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2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Sometimes patients suffering from severe pain can be helped by “drugs” that arent really drugs at all( )sugar pills that contain no active chemical elements.问题1选项A.or ratherB.rather thanC.but ratherD.other than【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A项or rather“更准确说,倒不如说”,B项rather than“而不是”,C项but rather“而宁可说是”,D项other than“除了,不同于”。根据关键词drug(药物)和sugar pills(糖丸)可知,空格前后表转折,只有C项表示转折。句意:有时病人遭受严重的疼痛可以通过“药物”来缓解,这些“药物”根本不是药物,而是不含任何活性化学元素的糖丸。因此,该题选择C项正确。2. 单选题If you become reconciled to your lot, you will never get a new start in life.问题1选项A.submissiveB.resistantC.tolerableD.committed【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。reconcile表示“和解,调节”;A项submissive“顺从的,服从的”,B项resistant“抵抗的,反抗的”,C项tolerable“可以容忍的”,D项committed“坚定的,忠诚的”。句意:如果你甘心于自己的命运,你将永远无法重新开始生活。根据句意可知A项正确。3. 单选题The Chinese government continues to uphold the principle of peaceful co-existence.问题1选项A.supportB.restrictC.raiseD.modify【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。uphold表示“支撑,支持,鼓励”;A项support“支持”,B项restrict“限制”,C项raise“提高”,D项modify“修改”。句意:中国政府继续坚持和平共处的原则。根据句意可知A项正确。4. 单选题My kids tell me that I am “so 20th century”, which troubles me. A person likes to feel that he is “with it”, as we used to say in the 20th century.So I have been thinking how I might change myself into a true 21st-century man. Clearly, in my advanced state of age I would be foolish to attempt some wild leap into the contemporary fashion. And anyway, my distinctive taste attracts much favorable comment.But if my clothing is too characteristic to change, perhaps I should do something about my lifestyle. So last week I took myself to the NEC for the Smart Home Show which is “the exhibition dedicated to all the latest trends in smart home technology”. It was a shock. How could I have lived for half a century without a fingerprint-operated front door? (“Never lock yourself out of your home again!”) Or vacuum cleaners that suck dust straight into a dustbin, via a system of pipes in your house walls? (All you have to do is rebuild your entire home.) Or automatic garden sprinklers which are so smart that they turn themselves off when it starts to rain? Of course, you could just look out of the window, observe that its raining and turn them off yourself, but that would be so 20th century.Besides, those were just the simpler things. For the true smart home owner, a plasma (等离子) TV fireplace is a must. At first glance its just an electric fire with a mantelpiece, but press your remote and a giant TV screen rises from the mantelpiece. “Thieves wont even know its there,” a spokesman claimed. Just as well. At 65,280, it would be a pity to have it broken. But the real revolution has happened in the bathroom. Never again need you feel cut off from world events as you go about your washing. Forget the mirrors that turn into TV screens. Theyre old hat. The buzz in bathrooms now is all about heated towel-racks that turn into TVs.Enough! I was convinced: I want a smart home. Theres only one problem: The cost you are looking at 18.000 to 25,000 for an average home. Hmm. I wont be entering the 21st century just yet, then.1. To be “21st century”, the author decided to( ).2. The authors comment on the vacuum cleaner implies that( ).3. What is the most revolutionary smart home technology according to the author?4. The Smart Home Show( ).5. What does the author think of buying the smart home products?问题1选项A.move to a new houseB.change the way he livedC.improve his dressing styleD.talk in the most trendy fashion问题2选项A.he believed that it was uselessB.he wanted to purchase one himselfC.he hated to cause inconvenienceD.he thought that it was not worth the effort问题3选项A.The plasma TV fireplace.B.The automatic garden sprinkler.C.Mirrors that turn into TV screens.D.Heated towel-racks that turn into TVs.