湖北省2020年中考英语真题分类汇编 专题02 完形填空(含解析)

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湖北省2020年中考英语真题分类汇编 专题02 完形填空(含解析)_第1页
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湖北省2020年中考英语真题分类汇编 专题02 完形填空(含解析)_第3页
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专题02 完形填空目录一、 黄冈二、 黄石三、 随州四、 武汉五、 咸宁六、 襄阳七、 宜昌八、 鄂州九、 荆门十、 孝感一、 黄冈三、完形填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使短文意思完整。Zhang Peng is a Chinese driver in Xian(西安)When he checked the online wallet of his We chat app(微信应用软件),he saw that one of his passengers had paid 6,500 yuan for a_11_pay. That meant the passenger paid about $ 950, but in fact, the passenger only needed to pay$ 9.50.Zhang Peng guessed that the payment was a _12_ According to the time of the payment, he guessed that the four foreign travelers did it. He_13_the four travelers, from the train station and dropped them off at a nearby_14_.When he_15_to call the four foreign passengers, Zhang Peng directly went to the hotel again where he had dropped them off. Then in the hotel he_16_what had happened to the waiter at the front desk.Just at that time, the traveler_17_made the payment came downstairs. She was _18_ to hear about her mistake. It was her first time to visit the Chinese city, and she said that it was also her first time_19_the apps online payment function(在线付费功能)to pay for the ride.She was_20_more surprised when Zhang Peng refused to get a reward(报酬)and _21_her all her extra(额外的)money._22_is true that the traveler had a wonderful _23_ of using Wechat. “ I cant believe it,” the woman traveler said. “_24_some people, money is their only dream, and $ 950 is a lot of money. I felt very excited yesterday_25_the taxi driver came back to return the money in person. I am really grateful.”11. A. 65 yuanB. 65-yuanC. 65-yuansD. the 65th yuan12. A. mistakeB. questionC. foolD. praise13. A. cheered upB. put upC. picked upD. looked up14. A. stationB. hotelC. hospitalD. restaurant15. A. succeededB. forgotC. regrettedD. failed16. A. explainedB. askedC. understoodD. suggested17. A. whomB. whoC. whoseD. which18. A. interestedB. gladC. angryD. surprised19. A. useB. usingC. usedD. to use20. A. veryB. evenC. quiteD. too21. A. gotB. returnedC. costD. spent22. A. ItB. ThatC. HeD. This23. A. tripB. examinationC. experienceD. vacation24. A. AsB. FromC. AtD. For25. A. becauseB. because ofC. even ifD. if【答案】11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. D 19. D 20. B 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. A【解析】 本文介绍了中国好的哥 张鹏的事迹。张鹏是一名西安的中国出租车司机。一次在查看微信钱包时,发现一位乘客把65元的车费,错点成了6500元。张鹏猜测这是个失误。于是就联系了乘客,在未取的联系的情况下,亲自去了客人住的旅馆。就在他与前台服务员解释来意的时候,付款的旅客下楼来了。张鹏说明了来意,这使得该乘客很意外。令她更吃惊的是,张鹏拒绝得到报酬,并把她所有的额外的钱都还给了她。本文体现了中国的哥的伟大与无私,值得我们学习和尊重。11句意:当他查看他的微信应用软件的在线钱包时,他发现一位乘客把65元的车费,错点成了6500元。