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2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very( ).问题1选项A.obscureB.indefiniteC.dubiousD.intriguing【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项obscure“昏暗的,晦涩的”,B项indefinite“不确定的,无限的”,C项dubious“可疑的,暧昧的”,D项intriguing“有趣的,迷人的”。根据句子前半句的句意“很少有人能听懂教授的讲座”可知,A项符合句意。句意:很少有人能听懂教授的讲座,因为它的主题非常晦涩。因此,该题选择A项正确。2. 单选题The sale of alcoholic beverages is( )to those above 21 in some regions.问题1选项A.confinedB.InhibitedC.obligedD.restricted【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A项confine“限制”,B项inhibit“禁止”,C项oblige“要求,约束”,oblige to表示“不得不”;D项restrict“限制”,restrict to表示“限制在”。句意:在某些地区,酒精饮料只能出售给21岁以上的人。因此D项正确。3. 单选题In the United States there are more people who are obese today than twenty years ago.问题1选项A.gainfully employedtB.upwardly mobileC.excessively overweightD.privately educated【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。obese表示“肥胖的,过胖的”;A项gainfully employed“被高薪聘用”,B项upwardly mobile“ 走向富裕的,走向上层社会的”,C项excessively overweight“过度超重”,D项privately educated“私立学校”。句意:在美国,现在肥胖的人比20年前要多。根据句意可知,只有C项中的weight表示体重,故该题选择C项正确。4. 单选题Material culture refers to the touchable, material “things”physical objects that can be seen, held, felt, usedthat a culture produces. Examining a cultures tools and technology can tell us about the groups history and ways of life. Similarly, research into the material culture of music can help us to understand the music-culture. The most vivid body of “things” in it, of course, is musical instrument. We cannot hear for ourselves the actual sound of any musical performance before the 1870s when the phonograph (留声机) was invented, so we rely on instruments for important information about music-cultures in the remote past and their development. Here we have two kinds of evidence: instruments well preserved and instruments pictured in art. Through the study of instruments, as well as paintings, written documents, and so on, we can explore the movement of music from the Near East to China over a thousand years ago, or we can outline the spread of Near Eastern influence to Europe that resulted in the development of most of the instruments on the symphony orchestra.Sheet music or printed music, too is material culture. Scholars once defined folk music- cultures as those in which people learn and sing music by ear rather than from print, but research shows mutual influence among oral and written sources during the past few centuries in Europe, Britain, and America, printed versions limit variety because they tend to standardize any song, yet they stimulate people to create new and different song. Besides, the ability to read music notation (乐谱) has a far-reaching effect on musicians and, when it becomes widespread, on the music-culture as whole.One more important part for musics material culture should be singled out: the influence of the electronic mediaradio, record player, tape recorder, television, and videocassette, with the future promising talking and singing computers and other developments. This is all part of the “information revolution,” a twentieth-century phenomenon as important as the industrial revolution was in the nineteenth. These electronic media are not just limited to modern nations, they have affected music-cultures all over the globe.1. Research into the material culture of a nation is of great importance because( ).2. It can be learned from this passage that( ).3. According to the author, music notation is important because( ).4. It can be concluded from the passage that the introduction of electronic media into the world of music( ).5. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage?问题1选项A.it helps produce new cultural tools and technologytB.it can reflect the development of the nationtC.it helps understand the nations past and presenttD.it can demonstrate the nations civilizationt问题2选项A.the existence of the symphony was attributed to the spread of Near Eastern and Chinese music.tB.Near Eastern music had an influence on the development of the instruments in the symphony orchestratC.the development of the symphony shows the mutual influence of Eastern and Western musictD.the musical instruments in the symphony orchestra were developed on the basis of Near Eastern musict问题3选项A.it has a great effect on the music-culture as more and more people are able to read ittB.it tends to standardize folk songs when it is used by folk musicianstC.it is the printed version of standardized folk musictD.it encourages people to popularize printed versions of songst问题4选项A.has brought about an information revolutiontB.has speeded up the arrival of a new generation of computestC.has given rise to new forms of music culturetD.has led to the transformation of traditional musical instrumentst问题5选项A.Musical instruments developed through the years will sooner or later be replaced by computers.tB.Music cannot be passed on to future generation unless it is recorded.tC.Folk songs cannot be spread far unless they are printed on music sheets.tD.The development of music culture is highly dependent on its material aspect.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D【解析】第1题:推理判断题。题干意思是“研究一个国家的物质文化是非常重要的,因为”。本文主要讲述的是通过音乐物质文化来探究音乐文化的发展;结合第一段第五句提到we rely on instruments for important information about music-cultures in the remote past and their development.(我们依靠乐器来获取有关远古音乐文化及其发展的重要信息),可推断,通过研究一个国家物质文化可以探究这个国家的发展,即它的过去和现在,故C项“它有助于了解这个国家的过去和现在”正确。A项“它有助于产生新的文化工具和技术”和D项“它可以展示这个民族的文明”与文章无关;B项“它能反映国家的发展”太过于笼统。故该题选择C项正确。第2题:细节事实题。题干意思是“从这篇文章中可以了解到”。第一段最后一句话提到we can explore the movement of music from the Near East to China over a thousand years ago, or we can outline the spread of Near Eastern influence to Europe that resulted in the development of most of the instruments on the symphony orchestra.(我们可以追溯一千多年前近东音乐传入中国的历史,也可以勾勒出近东音乐的影响波及欧洲并导致交响乐的大部分乐器发展的大致轮廓),由此可知近东音乐对交响乐团乐器的发展产生了影响,故B项“近东音乐对交响乐团乐器的发展产生了影响”正确。A项“交响乐的存在是由于近东和中国音乐的传播”和C项“交响乐的发展是东西方音乐相互影响的结果”表述与原文不符;D项“交响乐团的乐器是在近东音乐的基础上发展起来的”,文章讲述的是交响乐团的乐器是在近东音乐的影响波及欧洲之后发展的,并不代表就是在近东音乐的基础上发展起来,也有可能有欧洲的影响。D项不正确。故该题选择B项正确。第3题:细节事实题。题干意思是“根据作者,音乐记谱法之所以重要是因为”。根据第二段最后一句Besides, the ability to read music notation (乐谱) has a far-reaching effect on musicians and, when it becomes widespread, on the music-culture as whole.(此外,阅读乐谱的能力对音乐家有着深远的影响,当它变得普遍时,也会对整个音乐文化产生深远的影响)可知,音乐记谱法之所以重要是因为当人们能够读懂它的时候,它会对整个音乐文化产生深远的影响,故A项“当越来越多的人能够读懂它,它对音乐文化有很大的影响”正确。B项“当它被民间音乐家使用时,它倾向于使民歌标准化”,第二段第二句提到but research shows mutual influence among oral and written sources during the past few centuries in Europe, Britain, and America, printed versions limit variety because they tend to standardize any song(但研究表明,在过去的几个世纪里,在欧洲、英国和美国,口述和书面来源相互影响,印刷版本限制了多样性,因为它们倾向于将任何歌曲标准化)可知,是印刷版倾向于将任何歌曲标准化,B项错误;C项“它是标准化的民间音乐的印刷版本”和D项“它鼓励人们普及歌曲的印刷版本”没有提到。故该题选择A项正确。第4题:推理判断题。题干意思是“从文章中可以得出结论,电子媒体进入音乐世界”。最后一段提到One more important part for musics material culture should be singled out: the influence of the electronic mediaradio, record player, tape recorder, television, and videocassette, with the future promising talking and singing computers and other developments.(音乐物质文化的一个更重要的部分应该被挑出来:电子媒体的影响收音机、录音机、磁带录音机、电视和录像带,以及未来有希望的会说话和唱歌的电脑和其他发展),结合文章内容可知,电子媒体被引入到音乐文化中,它是音乐的载体,那么可以推断电子媒体的多元化意味着更多的音乐形式,故C项“已经产生了新的音乐文化形式”符合题意。A项“已经带来了一场信息革命”,文章只提到电子媒体是信息革命的一部分,没有提到是电子媒体带来了信息革命,偷换概念;B项“加快了新一代计算机的到来”表述不符合原文;D项“导致了传统乐器的转变”文中没有提到。故该题选择C项正确。第5题:主旨大意题。题干意思是“下面哪一个最好地总结了文章的主要思想?”。本文主要讲述的是音乐物质文化展现的音乐发展历程,即乐器作为物质对音乐的发展;而且文章第一段也讲到Examining a cultures tools and technology can tell us about the groups history and ways of life. Similarly, research into the material culture of music can help us to understand the music-culture. The most vivid body of “things” in it, of course, is musical instrument.(研究一种文化的工具和技术可以告诉我们这个群体的历史和生活方式;同样,研究音乐的物质文化可以帮助我们理解音乐文化;当然,其中最生动的“物”是乐器),所以文章的主要思想是音乐文化的发展依赖于它的物质方面,D项“音乐文化的发展高度依赖于其物质方面”符合题意。