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2022年考博英语-哈尔滨工业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Though English was on the whole prosperous and hopeful, though comparison with her neighbors she enjoyed internal peace, she could not evade the fact that the world of which she formed a part was tom by hatred and strife as fierce as any in human history. Men were still far from recognizing that two religions could exist side by side in the same society; they believed that the toleration of another religion different from their own, and hence necessarily false, must inevitably destroy such a society and bring the souls of all its members into danger of hell. So the struggle went on with increasing fury within each nation to impose a single creed upon every subject, and within the general society of Christendom to impose it upon every nation. In England the Reformers, or Protestants, aided by the power of the Crown, had at this stage triumphed, but over Europe as a whole Rome was beginning to recover some of the ground it had lost after Martin Luthers revolt in the earlier part of the century. It did this in two ways, by the activities of its missionaries, as in parts of Germany, or by the military might of the Catholic Powers, as in the Low Countries, where the Dutch provinces were sometimes near their last extremity under the pressure of Spanish arms. Against England, the most important of all the Protestant nations to reconquer, military might was not yet possible because the Catholic Powers were too occupied and divided: and so, in the 1570s Rome bent her efforts, as she had done a thousand years before in the days of Saint Augustine, to win England back by means of her missionaries.These were young Englishmen who had either never given up the old faith, or having done so, had returned to it and felt called to become priests. There being, of course, no Catholic seminaries left in England, they went abroad, at first quite easily, later with difficulty and danger, to study in the English colleges at Douai or Rome: the former established for the training of ordinary or secular clergy, the other for the member the Society of Jesus, commonly known as Jesuits, a new Order established by St. Ignatius Loyola some thirty years before. The seculars came first; they achieved a success, which even the most eager could hardly have expected. Cool-minded and well-informed men, like Cecil, had long surmised that the conversion of the English people to Protestantism was far from complete; many-Cecil thought even the majority-had conformed out of fear, self-interest or-possibly the commonest reason of all -sheer bewilderment at the rapid changes in doctrine and forms of worship imposed on them in so short a time. Thus it happened that the missionaries found a welcome, not only with the families who had secretly offered them hospitality if they came, but with many others whom their first hosts invited to meet them or passed them on to. They would and at the ports in disguise, as merchants, courtiers or what not, professing some plausible business in the country, and make by devious ways for their first house of refuge. There they would administer the Sacraments and preach to the households and to such of the neighbors as their hosts trusted and presently go on to some other locality to which they were directed for from which they received a call.1.The main idea of this passage is ( ).2.The religious strife mentioned in the passage is between( ) .3.What was Martin Luthers religion?4.Through what way did the Rome recover some of the lost land?5.What did the second paragraph mainly describe?