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2022年考博英语-华中科技大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题Who won the World Cup 1994 football game? What happened at the United Nations? How did the critics like the new play? (1 ) an event takes place, newspapers are on the street (2 ) the details.(3 )anything happens in the world, reporters are on the spot to gather the news.Newspapers have one basic (4 ) , to get the news as quickly as possible from its source, from those who make it to those who want to (5 ) it.Radio, telegraph, television, and (6 ) inventions brought competition for newspapers. So did the development of magazines and other means of communication. (7 ), this competition merely spurred the newspapers on. They quickly made use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the (8 ) and thus the efficiency of their own operations. Today more newspapers are (9 ) and read than ever before. Competition also led newspapers to (10 ) out into many other fields. Besides keeping readers informed of the latest news, todays newspapers entertain and influence readers about politics and other important and serious (11 ) .Newspapers influence readers, economic choices (12 ) advertising. Most newspapers depend on advertising for their very (13 ) . Newspapers are sold at a price that (14 ) even a small fraction of the cost of production. The main (15 ) of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising. The (16 ) in selling advertising depends newspapers value to advertisers. This (17 ) in terms of circulation. How many people read the newspaper?Circulation depends (18 ) on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment (19 ) in a newspapers pages. But for the most part, circulation depends on a newspapers value to readers as a source of information (20 ) the community, city, county, state, nation and world and even outer space.问题1选项A.Just whenB.WhileC.Soon afterD.Before问题2选项A.to giveB.givingC.givenD.being given问题3选项A.WhereverB.WhateverC.HoweverD.Whichever问题4选项A.reasonB.causeC.problemD.purpose问题5选项A.makeB.publishC.knowD.write问题6选项A.anotherB.otherC.one anotherD.the other问题7选项A.HoweverB.AndC.ThereforeD.So问题8选项A.valueB.ratioC.rateD.speed问题9选项A.spreadB.passedC.printedD.completed问题10选项A.provokeB.jumpC.stepD.branch问题11选项A.mattersB.affairsC.thingsD.events问题12选项A.onB.throughC.withD.of问题13选项A.formsB.existenceC.contentsD.purpose问题14选项A.tries to coverB.manages to coverC.fails to coverD.succeeds in covering问题15选项A.sourceB.originC.courseD.finance问题16选项A.wayB.meansC.chanceD.success问题17选项A.measuresB.measuredC.is measuredD.was measured问题18选项A.somewhatB.littleC.muchD.something问题19选项A.offeringB.offeredC.which offeredD.to be offered问题20选项A.byB.withC.atD.about【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C第6题:B第7题:A第8题:D第9题:C第10题:C第11题:D第12题:B第13题:B第14题:C第15题:A第16题:B第17题:C第18题:C第19题:D第20题:C【解析】1.考查时间副词(短语)。Just when正当;While当时;Soon after不久之后;Before在之前;根据上下文判断,事件发生在前,报纸报道在后。soon after“不久以后”,符合句意。2.考查分词辨析。现在分词表示主动,报纸报道事件细节是主动的,所以用giving。3.考查关系代词。Wherever无论哪里,表地点;Whatever无论什么;However不管怎样;Whichever无论哪一个;由后一句on the spot(当场)可推断出应选地点状语wherever。4.考查固定搭配。reason原因;cause成因;problem问题;purpose目的。由动词不定式to get可判定本句表示目的,purpose “目的”,选项D符合要求。5.考查动词辨析。make使,让;publish出版;know知道,了解;write写。句意:新闻发生的源头或是从那些将新闻制作并散播人处获得,并传播给那些想要了解新闻的人们。选项C符合句意。6.考查代词辨析。another 另一个;one another彼此,互相;the other两者中的另一个;other“其他的”。其后跟可数名词复数表示泛指。句意:收音机、电报、电视以及其他发明。7.考查逻辑连接词。However然而,表转折;And而且,表并列;Therefore因此,表因果;So因此,表结果。根据上下文,句子间逻辑判断为转折。选项中的however意为“然而”,符合句意。8.考查名词辨析。value价值;ratio比例;rate 比率;speed速度。句意:他们快速地使用更新并且更快的交流方式来提高速度。选项D符合句意。9.考查动词辨析。spread传播;passed传递,通过;printed打印,印刷;completed完成。句意:如今更多的报纸被印刷并且被阅读。选项C符合句意。10.考查固定搭配。step out into “拓展”,既可指人又可指物,branch out into “拓展”,只能用于指人。句意:竞争也使得报纸拓展到很多其他领域。选项C符合句意。11.考查名词辨析。matters “当前状况”;affairs “公共事务及安全事务”;things “事情”一般用于口语中;events“重大,重要事件”。句意:政治事件以及其他重要且严肃的事件。选项D符合句意。12.考查介词辨析。on 在之上;through通过;with和;of属于的。句意:报纸通过广告影响人们的经济选择。through做方式状语,表示“通过,凭借”,选项B符合句意。13.考查名词辨析。form“形式”;existence“存在”;content“内容”;purpose“目的”。句意:报纸是依赖广告生存的,选项B符合句意。14.考查动词短语辨析。tries to cover试图支付;manages to cover打算支付;fails to cover无法支付;succeeds in covering成功支付。根据后面even“甚至”这个语气可判断出此处为否定意义,只有fails to cover表否定,意为“无法支付”。选项C符合句意。15.考查固定搭配。the source of income为固定搭配,意为“收入来源”。选项A符合句意。16.考查名词辨析。 way方式,道路;means 钱财,财富;chance机会;success成功。根据上下文语义,句意:出售版面广告所赚的钱依赖于报纸对广告商的价值。means意为“钱财,财富”,选项B符合句意。17.考查时态与语态。整个文章时态为现在时且此句中应用被动,报纸价值是“被估量”,选项C符合要求。18.考查副词辨析。somewhat有点,稍微;little少量,一丁点;much多,大量;something某事。句意:发行部的工作对于报纸的发行至关重要。选项C符合句意。19.考查时态与语态。句意:刊印在报纸版面上的娱乐和服务。被动语态且表示将来,选项D符合句意。20.考查固定搭配。by通过;凭借;with和;at在;about关于。at the community意为“在社区内”,为固定用法。选项C符合句意。2. 