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考研考博-考博英语-江西师范大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Johns outstanding performance in the competition proved that he was a _ winner.问题1选项A.worthwhileB.worthyC.worthD.worthless【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. worthwhile 重要的,值得的 B. worthy 值得的,值得尊敬、注意的C. worth 值的 D. worthless 无价值的,不值钱的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】由outstanding performance(出色表现)和prove(证明)可知,a _ winner中的空格应该表示“值得的”。因此,该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项表示值得花时间、金钱、努力等,不符合句意;C项只用作表语,不用于名词前作定语;D选项不符合句意。【句意】约翰在比赛中的出色表现证明他是当之无愧的胜利者。2. 单选题Analysts have had their go at humor, and I have read some of this interpretative literature, but without being greatly instructed. Humor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards (肠胃) are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind.In a newsreel theatre the other day I saw a picture of a man who had developed the soap bubble to a higher point than it had ever before reached. He had become the ace soap bubble blower of America, had perfected the business of blowing bubbles, refined it, doubled it, squared it, and had even worked himself up into a convenient lather. The effect was not pretty. Some of the bubbles were too big to be beautiful, and the blower was always jumping into them or out of them, or playing some sort of unattractive trick with them. It was, if anything, a rather repulsive sight. Humor is a little like that: it wont stand much blowing up, and it wont stand much poking. It has certain fragility, an evasiveness, which one had best respected. Essentially, it is a complete mystery. A human frame convulsed with laughter, and the laughter becoming mysterious and uncontrollable, is as far out of balance as one shaken with the hiccoughs or in the throes of a sneezing fit.One of the things commonly said about humorist is that they are really very sad people clowns with a breaking heart. There is some truth in it, but it is badly stated. It would be more accurate, I think, to say that there is a deep vein of melancholy running through everyones life and that the humorist, perhaps more sensible of it than some others, compensates for it actively and positively. Humorists fatten on trouble. They have always made trouble pay. They struggle along with a good will and endure pain cheerfully, knowing how well it will serve them in the sweet by and by. You find them wrestling with foreign languages, fighting folding ironing boards and swollen drainpipes, suffering the terrible discomfort of tight boots (or as Josh Billings wittily called them, “tire boots”). They pour out their sorrows profitably, in a form that is not quite fiction nor quite fact either. Beneath the sparkling surface of these dilemmas flows the strong tide of human woe.Practically everyone is a manic depressive of sorts, with his up moments and his down moments, and you certainly dont have to be a humorist to taste the sadness of situation and mood. But there is often a rather fine line between laughing and crying, and if a humorous piece of writing brings a person to the point where his emotional responses are untrustworthy and seem likely to break over into the opposite realm, it is because humor, like poetry, has an extra content. It plays close to the big hot fire which is Truth, and sometimes the reader feels the heat.11. In the first paragraph the author wants to say that _.12. The author uses the example of the soap bubble blower to show that _.13. According to the author, humorists differ from ordinary people in the sense that _.14. A humorous piece of writing can make the readers emotional responses untrustworthy because _.15. The passages success lies in its extensive use of _.