问题4选项A.seemed too good to be trueB.was a true eye-opener for the authorC.left a negative impression on the authorD.appealed less to the middle- and old-aged问题5选项A.He was interested, but found them too expensive.B.He was fascinated, and determined to buy them.C.He wasnt attracted, and wouldnt buy them.D.He wasnt sure, so he would rather wait and see.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。题干意思是“要变得21世纪,作者决定”。文章第三段第一句提到But if my clothing is too characteristic to change, perhaps I should do something about my lifestyle.(但如果我的服装太有特色而无法改变,也许我应该改变一下我的生活方式),由此可知B项“改变生活方式”符合题意。A项“搬进一个新房子”,文章最后一段提到Theres only one problem: The cost you are looking at 18.000 to 25,000 for an average home.(只有一个问题:一套普通住宅的成本大概在1.8万至2.5万英镑之间),由此可知作者搬进一个新房子的可能性不是很大;C项“改善着装风格”,文章作者提到服装太有特色而无法改变,所以C项错误;D项“以最时髦的方式交谈”文章没有提及。故该题选B正确。第2题:细节推断题。题干意思是“作者对真空吸尘器的评论暗示着”。根据题干定位到第三段第五句Or vacuum cleaners that suck dust straight into a dustbin, via a system of pipes in your house walls? (All you have to do is rebuild your entire home.)(真空吸尘器是通过墙壁上的管道系统将灰尘直接吸进垃圾箱吗?你所要做的就是重建你的整个家),由此可知,要安装这个吸尘器还要把房子重新建造一遍,作者认为这个耗时又耗力,所以D项“觉得不值得这么做”符合题意。A项“相信真空吸尘器没有用处”,文章作者没有说这个吸尘器没有用处;B项“想要自己买一个”,内容与原文相反;C项“讨厌制造麻烦”为干扰项,根据原文中的内容,作者不是觉得吸尘器麻烦,而是觉得为了一个吸尘器来重建房子不值得。故该题选D正确。第3题:细节事实题。题干意思是“作者认为最具革命性的智能家居技术是什么?”。第四段最后两句提到But the real revolution has happened in the bathroom. Never again need you feel cut off from world events as you go about your washing. Forget the mirrors that turn into TV screensThe buzz in bathrooms now is all about heated towel-racks that turn into TVs.(但真正的革命发生在浴室;当你洗衣服的时候,你再也不需要感觉与世界事件隔绝了;忘掉那些变成电视屏幕的镜子吧;现在浴室里的话题都是加热毛巾架变成电视),由此可知D项“可以变成电视的加热毛巾架”正确;C项“可以变成电视屏幕的镜子”错误;A项“等离子电视壁炉”,根据At 65,280, it would be a pity to have it broken.(65,280英镑,如果它坏了就太可惜了)可知,作者觉得等离子电视壁炉太贵,A项不选;B项“花园自动洒水器”,第三段最后一句提到Of course, you could just look out of the window, observe that its raining and turn them off yourself, but that would be so 20th century.(当然,你可以看着窗外,看到正在下雨,然后自己把洒水器关掉,但那是20世纪的事了),由此可知,B项也不正确。故该题选D正确。第4题:推理判断题。题干意思是“智能家居展”。第三段第二句提到So last week I took myself to the NEC for the Smart Home Show which is “the exhibition dedicated to all the latest trends in smart home technology”. It was a shock.(所以上周我带自己去NEC参加智能家居展,这是一个“致力于智能家居技术最新趋势的展览”,太令人震惊了),接着第四段和第五段都是智能家居展览中的一些智能家居的应用,根据作者对例子的表述和作者的语气可知B项“让作者大开眼界”符合题意。A项“看起来太好以至于不真实”,作者只是提到了很贵,所以A项错误;C项“给作者留下了负面的印象”和D项“对中老年人吸引力较小” 内容与原文相反。故该题选B正确。第5题:观点态度题。题干意思是“作者对购买智能家居产品有什么看法?”。根据文章最后一段Enough! I was convinced: I want a smart home. Theres only one problem: The cost you are looking at 18.000 to 25,000 for an average home.(够了!我被说服了:我想要一个智能家居;但只有一个问题:一套普通住宅的成本大概在1.8万至2.5万英镑之间)可知,作者对智能家居很感兴趣,但是价格太昂贵了,所以A项“他很感兴趣,但觉得太贵了”正确。B项“他被迷住了,决定买下它们”和C项“他没有兴趣,也不会买”内容与原文不符;D项“他不能肯定,所以他宁愿等着瞧”,文章中作者没有提到要等着瞧,D项错误。故该题选A正确。5. 单选题A farmer must learn the kinds of crops best( )the soils on his farm.问题1选项A.accustomed toB.committed toC.applied toD.suited to【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A项accustom to“习惯于”,B项commit to“把投入,交付”,C项apply to“适用于,应用于”,D项suit to“适合于”。句意:农民必须了解最适合他农场土壤的作物种类。四个选项中,只有suit to最合适;因此,该题D项正确。6. 单选题Richard Satava, program manager for advanced medical technologies, has been a driving force in bringing virtual reality to medicine, where computers create a “virtual” or simulated environment for surgeons and other medical practitioners.“With virtual reality we will be able to put a surgeon in every trench,” said Satava. He envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers.The computers would transmit images of the soldiers to surgeons back in the U.S. The surgeons would look at the soldier through virtual reality helmets (头盔) that contain a small screen displaying the image of the wound. The doctors would guide robotic instruments in the battlefield mobile surgical unit that operate on the soldier.Although Satavas vision may be years away from standard operating procedure, scientists are progressing