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2022年考博英语-北京航空航天大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an (1 )should be made even before choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, (2 ),most people make several job choices during their working lives, (3 )because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve (4 )position. The “one perfect job” does not exist. Youngpeople should (5 ) enter into a broad flexible training program that will (6 ) them for a field of work rather than for a single (7 )Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans (8 ) benefit of help from a competent vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing (9 ) about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss (10 ). Some drift from job to job.Others (11 ) to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted.One common mistake is choosing an occupation for (12 ) real or imagined prestige. Too many high-school students or their parents for them choose the professional field, (13 ) both the relatively small proportion of workers in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal (14 ) The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a “white-collar” job is (15 ) good reason for choosing it as lifes work. (16 ),these occupations are not always well paid. Since a large proportion of jobs are in mechanical and manual work, the (17 )of young people should give serious (18 )to these fields.Before making an occupational choice, a person should have a general idea of what he wants (19 ) life and how hard he is willing to work to get it. Some want security; others are willing to take (20 ) for financial gain. Each occupational choice has its demands as well as its rewards问题1选项A.identificationB.entertainmentC.accommodationD.occupation问题2选项A.howeverB.thereforeC.thoughD.thereby问题3选项A.entirelyB.mainlyC.partlyD.especially问题4选项A.itsB.hisC.ourD.their问题5选项A.sinceB.thereforeC.furthermoreD.forever问题6选项A.makeB.fitC.takeD.leave问题7选项A.jobB.wayC.meansD.company问题8选项A.toB.forC.withoutD.with问题9选项A.littleB.fewC.muchD.a lot问题10选项A.chanceB.basisC.purposeD.opportunity问题11选项A.applyB.appealC.stickD.turn问题12选项A.ourB.itsC.yourD.their问题13选项A.concerningB.followingC.consideringD.disregarding问题14选项A.preferencesB.requirementsC.tendenciesD.ambitions问题15选项A.aB.anyC.noD.the问题16选项A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.NeverthelessD.Moreover问题17选项A.majorityB.massC.minorityD.multitude问题18选项A.proposalB.suggestionC.considerationD.appraisal问题19选项A.towardsB.againstC.out ofD.without问题20选项A.turnsB.partsC.choicesD.risks【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B第6题:B第7题:A第8题:C第9题:A第10题:B第11题:C第12题:B第13题:D第14题:B第15题:C第16题:D第17题:A第18题:C第19题:C第20题:D【解析】1.此处句意为:职业的选择应该先于高中课程的选择。因此,D项occupation符合句意。2.空前空后句意为:职业的选择应该先于高中课程的选择,实际上,大多数人在职业生涯中都会做出多种工作选择。因此前后两句为转折关系。表转折关系的只有A、C项,但是C项though后面直接跟句子,不能有逗号,因此A项正确。3.这里是由and连接的两个原因“because of. changes”和“partly to improve. ”。And前后连接的原因部分结构或者逻辑上应对称。因此,C项partly正确。4.此处句意为:一部分是因为经济和工业的变化,另一部分是为了升职。因此,D项their(他们的)正确。5.句意:不存在一份完美的工作。年轻人应该参加丰富多彩的培训项目。前后为因果承接关系。因此,B项therefore正确。6.句意:这些培训项目将训练他们适应某领域的工作,B项fit与后面的for是固定搭配,表示“适应、胜任(工作等)”,故B项正确。7.rather than“而不是”,表转折,前面提到a field of work,所以推测这里是a single job, 因此A项正确。8.句子开头为Unfortunately,因此推测此处句意应为:许多年轻人没有得到帮助而不得不做出职业选择,因此C项正确。9.句子后面出现了hit-or-miss(随意的;漫不经心的),因此推测前面句意为:他们对职场了解不深,此处应填一个表示“很少”的词,C、D项排除。因此,A项正确。10.句意:他们随意地选择毕生的事业。on a .basis表示“基于的原则”。11.句意:有些人频繁跳槽,而另一些人则 自己不喜欢且不适合的工作。apply to适用于,申请;appeal to呼吁,诉诸;stick to坚持;turn to转向。因此,C项符合句意。12.句意:人们在选择职业时常犯的一个错误是,根据该职业实际情况或想象中的职业声望进行选择。因此,B项its正确,指代“occupations”。13.前面指出了人们在选择职业时常犯的一个错误,接下来这句则具体说明这个错误:忽视了职业中相对较少的工人比例和极高的教育和个人要求。因此,D项正确。14.句意:许多高中生或他们的父母在选择职业时忽视了教育水平程度和对自身的要求。