pay名词,前面应该用一个能修饰pay的形容词,选项A,65元,不能修饰名词;选项B为复合形容词,65-yuan,65元的,可以修饰名词pay;选项C,人民币的单位yuan不可数,yuans的写法错误,排除;选项D,65不用序数词,也不用加the。所以本题的正确答案为B。12句意:张鹏猜测付款是个失误。A. mistake失误;B. question问题;C. fool蠢人;D. praise赞扬。根据That meant the passenger paid about $ 950, but in fact, the passenger only needed to pay$ 9.50. 这意味着乘客支付了大约950美元,但实际上,乘客只需要支付9.50美元。可知,张鹏猜测这次付款是个失误。因此应该选择mistake失误;符合语境。故选A。13句意:他从火车站接了四位旅客,把他们送到附近的一家旅馆。A. cheered up 振作起来;B. put up张贴;C. picked up拾起,接人;D. looked up查找。根据Zhang Peng is a Chinese driver in Xian(西安)张鹏是西安的一名中国出租车司机。和from the train station从火车站,可以推知,张鹏在火车站是为了接乘客,因此选择picked up拾起,接人;符合语境。故选C。14句意:他从火车站接了四位旅客,把他们送到附近的一家旅馆。A. station 火车站;B. hotel旅馆;C. hospital医院;D. restaurant饭店。根据When he_5_to call the four foreign passengers, Zhang Peng directly went to the hotel again where he had dropped them off.可知,张鹏是把他们送到附近的一家旅馆。故选B。15句意:当张鹏给这四位外国旅客打电话没有打通时,他直接去了他送他们去的酒店。A. succeeded成功;B. forgot忘记;C. regretted后悔;D. failed失败。根据Zhang Peng directly went to the hotel again where he had dropped them off. 张鹏直接去了酒店找他们。说明张鹏的电话没有打通,因此选择failed失败。故选D。16句意:然后在旅馆里,他向前台的服务员解释了发生了什么事。A. explained解释;B. asked问;C. understood理解;D. suggested建议。根据Then in the hotel he_6_what had happened to the waiter at the front desk. 然后在旅馆里,他向前台的服务员_发生了什么事。结合选项和实际情况可知,酒店的客人的信息一般是不外泄的,所以应该选择explained解释;符合语境。故选A。17句意:就在那时,付款的旅客下楼来了。A. whom谁,做宾语; B. who谁,做主语;C. whose谁的,做定语; D. which哪一个,做宾语,先行词应该是物。本题的先行词the traveler,是指人,因此选项D错误;分析句子结构可知,本题是主语的位置,因此用先行词who来引导。故选B。18句意:她听到自己的错误感到惊讶。A. interested感兴趣的;B. glad高兴的;C. angry发怒的;D. surprised感觉意外的。结合语境可知,当女孩听到自己的错误时,应该是感到很意外的。故选surprised感觉意外的。所以答案为D。19句意:这是她第一次访问中国城市,她说这也是她第一次使用在线支付功能来支付乘车费用的。A为动词原形;B为动名词;C为过去式;D为的动词不定式。第一次去做某事:the first time to do sth.;因此本题应该选择动词不定式。故选D。20句意:更令她吃惊的是,张鹏拒绝得到报酬,并把她所有的额外的钱都还给了她。A. very非常;B. even甚至;C. quite相当;D. too又;还。本题考查even的用法。even 表示原来的就够.的了。而这一个比它还要更加.;结合语境:当女孩听到自己的错误时,感到惊讶了一次,这次张鹏拒绝得到报酬,就更令她惊讶了,因此用even来修比较级more surprised。故选B。21句意:更令她吃惊的是,张鹏拒绝得到报酬,并把她所有的额外的钱都还给了她。A. got得到;B. returned 退还;C. cost花费;D. spent用,花。结合句子Zhang Peng refused to get a reward(报酬),张鹏拒绝得到报酬,可以推知,张鹏是把所有的额外的钱都还给了她。这样就符合语境了。故选B。22句意:的确,旅行者在使用微信方面有着很好的体验。A. It它;B. That那个;C. He他;D. This这个。本题考查句型:It is true that,确实,的确;it 在这里做形式主语,that所引导的句子做真正的主语,所表达的是 that所引导的句子所发生的事情是真的。所以本题选择A。23句意:的确,旅行者在使用微信方面有着很好的体验。A. trip旅游;B. examination考试;C. experience体验;D. vacation假期。根据the traveler had a wonderful _13_ of using Wechat. 旅行者在使用微信方面有着很好的_。结合所给的选项可知,应该选择experience体验;符合语境。故选C。24句意:“我简直不敢相信,”女旅行者说。“对一些人来说,钱是他们唯一的梦想,950美元是一大笔钱。”A. As作为;B. From从起;C. At在(某处);D. For为了;对来说。for用于表示动作的对象或接受者,意为“给”、“对 (而言)”。本题考查的就是for的这种用法。语境是:对一些人来说,钱是他们唯一的梦想。故选D。25句意:昨天我很兴奋,因为出租车司机亲自回来还了钱。我真的很感激。A. because因为;B. because of因为,由于,说明:because of是复合介词,其后可接名词、代词、动名词或由what引导的从句(但不是直接接从句)。because of一般引导状语,不引导表语;但当主语是代词时,because of短语在句中可用作表语。 C. even if尽管;D. if如果。