问题1选项A.just as scientists can dissect a frog, so analysts can dissect humorB.detailed, scientific analysis is not appropriate for humor, for it may make humor lose its aesthetic valueC.some peoples analysis of humor are too scientificD.analysts attempts at humor are not instructive enough to interest the author问题2选项A.skill is required to produce humorB.neither too much exaggeration nor absolute explicitness is fit for humorC.people should perfect the art of humor just as the bubble blower does to the bubblesD.humor should make people frantic for a while问题3选项A.they give vent to their sorrows in a laughable wayB.they have much trouble in their life and they are melancholyC.they are more sensible of the sadness of life and they endure and express the pain cheerfullyD.they are mostly clowns with a breaking heart问题4选项A.it expresses the truth of the sadness of human life with a sparkling surfaceB.everyone has his happy moments and unhappy momentsC.there is an obvious line between laughing and cryingD.it is like poetry, very rhythmic问题5选项A.parallelismB.metaphorsC.metonymyD.similes【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】11.【选项释义】11. In the first paragraph the author wants to say that _. 11. 在第一段,作者想说_。A. just as scientists can dissect a frog, so analysts can dissect humor A. 就像科学家可以解剖青蛙一样,分析家也可以解剖幽默B. detailed, scientific analysis is not appropriate for humor, for it may make humor lose its aesthetic value B. 详细的,科学的分析不适合幽默,因为它可能会使幽默失去它的审美价值C. some peoples analysis of humor are too scientific C. 有些人对幽默的分析太科学了D. analysts attempts at humor are not instructive enough to interest the author D. 分析者对幽默的尝试并不足以引起作者的兴趣【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】定位至文章第一段,在第二句提到“幽默是可以被解剖的,就像青蛙一样,但是在解剖的过程中,幽默就荡然无存”,我们可以得知,幽默可以像青蛙一样被科学地解剖,但是这样会使得幽默失去其价值,B项符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“就像科学家可以解剖青蛙一样,分析家也可以解剖幽默”虽然在文中提到了,但并不是作者真正表达的意思,属于张冠李戴;C选项“有些人对幽默的分析太科学了”和D选项“分析者对幽默的尝试并不足以引起作者的兴趣”并没有体现,属于无中生有。12.【选项释义】12. The author uses the example of the soap bubble blower to show that _. 12. 作者以吹肥皂泡机为例,说明_。A. skill is required to produce humor A. 产生幽默需要技巧B. neither too much exaggeration nor absolute explicitness is fit for humor B. 过分夸张或绝对直白都不适合幽默C. people should perfect the art of humor just as the bubble blower does to the bubbles C. 人们应该像吹肥皂泡的人对肥皂泡一样完善幽默的艺术D. humor should make people frantic for a while D. 幽默应该使人疯狂一段时间【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干定位至第二段,倒数第四句提到“幽默有点像这样(like that):它经不起过分夸张,也经不起过多的直截了当”,由like that可以推断,这里是与上文的吹肥皂泡机的描述进行类比,所以作者以吹肥皂泡机为例,是为了说明幽默既不适合过分夸张也不适合直截了当,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“产生幽默需要技巧”没有提到,无中生有;C选项“人们应该像吹肥皂泡的人对肥皂泡一样完善幽默的艺术”不符合原文分析,曲解原文;D选项“幽默应该使人疯狂一段时间”没提到,无中生有。13.【选项释义】13. According to the author, humorists differ from ordinary people in the sense that _. 13. 根据作者的说法,幽默家与普通人的不同之处在于_。A. they give vent to their sorrows in a laughable way A. 他们以可笑的方式发泄他们的悲伤B. they have much trouble in their life and they are melancholy B. 他们生活中有很多烦恼,他们很忧郁C. they are more sensible of the sadness of life and they endure and express the pain cheerfully C. 