toward virtual reality surgery. Engineers at an international organization in California are developing a tele-operating device. As surgeons watch a three-dimensional image of the surgery, they move instruments that are connected to a computer, which passes their movements to robotic instruments that perform the surgery. The computer provides feedback to the surgeon on force, textures, and sound.These technological wonders may not yet be part of the community hospital setting but increasingly some of the machinery is finding its way into civilian medicine. At Wayne State University Medical School, surgeon Lucia Zamorano takes images of the brain from computerized scans and uses a computer program to produce a 3-D image. She can then maneuver the 3-D image on the computer screen to map the shortest, least invasive surgical path to the tumor. Zamorano is also using technology that attaches a probe to surgical instruments so that she can track their positions. While cutting away a tumor deep in the brain, she watches the movement of her surgical tools in a computer graphics image of the patients brain taken before surgery.During these procedures-operations that are done through small cuts in the body in which a miniature camera and surgical tools are maneuvered-surgeons are wearing 3-D glasses for a better view. And they are commanding robot surgeons to cut away tissue more accurately than human surgeons can.Satava says, “We are in the midst of a fundamental change in the field of medicine.”1. According to Richard Satava, the application of virtual reality to medicine( ).2. How is virtual reality surgery performed?3. Richard Satava has visions of( ).4. During virtual reality operations, the surgeon can have a better view of the cuts in the body because( ).5. Virtual reality operations are an improvement on conventional surgery in that they_.问题1选项A.will enable surgeons to be physically present on every battlefieldtB.can raise the spirits of soldiers wounded on the battlefieldtC.will greatly improve medical conditions on the battlefieldtD.can shorten the time for operations on soldiers wounded on the battlefieldt问题2选项A.It is performed by a computer-designed high precision device.tB.Surgeons wear virtual reality helmets to receive feedback provided by a computer.tC.Surgeons move robotic instruments by means of a computer lined to them.tD.A 3-D image records the movements of the surgeons during the operation.t问题3选项A.using a remote-control technique to treat wounded soldiers fighting overseastB.wounded soldiers being saved by doctors wearing virtual reality helmets on the battlefieldtC.wounded soldiers being operated on by specially trained surgeonstD.setting up mobile surgical units overseast问题4选项A.he is looking at the cuts on a computer screentB.the cuts can be examined from different anglestC.the cuts have been highly magnifiedtD.he is wearing 3-D glassest问题5选项A.cause less pain to the woundedtB.allow the patient to recover more quicklytC.will make human surgeons work less tedioustD.are done by robot surgeons with greater precision【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】第1题:细节推理题。题干意思是“根据萨塔瓦,虚拟现实在医学上的应用”。第二段提到“With virtual reality we will be able to put a surgeon in every trench,” said Satava. He envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers.(萨塔瓦说:“有了虚拟现实技术,我们将能够在每条战壕里都安置一名外科医生。”他设想有一天,在海外战斗中受伤的士兵可以被安置在配备电脑的移动手术室),由此可以推理,虚拟现实在医学上的应用可以改善战场上的医疗条件,故C项“将大大改善战场上的医疗条件”正确。A项“将使外科医生能够亲临每一个战场”,表述与原文不符;B项“可以鼓舞在战场上受伤的士兵的精神”和D项“可以缩短在战场上受伤的士兵的行动时间”文章没有提到。因此,该题选择C项正确。第2题:细节事实题。题干意思是“如何进行虚拟现实手术?”。根据文章第四段第三句As surgeons watch a three-dimensional image of the surgery, they move instruments that are connected to a computer, which passes their movements to robotic instruments that perform the surgery.(当外科医生观察手术的三维图像时,他们移动与计算机相连的仪器,计算机将他们的动作传递给实施手术的机器人仪器)可知,C项“外科医生通过排列在机器上的计算机移动机器器械”正确。