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考研考博-考博英语-复旦大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题When I bent down to tie my shoelace, the seat of my trousers( ).问题1选项A.splitB.crackedC.brokeD.holed【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。split“撕裂,使破裂”;cracked“使爆裂,使破裂”;broke“打破,违犯,折断”;holed“凿洞”。句意:当我弯腰去系鞋带时我的裤子崩裂了。选项A符合题意。2. 单选题I dont know what all the( ) was about it was a dull sort of a film and there was almost no sex in it.问题1选项A.controversyB.conversationC.discussionD.illumination【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。controversy “争论,论战,辩论”;conversation “交谈,会话,社交”;discussion “讨论,议论”;illumination “阐明”。根据空格后面的dull, no sex可以推断空格处是“没什么好争论的”。选项A符合题意。3. 翻译题世界博览会是展示人类灵感和思想的长廊。自从1851年在伦敦举办的“万国工业博览会”, 世界博览会作为经济、科技和文化的盛大交流活动,取得了日益重大的意义。它是一个重要的平 台,在此之上各国展示发展经验,交流创新理念,发扬团队精神,共同展望未来。中国有着悠久的文明,一直促进国际交流并热爱世界和平。中国赢得2010年世界博览会, 靠的是国际社会对中国改革开放的支持和信心。本次博览会将会是第一个在发展中国家举办的世 博会,这也寄予了全球人民对中国未来发展的美好期待。2010年世博会将着重探讨21世纪城市生活的潜力。预计在2010年将有55%的世界人口居 住在城市。未来的城市生活,是全球关注的话题。作为第一个以城市为主题的博览会,2010年 博览会将会吸引世界各国政府和人民关注“更美好的城市,更美好的生活”的主题。2010年世博会也将会成为一次国际盛会。我们将促使更多国家和人们参与,获得他们的支 持和理解,使2010世博会成为全世界人民的欢乐聚会。Put the following passage into English.【答案】World Exposition is galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. After the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London, the World Exposition has achieved great significance as a grand event for economy, technology and culture exchanges. It serves as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, developing team spirit and looking into the future.China, with a long history of civilization, promotes international exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international communitys support and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country, which wins global peoples expectations for Chinas future.Shanghai World Expo 2010 will focus on the full potential of urban life in the 21st century. Fifty-five percent of the world population is expected to live in cities by the year of 2010. The prospect of future urban life is a topic of global interest. Being the first one on the theme of city, Shanghai World Expo will attract governments and people all over the world to focusing on the theme “Better City, Better Life”.Shanghai World Expo 2010 will be a grand international gathering. We will put Shanghai Expo 2010 in a global perspective and do our best to encourage the participation and gain the understanding and support of various countries and people, in order to turn Shanghai World Expo into a happy reunion of people from all over the world.4. 单选题We are surprised to find that he has a(n) ( )streak, with the tendency of remembering the wrongs done to him.问题1选项A.vengefulB.invincibleC.vulnerableD.violent【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。vengeful“复仇的,报复的”;invincible“无敌的,不能征服的”;vulnerable“易受攻击的”;violent“暴力的,猛烈的”。句意:我们惊讶地发现他有报复心理,他记着那些做了对不起他的事的人。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题He never does any disinterested action; hes always on the( ) .问题1选项A.makeB.moveC.riseD.go【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。on the make“急于求成,唯利是图”;on the move“四处奔波”;on the rise“在增加”;on the go“忙个不停”。句意:他从来不会做任何无利可图的事情,他一直都是唯利是图。选项A符合题意。6. 单选题The contemporary phenomenon of motorcar worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership( ).问题1选项A.enrollsB.entrapsC.enragesD.entails【答案】D【解析】考查形似动词辨析。enroll “登记,注册”;entrap “使陷入罗网,欺骗”;enrage “激怒,使暴怒”; entail “需要;带来”。句意:对于当今崇尚汽车的现象,究其原因是有了车可以独立自由行动,不需要依赖别人。选项D符合题意。7. 单选题I spent most of my money in the first week and( )had very little to eat during the last few days of the holiday.问题1选项A.after allB.consequentlyC.otherwiseD.anyhow【答案】B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。after all“毕竟”;consequently“因此,结果”;otherwise“否则,不然”;anyhow“无论 如何,总之”。句意:我第一周就花掉了大部分的钱,因此在假期的最后几天只能吃一点点东西。选项B符合题意。8. 