问题1选项A.the continuity of the religious struggle in Britain in new waysB.the conversion of religion in BritainC.the victory of the new religion in BritainD.England became prosperous问题2选项A.Reformers and ProtestantsB.Catholic pours and JesuitsC.Catholic powers and protestantsD.Martin Luther and St. Augustine问题3选项A.BuddhismB.ProtestantismC.CatholicismD.Orthodox问题4选项A.Civil and military waysB.Propaganda and aback,C.Persuasion and criticismD.Religious and military ways问题5选项A.The activities of missionaries in Britain.B.The conversion of English people to Protestantism was far from complete.C.The young in Britain began to convert to Catholicism.D.Most families offered hospitality to missionaries.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.这篇文章的中心思想是“英国宗教斗争以新的方式继续进行, 所以A选项正确。B选项英国宗教的转变、C选项新教在英国的胜利和D选项英国变得繁荣都是文章谈到具体事情,不是主题思想。2.根据文章第一段:In England the Reformers, or Protestants, aided by the power of the Crown, had at this stage triumphed, but over Europe as a whole Rome was beginning to recover some of the ground it had lost after Martin Luthers revolt in the earlier part of the century在英国,改革者,或新教徒,在国王权力的帮助下,在这个阶段取得了胜利,但是在整个欧洲,罗马开始收复在本世纪早期马丁路德起义后失去的部分失地。和It did this in two ways, by the activities of its missionaries, as in parts of Germany, or by the military might of the Catholic Powers, 它通过两种方式做到了这一点,通过传教士的活动,比如在德国的部分地区,或者通过天主教强国的军事力量,确定C选项天主教势力与新教的势力正确。3.因为罗马教皇推行的是天主教。这在第一段第四句In England the Reformers, or Protestants, aided by the power of the Crown, had at this stage triumphed, but over Europe as a whole Rome was beginning to recover some of the ground it had lost after Martin Luthers revolt in the earlier part of the century. “在英国,宗教改革者,或者说基督 教,在英国皇权的协助下,此时己取得胜利;而作为整个欧洲来说,罗马教皇已经开始 恢复世纪初马丁路德反叛后所失去的一些地盘。”马丁路德是改革者,也就是基督教。 所以B选项新教正确。4.第一段第五句 It did this in two ways, by the activities of its missionaries, as in parts of Germany, or by the military might of the Catholic Powers, as in the Low Countries, where the Dutch provinces were sometimes near their last extremity under the pressure of Spanish arms. 教皇用两种办法进行恢复,一种就像在部分德国地区进行的那样通过传教士的活动,另一种象在低地国里进行的,通过天主教国家的军事力量。 那里荷兰的几个省份在西班牙的军事压力下,常常是被逼迫得几乎走投无路的。所以D选项宗教和军事方式正确。5.第二段讲到:这些英国青年或者根本没有放弃老的信仰,或者放弃以后又重新归返旧教,应召成为牧师。英国当然没有剩下天主教神学院,他们就出国,开始很容易,后来,有困难甚至有危险,到杜埃或罗马英文学院就读。前者专为培养一般或修道院外的牧师而建。后者是培养耶酥会教士,通称天主耶酥会会士,是约三 十年前圣罗拉创建的一种神职。在杜埃学习的牧师先回来,他们取得了令人意想不到的成功。头脑冷静,信息灵通人士,像西塞尔这种政治家,长期以来,一直猜度,英国人归返基督教新教的过程远远没有完成。许多人-西塞尔甚至认为是大多数的人,因出于恐惧、利己或者可能是其它原因他们被在那么短的时期内强加到他们身上的信仰形式,飞快变更的教义搞糊涂了。所以A选项传教士活动在英国正确。B选项英国人归反基督教的事情远远没有完成和C选项在英国青年开始归反天主教都是传教活动开始的原因,不是第二段主要内容。D选项大多数家庭礼待传教士是第二段最后几行谈到这些传教士秘密来到英国后的情况。2. 单选题No man has been more harshly judged than Machiavelli, especially in the two centuries following his death. But he has since found many able champions and the tide has turned. The prince has been termed a manual for tyrants, the effect of which has been most harmful. But were Machiavellis doctrines really new? Did he discover them? He merely had the frankness and courage to write down what everybody was thinking and what everybody knew. He merely gives us the impressions he had received from a long and intimate intercourse with princes and the affairs of state. It was Lord Bacon who said that Machiavelli tells us what princes do, not what they ought to do. When Machiavelli takes Caesar Borgia as a model, he does not praise him as a hero at all, but merely as a prince who was capable of attaining the end in view. The life of the state was the primary object. It must be maintained. And Machiavelli has laid down the principles, based upon his study and wide experience, by which this may be accomplished. He wrote from the viewpoint of the politiciannot of the moralist. What is good politics may be bad morals, and in fact, by a strange fatality, where morals and politics clash, the latter generally gets the upper hand. And will anyone contend that the principles set forth by Machiavelli in his Prince or his Discourses have entirely perished from the earth? Has diplomacy been entirely stripped of fraud and duplicity? Let anyone read the famous eighteenth chapter of The Prince: “In what Manner Princes should Keep their Faith.” and he will be convinced that what was true nearly four hundred years ago, is quite as true today.Of