A项“多年来发展起来的乐器迟早会被电脑取代”,文章没有这样的表述;B项“音乐不能传给未来的一代,除非它被记录下来”和C项“民歌不能传播很远,除非它们被打印在乐谱上”都是部分提及,太片面。故该题选择D项正确。5. 单选题It began as just another research project, in this case to examine the effects of various drugs on patients with a severe mood disorder. Using an advanced brain scanning technologythe clumsily named echo-planar magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (磁共振光谱成像) procedure, or EPMRSIresearchers at Bostons McLean Hospital scanned the medicated and un-medicated brains of 30 people with bipolar disorder in order to detect possible new treatments for the more than 2 million American adults who suffer from the disease.But something unexpected happened. A patient who had been so depressed that she could barely speak became ebullient after the 45-minute brain scan. Then a second patient, who seemed incapable of even a smile, emerged actually telling jokes. Then another and another. Was this some coincidence? Aimee Parow, the technician who made these observations didnt think so. She mentioned the patients striking mood shifts to her boss and together they completely refocused the study: to see if the electromagnetic fields might actually have a curative effect on depressive mood.As it turns out, they did. As reported last month in the American Journal of Psychiatry, 23 of the 30 people who were part of the study reported feeling significantly less depressed after the scan. The most dramatic improvements were among those who were taking no medication. The researchers are cautious. Says Bruce Cohen, McLeans president and psychiatrist in chief: “I want to emphasize that we are not saying this is the answer but this is a completely different approach in trying to help the brain than anything that was done before.Its a completely different approach because of the way the magnetism is applied to the brain. But its an example of new research on an old idea: that the brain is an electromagnetic organ and that brain disorders might result from disorder in magnetic function. The idea has huge appeal to psychiatrists and patients alike, since for many people the side effects of psychiatric (精神的) drugs are almost as difficult to manage as the disease itself. And 30 percent of the nearly 18.8 million people who suffer from depression do not respond to any of the antidepressants available now. People with other severe mental disorders might benefit as well. And while no one fully understands exactly why or how the brain responds as it does to electrical currents and magnetic waves, fascinating new research is offering some possible explanations.1. The first paragraph describes a project aimed at finding( ).2. What does the passage say about bipolar disorder?3. The word “ebullient” in Paragraph 2 can be best replaced by( ).4. The researchers attitude toward the new finding can be described as( ).5. The new finding is significant because it shows that electromagnetic fields may( ).问题1选项A.who has bipolar disorderB.what improves peoples moodsC.whether magnetic scanning is a treatmentD.how some patients respond to some drugs问题2选项A.It mainly affects males.B.It may cause drug addiction.C.It is a mental problem.D.It is hard to detect.问题3选项A.considerateB.quietC.excitedD.sorrowful问题4选项A.confusedB.amusedC.carefulD.skeptical问题5选项A.treat mental disordersB.cause mental disordersC.increase the effectiveness of some drugsD.reduce the effectiveness of some drugs【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:C第4题:C第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节推理题。题干意思是“第一段描述了一个旨在寻找的项目”。根据题干定位到文章第一段第一句It began as just another research project, in this case to examine the efforts of various drugs on patients with a severe mood disorder.(它一开始只是另一个研究项目,在这个案例中,研究各种药物对严重情绪障碍患者的影响),由此可知D项“有些病人对某些药物的反应如何”符合。A项“谁是双相障碍患者”,内容不符合题干;B项“什么改善了人们的情绪”,这个项目研究的是药物对情绪的影响,该项比较片面;C项“磁扫描是否是一种治疗手段”,磁扫描的目的是为了发现可能的新的治疗方法,不是这个项目的目的。故该题选D正确。第2题:细节推断题。题干意思是“关于双相障碍,这篇文章说了什么?”。