preference偏爱,优先权;requirement要求;tendency倾向,趋势;ambitions雄心,抱负。因此,B项正确。15.前面提到人们根据职业的实际情况或想象职业声望,进行职业选择是错误的,所以,可以推测这里的句意为:“白领”工作的想象中的或真实的声望,并不是选择它作为生活工作的好理由。因此C项正确。16.句意:“白领”工作的想象中的或真实的声望,并不是选择它作为生活工作的好理由。 ,这些职业往往工资不高。因此前后两句呈递进关系,D项正确。17.句意:大部分工作都是机械或体力劳动,大多数年轻人应。majority多数;mass大量的;minority少数;multitude群众,多数的。虽然D项multitude也表示“多数的”,但一般用“a multitude of”。因此,A项正确。18.此处为固定搭配:give serious consideration to慎重考虑。19.句意:在做出职业选择之前,一个人应该大体清楚他想要从生活中获得什么。C项out of正确。20.句意:一些人想要安稳,而另一些人则愿意承受风险以获取更大的收益。此处为固定搭配:take risks for 为冒险。2. 单选题This was a five-digit national coding system to( )each postal delivery section.问题1选项A.testifyB.countC.clarifyD.identify【答案】D【解析】动词辨析。句意:是一个五位数的国家译码系统,以( ) 邮局送达部门。testify 证明;count 计算;clarify 使明晰;identify 识别。故选D。3. 单选题To call someone bird-brained in English means you think that person is silly or stu-pid. But will this description soon disappear from use in the light of recent research? It seems the English may have been unfair in associating birds brains with stupidity.In an attempt to find out how different creatures see the world, psychologists at Brown University in the USA have been comparing the behaviour of birds and humans. One experiment has involved teaching pigeons to recognize letters of the English alphabet. The birds study in “classrooms”,which are boxes equipped with a computer. After about four days of studying a particular letter, the pigeon has to pick out that letter from several dis- played on the computer screen. Three male pigeons have learnt to distinguish all twenty-six letters of the alphabet in this way.A computer record of the birds four-month study period has shown surprising similar- ities between the pigeons and human performance. Pigeons and people find the same letters easy, or hard, to tell apart. For example, 92 percent of the time the pigeons could tell the letter D from the letter Z. But when faced with U and V (often confused by English chil-dren) ,the pigeons were right only 34 percent of the time.The results of the experiments so far have led psychologists to conclude that pigeons and humans observe things in similar ways. This suggests that there is something funda- mental about the recognition process. If scientists could only discover just what this recog- nition process is, it could be very useful for computer designers. The disadvantage of a present computer is that it can only do what a human being has programmed it to do and the programmer must give the computer precise, logical instructions. Maybe in the future, though, computers will be able to think like human beings.1.The writer suggests that the expression “bird-brained” might be out of use soon be- cause it is( )2.sychologists have been experimenting with pigeons to find out whether the birds3.U and V are confused by( ).4.There are similarities in observing things by pigeons and humans( ).5.The research may help( )问题1选项A.sillyB.impoliteC.unnecessaryD.inappropriate问题2选项A.are really silly or stupidB.can learn to make ideas known to peopleC.see the world as human beings doD.learn more quickly than children问题3选项A.92 percent of pigeonsB.many English childrenC.most people learning EnglishD.4 percent of English children问题4选项A.because pigeons are taught by humansB.because pigeons have brains more developed than other birdsC.because their basic ways to know the world are the sameD.because pigeons and humans have similar brains问题5选项A.computer designersB.computer salesmenC.psychologistsD.teachers【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.根据题干关键词“bird-brained”定位至第一段:To call someone bird-brained in English means you think that person is silly or stupid. But will this description soon disappear from use in the light of recent research? It seems the English may have been unfair in associating birds Brains with stupidity(在英语中,如果称某人为“鸟脑”,意思就是这个人非常愚蠢或没头脑。