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考研考博-考博英语-中国人民解放军陆军装甲兵学院模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题The directions were so _ that it was impossible to complete the assignment.问题1选项A.ingeniousB.ambitiousC.notoriousD.ambiguous【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. ingenious精巧的,新颖独特的 B. ambitious有野心的,有雄心的C. notorious声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的 D. ambiguous模棱两可的,含混不清的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】根据结果状语从句的内容“以至于不可能完成这项任务”可知,这个指示是不清楚的、模棱两可的,所以该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B、C项不符句意。【句意】指示如此模棱两可,以至于不可能完成这项任务。2. 单选题It is _ that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.问题1选项A.abruptB.absurdC.adverseD.addictive【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. abrupt突然的,意外的 B. absurd荒谬的,荒唐的C. adverse不利的,有害的 D. addictive使人上瘾的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】根据主语从句的内容“女人做同样的工作却得到比男人少的报酬”可知,做同样的工作,女人的报酬比男人的少,这是荒谬的,所以该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】女人做同样的工作却得到比男人少的报酬,这是荒谬的。3. 翻译题2. I climbed heights in order to see the splendid granite mountain in its fullest view. In this experience I had been seeking the aesthetic. I knew I would find it, for I had seen post cards in advance and was following the map. The seeking took considerable effort and time. It was a heavy investment. I was not going for the scientific purpose of studying rock formation, or was it for the recreational purpose of exercising my limbs in the fresh air, though that exertion added intensity to the experience and was its context.【答案】2. 为了饱览壮丽的花岗岩山峰的全景,我登上了高地。这次旅程中我一直在捕捉一种美感。我知道会如愿以偿,因为我事先看过一些有关的风景明信片,循着山路示意图一路找来。这样的寻找费时费力,投入颇大。尽管这次跋涉加深了我对美的体验,而且是这番体验的不可或缺的环节,但我此行的目的既不是出于对科学的动机来研究岩石的结构,也不是出于娱乐消遣的考虑在清新的空气中舒展肢体。4. 单选题_ when she started to complaining.问题1选项A.Not until he arrivedB.No sooner had he arrivedC.Scarcely did he arriveD.Hardly had he arrived【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. Not until he arrived直到他到达 B. No sooner had he arrived他一到达C. Scarcely did he arrive 他一到达 D. Hardly had he arrived他一到达【考查点】倒装句。【解题思路】根据句子中的when可知,scarcely/hardlywhen为倒装结构,表示“一就”,句子要部分倒装;根据started可知,事情发生在过去,她开始抱怨是在他到达之后,所以空格处要用过去完成时,所以该题选择D项。【干扰项排除】A项不与when搭配;B项一般与than搭配。【句意】他刚到,她就开始抱怨起来。5. 翻译题Any sufficiently advanced technology, noted Arthur C. Clarke, a British science-fiction writer, is indistinguishable from magic. The fast-emerging technology of voice computing proves his point. (1) Using it is just like casting a spell; say a few words into the air, and a nearby device can grant your wish. Dictating e-mails and text messages now works reliably enough to be useful. For example, Apple s Siri handles over 2bn commands a week, and 20% of Google searches on Android-powered handsets in America are input by voice. Why type when you can talk?This is a huge shift. Simple though it may seem, voice has the power to transform computing, by providing a natural means of interaction. Windows, icons and menus, and then touchscreens, were welcomed as more intuitive ways to deal with computers than entering complex keyboard commands. But being able to talk to computers abolishes the need for the abstraction of a “user interface” at all. (2) Just as mobile phones were more than existing phones without wires, and cars were more than carriages without horses, so computers without screens and keyboards have the potential to be more useful, powerful and ubiquitous than people can imagine today.Voice will not wholly replace other forms of input and output. Sometimes it will remain more convenient to converse with a machine by typing rather than talking (Amazon is said to be working on an Echo device with a built-in screen). (3) But voice is destined to account for a growing share of peoples interactions with the technology around them, from washing machines that tell you how much of the cycle they have left to virtual assistants in corporate call-centers.【答案】1. 使用这项语音计算技术就像施咒一样,对着空气说几句话,附近的一个装置就能实施你的指令。