句子the taxi driver came back to return the money in person. 是一个从句,因此不能用because of引导;结合语境可知,女旅行者兴奋的原因是因为出租车司机亲自回来还了钱。所以应该选择because因为;符合语境。故选A。二、 黄石,完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A. B. C.D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A man sees a butterfly(蝴蝶).The butterfly tries to get out of its chrysalis(蛹).So the man decides to help it. He cuts the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out_11_. To his surprise, the butterfly is unable to fly. If the butterfly doesnt struggle(挣扎; 奋斗)to get out of the chrysalis, it cant_12_! The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly which makes it fly. Similarly,the challenges(挑战)of life bring out the best in young people and prepare the_13_to fly.When people are young, meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to_14_life. If we look at successful people, we will find that the more challenges they have had, the more_15_they are. One famous man, who now owns many big factories, used to sell socks from door to door when he was young. _16_successful man is Eric. He set up a college_17_the age of 30. His father died when he was only 16. As the oldest child in the family, he worked in the day and studied in the night. His fathers death forced him to_18_fast.He took up the challenges and overcame them. Today, not only he himself,_19_also his brothers and sisters are leading successful lives.Some parents and teachers actively_20_young people to face challenges. It is important for them to learn to meet challenges and overcome them.11. A. easilyB. silentlyC. bravelyD. suddenly12. A. standB. runC. flyD. jump13. A. methodB. abilityC. situationD. luck14. A. senseB. likeC. believeD. face15. A. successfulB. excitedC. dangerousD. careful16. A. OtherB. AnotherC. OthersD. The other17. A. onB. byC. atD. in18. A. get upB. set upC. give upD. grow up19. A. butB. orC. soD. and20. A. experienceB. provideC. encourageD. promise【答案】11. A 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. C【解析】 本篇文章难度适中,主要讲述一个人善意地帮助蝴蝶破茧,却弄巧成拙,毁了蝴蝶的终身的故事开篇,论述了努力奋斗、迎接挑战才是通往成功的道路。正如古人所言,宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来,不经历风雨怎能见彩虹。11句意“他剪掉了蛹然后蝴蝶很容易地出来了”。本题考查副词辨析。A.简单地;B.安静地;C.勇敢地;D.突然地。根据The butterfly tries to get out of its chrysalis可知,这个蝴蝶尽它最大的努力破茧,所以当这个男人帮助它时,它会很容易地出来,故选A。12句意“如果这个蝴蝶没有挣扎来出这个蛹,它就不能飞”。本题考查动词辨析。A.站立;B.跑;C.飞;D.跳。根据To his surprise, the butterfly is unable to fly可知,这个蝴蝶不能飞,故选C。13句意“相同地,生活的挑战激发出年轻人最好的一面,让他们具有飞翔的能力”。本题考查名词辨析。A.方法;B.能力;C.形势;D.运气。根据The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly which makes it fly可知,奋斗在蝴蝶身上激发出能量,让它飞起来。人类也一样,生活的能力会让他们有飞翔的能力,故选B。14句意“当人们年轻时,遇见并且克服挑战将会让他们强壮并且准备面对生活”。本题考查动词辨析。A.感觉;B.喜欢;C.相信;D.面对。根据句意可知,表示会让他们很强壮并且面对挑战,故选D。15句意“当我们看成功的人,我们会发现他们越有更多的挑战,他们就越成功”。本题考查形容词辨析。A.成功的;B.振奋人心的;C.危险的;D.仔细的。