the remaining works of Machiavelli the most important is the History of Florence written between 1521 and 1525, and dedicated to Clement VII. This book is merely a rapid review of the Middle Ages, and as part of it the history of Florence. Machiavellis method has been criticized for adhering at times too closely to the chroniclers of his time, and at others rejecting their testimony without apparent reason, while in its details the authority of his History is often questionable. It is the straightforward, logical narrative, which always holds the interest of the reader, that is the greatest charm of the History.36. It can be inferred from the beginning of the text that _.37. Lord Bacons remarks on Machiavelli is quoted as _.38. In the case of Caesar Borgia the author holds that _.39. According to the author, a politicians morality _.40. The authors opinion on Machiavellis History of Florence is that _.问题1选项A.many people used to think highly of MachiavelliB.Machiavelli had been very influential among the rulersC.Machiavelli was widely read among his contemporariesD.Machiavelli has been a target of criticism throughout history问题2选项A.a support for the authors viewpointB.one of the mainstream view on himC.a judgment in support of most criticsD.a modification of the authors previous starts问题3选项A.Machiavelli has been objectiveB.Machiavelli revealed his personalityC.Caesar Borgia was a deserved modelD.Machiavelli overvalued Caesar Borgia问题4选项A.is no match for his political ambitionB.has been undervalued by Machiavelli and his likesC.is usually of secondary importanceD.should be taken as a yardstick of his inability问题5选项A.history has much to do with the person who records itB.the charm lies in the style rather than in the contentC.most people failed to read Machiavellis intention in itD.any history of this kind should be written in this way【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】36.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段第一句No man has been more harshly judged than Machiavelli, especially in the two centuries following his death.(没人比马基雅维利所遭受的批判更严酷了,尤其是在他死后的两个世纪以内。),说明马基雅维利在历史上一直都是人们批判的对象。因此D选项“马基雅维利在历史上一直是被批判的对象”正确。A选项“过去很多人对马基雅维利的评价很高”,B选项“马基雅维利在统治者中的影响很大”,C选项“马基雅维利在同时代人中阅读量很大”在文中均没有提及,所以A,B,C错误。37.【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。作者在说明马基雅维利一直受到严厉批判后指出But he has since found many able champions and the tide has turned.(但是,他从此铸造了许多能干的斗士,潮流也从此逆转了。),接着说君主论成了暴君的指南,后果极其有害。然后,作者提出了两个问题并进行了回答,提出了自己的观点:马基雅维利的观点并非独创,他只是将自己的印象记录下来,敢于将大家都知道的东西写下来而已。接着引用培根的话It was Lord Bacon who said that Machiavelli tells us what princes do, not what they ought to do.(马基雅维利告诉我们君主所做的事,而不是他们应该做的事。),说明马基雅维利只是告诉人们君主所做的事情,而非君主应当如何去做。这和作者的观点是一致的,作者引用的目的是为了支持自己的观点。因此A选项“是对作者观点的支持”正确。B选项“对他的主流观点之一”,C选项“支持大多数批评者的判断”,D选项“对作者上文的开头进行了修改”均不符合作者的行文逻辑,所以B,C,D错误。38.【试题答案】A【试题解析】观点态度题。在第一段中作者举了凯撒博鲁吉亚的例子,说明he does not praise him as a hero at all, but merely as a prince who was capable of attaining the end in view.(他完全没有把他赞美成英雄,而是仅仅说他作为一个君主,能够达到自己想要的目的。),“英雄”是主观看法,“君主”是客观事实,说明作者认为马基雅维利是客观记述而不是主观判断。所以A选项“马基雅维利的观点是客观的”正确。B选项“马基雅维利揭示了自己的个性”,C选项“凯撒博鲁吉亚是当之无愧的楷模”,D选项“马基雅维利高估了凯撒博鲁吉亚的价值”在文中均没有提及,所以B,C,D错误。39.【试题答案】C【试题解析】客观细节题。由题干可以定位到文章第一段倒数第四句What is good politics may be bad morals, and in fact, by a strange fatality, where morals and politics clash, the latter generally gets the upper hand.(政治上的好事从道德方面看可能是坏事,事实上很奇怪的是,当道德和政治发生冲突时,往往后者会占据上风。),说明政治家往往会认为政治比道德更重要。因此C选项“道德通常是次要的”正确。A选项“与他的政治野心不相称”,B选项“被马基雅维利及其同类人低估了价值”,D选项“应作为衡量他是否有能力的标准”在文中均没有提及,所以A,B,D错误。40.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章最后一段最后一句It is the straightforward, logical narrative, which always holds the interest of the reader, that is the greatest charm of the History.(它直接的、有逻辑的叙述常常能引起读者的兴趣,这就是他这本书的魅力所在。),说明作者认为这本书的魅力之处在于它的叙述风格。因此B选项“魅力在于风格而不在于内容”正确。A选项“历史与记录历史的人有很大的关系”,C选项“大多数人没有读懂马基雅维利在其中的意图”,D选项“任何这类历史都应该这样写”在文中均没有提及,所以A,C,D错误。3. 