2. 正如移动电话不仅仅是没有电线的电话,汽车也不仅仅是没有马的马车一样,没有屏幕和键盘的电脑可能会比今天人们所想象的更有用、更强大、更无处不在。3. 但从洗衣机告诉你它们还剩多久的使用寿命到企业呼叫中心的虚拟助手,语音注定要在人们与周围技术的互动中占据越来越大的份额。6. 不定项选择题Few people doubt the fundamental importance of mothers in child-rearing, but what do fathers do? Much of what they contribute is simply the result of being a second adult in the home. Bringing up children is demanding, stressful and exhausting. Two adults can support and make up for each others deficiencies and build on each others strengths.Fathers also bring an array of unique qualities. Some are familiar: protector and role model. Teenage boys without fathers are notoriously prone to trouble. The pathway to adulthood for daughters is somewhat easier, but they must still learn from their fathers, in ways they cannot from their mothers, how to relate to men. They learn from their fathers about heterosexual trust, intimacy and difference. They learn to appreciate their own femininity from the one male who is most special in their lives. Most important, through loving and being loved by their fathers, they learn that they are love-worthy.Current research gives much deeper, and more surprising, insight into the fathers role in child-rearing. One significantly overlooked dimension of fathering is play. From their childrens birth through adolescence, fathers tend to emphasize play more than caretaking. The fathers style of play is likely to be both physically stimulating and exciting. With older children it involves more teamwork, requiring competitive testing of physical and mental skills. It frequently resembles a teaching relationship: come on, let me show you how. Mothers play more at the childs level. They seem willing to let the child direct play.Kids, at least in the early years, seem to prefer to play with daddy. In one study of 2.5-year olds who were given a choice, more than two-thirds chose to play with their father.The way fathers paly has effects on everything from the management of emotions to intelligence and academic achievement. It is particularly important in promoting self-control. According to one expert, “children who roughhouse with their fathers quickly learn that biting, kicking and other forms of physical violence are not acceptable.” They learn when to “shut it down.”At play and in other realms, fathers tend to stress competition, challenge, initiative, risk-taking and independence. Mothers, as caretakers, stress emotional security and personal safety. On the playground fathers often try to get the child to swing ever higher, while mothers are cautious, worrying about an accident.We know, too, that fathers involvement seems to be linked to improved verbal and problem-solving skills and higher academic achievement. Several studies found that along with paternal strictness, the amount of time fathers spent reading with them was a strong predictor of their daughters verbal ability.Form sons the results have been equally striking. Studies uncovered a strong relationship between fathers involvement and the mathematical abilities of their sons. Other studies found a relationship between paternal nurturing and boys verbal intelligence.1. The first paragraph points out that one of the advantages of a family with both parents is _.2. According to paragraph 3, one significant difference between the fathers and mothers role in child-rearing is _.3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?4. Studies investigating fathers involvement in child-rearing show that _.5. The writers main point in writing this article is _.问题1选项A.husband and wife can share houseworkB.two adults are always better than oneC.the fundamental importance of mothers can be fully recognizedD.husband and wife can compensate for each others shortcomings问题2选项A.the style of play encouragedB.the amount of time availableC.the strength of emotional tiesD.the emphasis of intellectual development问题3选项A.Mothers tend to stress personal safety less than fathers.B.Boys are likely to benefit more from their fathers caring.C.Fathers tend to encourage creativeness and independence.D.Girls learn to read more quickly with the help of their fathers.