单选题No very satisfactory account of the mechanism that caused the formation of the ocean basins has yet been given. The traditional view supposes that the upper mantle of the earth behaves as a liquid when it is subjected to small forces for long periods and that differences in temperature under oceans and continents are sufficient to produce convection in the mantle of the earth with rising convection currents under the mid-ocean ridges and sinking currents under the continents. Theoretically, this convection would carry the continental plates along as though they were on a conveyor belt and would provide the forces needed to produce the split that occurs along the ridge. This view may be correct: it has the advantage that the currents are driven by temperature differences that themselves depend on the position of the continents. Such a back-coupling, in which the position of the moving plate has an impact on the forces that move it, could produce complicated and varying motions.On the other hand, the theory is implausible because convection does not normally occur along lines, and it certainly does not occur along lines broken by frequent offsets or changes in direction, as the ridge is. Also it is difficult to see how the theory applies to the plate between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the ridge in the Indian Ocean. This plate is growing on both sides, and since there is no intermediate trench, the two ridges must be moving apart. It would be odd if the rising convection currents kept exact pace with them. An alternative theory is that the sinking part of the plate, which is denser than the hotter surrounding mantle, pulls the rest of the plate after it. Again it is difficult to see how this applies to the ridge in the South Atlantic, where neither the African nor the American plate has a sinking part.Another possibility is that the sinking plate cools the neighboring mantle and produces convection currents that move the plates. This last theory is attractive because it gives some hope of explaining the enclosed seas, such as the Sea of Japan. These seas have a typical oceanic floor, except that the floor is overlaid by several kilometers of sediment. Their floors have probably been sinking for long periods. It seems possible that a sinking current of cooled mantle material on the upper side of the plate might be the cause of such deep basins. The enclosed seas are an important feature of the earths surface, and seriously require explanation in because, addition to the enclosed seas that are developing at present behind island arcs, there are a number of older ones of possibly similar origin, such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Black Sea, and perhaps the North Sea.26.According to the traditional view of the origin of the ocean basins, which of the following is sufficient to move the continental plates?27.It can be inferred from the passage that, of the following, the deepest sediments would be found in the ( ) .28.According to the passage, which of the following are separated by a plate that is growing on both sides?29.The author refers to conveyer belt in Sentence 3, Paragraph 1, in order to( ).30.Which of the following titles would best describe the content of the passage?问题1选项A.Increases in sedimentation on ocean floors.B.Spreading of ocean trenches.C.Movement of mid-ocean ridges.D.Differences in temperature under oceans and continents.问题2选项A.Indian OceanB.Black SeaC.Mid-AtlanticD.South Atlantic问题3选项A.The Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan.B.The South Atlantic Ridge and the North Sea Ridge.C.The Gulf of Mexico and the South Atlantic Ridge.D.The Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Indian Ocean Ridge.问题4选项A.illustrate the effects of convection in the mantleB.show how temperature differences depend on the positions of the continentsC.demonstrate the linear nature of the Mid-Atlantic RidgeD.describe the complicated motions made possible by back-coupling问题5选项A.A Description of the Oceans of the WorldB.Several Theories of Ocean Basin FormationC.The Traditional View of the OceansD.Convection and Ocean Currents【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】26.细节事实题。根据题干中的traditional view,将信息点定位为第一段第二句。The traditional view supposes that the upper mantle of the earth behaves as a liquid when it is subjected to small forces for long periods and that differences in temperature under oceans and continents are sufficient to produce convection in the mantle of the earth with rising convection currents under the mid-ocean ridges and sinking currents under the continents.(传统观点认为,地球上地幔长期受小力量作用时表现为液体,海洋和大陆下的温差足以产生地幔对流,大洋中脊下对流上升,大陆下对流下降。)从而得出本题答案。27.细节推断题。根据题干中的sediments,将信息点定位为最后一段第三句。These seas have a typical oceanic floor, except that the floor is overlaid by several kilometers of sediment.(这些海洋有一个典型的海底,只是海底覆盖着几公里长的沉积物。)通过对比答案与尾段内容,答案为尾段尾句的Black Sea。从而得出本题答案。28.细节事实题。根据题干中的plate, is growing on both sides,将信息点定位为第二段第三句。