不过最近的一项研究显示,这个叫法可能很快会不再使用。看来英语将鸟的大脑与愚蠢联系在一起是不公平的)。因此,正确答案为D。2.根据题干关键词“Psychologists, experimenting, pigeons”定位至第二段:In an attempt to find out how different creatures see the world,美国布朗大学的心理学家将鸟类和人类的行为进行了比较,为了了解不同的生物是怎么领会世界的。据此可知,心理学家用鸽子做实验是为了发现鸟类与人类在领会世界方面是否相同。3.根据题干定位至第三段:But when faced with U and V (often confused by English children), the pigeons were right only 34 percent of the time(当面对字母U和V (英语孩子常常混淆这两个字母)时,鸽子的正确率只有34%)。据此可知B项正确。4.根据题干关键词“observing things by pigeons and humans”定位至第四段:The results of the experiments so far have led psychologists to conclude that pigeons and humans observe things in similar ways. This suggests that there is something fundamental about the recognition process.(目前为止,心理学家从这些实验结果得到的结论是,鸽子和人类以相似的方式观察事物。这表明,识别过程具有基本的因素。)据此可知,鸽子和人类在观察事物方面相似是因为他们认识世界的基本方法相同,因此正确答案为C。5.根据题干关键词“research” 定位至第四段,第四段讲的是results of the experiments(试验结果) :If scientists could only discover just what this recognition process is, it could be very useful for computer designers.”可知,这将给计算机设计师带来很大的益处,A项正确。4. 单选题There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ( ) from fall to winter.问题1选项A.transitionB.transmissionC.transformationD.transfer【答案】A【解析】名词辨析。transition转变,过渡,变迁;transmission传播;transformation变化,转换;transfer转移。句意是:我很喜欢四季的交替,但我最喜欢秋到冬的 ( ) 。因此,A选项transition符合句意。5. 单选题Please refrain ( ) smoking.问题1选项A.fromB.ofC.atD.against【答案】A【解析】短语辨析。句意:请勿吸烟。Refrain和 from搭配为固定短语,意为“制止,克制不做某事”,因此正确答案是A选项。6. 单选题These varied racial groups have learned to live together in peace and( ),set-ting an example well worth following.问题1选项A.harmonyB.graceC.rhythmD.relief【答案】A【解析】名词辨析。harmony和谐;grace优雅,慈悲;rhythm韵律,节奏;relief宽慰,免除。句意:这些不同的种族群体已学会和平( )地生活在一起,树立了值得学习的榜样。in harmony意为“和谐地”,因此正确答案是A选项。7. 单选题The Supreme Court( )the judgment of the lower court.问题1选项A.amplifiedB.affirmedC.ascendedD.applauded【答案】B【解析】动词辨析。句意:最高法院 下级法院的判决。amplify扩大,详述;affirm断定,确认,批准,支持;ascend上升;applaud鼓掌。因此,B项符合句意。8. 单选题The( )colonialists managed to wipe out the entire population.问题1选项A.aboriginalB.originalC.largeD.regional【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析。句意:( )殖民主义者们设法消灭全部人口。aboriginal原始的,土著的;original最早的,最初的;large大量的;regional地区的。因此,A项aboriginal符合句意。9. 单选题Vacation policies continue to be a source of( )between management and the workers.问题1选项A.disturbanceB.resistanceC.contractionD.friction【答案】D【解析】名词辨析。句意:休闲度假政策仍然是管理层和工人之间 ( )的根源。disturbance 干扰,骚乱;resistance 阻力,电阻,抵抗;contraction 收缩,紧缩;friction摩擦。D选项符合句意。10. 单选题To compensate for the substantial decline in the availability of fossil fuels in future years, we will have to provide at least( )alternative energy source.问题1选项A.an anticipatedB.an officialC.an equivalentD.a redundant【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析。句意:为了弥补未来几年中矿物燃料供应量的大幅度下降,我们不得不提供一种至少是 ( )的替代能源。anticipated预期的,期望的;official官方的,正式的,公务的;equivalent等价的,相等的;redundant多余的,过剩的。C选项“相等的”符合句意。11. 单选题Some biologists argue that each specifically human trait must have arisen gradually and erratical-ly, and that it is therefore difficult to isolate definite( )in the evolution of species.问题1选项A.fluctuationsB.manifestationsC.predispositionsD.milestones【答案】D【解析】名词辨析。句意:一些生物学家认为每种特定的人类特征都是逐渐地、不规则地形成的,因此很难隔离出物种进化过程中明确的( )。fluctuations 变动,起伏现象;manifestations 显示,证明;predispositions 倾向,素质;milestones 里程碑。前半句“每种人类特征都是逐渐地产生的”,可知难以将其发展过程分离开,空格以及空格前的“definite”一起应该表示明确的标志,选项D“里程碑”符合句意。12. 单选题Although most dreams apparently happen( ), dream activity may be provoked by external influences.问题1选项A.spontaneouslyB.simultaneouslyC.homogeneouslyD.instantaneously【答案】A【解析】副词辨析。句意:尽管大多数的梦明显是( )出现的,梦境活动也可能受到外界的影响。spontaneously 自然地,不由自主地;simultaneously 同时地;homogeneously 同样地;instantaneously即刻,突如其来地。