问题4选项A.this improve kids mathematical and verbal abilitiesB.the more time spent with kids, the better they speakC.the more strict the fathers are, the cleverer the kidsD.girls usually do better than boys academically问题5选项A.to warm society of increasing social problemsB.to emphasize the fathers role in the familyC.to discuss the responsibilities of fathersD.to show sympathy for one-parent families【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】1. The first paragraph points out that one of the advantages of a family with both parents is _. 1. 第一段指出双亲家庭的优势之一是_。A. husband and wife can share housework A. 丈夫和妻子可以分担家务B. two adults are always better than one B. 两个大人总比一个大人强C. the fundamental importance of mothers can be fully recognized C. 母亲的根本重要性可以得到充分认可D. husband and wife can compensate for each others shortcomings D. 丈夫和妻子可以弥补彼此的缺点【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第一段,根据最后一句“两个成年人可以互相支持,弥补彼此的不足(make up for each others deficiencies),并建立在彼此的优势之上”可知,双亲家庭的优势之一是两个成年人可以互相支持,弥补彼此的缺点,所以D项“丈夫和妻子可以弥补彼此的缺点”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“丈夫和妻子可以分担家务”和B项“两个大人总比一个大人强”符合生活常识,但是第一段并未提到,这两项无中生有;C项“母亲的根本重要性可以得到充分认可”在第一段第一句有提到“很少有人怀疑母亲在抚养孩子方面的根本重要性,但是父亲们做什么呢?”,但该项表述太片面,属于曲解原文。2.【选项释义】2. According to paragraph 3, one significant difference between the fathers and mothers role in child-rearing is _. 2. 根据第三段,父亲和母亲在抚养孩子方面的一个重要区别是_。A. the style of play encouraged A. 所鼓励的游戏方式B. the amount of time available B. 可供使用的时间C. the strength of emotional ties C. 情感联系的强度D. the emphasis of intellectual development D. 对智力发展的重视【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】首先定位至第三段,第一二句提到“目前的研究对父亲在抚养孩子中的作用给出了更深入、更令人惊讶的见解。为人父亲的一个明显被忽视的方面是玩耍。”可知,父亲在抚养孩子中最容易被忽视的方面是玩耍,然后后面描述了父亲和母亲对于孩子玩耍的两种不同方式:“父亲的游戏风格更加倾向于身心的激励。对于年龄较大的孩子,这需要更多的团队合作,需要对身体和智力技能进行竞争性测试。它常常类似于一种教学关系母亲与孩子之间的玩耍多在孩子们的孩童时期。他们似乎愿意让孩子们直接玩。”,从中可知,父亲和母亲在鼓励孩子们玩耍上,所用的是两种完全不同的方式,父亲会教孩子如何玩耍,而母亲则更乐意让孩子直接玩,综合理解可推断,父亲和母亲在抚养孩子方面的一个重要区别是对于鼓励孩子们玩耍的方式,A项“所鼓励的游戏方式”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“可供使用的时间”没有提及,无中生有;C项“情感联系的强度”和D项“对智力发展的重视”都是父亲和母亲对待游戏方面不同的鼓励方式所表现出来的差异,最根本的区别还是在于所鼓励的游戏方式不同,这两项属于曲解原文。3.【选项释义】3. Which of the following statements is TRUE? 3. 下列哪个陈述是正确的?A. Mothers tend to stress personal safety less than fathers. A. 母亲往往比父亲更少强调个人安全。B. Boys are likely to benefit more from their fathers caring. B. 男孩可能会从父亲的关爱中获益更多。C. Fathers tend to encourage creativeness and independence. C. 父亲倾向于鼓励创造性和独立性。D. Girls learn to read more quickly with the help of their fathers. D. 女孩在父亲的帮助下学习阅读更快。【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据倒数第三段第一句“在游戏和其他领域,父亲往往强调竞争、挑战、主动、冒险和独立(competition, challenge, initiative, risk-taking and independence)”可知,父亲倾向于鼓励孩子们竞争、挑战、主动、冒险和独立,其中initiative也可以表示“首创精神”,是creativeness 的同义转换,所以C项“父亲倾向于鼓励创造性和独立性”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“母亲往往比父亲更少强调个人安全”根据倒数第三段第二句“母亲,作为照顾者,强调情感安全和个人安全”可知,该项属于反向干扰;B项“男孩可能会从父亲的关爱中获益更多”根据最后一段的内容“研究发现,父亲的参与程度和儿子的数学能力之间有着密切的关系。其他研究也发现了父亲的教育与男孩语言智力之间的关系。”可知,文中虽然提到父亲对男孩在语言和数学能力有帮助,但是并没有与男孩从母亲那得到的益处做比较,该项曲解原文;D项“女孩在父亲的帮助下学习阅读更快”根据倒数第二段最后一句“除了父亲的严格要求外,父亲与女儿一起阅读的时间是女儿语言能力的一个重要指标”可知,父亲和女儿一起阅读能促进孩子的语言能力,并不是阅读更快速,该项偷换概念。4.【选项释义】4. Studies investigating fathers involvement in child-rearing show that _. 4. 对父亲参与育儿的研究表明_。A. this improve kids mathematical and verbal abilities A. 这能提高孩子的数学和语言能力B. the more time spent with kids, the better they speak B. 和孩子在一起的时间越长,孩子们说话就越好C. the more strict the fathers are, the cleverer the kids C. 父亲越严格,孩子就越聪明D. girls usually do better than boys academically D. 女孩通常在学业上比男孩做得好【考查点】细节事实题。【解题思路】根据最后一段的内容“研究发现,父亲的参与程度和儿子的数学能力之间有着密切的关系。其他研究也发现了父亲的教育与男孩语言智力之间的关系。”可知,父亲参与育儿能提高孩子的数学能力和语言能力,A项“这能提高孩子的数学和语言能力”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“和孩子在一起的时间越长,孩子们说话就越好”,根据解题思路可知,虽然父亲参与育儿能够提高孩子的语言能力,但语言能力不代表孩子们说话说得很好,该项曲解原文;C项“父亲越严格,孩子就越聪明”和D项“女孩通常在学业上比男孩做得好”在原文没有提及,这两项无中生有。