This plate is growing on both sides, and since there is no intermediate trench, the two ridges must be moving apart.此句中的this指代前一句的the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the ridge in the Indian Ocean。从而得出本题答案。29.语义题。根据题干的提示,将信息点定位为第一段第三句。Theoretically, this convection would carry the continental plates along as though they were on a conveyor belt and would provide the forces needed to produce the split that occurs along the ridge.第一段用很长的句子来描述地球表层的运动,紧接着用conveyor belt来描述运动的结果。从而得出本题答案。30.主旨题。文章第一段第一句为全文的主题句,No very satisfactory account of the mechanism that caused the formation of the ocean basins has yet been given.(关于造成海洋盆地形成的机理,至今还没有一个非常令人满意的解释。)说明文章的内容,即:关于ocean basins形成的不同学说。从而得出本题答案。3. 写作题You are required to write about 200 words on the following topic “The Bad Aspect of Online Shopping”.【答案】The Bad Aspect of Online Shopping4. 单选题Patients tend to feel indignant and insulted if the physician tells them he can find no organic cause for the pain. They tend to interpret the term “psychogenic” to mean that they are complaining of nonexistent symptoms. They need to be educated about the fact that many forms of pain have no underlying physical cause but are the result, as mentioned earlier, of tension, stress or hostile factors in the general environment. Sometimes a pain may be a manifestation of “conversion hysteria”.Obviously, it is folly for an individual to ignore symptoms that could be a warning of a potentially serious illness. Some people are so terrified of getting news from a doctor that they allow their malaise to worsen, sometimes past the point of no return. Total neglect is not the answer to hypochondria. The only answer has to be increased education about the way the human body works; so that more people will be able to steer an intelligent course between promiscuous pill-popping and irresponsible disregard of genuine symptoms.Of all forms of pain, none is important for the individual to understand than the “threshold” variety. Almost everyone has a telltale ache that is triggered whenever tension or fatigue reaches a certain point. It can take the form of a migraine-type headache or a squeezing pain deep in the abdomen or cramps or a pain in the lower back or even in the joints. The individual who has learned how to make the correlation between such threshold pains and their cause doesnt panic when they occur; he or she does something about relieving the stress and tension. Then, if the pain persists despite the absence of apparent cause, the individual will telephone the doctor.26.Which of the following is TRUE?27.Some people suffering from a pain do not go to hospital because ( ) .28.According to the passage, the proper way towards a pain is ( ) .29.As soon as a person gets “threshold pains”,he should ( ) .问题1选项A.A pain can only be caused by physical harm.B.Some people are complaining of a pain which does not exist.C.A pain can be caused by psychogenic factors.D.Educated people do not complain of nonexistent pain.问题2选项A.they are horrified to get the bad newsB.they think no medicine is effectiveC.they think the pain will disappear as soon as you forget itD.they are too busy问题3选项A.taking different medicinesB.visiting famous physiciansC.paying no attention to itD.none of the above问题4选项A.telephone the doctor immediatelyB.first relieve the stress and tension which cause the painsC.wait to let the pains reach a certain pointD.take pain-killer【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B【解析】26.细节判断题。信息点定位为原文第一段,根据第二句They tend to interpret the term “psychogenic” to mean that they are complaining of nonexistent symptoms.(他们倾向于将“心理原因”一词解释为他们在抱怨不存在的症状。)中的“psychogenic”(心理性的),即可得出本题答案。27.细节判断题。根据题干关键词“do not go to hospital”,将信息点定位到原文第二段Some people are so terrified of getting news from a doctor that they allow their malaise to worsen, sometimes past the point of no return.(有些人非常害怕从医生那里得到消息,他们让自己的不适加剧,有时甚至到了无法恢复的地步。)根据“so terrified of getting” “news. worsen”,即可得出本题答案。28.细节推理题。根据原文第三段第一句Of all forms of pain, none is important for the individual to understand than the “threshold” variety.(没有比知道这些疼痛种类的下限更重要的事情了。)即可得出本题答案。29.细节推理题。根据题干关键词“threshold pains”定位到原文最后一段第四句。根据The individual who has learned how to make the correlation between such threshold pains and their cause doesnt panic when they occur; he or she does something about relieving the stress and tension.(学会了如何将这种阈值疼痛与其原因联系起来的人,在疼痛发生时并不惊慌;他或她做了一些缓解压力和紧张的事情。)中的“relieving the stress and tension”即可得出本题答案。5. 