨 析 ,A.misfortune 不 幸 ,B.disbelief 怀 疑 ,C.dishonesty 不 诚 实 ,D.mistake错误 , 根据前句 :Freddy 在有趣和富有同情心之间可以做到罕见的平衡 , 所以对于任何人的“不幸” ,他会很悲伤 ,故选 A.7. 考查动词词义辨析 ,A.changed 改变 ,B.approached 接近 ,C.returned 返回 ,D.ended 结束 , 结合句意:在学期“结束”之前,我,故选D.8. 考查名词词义辨析,A.lesson 课,教训,B.gift 礼物,C.report 报告,D.message信息,根据 后文可知作者送给 Freddy 一件衬衫 , 即一个特殊的礼物 , 故选 B.9. 考查名词词义辨析,A.friends 朋友,B.Awards奖,C.Masters主人Q.Tasks任务,结合文意: 衬衫上写着“动词是你的朋友” , 故选 A.10. 考查形容词词义辨析 ,A.simple 简单的 ,B.unique 独特的 ,C.fun 有趣的 ,D.clever 聪明的 , 根据转折词 while, 可知前后句意是相反的 , “尽管动词也许看起来很无聊 , 但人们的一生当 中做的大部分有趣之事都将是动词” , “无聊”与“有趣”相对 , 故选 C.11. 考 查 名 词 词 义 辨 析 ,A.assessments 评 估 ,B.comments 评 论 ,C.instructions 指 导Q.updates 更新,根据句意:我遇到过以前的学生,他们常常会提供一些老同学的“最新 情况” , 故选 D.13. 考查形容词词义辨析 ,A.daring 勇敢的 ,B.modest 谦虚的 ,C.caring 贴心的 ,D.smart 聪明 的,根据后一句他让无家可归的人睡在了他的卡车上 ,可知他仍然是很爱关照人的 ,贴心的, 故选 C.14. 考查动词词义辨析,A.wait 等待,B.sleep 睡觉,C.study 学习,D.live 居住,结合文意:他 让一位无家可归的人“睡在”他的卡车上 , 故选 B.15. 考查动词词义辨析,A.paid,支付,B.charged 索要,C.lent借出,D.owed欠,结合文意:还有一次 , 他借钱给朋友 , 让朋友买到房 , 故选 C.16. 考 查 动 词 词 义 辨 析 ,A.observing 观 察 ,B.preparing 准 备 ,C.designing 设计,D.conducting组织,实施,执行,结合上下文:我正在班级里组织一个专题研讨会的时候,突然有人敲门 , 故选 D.17. 考查动词词义辨析 ,A.regretted 后悔 , 遗憾 ,B.avoided 避免 ,C.excused 原谅 , 宽恕,D.ignored忽视,结合上下文:因为当时正在上课,所以这名女子为自己的打断行为要求得到原谅 , 故选 C.18. 考查动词词义辨析,A.opened打开,B.packed打包,C.gave给予,D.held 握住,结合文意: 我停止教学 , 打开信 , 故选 A.19. 考查名词词义辨析,A.picture 图片,B.bill 账单,C.note纸条,便笺,D.diary 日记,根据 后文的描述,可知衬衫上是一个便笺,上面写着,故选C.20. 考查动词词义辨析,A.chose 选择,B.took 拿走,C.expected期待Q.borrowed 借入,结合文意 : 尽管 Freddy 离开了我们 , 我们从他的身上也带走了一些东西 , 故选 B.、语法填空4.答案: its; till/until/and; was built; to keep; joined; the; where; warning; extremely; by5.other; to realize; but(also); permission; most答 案 : walking; have changed; important; a; their; from6.答案:a; various; wearing; As; chose; preference; from; problems; However; asked7.答案: to look; astronauts; experienced; different; bigger; interesting; so; caused;to; how13


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