他们更能感受生活的悲伤,他们能愉快地忍受和表达痛苦D. they are mostly clowns with a breaking heart D. 他们大多是伤心欲绝的小丑【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第三段第二句“我认为,更准确的说法是,每个人的生活中都流淌着一股深深的忧郁之脉,而幽默家或许比其他人更能体会到这一点,他们会积极而肯定地弥补这一点”,以及第五句“他们怀着良好的愿望与痛苦斗争,愉快地忍受痛苦,因为他们知道这将在不久的将来给他们带来幸福”,综合理解可知,幽默家和普通人的内心同样都有忧郁,但是幽默家更明智,他们会积极的去弥补它,愉快地面对痛苦,用幽默的语言将痛苦表达出来。C项符合这一分析,C项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“他们以可笑的方式发泄他们的悲伤”表达不全面,以偏概全;B选项“他们生活中有很多烦恼,他们很忧郁”曲解原文,作者认为每个人的人生中都有忧郁和悲伤;D选项“他们大多是伤心欲绝的小丑”反向干扰,作者在第三段前两句提到“说幽默家是小丑是不恰当的”。14.【选项释义】14. A humorous piece of writing can make the readers emotional responses untrustworthy because _. 14. 一篇幽默的文章会让读者的情感反应不可信,因为_。A. it expresses the truth of the sadness of human life with a sparkling surface A. 它以一种闪闪发光的表面表达了人生悲哀的真谛B. everyone has his happy moments and unhappy moments B. 每个人都有快乐和不快乐的时候C. there is an obvious line between laughing and crying C. 笑和哭之间有明显的区别D. it is like poetry, very rhythmic D. 它就像诗歌,非常有节奏【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】首先根据题干中的信息A humorous piece of writing定位至最后一段倒数第二句“如果一篇幽默的文章让一个人的情绪反应不值得信任,似乎有可能突破到相反的领域,那是因为幽默,像诗歌一样,有额外的内容”,以及最后一句“它靠近熊熊烈火,也就是真理,有时读者也能感受到它的热度”,从中可知,一篇幽默的文章会让读者的情感反应不可信,是因为它有隐含的内容,即它表达了悲哀的真理;而在上一段最后一句指出“在这些困境的闪闪发光的表面下(the sparkling surface of these dilemmas),涌动着人类苦难的洪流”,综合理解,幽默的文章使读者情感不可信是因为在闪闪发光的表面下暗藏着悲哀的真相,A项符合这一分析。【干扰项排除】B选项“每个人都有快乐和不快乐的时候”和题干无关,张冠李戴;C选项“笑和哭之间有明显的区别”与原文表述不符,原文提到的是a rather fine line(相当微妙的界限),该项属于反向干扰;D选项“它就像诗歌,非常有节奏”的前半部分有提到,但后半部分属于无中生有。15.【选项释义】15. The passages success lies in its extensive use of _. 15. 这篇文章的成功在于它对_的广泛使用。A. parallelism A. 排比B. metaphors B. 隐喻C. metonymy C. 转喻D. similes D. 明喻【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】通读全文,由第二段肥皂泡机和幽默的比喻,以及最后一段诗歌和幽默的比喻,可知作者在文中多次使用明喻的修辞手法,使文章生动、形象和具体,给读者留下鲜明深刻的印象,所以D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“排比”、B选项“隐喻”和C选项“转喻”属于曲解原文。3. 翻译题人们现在感到不满意,不是因为事情比以往更糟,而是因为比以往任何时候都好。以婚姻为例,在加利福尼亚,十对夫妇中有约六对离婚在一些较富裕的社区这个比例还要高一些。必须承认,这些数字反映出许多不满。但人们从未像现在这样渴望和欢迎婚姻。的确,婚姻是如此地引人入胜,连很多正在办离婚的人几乎等不及法律许可,就想再度结婚了。【答案】【参考译文】People are discontented these days, not because things are worse than ever, but because things are better than ever. Take marriage for example. In California there are about six divorces for every ten marriageseven higher in some of the better communities. One must admit that a good deal of discontent is reflected in those statistics. But marriage has never been more popular and desirable than it is now; so appealing in fact, that even those who are in the process of divorce can scarcely wait for the law to allow them to marry again.4. 单选题In the United States, the first day nursery was opened in 1854. Nurseries were established in various areas during the (16) half of the 19th century; most of (17) were charitable. Both in Europe and in the U.S. the day-nursery movement received great (18) during the First World War, when (19) of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented (前所未有的) numbers of women. In some European countries nurseries were established (20) in munitions (军火) plants, under direct government sponsorship. (21) the number of nurseries in the U.S. also rose (22), this rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind. During the years following the First Word War (23), Federal, State, and local government gradually began to exercise a measure of control (24) the day nurseries, chiefly by (25) them and by inspecting and regulating the conditions