写作题You are required to write about 200 words on the following topic: “ Is it better to set up a bridge or a wall between China and the west? ”【答案】In recent years, with the development of science and technology, and with the change of peoples idea, the world is globalized increasingly. People are confronted with a new international life that exchanges between people, whether it is business trade or social activities, become more than before. The same situation winds up between countries. In my opinion, it is better to set up a bridge between China and the west.A bridge not only makes life more convenient; it could also be a symbol of communication, understanding and friendship. There are various factors badly needed to build a “bridge” for China and the west. Firstly, China needs to know more about the west, and the west needs to know more about China. For any country in the world, the past always holds the key to the present and the present is always rooted in the past. Furthermore, only when we know where a country has come from, could we possibly understand why the country is what it is today, and only then could we realize in which direction it is heading.As far as I am concerned, China and the west enable to take measures to build a bridge in this respect. For one thing, the need of both sides to build a bridge of common cultural prosperity links the two major civilizations of China and the west. China represents the Eastern civilization in an important way, while the west is the birthplace of the Western civilization. For another, they both need to build a bridge of economic growth and prosperity. China is one of the most important major economies in the world and the west has many big markets. We must uphold open market, speed up negotiations on the investment agreement, and actively explore the possibility of a free trade area. Last but not least, they both need to build a bridge of reform and progress. Both China and the west are pursuing reforms that are unprecedented in human history, and both are sailing uncharted waters. We need to respect each others path of reform and draw upon each others reform experience. And we need to promote world development and progress through our reform efforts.In conclusion, building a bridge has advantages and we should set up a bridge with the west.6. 单选题In the competitive model the economy of many sellers each with a small share of the total market the restraint on the private exercise of economic power was provided by other firms on the same side of the market. It was the eagerness of competitors to sell, not the complaints of buyers, that saved the latter from spoliation. It was assumed, no doubt accurately, that the nineteenth-century textile manufacturer who overcharged for his product would promptly lose his market to another manufacturer who did not. If all manufacturers found themselves in a position where they could exploit a strong demand, and mark up their prices accordingly, there would soon be an inflow of new competitors. The resulting increase in supply would bring prices and profits back to normal.As with the seller who was tempted to use his economic power against the customer, so with the buyer who was tempted to use it against his labor or suppliers, the man who paid less than the prevailing wage would lose his lab or force to those who paid the worker his full (marginal) contribution to the earnings of the firm. In all cases the incentive to socially desirable behavior was provided by the competitor. It was to the same side of the market the restraint of sellers by other sellers and of buyers by other buyers, in other words to competition that economists came to look for the self-regulatory mechanisms of the economy.They also came to look to competition exclusively and in formal; theory still do. The notion that there might be another regulatory mechanism in the economy had been almost completely excluded from economic thought. Thus, with the widespread disappearance of competition in its classical from and its replacement by the small group of firms if not in overt, at least in conventional or tacit, collusion, it was easy to suppose that since competition had disappeared, all effective restraint on private power had disappeared. Indeed, this conclusion was all but inevitable if no search was made for other restraints, and so complete was the preoccupation with competition that none was made.In fact, new restraints on private power did appear to replace competition. They were nurtured by the same process of concentration which impaired or destroyed competition. But they appeared not on the same side of the market but on the opposite side, not with competitors but with customers or suppliers. It will be convenient to have a name for this counterpart of competition and I shall call it countervailing power.To begin with a broad and somewhat too dogmatically stated proposition, private economic power is held in check by the countervailing power of those who are subject to it. The first begets the second. The long trend toward concentration of industrial enterprise in the hands of a relatively few firms has bro


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