因此,A项spontaneously 符合句意。13. 单选题Although the model looks good on the surface, it will not bear close( ).问题1选项A.temperamentB.contaminationC.scrutinyD.symmetry【答案】C【解析】句意:尽管这个模特表面上看起来很漂亮,可( )就不行了。A选项temperament性格,气质;B选项contamination污染;C选项scrutiny细看;仔细观察;D选项symmetry对称。it will not bear close scrutiny意为 “细看就不行了”。14. 单选题While typing, Kathy had a habit of stopping( )o give her long and flowing hair a smooth.问题1选项A.promptlyB.simultaneouslyC.eventuallyD.occasionally【答案】D【解析】副词辨析。句意:在打字的时候,凯西 停下来梳理一下她柔顺的长发的习惯。promptly 敏捷地,迅速地;simultaneously 同时地;eventually 最终,最后;occasionally偶尔。因此,D项符合句意。15. 单选题The long-term fortunes of the modern economy depend in part on the strength and sustainability of the family, both in relation to fertility trends and to marriage trends. This basic, but often over-looked ,principle is now at work in the current global economic crisis.The decline of marriage and fertility is one factor in the global economic crisis. That is, one reason that some of the worlds leading economies from Japan to Italy to Spain to the euro zone as a whole are facing fiscal challenges is that their fertility rates have been below replacement levels (2. 1 children per woman) for decades. Persistent sub-replacement fertility eventually translates into fewer workers relative to retirees, which puts tremendous strains on public coffers and the economy as a whole. Indeed, one recent study finds that almost half of the recent run-up in public debt in the West can be attributed to rapid aging over the last two decades.Even China may see its sky-high growth come down to earth in the next few decades as its work force shrinks” because of its one-child policy, as Carlos Gavalle and I argued in a recent report, The Sustainable Demographic Dividend. By contrast, a recent Rand study suggests that India will have more favorable demographics than China” over the next few decades, insofar as its work force is poised to grow. In fact, the Rand study suggests that India may be able to use this demographic ad- vantage to outpace Chinas economic growth rates by the end of the century.Finally, its not just fertility that matters; its also marriage. At least in the West, children are more likely to acquire the human and social capital they need to thrive in the modern economy when they are raised in an intact, married family in the U. S. , for instance, children are more likely to graduate from high school, complete college and be gainfully employed as young adults if they were raised in an intact, married family.And around the globe, men are more likely to give their work their fullest effort and attentionwhen they are married; this is one reason men worldwide enjoy “marriage premiums” in their in- come, ranging from about 14 percent (Mexico) to 19 percent ( United States) to 35 percent (Rus- sia) .So, at least when it comes to men,research suggests that marriage has important implications for worker productivity.The bottom-line message is that what happens in the home does not stay at home; rather, the size of families,and their stability and quality,has important implications for the health of the global e- conomy.1.The main idea of this passage is that() .2.One reason that the worlds leading economies are facing fiscal challenges is that() .3.