单选题Mrs. Brown is supposed( )for Italy last week.问题1选项A.to leaveB.to be leavingC.to have leftD.to have been left【答案】C【解析】考查suppose的用法。时间状语是last week,说明是为了强调过去的时间,所以应该用完成时,Brown女士是主动离开,所以选项C符合题意。9. 单选题The candidate has an impressively ( )range of interests and experience.问题1选项A.diverseB.vividC.mobileD.alive【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。diverse “不同的,多种多样的”;vivid “生动的,鲜明的”;mobile “机动的,易变的”;alive “活着的,活泼的”。句意:这位候选人有着多样的兴趣和经历。选项A符合题意。10. 单选题Every time an old building is tom down in this country, and a new building goes up, the ground floor becomes a bank.The reason for this is that banks are the only ones who can afford the rent for the ground floor of the new buildings going up. Besides, when bank loans someone money to build a new building, it usually takes an option for the street-floor facilities.Most people dont think there is anything wrong with this and they accept it as part of the American free-enterprise system. But there is a small group of people in this country who are fighting for Bank Birth Control.This is how Huddlestone Hubbard, the BBCs chairman, explained it.“Whenever you see an old building tom down,” Hubbard said, “you usually see a candy store, a dry cleaner, a delicatessen, and possibly a florist tom down with it. These shops are all replaced in the new buildings with a beautiful glass, aluminum, wall-to wall-carpeted money factor.”“Now from an aesthetic viewpoint, a bank looks better than a fry cleaner, a candy store, a delicatessen and a florist. But from a practical point of view, its a sheer disaster. If you want a newspaper, a candy bar or a chocolate milk shake, you cant get it a bank. Nor can you run out to a bank for a pound of Swiss cheese and a six-pack of beer when have guests coming over.“A bank is great if you want to buy a car, but its useless if you want to have your dress cleaned.”“And while a bank might buy flowers to give itself a human image, it doesnt sell any when you want to make up with your wife.”“What youre saying then, Mr. Hubbard, is that every time a bank goes up, something in all of us dies.”“Exactly. One of the reasons kids are getting in so much trouble these days is that there are candy stores to hang around anymore. When tear down a delicatessen, the tangy smell of potato salad, corned beef and dill pickles are lost forever. Unless youre trying to make a loan, no one ever salivates in a bank.”“It is true,” I said.“The situation is more crucial than anyone thinks,” Hubbard said, “at the rate theyre tearing down consumer stores and replacing them with banks, we estimate that in ten years it will be impossible to buy a loaf of bread in the country. What good is it to get 7 percent on your money if you starve to death?”“Then what youre saying is that it isnt a question of not taking it with you. Its question of staying alive while you have it,” I said.“Something like that,” Hubbard agreed. “Were trying to get the public to wake up to a fact that its better to have a store that sells screwdrivers than a bank that gives away alarm clocks.”“Whats the solution?”“A government decree that a bank has to supply the same services of the stores it tore down on the same property. If its a bakery, they have to sell cake, if its a photography shop, they have to develop films, and if its a dry-goods store, they have to sell warm underwear. If they provide the services of the stores they tore down, then well let them do a little money lending on the side.”1.The central theme of the essay is( )2.This essay is written in a tone of ( ).3.The author talks about the “Bank Birth Control” group because( ).4.The attitude of the author toward small neighborhood stores is that they( ).5.The author makes his point by using( ).