5.【选项释义】5. The writers main point in writing this article is _. 5. 作者写这篇文章的主要观点是_。A. to warm society of increasing social problems A. 缓解社会问题的增加B. to emphasize the fathers role in the family B. 强调父亲在家庭中的角色C. to discuss the responsibilities of fathers C. 讨论父亲的责任D. to show sympathy for one-parent families D. 对单亲家庭表示同情【考查点】主旨大意题。【解题思路】文章首句通过一个问题“很少有人怀疑母亲在抚养孩子方面的根本重要性,但是父亲们做了什么呢?”引出了文章的主题,即父亲在抚养孩子上所发挥的作用,然后第二段讲述了父亲在养育孩子方面带来的一系列特别的作用,接下来几段描述的是对于父亲参与育儿带来的一系列好处的研究;综上所述我们可以推断出,这篇文章主要是强调父亲在家庭中所扮演的重要的角色,故B项“强调父亲在家庭中的角色”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A项“缓解社会问题的增加”和C项“讨论父亲的责任”在原文只有部分提及,属于以偏概全;D项“对单亲家庭表示同情”在原文没有依据,属于无中生有。7. 单选题Many years had _ before they returned to their original urban areas.问题1选项A.floatedB.elapsedC.skippedD.proceeded【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. floated浮动,漂流 B. elapsed(时间)消逝,流逝C. skipped蹦蹦跳跳地走 D. proceeded继续做(或从事、进行)【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据many years(许多年)可知,此处表示“时间的消逝”,所以该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】许多年过去了,他们才回到原来的城市地区。8. 单选题The hero of the book, Charles, is a conventional nineteenth-century gentleman; the heroine Sarah, _ by her lover, is a “fallen woman”, whom Charles tries to help.问题1选项A.to be discardedB.to have been abandonedC.having cast awayD.having been deserted【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. to be discarded被抛弃 B. to have been abandoned被遗弃C. having cast away丢掉 D. having been deserted被抛弃【考查点】非谓语动词。【解题思路】分析句子结构可知,空格处为非谓语动词做定语修饰the heroine Sarah(女主人公莎拉),通过介词by可知,此处表示被动,结合选项可知是表示“抛弃”,desert强调“违背允诺、誓言或责任”违,尤其指“背叛、擅离职守”,所以D项符合。【干扰项排除】A项discard强调抛弃、丢弃无用的事物或永远放弃某个信念;B项abandon强调完全、永远地遗弃,尤其指遗弃以前负有责任的人或物;C项为主动语态,且cast away(丢掉)不符合句意。【句意】书中的主人公查尔斯是一位传统的19世纪绅士;被爱人抛弃的女主人公莎拉是一个“堕落的女人”,查尔斯试图帮助她。9. 单选题Anyone not paying the registration fee by the end of this month will be _ to have withdrawn from the program.问题1选项A.contemplatedB.deemedC.acknowledgedD.anticipated【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. contemplated考虑,思量 B. deemed认为,视为C. acknowledged承认(属实) D. anticipated预料,预期【考查点】动词辨析。【解题思路】根据句意“凡在本月底前未缴纳报名费者将被_退出该课程”可知,be deemed to(被认为,被视为)符合句意,所以该题选择B项。【干扰项排除】A、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】凡在本月底前未缴纳报名费者将被视为退出该课程。10. 单选题_ is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.问题1选项A.ThatB.WhichC.AsD.It【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. That那个 B. Which哪个C. As作为 D. It它【考查点】非限制性定语从句。【解题思路】分析句子结构可知,主句结构完整,所以前半句为非限制性定语从句,修饰后面整个主句,空格处要填入一个引导词,而as引导非限制性定语从句可以放在句首也可以放在句尾,所以该题选择C项。【干扰项排除】A、D项不引导非限制性定语从句;B项引导非限制性定语从句不放在句首。【句意】众所周知,马克吐温是伟大的美国作家。11. 单选题She knows she needs exercise, but finds going to the gym a _.问题1选项A.jobB.toilC.workD.chore【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. job工作,职业 B. toil苦工,劳累的工作C. work工作 D. chore日常事务,令人厌烦的任务【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】根据but可知,句子前后句意为转折关系,按照句意“她知道自己需要锻炼,但却发现去健身房是件_”可知,去健身房锻炼不是一件轻松的事情,所以该题选择D项恰当。【干扰项排除】A、C项都是指职业,不符合句意;B项指报酬很低的苦活,去健身房锻炼没有工资,该项也不符合句意。【句意】她知道自己需要锻炼,但却发现去健身房是件苦差事。12. 单选题Im writing to you _ my brother who is ill in the hospital.问题1选项A.on behalf ofB.by the name ofC.in place ofD.in favor of【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. on behalf of代表 B. by the name of以为名;名叫C. in place of取代 D. in favor of有利于,支持【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】按照句意“我_我生病住院的兄弟给你写信”可知,我是代表我的兄弟写信,所以该选择A项符合句意。【干扰项排除】B、C、D项不符合句意。【句意】我代表我生病住院的兄弟给你写信。13. 