within the nurseries.The (26) of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost all countries, as women were (27) called upon to replace men in the factories. On this (28) the U.S. government immediately came to the support of the nursery schools, (29) $6,000,000 in July, 1942, for a nursery-school program for the children of working mothers. Many States and local communities (30) this Federal aid. By the end of the war, in August, 1945, more than 100,000 children were being cared (31) in day-care centers receiving Federal (32). Soon afterward, the Federal government (33) cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later (34) them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in operation. However, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their (35) at the end of the war only partly fulfilled.问题1选项A.latterB.laterC.otherD.first问题2选项A.thoseB.themC.whoseD.whom问题3选项A.impetusB.inputC.imitationD.initiative问题4选项A.sourcesB.abundanceC.shortageD.reduction问题5选项A.hardlyB.entirelyC.onlyD.even问题6选项A.BecauseB.AsC.SinceD.Although问题7选项A.unanimouslyB.sharplyC.predominantlyD.militantly问题8选项A.thereforeB.consequentlyC.howeverD.moreover问题9选项A.overB.inC.atD.about问题10选项A.formulatingB.labelingC.patentingD.licensing问题11选项A.outsetB.outbreakC.breakthroughD.breakdown问题12选项A.againB.thusC.repeatedlyD.yet问题13选项A.circumstanceB.occasionC.allocatingD.transferring问题14选项A.regulatingB.summoningC.allocatingD.transferring问题15选项A.expandedB.facilitatedC.supplementedD.compensated问题16选项A.byB.afterC.ofD.for问题17选项A.pensionsB.subsidiesC.revenuesD.budgets问题18选项A.prevalentlyB.furiouslyC.statisticallyD.drastically问题19选项A.abolishedB.diminishedC.jeopardizedD.precluded问题20选项A.nurseriesB.homesC.jobsD.children【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D第6题:D第7题:B第8题:C第9题:A第10题:A第11题:B第12题:A第13题:B第14题:C第15题:C第16题:D第17题:B第18题:D第19题:A第20题:C【解析】16.【选项释义】A. latter 后者的 B. later 更迟的,更后的C. other 其他的 D. first 第一个的【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】上文说“美国第一家日托所建于1854年”,也就是19世纪中期,下文提到“日托所在各地普遍建立是在19世纪的_”,可以推知,是在“19世纪后期”;表示“后半期”,half只能与latter搭配。A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C选项不能与half搭配;D选项不符合上下文语义衔接。【句意】19世纪后半叶,各地都建立了托儿所。17.【选项释义】A. those 这些 B. them 他们(宾格)C. whose 谁的(主格) D. whom 谁的(宾格)【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】most of后面要用人称代词,指代上文提到的Nurseries(托儿所),所以B项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项是指示代词;C、D选项是关系代词。【句意】大多数都是慈善性质的。18.【选项释义】A. impetus 动力,促进 B. input 输入C. imitation 模仿,仿造 D. initiative 主动权,首创精神【考查点】语义逻辑。【解题思路】根据该句意思“在欧洲和美国,日托所的运动在第一次世界大战期间获得了巨大的_”,结合上文提到“各地都建立了托儿所”,可推测空格处为“促进”,A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合语义逻辑。【句意】第一次世界大战对建立日托所的运动是个促进。19.【选项释义】A. sources 来源 B. abundance 充裕,丰富C. shortage 短缺 D. reduction减少,下降【考查点】语义逻辑。【解题思路】由cause可知,后面部分的内容是空格部分的结果,根据后面的句意“空前数量的妇女就业”可知,当时的manpower(劳动力)是处于“短缺”的状态,C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合句子语义逻辑。【句意】第一次世界大战对建立日托所的运动是个促进,当时劳动力短缺使得大量妇女就业。20.【选项释义】A. hardly 几乎不 B. entirely 完全地,彻底地C. only 只有 D. even 甚至【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】这一句说到“在军火工厂里建立了托儿所”,而上一句是说“第一次世界大战对建立日托所的运动是个促进”,可知前后是递进关系,所以D项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合句间逻辑。【句意】在一些欧洲国家的政府直接倡导下,甚至在军火工厂里也建了日托所。21.【选项释义】A. Because 因为 B. As 作为,因为C. Since 自从,因为 D. Although 尽管【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】前半部分说“美国的托儿所数量也增加了”,后半部分说“这种增长是在没有任何政府援助的情况下实现的”,从前后语义逻辑可知,这是一个让步状语从句,D项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合句间逻辑。