A项“它是由计算机设计的高精度设备执行的”没有提到;B项“外科医生戴着虚拟现实头盔接受电脑提供的反馈”,第三段提到The surgeons would look at the soldier through virtual reality helmets that contain a small screen displaying the image of the wound. (外科医生将通过虚拟现实头盔观察士兵,头盔上有一个显示伤口图像的小屏幕) ,可知医生是通过头盔亲自观察士兵的伤情,而不是通过接收机器人的反馈;D项“一幅3d图像记录了外科医生在手术过程中的动作”,第五段最后一句提到While cutting away a tumor deep in the brain, she watches the movement of her surgical tools in a computer graphics image of the patients brain taken before surgery.(在切除大脑深处的肿瘤时,她在术前拍摄的病人大脑计算机图形图像中观察手术工具的动作)可知,3d图像是医生用来观察手术工具的动作,而不是记录外科医生的动作,D项表述不正确。因此,该题选择C项正确。第3题:细节推理题。题干意思是“萨塔瓦幻想”。根据文章第二段第二句He envisaged a time when soldiers who are wounded fighting overseas are put in mobile surgical units equipped with computers.(他设想有一天,在海外战斗中受伤的士兵可以被安置在配备电脑的移动手术室)可推理,理查德萨塔瓦设想受伤的战士可以在移动的手术室通过远程控制电脑实现被远程救治,故A项“用遥控技术治疗海外作战的受伤士兵”符合题意。B项“伤兵在战场上被医生戴着虚拟现实头盔拯救”,表述不准确,头盔是医生用来观察伤情而非实行救治的;C项“受过专门训练的外科医生对受伤士兵进行手术”,第三段最后一句提到The doctors would guide robotic instruments in the battlefield mobile surgical unit that operate on the soldier.(医生们将指导战场上的移动手术室内的机器人设备为士兵进行手术),可知是通过机器人为士兵进行手术,C项错误;D项“在海外设立流动手术室”是以偏概全。因此,该题选择A项正确。第4题:细节事实题。题干意思是“在虚拟现实手术中,外科医生可以更好地看到身体的切口,因为”。倒数第二段第一句提到During these procedures-operations that are done through small cuts in the body in which a miniature camera and surgical tools are maneuvered-surgeons are wearing 3-D glasses for a better view.(在这些手术过程中,通过身体的小切口进行的手术中,操作微型相机和手术工具的外科医生戴着3D眼镜,以便更好地观察),由此可知外科医生可以更好地看到身体的切口是因为3d眼镜提供的更好的视野,故D项“他戴着3d眼镜”正确。A项“他正在看电脑屏幕上的切口”,表述不够准确;B项“切口可以从不同的角度检查”和C项“切口被高度放大”文中未提及。因此,该题选择D项正确。第5题:细节事实题。题干意思是“虚拟现实手术是传统手术的改进,因为它们”。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句And they are commanding robot surgeons to cut away tissue more accurately than human surgeons can(他们还命令机器人外科医生比人类外科医生更精确地切除组织)可知,机器人外科医生比人类外科医生更能精确的实行组织切除,这是虚拟现实手术是传统手术的改进的原因;故D项“由机器人外科医生更精确地完成”正确。A项“对受伤的人造成较少的痛苦”、B项“让病人恢复得更快”和C项“将使人类外科医生的工作不那么乏味”文中均未提及。因此,该题选择D项正确。7. 单选题Scientists have achieved findings substantial enough to remove our fear of GM foods.问题1选项A.abundantB.controversialC.conduciveD.convincing【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。substantial表示“大量的,实质的”;A项abundant“丰富的,充裕的”,B项controversial“有争议的,有争论的”,C项conducive“有益的,有助于的”,D项convincing“令人信服的”。句意:科学家们已经取得了足以消除我们对转基因食品恐惧的重大发现。根据前面的findings(发现)可知只有D项的意思与划线部分的意思相近,所以D项正确。8. 单选题Deceptively simple in design, the sculptural works of George Norton incorporate a broad range of textures, sizes, and contours.问题1选项A.MisleadinglyB.GenerallyC.NoticeablyD.Exceptionally【答案】A【解析】考查副词辨析。deceptively表示“看似,不像看上去那么”;A项misleadingly“误导性地”,B项generally“通常地”,C项noticeably“显著地,明显地”,D项exceptionally“异常地,特殊地”。句意:看似简单的设计,乔治诺顿的雕塑作品融合了广泛的纹理、尺寸和轮廓的奥妙。根据句意可知,前面是对比的关系,那么只有misleadingly能够替换划线的单词,故该题选择A项正确。9. 单选题Before the 1980s, the idea of health insurance was quite( )to those living in the mainland of China.问题1选项A.overseasB.abroadC.foreignD.offshore【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项overseas“海外的”,B项abroad“往国外的”,C项foreign“外国的,外交的”,D项offshore表示“离岸的,近海的”。句意:20世纪80年代以前,中国大陆的居民对医疗保险的概念非常陌生。因此C项正确。10. 单选题A high official is likely to win respect and trust if he can stick to his principles.问题1选项A.turn toB.add toC.keep toD.lead to【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。Stick to表示“坚持”;A项turn to“转向,变成”,B项add to“加入,加到”,C项keep to“坚持,遵守”,D项lead to“导致”。句意:一个高级官员如果能坚持自己的原则,就很可能赢得尊重和信任。根据句意可知C项正确。11. 单选题In those days, executive expected to spend most of their lives in the same firm and, unless they were dismissed for( )to retire at the age of 65.问题1选项A.integrityB.denialC.incompetenceD.deduction【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A项integrity“完整,正直”,B项denial“否认,拒绝”,C项incompetence“无资格,无能力”,D项deduction“扣除,减除”。根据关键词dismissed(解雇)可知,只有C项可以成为被解雇的原因。句意:在那些日子里,高管们希望在同一家公司度过他们的大部分生命,除非他们因为无能而被解雇,否则他们将在65岁退休。因此,该题选择C项正确。12. 