问题1选项A.Practically every new commercial building erected today is owned by a bank.B.Banks are attempting to drive small merchants out of service.C.New banks are not assets to a neighborhood in spite of their attractive appearance.D.By occupying ground floor space in new buildings, banks are replacing neighborhood shopping conveniences.问题2选项A.humorous exaggerationB.humorous understatementC.serious angerD.serious fear of the future问题3选项A.it is the name of a real groupB.he hopes to become its presidentC.he is being humorous to make his pointD.he is in favor of all kinds of birth control问题4选项A.are dirtyB.are convenient and colorfulC.should be replaced by banksD.should become supermarkets问题5选项A.satireB.dramaC.romanceD.poetry【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:文章第一段是本文的中心段落,当旧的建筑物被拆除,新的建筑物新建后,一楼都变成了银行,很多商店比如糖果店、干洗店、熟食店、花店等都被新建筑取代了。选项D符合题意。第2题:文章主要提到了Huddlestone Hubbard的观点,多处以幽默的方式陈述自己的观点,但是并没有夸张的成分,所以选项B符合题意。第3题:文章第三段But there is a small group of people in this country who are fighting for Bank Birth Control提到但仍有一小部分人为了控制银行的产生而奋斗。这里作者用group来形容这一群人,实际上是以一种幽默的方式来表明这一部分人的人数之少。选项C符合题意。第4题:文章从第8段到第10段主要讲述其他商店能够给人们带来的便利而银行不可以。作者在第11段给了自己的观点: “Its true”。说明作者认同上一段的观点,即小社区商店方便又丰富多彩。选项B符合题意。第5题:作者采用幽默讽刺的手法表达自己的观点。比如第12段提到at the rate theyre tearing down consumer stores and replacing them with banks, we estimate that in ten years it will be impossible to buy a loaf of bread in the country “以他们现在拆商店然后用银行代替的速度来看,估计十年后在这个国家很难找到一片面包”。选项A符合题意。11. 单选题A sordid, sentimental plot unwinds, with an inevitable( )ending.问题1选项A.mawkishB.fatefulC.belovedD.perfunctory【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。mawkish“令人厌恶的,自作多情的”;fateful“重大的,决定命运的,致命的”;beloved“深爱的(人),钟爱的(人)”;perfunctory“敷衍的;马虎的”。句意:一个污秽而伤感的故事情节展开后,必然会有一个令人厌恶的结局。选项A符合题意。12. 单选题All the questions ( )around what she had been doing on the night of the robbery.问题1选项A.dissolvedB.revolvedC.evolvedD.devolved【答案】B【解析】考查形似动词辨析。dissolved “使溶解,使溶化”;revolved “旋转;循环出现;反复考虑”,revolve around意为“围绕,以为中心”;evolved“发展,进化”;devolved “转移,移交”。句意:所有的问题都围绕着抢劫的当晚她在做什么。选项B符合题意。13. 单选题Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not( )to a close examination.问题1选项A.keep upB.put upC.stand upD.look up【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组辨析。keep up“保持,继续”;put up“举起,抬起”;stand up“坚持,经得起”;look up“查询,拜访”。句意:尽管假钞欺骗了很多人,但是它们经不住仔细检查。选项C符合题意。14. 单选题Snow began to fall at about the beginning of the New Year and continued on and off for( )ten days.问题1选项A.appropriatelyB.exceedinglyC.approximatelyD.apprehensively【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。appropriately “适当地,合适地”;exceedingly “极其,非常”;approximately“大约,近似地”;apprehensively “担心地”。句意:在新年即将开始的时候,雪开始下,一直持续了大约十天。选项C符合题意。15. 单选题Jack needs straightening out; he has been _ the whole female population of his class.问题1选项A.standing up toB.owning up toC.messing around withD.making up for【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组辨析。stand up to“经得起,抵抗”;own up to“承认错误”;mess around with“胡闹,玩弄”;make up for“补偿,弥补”。句意:杰克需要改正错误,因为他一直和班上女生打闹。选项C符合题意。16. 单选题How about a glass of orange juice to( ) your thirst?问题1选项A.quenchB.quellC.quashD.quieten【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。quench“压制,抑制,止(渴)”;quell“镇压,平息,压制”;quash“取消;废除;镇压”;quieten“安静,抚慰”。句意:用杯橙汁来止渴怎么样?选项A符合题意。17. 单选题Resale price Maintenance is the name used when a retailer is compelled to sell at a price fixed by the manufacturer instead of choosing for himself how much to add on to the wholesale price he pays for his supplies. This practice is associated with the sale of “branded” goods, which now form a very considerable proportion of consumers purchases, and it has led to a great deal of controversy.Generally such articles are packed and advertised by the manufacturers, who try to create a special “image” in the minds of possible purchasers an image made up of die look of the article, its use, its price and everything else which might lead purchasers to ask for that brand rather than any other. If a retailer is allowed to choice any price he