根据第一段最后一句researchers at Bostons McLean Hospital scanned the medicated and un-medicated brains of 30 people with bipolar disorder in order to detect possible new treatments for the more than 2 million American adults who suffer from the disease.(波士顿麦克莱恩医院的研究人员扫描了30名双相情感障碍患者服用药物和未服用药物的大脑,以便为超过200万的美国成年人发现可能的新治疗方法),由此可以推断,双相情感障碍是一种精神疾病,所以C项“这是一个精神问题”正确。A项“它主要影响男性”文章没有提到;B项“它可能会导致药物成瘾”,文中只提到服用药物和未服用药物的对比,没有提到会导致药物成瘾;D项“它很难察觉”文章也未提及。故该题选C正确。第3题:语义推测题。题干意思是“第2段中的ebullient一词可以被替代”。根据题干定位到文章的第二段第二句A patient who had been so depressed that she could barely speak became ebullient after the 45-minute brain scan.(一位抑郁到几乎说不出话的病人在45分钟的脑部扫描后变得ebullient),第二段第三句提到Then a second patient, who seemed incapable of even a smile, emerged actually telling jokes.(第二位病人,开始看起来脸上一丝笑容都没有,经过扫描后变得可以讲笑话了),由此可以推测,抑郁到几乎说不出话的病人在经过脑扫描后变得兴奋,所以ebullient表示“兴奋”,故C项“兴奋的”正确。A项“考虑周到的”、B项“安静的”和D项“悲伤的”都错误。故该题选C。第4题:细节事实题。题干意思是“研究人员对新发现的态度可以描述为”。文章第三段第四句提到The researchers are cautious.(研究人员对此持谨慎态度),由此可知C项“小心仔细的”正确。A项“困惑的”、B项“觉得好笑的”、D项“怀疑的”都不符合原文。故该题选C正确。第5题:细节推断题。题干意思是“这项新发现意义重大,因为它表明电磁场可能”。最后一段第二句提到the brain is an electromagnetic organ and that brain disorders might result from disorder in magnetic function. The idea has huge appeal to psychiatrists and patients alike(大脑是一个电磁器官,大脑的紊乱可能是由磁功能紊乱引起的;这个想法对精神病医生和病人都有巨大的吸引力),新的发现是电磁场对大脑有作用,由此可以推断,人们可以利用电磁场治疗精神障碍,所以A项“治疗精神障碍”符合题意。B项“导致精神障碍”,内容与原文相反;C项“增加某些药物的效力”和D项“减少某些药物的效力”文章没有提到。故该题选A正确。6. 单选题This monument image was designed to (stir up)emotions of awe and respect, but could scarcely evoke feelings of warmth and affection.问题1选项A.tangleB.teemC.stipulateD.agitate【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。stir up表示“激起,煽动”;A项tangle“(使)缠结在一起,(使)乱成一团”,B项teem“大量出现,充满”,C项stipulate“规定,保证”,D项agitate“摇动,骚动”。句意:这个纪念碑形象的设计是为了激起敬畏和尊敬的情绪,但几乎不能唤起温暖和喜爱的感情。根据句意可知,该题选择D项正确。7. 单选题Because of( )ways of life, the couple has some difficulty getting along with each other.问题1选项A.incomprehensibleB.incomparableC.inconceivableD.incompatible【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项incomprehensible“费解的,无限的”,B项incomparable“无比的,不能比较的”,C项inconceivable“不可思议的,难以置信的”,D项incompatible“不相容的,矛盾的”;根据后文“这对夫妇相处起来有些困难”可知,D项符合语境。句意:由于生活方式不相容,这对夫妇很难相处。因此,该题选择D项正确。8. 单选题This old man had trouble expressing the attachment he felt when arriving at his native town.问题1选项A.hospitalityB.affectionC.appealD.frustration【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。attachment表示“附件,依恋”;A项hospitality“好客,殷勤”,B项affection“喜爱,感情”,C项appeal“呼吁,恳求”,D项frustration“挫折”。句意:这位老人难以表达他到达家乡时的依恋之情。根据句意可知B项正确。9. 单选题Assumingly that he disagrees with our proposal, what shall we do next?问题1选项A.IfB.What ifC.WhenD.What about【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨析与条件状语从句。Assumingly的动词原形是assume,放在句首表示疑问“假定,假使”;A项if“如果”,一般用法为if that +从句;B项what if“假使将会怎么样”,用法为what if+主语+谓语;C项when“何时”,引导时间状语从句;D项what about“怎么样”,引导特殊疑问句。句意:假如他不同意我们的建议,那我们下一步怎么办?根据句意可知,该题选择B项正确。10. 单选题Deceptively simple in design, the sculptural works of George Norton incorporate a broad range of textures, sizes, and contours.问题1选项A.MisleadinglyB.GenerallyC.NoticeablyD.Exceptionally【答案】A【解析】考查副词辨析。deceptively表示“看似,不像看上去那么”;A项misleadingly“误导性地”,B项generally“通常地”,C项noticeably“显著地,明显地”,D项exceptionally“异常地,特殊地”。句意:看似简单的设计,乔治诺顿的雕塑作品融合了广泛的纹理、尺寸和轮廓的奥妙。根据句意可知,前面是对比的关系,那么只有misleadingly能够替换划线的单词,故该题选择A项正确。11. 单选题The ties that bind us together in common activity are so( )that they can disappear at any moment.问题1选项A.trivialB.fatalC.tentativeD.feeble【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项trivial“不重要的,琐碎的”,B项fatal“致命的,量大的”,C项tentative“试验性的,暂定的”,D项feeble“微弱的,无力的”。根据句子意思“把我们联系在一起从事共同活动的纽带是如此的( )以至于它们随时都可能消失”,把四个选项分别代入,只有feeble最符合句子意思。句意:把我们联系在一起从事共同活动的纽带是如此微弱,它们随时可能消失。因此,该题选择D项正确。12. 