单选题Competition for admission to the countrys top private schools has always been tough, but this year Elisabeth realized it had reached a new level. Her wake-up call came when a man called the Dalton School in Manhattan, where Elisabeth is admissions director, and inquired about the age cutoff for their kindergarten program. After providing the information, she asked about the age of his child. The man paused for an uncomfortably long time before answering. “Well, we dont have a child yet. Were trying to figure out when to conceive a child so the birthday is not a problem.”Worries are spreading from Manhattan to the rest of the country. Precise current data on private schools are unavailable, but interviews with representatives of independent schools all told the same story: an oversupply of applicants, higher rejection rates. “We have people calling us for spots two years down the road,” said Marilyn of the Seven Hills School in Cincinnati. We have grandparents calling for pregnant daughters. Public opinion polls indicate that Americans No. 1 concern is education. Now that the long economic boom has given parents more disposable income, many are turning to private schools, even at price tags of well over $10000 a year. “Were getting applicants from a broader area geographically than we ever have in the past,” said Betsy of the Latin School of Chicago, which experienced a 20 percent increase in applications this year.“The problem for the applicants is that while demand has increased, supply has not.” Every year, there are a few children who do not find places, but this year, for the first time that I know of, there are a significant number without places,” said Elisabeth.So what can parents do to give their 4-year-old an edge? Schools know there is no easy way to pick a class when children are so young. Many schools give preference to children of their graduates. Some make the choice by drawing lots. But most rely on a mix of subjective and objective measures: tests that at best identify developmental maturity and cognitive potential, interviews with parents and observation of applicants in classroom settings. They also want a diverse mix. Children may end up on a waiting list simply because their birthdays fall at the wrong time of year, or because too many applicants were boys.The worst thing a parent can do is to pressure preschoolers to performfor example, by pushing them to read or do math exercises before theyre ready. Instead, the experts say, parents should take a breath and look for alternatives. Another year in preschool may be all thats needed.16. From this text we learn that it is _.17. The sentence “We have people.down the road” (Paragraph 2) probably means _.18. The text indicates that private schools are very selective because they _.19. From the text, we can infer that author _.20. Which of the following can serve as a Title of this text?问题1选项A.harder to make a choice between public and private schoolsB.harder to go to private schools this year than beforeC.more difficult to go to public schools than to private schoolsD.as difficult to go to private schools this years before问题2选项A.we have people calling us for parking space two years ahead of timeB.people called us for permission to use the places two years agoC.we received calls from people down the road two years agoD.people called us for school vacancies two years in advance问题3选项A.have no reliable methods to pick students for a classB.want a good mixture of boys and girls for classesC.encounter more demand than they can cope withD.prefer to enroll children of their relatives问题4选项A.favors the idea of putting children on a waiting listB.agrees to text preschoolers cognitive potentialsC.thinks children should be better prepared academicallyD.disapproves of the undue pressure on preschoolers问题5选项A.Hard Time for the PreschoolersB.Prosperity of Private-schoolsC.The Problem for Public SchoolsD.Americans No. 1 Concern【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】16.