likes he may find it worthwhile to sell one brand at “cut” prices even though this involves a loss, because he hopes to attract customers to the shop where they may be persuaded to buy many other types of goods at higher prices. The manufacturer of the brand that has been “cut” fears that the retailer may be tempted to reduce the services on this article; but even if he does not there is a danger; that the customer becomes unsettled, and is unwilling to pay the “standard” price of the article because he feels that he is being “done”. This may, and indeed often does, affect the reputation of the manufacturer and lose him his market in the long run.It is sometimes said also that the housewife who is the principal buyer of most of these goods prefers a fixed price because she knows where she is and is saved the bother of going from shop to shop in search of lower prices. If one shop cut all the prices of its banded goods she would undoubtedly have an advantage in shopping there. But this does not happen. A store usually the price of one or two of its articles which act as a decoy and makes up its losses on others, and changes the cut-price articles from week to week so as to attract different groups of customers. And so the housewife may feel rather guilty if she does not spend time tracking down the cheaper goods. How far this is true is a matter of temperament and it is impossible to estimate what proportion if purchasers prefer a price that they can rely on wherever they choose to buy and what proportion enjoy the challenge involved in finding the store that offers them a bargain.Those who oppose Resale Price Maintenance, on the other hand, point out that there are now a great many different channels of distribution chain stores, department stores, cooperative stores, independent or unit shops, supermarkets, mail-order houses, and so on. It would be absurd to assume that all of them price? If they were allowed to choose for themselves, the more efficient retailers would sell at lower prices and consumers would benefit. As it is, the retail price must be sufficient to cover the costs of the efficient avenues of distribution and this means the others make a bigger profit than necessary at the expense of the public. The supporters of the fixes price argue that this is only half the story. The efficient trader can still compete without lowering his prices. He can offer better service long credit, or quick delivery or a pleasant shop decor or helpful assistantsand can do this without imperiling the long-term interests of the manufacturer.1.Manufacturers oppose retailers cutting prices on their goods mainly because they think( ).2.Supporters of the fixed price bold that an efficient trader can still make money without lowering prices by( ).3.By saying “He feels that he is being done, the author means that customer thinks( ).4.Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?5.The sentence “She knows where she is in the third paragraph can be paraphrased as( )问题1选项A.retailers may eventually stop selling their productsB.it may reduce customers confidence in their productsC.customers may feel uneasy when prices varyD.it may sometimes lead to poor service问题2选项A.allowing customers time to payB.hiring assistants for long hours and low wagesC.advertising for more effectivelyD.establishing long-term relations with manufacturers问题3选项A.someone is despising himB.someone is maltreating himC.someone is blackmailing himD.someone is cheating him问题4选项A.Good service other than price is important in attracting customersB.An article without a brand name is not subject to Resale Price MaintenanceC.Manufacturers attempt to influence possible purchasers by making their products easy to identity.D.Housewives prefer fixed prices because fixed prices are much less likely to fluctuate.