翻译题One of the unintended consequences of the flattening world is that it puts different societies and cultures in much greater direct contact with one another. It connects people to people much faster than people and cultures can often prepare themselves. Some cultures thrive on the sudden opportunities for collaboration that this global intimacy makes possible. Others are frustrated, and even humiliated by this close contact, which, among other things, makes it easy for people to see where they stand in the world in relation to everyone else. All of this helps to account for the emergence of one of the most devastating forces today the suicide bombers and other terrorist organizations which have no regard for human lives and which it is in our best interest to wipe out.【答案】答:世界扁平化的一个意想不到的后果是,它使不同的社会和文化可以更多地直接接触。人们之间联系的速度之快使人和社会措手不及。一些文化因全球亲密关系突然带来的合作机会而蓬勃发展。另一些文化则因为这种亲密接触而感到沮丧,甚至感到自尊受到伤害,原因是这种亲密接触的后果之一:使人们轻易地发现彼此在世界中的位置。所有这些都有助于解释为什么出现了当今最具破坏性的力量之一自杀式炸弹袭击者和其他恐怖主义组织,他们不顾人的生命,消灭他们最符合我们的利益。13. 单选题( )this dull life, the full-time mom decided to find a part-time job.问题1选项A.Tied up withB.Fed up withC.Wrapped up inD.Piled up with【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A项tied up with“和有密切关系”,B项fed up with“受够了;极厌恶”,C项wrapped up in“醉心于的;全心照料的”,D项piled up with“堆满”。根据关键词dull life(沉闷的生活)可知,空格处填入“厌倦”最合适。句意:厌倦了这种枯燥的生活,全职妈妈决定找一份兼职工作。因此,该题B项正确。14. 单选题Customers in these markets of antiques are good at slashing prices.问题1选项A.accessingB.cuttingC.elevatingD.altering【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。slash表示“猛砍,削减”;A项access“进入,使用”,B项cut“切断”,C项elevate“提升,举起”,D项alter“改变,更改”。句意:这些古董市场的顾客很擅长砍价。根据句意可知B项正确。15. 单选题How we look and how we appear to others probably worries us more when we are in our teens or early twenties than at any other time in our life. Few of us are content to accept ourselves as we are, and few are brave enough to ignore the trends of fashion.Most fashion magazines or TV advertisements try to persuade us that we should dress in a certain way or behave in a certain manner. If we do, they tell us, we will be able to meet new people with confidence and deal with every situation confidently and without embarrassment. Changing fashion, of course, does not apply just to dress. A barber today does not cut a boys hair in the same way as he used to, and girls do not make up in the same way as their mothers and grandmothers did. The advertisers show us the latest fashionable styles and we are constantly under pressure to follow the fashion in case our friends think we are odd or dull.What causes fashions to change? Sometimes convenience or practical necessity or just the fancy of an influential person can establish a fashion. Take hats, for example. In cold climates, early buildings were cold inside, so people wore hats indoors as well as outside. In recent times, the late President Kennedy caused a depression in the American hat industry by not wearing hats: more American men followed his example.There is also a cyclical pattern in fashion. In the 1920s in Europe and America, short skirts became fashionable. After World War II, they dropped to ankle length. Then they got shorter and shorter until the miniskirt was in fashion. After a few more years, skirts became longer again.Today, society is much freer and easier than it used to be. It is no longer necessary to dress like everyone else. Within reason, you can dress as you like or do your hair the way you like instead of the way you should because it is the fashion.The popularity of jeans and the “untidy” look seems to be a reaction against the increasingly expensive fashions of the top fashion houses.At the same time, appearance is still important in certain circumstances and then we must choose our clothes carefully. It would be foolish to go to an interview for a job in a law firm wearing jeans and a sweater; and it would be discourteous to visit some distinguished scholar looking as if we were going to the beach or a nightclub. However, you need never feel depressed if you dont look like the latest fashion photo. Look around you and youll see that no one else does either!1. In the opening paragraph, the author t


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