【试题答案】B【试题解析】客观细节题。A选项“在公立学校和私立学校之间做出选择比较困难”,由原文第二段倒数第二句Now that the long economic boom has given parents more disposable income, many are turning to private schools(由于长期的经济繁荣让家长们有了更多的可支配收入,许多人都转向了私立学校)可知,家长更偏向于选择私立学校,不会在公立学校和私立学校之间选择困难,所以A错误。C选项“上公立学校比上私立学校更困难”,原文只介绍了上私立学校的困难,所以C错误。D选项“今年之前上私立学校一样困难”,由原文第一段第一句Competition for admission to the countrys top private schools has always been tough, but this year Elisabeth realized it had reached a new level.(顶级私立学校的入学竞争一直很激烈,但今年伊丽莎白意识到竞争达到了一个新的水平。)可知,今年比之前更加困难,所以D错误。因此B选项“今年上私立学校比以前更困难”正确。17.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段第三句We have people calling us for spots two years down the road(有人打电话问我们两年后的招生情况),说明人们提前两年打电话问学校是否招生,“spots”指的是学校的招生名额。因此D选项“人们提前两年给我们打电话询问学校的空缺情况”正确。A选项“有人提前两年给我们打电话要停车位”,B选项“两年前有人打电话给我们寻求使用这些地方的许可”,C选项“两年前我们接到了路边人的电话”均不符合题意,所以A,B,C错误。18.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第三段第一句The problem for the applicants is that while demand has increased, supply has not.(申请者面临的问题是,虽然需求增加了,但供应却没有。),说明私立学校没有足够的名额让所有申请者都能入学,所以学校需要用各种方式对申请者进行筛选。因此C选项“面临的需求超过了他们的承受能力”正确。A选项“没有可靠的方法来挑选班级的学生”,B选项“希望男女生混合上课”,D选项“让亲戚的子女入学”在文中均没有提及,所以A,B,D错误。19.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章最后一段第一句The worst thing a parent can do is to pressure preschoolers to perform(父母所能做的最糟糕的事情就是给学龄前儿童施加压力),说明文章不赞成给学龄前儿童施加压力,强迫他们在准备好之前就开始学习。因此D选项“不赞成给学龄前儿童施加过大的压力”正确。A选项“赞成将儿童列入等待名单的想法”,B选项“同意将学前儿童的认知潜能文字化”在文中没有提及,所以A,B错误。C选项“认为应该让孩子在学业上有更好的准备”和原文表述的意思相反,所以C错误。20.【试题答案】A【试题解析】主旨大意题。文章第一段和第二段指出家长对子女教育问题的关注,第三段介绍了儿童入学难这一现象及其原因,第四段指出一些学校的招生办法以及有些学生无法入学的原因,第五段指出父母应该怎么做。说明本文的主要内容是阐述学龄前儿童所面临的入学困境。因此A选项“学龄前儿童的困难时期”正确。B选项“私立学校的繁荣”,C选项“公立学校的问题”,D选项“美国人的第一关注点”在文中均没有提及,所以B,C,D错误。4. 单选题Conducting scientific research on this most challenging of groups can be compared to viewing a whale through a keyhole. The hulk of the animal glides past from time to time while we try desperately to figure out what on earth it is. In spite of lots of sparks and smoke, we have so far accomplished little more than a small enlargement of this keyhole. Someday perhaps in the next hundred years we may have a picture-window-sized keyhole and will finally see what the whole whale looks like. But even then the enigma of the whale will stand, undecided, before us.I have been studying whales continuously since 1967. One of the delights of that experience has been discovering that there is no way to get a whale to adopt a human timescale. This is no more possible than it would be for a human to adopt a weasels speed of living. Whales are unhurriable. Its one of their most endearing trails. Nowhere is this more engagingly seen than in trying to figure out what a whale is doing when what you are watching is, for example, play, but you have not yet figured that out. The difficulty comes from the fact that one of the major clues to the function of a behavior pattern is the rhythm of its occurrence. Because we commonly associate play with quick motions, the key to being able to recognize play in whales is learning to think differentlyin terms of long, slow rhythms, where things occur very lingeringly (it would be a comparable problem to learn to recognize play in snails, or sloths, or tortoises). To understand whales one must be deeply patient, must slow way down and be content to observe passively for a long time. Only at the end of a day may one say to oneself, “Now let me see; what did I see? Well, I saw the whale do this, and then it did thisand then this .and then. For heavens sake, it was play I was looking at.” In order to observe whales, you must be willing to set your metronome on adagio. Then, to understand what you have seen, you must fast-forward through your observations by setting your metronome to allegro.During the first ten years of my career in biology, I was an experimentalist. I worked in neurophysiology and behavior and did experiments on how bats determine


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