单选题Todays consumer wants unique and beautiful handcrafted objects to wear and to have for home environment. Each consumer is an individual. He prefers objects which are unique and he demands quality. Craftsmen today are meeting this demand. People and homes are showing great change as a result of the unique handcrafted items available.Crafts are big business. No longer does a good craftsman have to work in a job he dislikes all day and then try to create at night and on weekends. He has earned his professional status. He is now a respected, contributing member of todays society.Part of the fun of being a craftsman is meeting other craftsmen. They are interesting. Exciting people, young or old. They love to share their ideas and materials and to help others find markets for their work. They enjoy teaching others their special skills.Craftsmen have helped educate consumers to make wise choices. They help them become aware of design and technique. They help them relate their choice to its intended use. They often involve the consumer in trying the craft himself.Some crafts are done in leisure time for pleasure or for extra income. More and more are done seriously for total income. Learning the marketing of crafts is important to all who wish to earn a living by their talent and skill.Craftsmen often exchange ideas and resources. As this group expands to include more members with like interests and standards, a small craft organization is formed. Later these groups may become a chapter of a state guild if they have maintained standards required by the guild.Many opportunities are then available: training workshops in special media, craft marketing techniques, craft fairs and sales festivals, TV appearances, and demonstrations.State arts councils help in partially sponsoring local arts and crafts festivals. Often they will help a new organization with some beginning workshops. Some state arts councils help with marketing training. Both guilds and small craft groups working together bring special status to their state. They drew crowds of tourist consumers to attend their festivals and fairs. This boosts the economy of the area considerably because the tourists not only buy crafts, but they also use the restaurants and motels and other services of the area.Historical villages, country stores, privately owned shops, and galleries are a few outlets that have developed to sell the quality products of local craftsmen.1. In the second paragraph the author implies that( ).2. Craftsmen have helped consumers to( ).3. If a craftsman wants to live on his skills, he has to( ).4. Specifically, “guild” in this text refers to( ).5. Which of the following idea does the text intend to express?问题1选项A.a good craftsman nowadays can devote most of his day to creatingtB.craftsmen have always been regarded with respecttC.crafts used to be done in leisure timetD.craftsmen do not have to work as hard as they used tot问题2选项A.appreciate the beauty of handcrafted objectstB.appraise the quality of handcrafted objectstC.gain some basic knowledge about craftstD.select proper handcrafted objectst问题3选项A.join a craft organizationtB.be good at sellingtC.consult the state arts counciltD.exchange ideas and resources with other craftsment问题4选项A.an organization of workers which represents their intereststB.a society which has been formed for political reasonstC.a foundation which provides money for a special purposetD.an association of skilled workers who have similar interestst问题5选项A.“Craftsmen: Past & Present”tB.“Crafts: For Whom Are They Made.”tC.“Crafts: Booming Business.”tD.“Craftsmen: People in the Know.”【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】第1题:推理判断题。题干意思是“在第二段作者暗示”。第二段提到No longer does a good craftsman have to work in a job he dislikes all day and then try to create at night and on weekends.(一个好的工匠不再需要整天从事他不喜欢的工作,然后在晚上和周末尝试创造),由此可推断,一个好的工匠不再需要整天从事他不喜欢的工作,可以把时间放在创作上,故A项“一个好的工匠可以把一天中的大部分时间用来创作”符合题意。B项“工匠一直受到尊重”,第二段最后一句说到He is now a respected, contributing member


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