翻译题There is nothing worse than someone who is always late. Lateness can be a charming eccentricityfor a little while. The trouble is that Mr. or Mrs. Unpunctual soon starts causing inconvenience to other people. Thats when the cheerful acceptance gives way to scorn and resentment.Its surprising how far the unpunctual person will go to inconvenience others. (1) For example, after accepting the offer of a lift to work the following morning, he or she will fail to turn up at the pick-up spot at the agreed time. Theres sure to be a convincing reason: lost door keys, a child with whooping cough, a cat stuck up an apple tree.The giver of the lift makes sure hes not late. Hes made the offer and now he feels responsible for it; come what maybe must keep his word. On the other hand, the person whos receiving the favor feels free to turn up 10, 15 or 30 minutes after the time which had been agreed on. For him or her they are minutes of hurried activity earning the right to chauffeur-driven luxury; for the driverthe victimthey are minutes of sheer frustration, boredom and wasted time.Whats the result of this easy-going attitude? (2) Well, maybe the person who offered the lift gives up the seemingly endless wait and disappears, in which case the latecomer struggles to complete his days schedule later than ever. Wherever he goes he blames the lift for “letting him down”.Theres another equally likely result. (3) In this version of the story, the giver of the lift waits in loyal frustration at the side of the road for as long as his thoughtless passenger takes to reach the spot. Not only are both of them late for work, but the passenger tells his colleagues about the drivers impatience in traffic queues!So whats the answer? Perhaps there should be a subtle change in how we view time. At the moment we think of it as a very elastic commodity; we make vague arrangements to meet at about a certain time, and no one has a clear idea as to just how far that time will stretch. Will “about ten oclock” stretch to a quarter past tenor will it stretch to half past ten? There are no fixed rules.【答案】1. 例如,在接受了第二天早上搭便车去上班的提议后,他或她将不在约定的时间内出现在上车地点。2. 好吧,也许那个提供便车的人放弃了看似无止境的等待,然后开车走了,在这种情况下,迟到的人会比以往更晚地完成他的日程安排。3. 在这个版本的故事中,只要这位粗心的乘客到达目的地,提供便车的人就会在路边失望地等待。14. 不定项选择题Strong emotional bonds between mothers and infants increase childrens willingness to explore the worldan effect that has been observed (1) the animal kingdom, in people, monkeys and even spiders. The more secure we are in our (2) to Mom, the more likely we are to try new things and take risks. Now researchers are discovering that this effect continues into adulthood. A mere reminder of Moms touch or the sound of her voice on the phone is (3) to change peoples minds and moods, affecting their decision making in measurable ways.In a study (4) online in April in Psychological Science, undergraduate business students had to choose between safe bets and risky gamblesa bond with a guaranteed 4 percent yearly (5) or a riskier stock option, for example. In half the cases, the experimenters patted the students (6) on the back of the shoulder for about one second (7) providing verbal instructions about the study. Both male and female students who were touched by a female experimenter were (8) more likely to choose the risky alternative than were those who had not been touched or were patted by male experimenters. The reassuring touch of a woman may have induced early associations, (9) the same openness to exploration that is observed in young children of supportive mothers, explains Jonathan Levav, a business professor at Columbia University and lead author of the study.To further (10) that a womans touch links feelings of security with risk taking, the researchers asked a (11) group of undergraduates to make financial decisions after a writing exercise. Half of them wrote about a time they felt secure and supported, whereas the (12) half wrote about feeling insecure and alone. Evoking a (13) of insecurity made students in the latter group (14) receptive to the gentle shoulder pats from female experimenters and much more willing to take a riskjust as a child leaving for a field trip might steal one last reassuring hug (15) Mom before stepping on the bus.问题1选项A.byB.upC.aboveD.across问题2选项A.concernB.attachmentC.treatmentD.appeal问题3选项A.enoughB.readyC.easyD.quick问题4选项A.exhibitedB.publishedC.appearedD.advertised问题5选项A.returnB.expenseC.costD.prize问题6选项A.seeminglyB.stronglyC.partlyD.lightly问题7选项A.ifB.soC.while


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