根据If we look at successful people可知,他们越有更多的挑战,他们就越成功,用“他们就越成功”,故选A。16句意“如今有许多大公司的一个著名的人,当他年轻的时候,过去常常一户一户地卖袜子。另一个成功的人士是艾瑞克,在他30岁时他建立了公司”。A.其他的,后接名词的复数;B.(无范围)另一个;C.(无范围)其他的;D.(两者中)另一个。根据空后successful man单数可知,且无范围,用another,故选B。17句意“如今有许多大公司的一个著名的人,当他年轻的时候,过去常常一户一户地卖袜子。另一个成功的人士是艾瑞克,在他30岁时他建立了公司”。本题考查介词辨析。A.在上;B.通过;C.以;D.在里。根据at the age of 30“在30岁的时候”,故选C。18句意“他的父亲的死强迫他快速成长”。本题考查动词短语辨析。A.起床;B.建立;C.放弃;D.成长。根据If we look at successful people, we will find that the more challenges they have had, the more_5_they are可知,当我们看成功的人,我们会发现他们越有更多的挑战,他们就越成功,所以表示“强迫他成长”,故选D。19句意“如今,不仅他自己,而且他的弟弟和妹妹都过着成功的生活”。A.但是,表示转折;B.否则;C.所以;D.和。根据not only.but also“不但而且”可知,故选A。20句意“一些父母和老师积极地鼓励年轻人面对挑战”。本题考查动词辨析。A.经历;B.提供;C.鼓励;D.承诺。根据It is important for them to learn to meet challenges and overcome them可知,表示“鼓励年轻人面对挑战”。且根据encourage sb to do sth“鼓励某人做某事”可知,故选C。三、 随州三、完形填空。阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。I went to school in China for four years and for another six years in Canada. There are two teachers from these countries that really impressed me even though they are very_11_.When I_12_to Canada, I couldnt even order food on the flight. After two months on an ESL (English as a Second Language) course, I got my first_13_card. My mark in English was 65. I was very_14_ I couldnt_15_what would be said at the parent-teacher interview.“Hello!” Mrs. Franceschini welcomed my parents. “Richard just came to Canada a few months ago. I am amazed at how his English has_16_so fast,” she said. “On his first day, he was very shy and only used_17_words. Now he can answer and ask questions by us in whole sentences.”_18_many other Chinese parents, my mom asked if she could give me extra homework. “Dont worry. Richard is already working very hard,” Mrs. Franceschini laughed. Then she shook my hand. “Richard, you did a good job. I am_19_of you!” she said.Back in Shanghai, my teacher Miss Li was very_20_. In a test, my average(平均分)was 97, top of the class. I was proud to take parents_21_the interview.Miss Li told my parents, “Feng Yu is doing pretty well. But because of his_22_. he lost 3 points in math. Otherwise he would be the top of the school.”I thought she was being_23_to me. But when I was about to leave, I realized Miss Li was very nice. She hosted a party for me and gave me a big card. Her phone number and e-mails addresswere on the card. “Feng Yu, you re my best student. I_24_you a successful life,” she wrote. “If you want to talk or need any help, I am always here for you.”Miss Li and Mrs. Franceschini are both great teachers, just in different ways. One built up my learning abilities._25_gave me tons of confidence and made learning enjoyable. Im proud to have had them as my