“.its work force is poised to grow”(Para. 3) probably means ( )4.From the passage we know that ( )5.According to the passage, all the following can affect economy EXCEPT ( )问题1选项A.women should bear more children in order to boost the economyB.both marriage and fertility affect a countrys economyC.marriage has important implications for worker productivityD.India will outpace Chinas economic growth rate by the end of the century问题2选项A.there is a global economic crisis in recent yearsB.there are fewer babies, and consequently, people spend less on many commoditiesC.people in these countries have fewer children than needed to replace the population for many yearsD.there are tremendous strains on public coffers and the economy as a whole问题3选项A.its work force pauses to growB.its work force continues to grow fastC.its work force continues to grow steadilyD.its work force grows slowly问题4选项A.children from an intact, married family are more likely to have a better lifeB.the more people a country has, the stronger economy it will haveC.the health of the global economy depends entirely on individual familiesD.men are likely to work harder when they are going to have children问题5选项A.the size of familiesB.the stability of familiesC.the quality of familiesD.men and women ratio within the families【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.主旨题。本文开篇指出:现代经济发展取决于家庭力量和承受力,也与生育和婚姻趋势密切相关。因此,B项(婚姻和生育都会影响一个国家的经济)正确。2.细节题。根据题干关键词“fiscal challenges”定位至第二段:one reason.is that their fertility rates have been below replacement levels (2.1 children per woman) for decades(一个重要原因在于生育率低于替代水平)。因此,C项(这些国家的人民多年来没有足够的子女来取代人口)正确。3.语义题。根据题干定位至第三段。第三段指出:中国独生子女政策使人口增长放缓,而印度人口还在快速增长,因此,C项(劳动力持续稳定增长)正确。4.细节题。第四段指出:当孩子们在一个完好无损的已婚家庭长大时,更有可能从高中毕业,完成大学学业,并作为年轻人获得丰厚的就业机会。因此推断, 选项A(来自完好无损的已婚家庭的孩子更有可能过上更好的生活)正确。5.细节题。最后一段指出,影响全球经济的其他因素还有家庭大小、稳定性和家庭关系和谐度,分别对应A、B、C选项,因此D项除外。16. 单选题Scientists have acknowledged that to interpret an animals thought processes in a sound manner re- quires a heavy dose of( )from our own mental patterns, which we access introspectively.问题1选项A.estimationB.calculationC.skepticismD.inference【答案】B【解析】名词辨析。句意:科学家已经承认,用声音的方式来翻译一个动物的思维进程,需要从我们使用内在的思维模式进行大量的 ( ) 。estimation 评价,估计;calculation 计算;skepticism 怀疑论;inference 推理。故选B。17. 单选题A controversy erupted in the scientific community in early 1998 over the use of DNA ( deoxyribo-nucleic acid) fingerprinting in criminal investigations. DNA fingerprinting was introduced in 1987 as a method to identify individuals based on a pattern seen in their DNA, the molecule of which gene are made. DNA is present in every cell of the body except red blood cells. DNA fingerprinting has been used successfully in various ways, such as to determine paternity where it is not clear who the fa- ther of a particular child is. However, it is in the area of criminal investigations that DNA fingerprint- ing has potentially powerful and controversial uses.DNA fingerprinting and other DNA analysis techniques have revolutionized criminal investigations by giving investigators powerful new tools in the attempt to prove guilt, not just establish innocence. When used in criminal investigations, a DNA fingerprint pattern from a suspect is compared with a DNA fingerprint pattern obtained from such material as hairs or blood found at the scene of a crime. A match between the two DNA samples can be used as evidence to convict a suspect.The controversy in 1998 stemmed from a report published in December 1991 by population genet- icists Richard C. Lewontin of Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. , and Daniel L. Hartl called into question the methods to calculate how likely it is that a match between two DNA fingerprints might occur by chance alone. In particular, they argued that the current method cannot properly de- termine the likelihood that two DNA samples will match because they came from the same individual rather than simply from two different individuals who are members of the same ethnic group. Lewontin and Hartl called for better surveys of DNA patter


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