【句意】虽然美国的托儿所数量也大幅增加,但这一增长是在没有任何政府援助的情况下实现的。22.【选项释义】A. unanimously 全体一致地 B. sharply 急剧地C. predominantly 主要地 D. militantly 好战地【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】空格处填入副词修饰rose,rose表示“增长”,只有sharply能够修饰rose,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项修饰rose与语义逻辑不符。【句意】虽然美国的托儿所数量也大幅增加,但这一增长是在没有任何政府援助的情况下实现的。23.【选项释义】A. therefore 因此 B. consequently 结果,所以C. however 然而 D. moreover 而且【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】这一句提到“开始实施某种控制措施”,与前面的托儿所数量增长语气上有所转折,所以C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合句间逻辑。【句意】然而,在第一次世界大战之后的几年里,联邦、州和地方政府逐渐开始实施某种程度的控制。24.【选项释义】A. over 翻转,关于 B. in 在里面C. at 在 D. about 关于【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】the day nurseries(日托所)是control的对象,而control通常与over搭配,表示“对的控制”,故A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合搭配。【句意】然而,在第一次世界大战之后的几年里,联邦、州和地方政府逐渐开始对日托所实施控制措施。25.【选项释义】A. formulating 系统地阐述,规范 B. labeling 贴标签于,把称为C. patenting 取得专利权 D. licensing 许可,批准【考查点】语义逻辑。【解题思路】空格处与后面的inspecting and regulating(检查和管理)为并列成分,所以空格处的语义与inspect和regulate接近,选项中只有A项符合。【扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合语义逻辑。【句意】然而在第一次世界大战之后的几年中,联邦政府和地方政府开始采取措施,主要通过规范化来管理控制托儿所。26.【选项释义】A. outset 开始,开端 B. outbreak(暴力、疾病等坏事的)爆发,突然发生C. breakthrough 重大进展,突破 D. breakdown 故障,崩溃【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】由后面的the Second World War(第二次世界大战),以及后面an increase in the number of day nurseries(日托所数量的增加),联系上一段提到一战促使日托所数量增加,可推测,空格处表示“战争爆发”,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合上下文联系。【句意】第二次世界大战爆发后,几乎所有国家的日间托儿所数量都迅速增加。27.【选项释义】A. again 又,再一次 B. thus 所以C. repeatedly 反复地,再三地 D. yet 还是【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】由women可知,此处与上一段第一次世界大战的情况相呼应,所以女性是“又一次”进入工厂,所以A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、D选项不符合上下文联系;C选项侧指“反反复复的重复某件事情”,不符合上下文语义。【句意】随着第二次世界大战爆发,几乎各国托儿所的数量都增加很快,妇女又一次被号召在工厂中代替男人。28.【选项释义】A. circumstance 经济状况,环境 B. occasion 时机,场合C. allocating 分配 D. transferring 转移【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】空格处是接在介词on后面,四个选项中只有occasion可以与介词on搭配,on this occasion表示“值此之际,这一次”,因此,该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项一般与under连用;C、D选项不符合搭配。【句意】这一次,美国政府立即出面支持保育员学校。29.【选项释义】A. regulating(用规则条例)约束,控制调节,控制(速度、压力、温度等) B. summoning 召唤,召集C. allocating 分配,拨出 D. transferring 转移【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】空格处后面跟的是$6,000,000,这表示“款额”,要用allocate搭配,表示“拨款”,故C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合搭配。【句意】这次,美国政府立即支持保育员学校,于1942年7月拨款600万美元。30.【选项释义】A. expanded 扩张 B. facilitated 促进,使便利C. supplemented 增补,补充 D. compensated 补偿,赔偿【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】上文提到“美国政府拨款600万美元给保育员学校”,这里说“各州和地方团体对联邦援助进行_”,可推测,州和地方团体与美国政府一样,在资金上支持保育员学校,所以这里空格处表示“补充”符合语义。因此,该题选择C项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项表示领土或业务上的扩张;B、D选项不符合句子语义。【句意】许多州和地方团体对联邦政府资助进行补充。31.【选项释义】A. by 通过 B. after 在之后C. of 的 D. for 对于,因为【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】由空格前的care可知,care for为常用搭配,表示“照顾”。因此,该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B选项不符合搭配;C选项常用于take care of(照顾),排除。【句意】到1945年8月战争结束时,超过10万名儿童在日托中心接受照顾。32.【选项释义】A. pensions 退休金,抚恤金 B. subsidies 补助金C. revenues 财政收入,税收收入 D. budgets 财政预算【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】前一句提到联邦政府对日托所给予了资金支持,所以空格处应该表示“联邦政府的资助金”,B项符合。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合语义。【句意】到1945年8月战争结束时,超过10万名儿童在接受联邦津贴的日托中心里受到照顾。