teachers.11. A. kindB. strictC. similarD. different12. A. movedB. arrivedC. reachedD. visited13. A. birthdayB. greenC. reportD. ID14. A. satisfiedB. upsetC. seriousD. careful15. A. imagineB. tellC. wonderD. doubt16. A. changedB. improvedC. spokenD. increased17. A. longB. popularC. simpleD. complete18. A. WithB. ExceptC. AgainstD. Like19. A. proudB. certainC. afraidD. free20. A. patientB. strictC. friendlyD. hard-working21. A. inB. offC. toD. up22. A. methodB. actionC. habitD. carelessness23. A. unfairB. niceC. crazyD. polite24. A. hopeB. prepareC. offerD. wish25. A. OtherB. The otherC. AnotherD. The others【答案】11. D 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. C 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. B【解析】 这篇短文主要讲述了给作者留下深刻印象的两位老师。一个培养了作者的学习能力,另一个给了作者很大的信心,使学习变得愉快。11句意:有两位来自这些国家的老师给我留下了深刻的印象,尽管他们非常不同。A. kind友好的;B. strict严格的;C. similar相似的;D. different不同的。根据上文I went to school in China for four years and for another six years in Canada. There are two teachers from these countries that really impressed me可知下文是说他们是不同的。根据题意,故选D。12句意:当我搬到加拿大的时候,我甚至不能在飞机上点食物。A. moved 移动;B. arrived 到达;C. reached到达; D. visited参观。根据下文I couldnt even order food on the flight.可知上文是搬到了加拿大。根据题意,故选A。13句意:在上了两个月的ESL(英语作为第二语言)课程后,我拿到了我的第一张成绩单。A. birthday生日;B. green绿色的;C. report报道;D. ID。根据上文After two months on an ESL (English as a Second Language) course,可知下文是第一张报道单。根据题意,故选C。14句意:我的英语是65,我是非常沮丧的。A. satisfied满意的;B. upset沮丧的;C. surious严肃的;D. careful小心的。根据上文My mark in English was 65.可知下文是时候我很沮丧的。根据题意,故选B。15句意:我无法想象在家长和老师的面谈中会说些什么。A. imagine想象;B. tell告诉;C. wonder想知道;D. doubt怀疑;根据下文what would be said at the parent-teacher interview可知上文是说想象。根据题意,故选A。16句意:我很惊讶他的英语怎样进步如此之快。A. changed改变;B. improved提高;C. spoken说;D. increased增加;根据下文she said. “On his first day, he was very shy and only used_7_words. Now he can answer and ask questions by usin whole sentences.”可知上文是提高的意思。根据题意,故选B。17句意:她说“他第一天很害羞,只会用简单的词。”A. long长的;B. popular受欢迎的;C. simple 简单的;D. complete全部的;完整的;根据上文he was very shy可知下文是简单的单词。根据题意,故选C。18句意:像许多其他中国父母一样,我妈妈问我是否可以给我额外的家庭作业。A. With带有,具有;B. Except除了;C. Against反对;D. Like像;根据下文my mom asked if she could give me extra homework.可知上文是说像。根据题意,故选D。19句意:Richard,你干的很好,我以你为骄傲。A. proud 骄傲的;B. certain一定的; C. afraid害怕的; D. free有空的。根据上文Richard, you did a good job.可知上文是我以你骄傲。根据题意,故选A。20句意:我的老师Miss Li是非常严格的。A. patient有耐心的; B. strict严格的;C. friendly 友好的;D. hard-working努力的。根据上文Back in Shanghai可知这里是说Miss Li是非常严格的。根据题意,故选B。21句意:我很自豪能带父母去面谈。A. in在里面;B. off远离;C. to到; D. up向上;根据上文In a test, my average(平均分)was 97, top of the class.可知带父母去面谈。短语take sb. to表示带某人去。根据句意,故选C。22句意:但因为他的粗心。他数学丢了3分。A. method方法;B. action行动;C. habit习惯;D. carelessness粗心;根据下文he lost 3 points in math. Otherwise he would be the top of the school.可知上文是粗心。根据题意,故选D。23句意:我认为她对我是不公平的。A. unfair不公平的; B. nice漂亮的;C. crazy疯狂的;D. polite礼貌的;根据下文But when I was about to leave, I realized Miss Li was ver nice. She hosted a party for me and gave me a big card. Her phone number and e-mials address可知上文是不公平的。