问题5选项A.She knows her placeB.She knows her stuffC.She feels secureD.She feels intoxicated【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A第5题:C【解析】第1题:文章第二段第三句话The manufacturer of the brand that has been cut fears that the retailer may be tempted to reduce the services on this article,生产商担心那个商品降价会导致零售商降低对该商品顾客的服务,所以选项D符合题意。第2题:文章最后一段最后一句话He can offer better service long credit, or quick delivery or a pleasant shop decor or helpful assistants,零售商为顾客提供更优质的服务,比如延长支付时间,快速送货或者把店面装饰得很漂亮,或者找一些有用的助手,选项A符合题意。第3题:sb. is being done “某人被欺骗”,所以选项D符合题意。第4题:文章第一段提到this practice is associated with the sale of “branded” goods,这种做法是跟品牌货物相连的,所以可以推论不是名牌的商品不受固定价格的约束,所以选项B排除;第二段generally such articles are packed and advertised by the manufacturers, who try to create a special image in the minds of possible purchasers,生厂商希望在潜在的顾客心中塑造一个特别的形象,所以选项C排除;第三段it is sometimes said also that the housewife who is the principal buyer of most of these goods prefers,家庭主妇们会感到安全,避免为了寻找更低的价格从一家商店跑到另一家,所以选项D排除。因此选项A符合题意。第5题:根据上下文可知家庭主妇喜欢固定的价格是因为这样可以不用在不同商店之间来回比价格,并且还说到如果没有去价格更便宜的商店买东西,她们会感到懊恼,所以可以判断 she knows where she is是感到安全的意思。选项C符合题意。18. 单选题This morning when she was walking in the street, a black car( ) beside her.问题1选项A.drew outB.drew offC.drew downD.drew up【答案】D【解析】考查动词词组辨析。draw out“取出,拟定,拉长”;draw off“撤退,转移”;draw down“引来,招致”;draw up“草拟,停住”。句意:这个早上当她正走在街上的时候,一辆黑色的汽车停在她旁边。选项D符合题意。19. 单选题If there is one thing interpreters working for the European Union dread, it is attempts at humour. It is not just that jokes are hard to translate; because of the time needed for interpretation, they can prompt laughter at the wrong moment. A speaker once began with an anecdote, and then mourned a dead colleague to be met by a gale of giggles, as listeners got his joke.The time-lags have grown worse with the expansion of the EU, to make a total of 25 countries. Finding interpreters who can translate directly from Estonian to Portuguese is well-nigh impossible. So now speeches are translated in relays, first into English and then into a third language. If only everybody would agree to speak one or two official tongues, it would be easier. Or would it? In fact, misunderstandings can abound even when all parties speak fluent English or French. Cultural differences mean that a literal understanding of what someone says is often a world away from real understanding. For example, how many non-Brits could decode the irony (and literary allusion) which lies behind the expression “up to a point”, which is used to mean “no, not in the slightest”?The problem is now so widely recognized that informal guides to what the French or the English really mean, when they are speaking their mother tongues, have been drawn up by other nationalities.One has written for the Dutch, trying to do business with British. Another was written by British diplomats, as a guide to the language used by their French counterparts. The fact that the Dutch so eerily fluent in English should need a guide to Brit-speak is particularly striking. But the problem to judge by the guide, which was spotted on an office wall in the European Court of Justice is that Brits make their points in an indirect manner that the plain-speaking Nederlanders find baffling.Hence the guides warning that when a Briton says “I hear what you say”, the foreign listener may understand: “He accepts my point of view.” In fact, the British speaker means: “I disagree and I do not want to discuss it any further.” Similarly the phrase “with the greatest respect ” when used by an Englishman is recognizable to a compatriot as an icy put-down, correctly translated by the guide as meaning “I think you are wrong, or a fool.”The British, the French and the Dutch are old sparring partners who know each others little ways. So the capacity for misunderstanding is amplified when nationalities that are less


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