33.【选项释义】A. prevalently 流行地,普遍地 B. furiously 狂暴地C. statistically 统计地 D. drastically 彻底地,激烈地【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】前一句还在说“联邦政府拨款600万美元,并且超过10万名儿童在接受联邦津贴的日托中心里受到照顾”,这一句却用到了soon afterward(不久之后),随后讲到“联邦政府削减了这项支出”,可以推测,这次削减是大幅度的;D项符合这一描述,故选择D项。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合语义。【句意】不久之后,联邦政府大幅度地削减这项支出。34.【选项释义】A. abolished 彻底废除,摧毁 B. diminished 减少,缩小C. jeopardized 危害,使受危困 D. precluded 排除,妨碍【考查点】语义逻辑。【解题思路】空格这一部分与前半部分相呼应,前半部分提到“联邦政府大幅度地削减对日托所的支出”,后面自然是“彻底废除”,A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合语义。【句意】联邦政府大幅度地削减这项支出,并在后来将其废止。35.【选项释义】A. nurseries 托儿所 B. homes 家C. jobs 工作 D. children 孩子【考查点】搭配。【解题思路】由mother前面的定语employed(被雇佣的)可知,后面的leave跟的应该是job,表示“离开工作”。因此,C项符合句意。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合语义。【句意】然而,让大多数被雇佣的母亲离开她们的工作,这一愿望在战后只是部分地得到实现。5. 单选题There is widespread belief that the emergence of giant industries has been accomplished by an equivalent surge in industrial research. A recent study of important inventions made since the turn of the century reveals that more than half were the product of individual inventors working alone, independent of organized industrial research. While industrial laboratories contributed such important products as nylon and transistors, independent inventors developed air conditioning, the automatic transmission, the jet engine, the helicopter, insulin, and streptomycin. Still other inventions, such as stainless steel, television, sillicons, and plexiglass were developed through the combined efforts of individuals and laboratory teams.Despite these findings, we are urged to support monopolistic power on the grounds that such power creates an environment supportive of innovation. We are told that the independent inventor, along with the small firm, cannot afford to undertake the important research needed to improve our standard of living while protecting our diminishing resources; that only the prodigious assets of the giant corporation or conglomerate can afford the kind of expenditure that can produce the technological advances vital to economic progress. But when we examine expenditure for research, we find that of the more than $35 billion spent each year in this country, almost two-thirds is spent by the federal government. More than half of this government expenditure is funneled into military research and product development, accounting for the enormous increase in spending in such industries as nuclear energy, aircraft, missiles, and electronics. There are those who consider it questionable that these defense-linked research projects will account for an improvement in the standard of living or, alternately, do much to protect our diminishing resources.Recent history has demonstrated that we may have to alter our longstanding conception of the process actuated by competition. The price variable, once perceived as the dominant aspect of the process is now subordinate to the competition of the new product, the new business structure, and the new technology. While it can be assumed that in a highly competitive industry not dominated by a single corporation, investment in innovationa risky and expensive budget itemmight meet resistance from management and stockholders who might be more concerned with cost-cutting, efficient organization, and large advertising budget, it would be an egregious


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