根据题意,故选A。24句意:我希望你有一个成功的生活。A. hope希望;B. prepare准备;C. offer提供;D. wish希望。根据下文she wrote. “If you want to talk or need any help, I am always here for you.”可知上文是我希望。Wish sb sth.表示祝愿某人某事。根据题意,故选D。25句意:一个培养了我的学习能力,另一个给了我很大的信心,使学习变得愉快。A. Other其他的,后加名词复数;B. The other其他的,特指,后加名词复数;两者中一个另一个; C. Another 另一个,不定数目另一个,后加名词单数;D. The others其他的,表示特指。故选B。四、 武汉三、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后备题所给的A. B. C.D四个选项中,选出可咀填八空白处的最佳选项。Four years ago, Joel Kline gave up his job as a magazine editor to become a freelance copywriter for advertisements, but now he had money trouble. He says that he wishes hed never_16_to set up his own business.“I am now in such a bad situation” says Joel, “I hope I am_17_working as an editor.You see, I was_18_with my job, and I used to get really angry at my boss and the way he used to_19_me around all the time. I talked to a few friends and they said that they could give me_20_,so I told my boss l was leaving. At first, everything was_21_:I had so much work that I had to take on an assistant(助理),my best friend at work, Don, just to be_22_to finish things on time. And soon we_23_large amounts of money. Don and I had a really great lifestyle, and when the work was finished, we used to take good_24_in places like Cancun and the Bahamas,just to get relaxed.At first,we were busy having fun, and charged(支付)everything to my credit cards instead, but then I began to_25_how much in debt(负债)I was. At last, I had to_26_Don off. I then had to sell all my office equipment(设备)Now I could do almost nothing even if people _27_me. Things got so bad that I even asked my old boss if I could do some work for the _28_, but he said that Id been so_29_to him when I left that he would never employee(雇佣)me again. Ive had to_30_my business now and I dont know what Im going to do for money. It just goes to show, if you set up your own business, you shouldnt spend money you dont have.”16. A. pretendedB. learnedC. failedD. decided17. A. speciallyB. stillC. alsoD. certainly18. A. pleasedB. strictC. boredD. patient19. A. showB. orderC. serveD. lead20. A. timeB. moneyC. foodD. work21. A. perfectB. wrongC. hardD. fun22. A. afraidB. readyC. ableD. about23. A. lostB. borrowedC. donatedD. made24. A. vacationsB. picturesC. coursesD. chances25. A. imagineB. rememberC. wonderD. realize26. A. layB. seeC. takeD. put27. A. paidB. helpedC. forgotD. asked28. A. advertisementB. magazineC. equipmentD. lifestyle29. A. shyB. rudeC. lazyD. straight30. A. close downB. pick upC. turn downD. set up【答案】16. D 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. D 21. A 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. D 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. B 30. A【解析】本篇文章难度适中,主要讲述乔尔克莱恩辞去杂志编辑一职开始自主创业,一开始效益很好,但是后来由于无节制的用钱,让他负债累累,最后他想回去继续做编辑,但是他的老板不再雇佣他了。最后通过他的事例告诉我们,如果你有了自己的商业,不应该花你没有的钱。16句意“他说他希望他从未建立他自己的商业”。本题考查动词辨析。A.假装;B.学习;C.失败;D.决定。根据Four years ago, Joel Kline gave up his job as a magazine editor to become a freelance copywriter for advertisements, but now he had money trouble可知,他辞去了杂志编辑的工作成为一个自由作家,所以表示“决定创立他自己的商业”,故选D。17句意“乔尔说:我现在处于一个如此坏的形势,我希望我仍然做一个编辑”。A.特别地;B.仍然;C.也;D.当然。根据Four years ago, Joel Kline gave up his job as a magazine editor to become a freelance copywriter for advertisements可知,他以前是一个杂志的编辑,后来辞职了,现在处于困境,所以他希望自己现在仍然是一个编辑。故选B。18句意“你看,我以前厌倦我的工作,我过去常常对我的老板生气,而且对他过去一直使唤我的方式生气”。本题考查形容词辨析。A.高兴的;B.严格的;C.感到厌倦的;D.耐心的。根据文意可知,我过去厌倦了我的工作,所以我对辞去了编辑的工作,故选C。19句意“你看,我以前厌倦我的工作,我过去常常对我的老板生气,而且对他过去一直使唤我的方式生气”。本题考查动词辨析。A.展示;B.要求;C.服务;D.领导。根据句意可知,表示老板命令我让我很生气。order sb around使唤,故选B。20句意“我和几个朋友谈话,他们说他们会给我工作,所以我告诉我的老板我要离开了”。本题考查名词辨析。A.时间;B.钱;C.食物;D.工作。根据so I told my boss l was leaving可知,我的朋友会给我工作,所以我向老板辞职,故选D。21句意“起初,一切都非常好:我有如此多的工作以至于我不得不雇佣我的好朋友唐作为助理来工作,这样仅仅能按时完成工作”。本题考查形容词辨析。A.完美的;B.错误的;C.困难的;D.有趣的。根据I had so much work that I had to take on an assistant(助理),my best friend at work, Don, just to be_7_to finish things on time可知,我的工作很多,我不得不雇佣一个助手帮忙,这样也仅仅能保证按时完成任务,说明一开始,一切都很完美,故选A。22句意“起初,一切都非常好:我有如此多的工作以至于我不得不雇佣我的好朋友唐作为助理来工作,这样仅仅能按时完成工作”。本题考查形容词辨析。A.害怕的;B.准备好的;C.能;D.大约。根据句意可知,我雇佣了一个助理,这样仅仅能按时完成任务。be able to能,故选C。23句意“不久我们就赚了大量的钱”。本题考查动词辨析。A.丢失;B.借;C.捐赠;D.制造。根据Don and I had a really great lifestyle, and when the work was finished, we used to take good_9_in places like Cancun and the Bahamas,just to get relaxed可知,我们工作结束后可以出去度假放松,说明我们赚了许多钱。make money赚钱,故选D。24句意“唐和我有非常好的生活方式,当工作结束后,我们过去常常去像坎昆和巴哈马这样的地方去度假,仅仅是为了放松”。本题考查名词辨析。A.假期;B.图片;C.课程;D.改变。根据句意可知,表示工作结束后出去度假,故选A。25句意“一开始,我们忙于娱乐,并将所有的钱记在信用卡上,但是后来我开始意识到我负了许多债务”。本题考查动词辨析。A.想象;B.记得;C.想知道;D.意识到。根据and charged(支付)everything to my credit cards instead可知,我之前全部刷信用卡,后来意识到我负了许多债,故选D。26句意“最后,我不得不解雇唐”。本题考查动词辨析。A.放置;B.看;C.带走;D.放。根据前文可知,我毫无节制地刷信用卡,且根据I then had to sell all my office equipment可知,我不得不卖办公设备,说明资金紧张,所以我没钱雇佣唐了,所以表示“解雇唐”。lay off解雇,故选A。27句意“现在即使有人要我做,我也什么都做不了”。本题考查动词辨析。A.支付;B.帮助;C.忘记;D.询问,要求。根据I then had to sell all my office equipment可知,我把设备卖了,所以现在有人让我做,我也做不了,故选D。28句意“事情变得如此地糟糕以至于我甚至问以前的老板我是否能为杂志做一些工作,但是他说当我离开的时候我对他是如此地粗鲁以至于他不会再次雇佣我”。本题考查名词辨析。A.广告;B.杂志;C.设备;D.生活方式。根据Four years ago, Joel Kline gave up his job as a magazine editor to become a freelance copywriter for advertisements可知,我以前是一个杂志编辑,故选B。29句意“事情变得如此地糟糕以至于我甚至问以前的老板我是否能为杂志做一些工作,但是他说当我离开的时候我对他是如此地粗鲁以至于他不会再次雇佣我”。本题考查形容词辨析。A.害羞的;B.粗鲁的;C.懒惰的;D.直的。根据he would never employe(雇佣)me again可推断出,我以前辞职时,对老板很粗鲁,所以老板以后不会再雇佣我,故选B。30句意“我现在已经不得不关掉我的商业了,我不知道我能做什么赚钱”。本题考查动词短语辨析。A.关闭;B.捡起;C.调低,拒绝;D.建立。根据I then had to sell all my office equi


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