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Module 1 AgeUnit 1 Dim s Age一、教学内容分析本节是 Unit 1 的第一课时,教学内容是一篇关于年龄的对话。对话涉及年龄的问答及如何描述一个人的 外貌特征, 其中部分内容学生已接触过, 因此课文应不算太难, 有利于学生掌握。 对话由谈论假期的照片开始, 贴近学生的生活实际,有利于引起学生的学习兴趣。二、教学对象分析经过长时间的学习, 四年级的学生已有一定的英语基础, 学习贴近生活实际的课文对话容易引起学习兴趣, 有利于调动其学习的积极性。课文不算太难,有利于他们调整假期的心态,尽快投入新学期的学习中。三、教学目标1、语言知识1)掌握本节新单词2 )掌握句型:How old is he /she? He/She is years old. He looks + adj3) 初步学习现在进行时句型( Be+V-ing )4) 能流利朗读课文,语音语调正确,能理解课文意思。2 、语言技能1)能灵活应用所学句型询问和回答有关年龄的问题。2)能简单描述一个人的外貌特征。3、学习策略 通过课文的学习,乐于向同学或家人谈论自己熟悉的人,大胆练习所学知识。4、情感态度 懂得赞美他人,欣赏他人。5、文化意识懂得中西方询问年龄方面的不同习惯。四、教学重、难点1)本节生词2 )询问及回答年龄的句型3)Are you playing ball games with him?一句中语言形式及意义的理解。五、教学策略以谈论假期生活为切入点,以不同人物的年龄引起信息差,强化口语操练。对现在进行时整体学习,暂不 拆分其语法成份,化解学习难点,从而使学生顺利掌握本节知识。六、教学媒体图片、相片 ( 师生及家庭成员的照片 )七、教学过程Step 1: Greeting and warming-up1、Greet the pupils.2、Sing a song: Are you sleeping?Step 2: RevisionShow the pupils some pictures, review some adjectives : young, old, beautiful, slim, cuteStep 3: Presentation and practice1、Free talk(about winter holiday) (通过 Free talk 学习 holiday ,并引入今天的课题 ) 。2、T: What did you do in your holiday? Did you go out and have a good time? Did you take somephotos?( 用实物学习 photo)3、 T: (show the pupils some more photos of the teacher s family) Look at this picture, do youwant to know who he/she is? OK, please ask me.P: Who s that/she/he?T: It s/He s/She s.(对使用it回答略加解释)T: Do you know how old is he/she? Ok, can you ask me, please?P:( 引导学生提问 ) How old is he/she?T: He/She is He/She is years old. ( 重复多次,板书句型、 year 、years old 等生词并学习, 指出 He is 与 He is years old 同义)4、Practice: A gameP1: How old are you?P2: I am years old.P3: How old is he/she?P4: He/She is years old.(Ask the pupils to work in groups, to see which group can ask and answer questions more quickly, give assessment)5、T: (show the pupils a photo of the teacher) Look at this photo. Who is this?P: It s you.T: Do you want to know how old I am? Ok, can anyone ask me, please?P: How old are you?T: To tell you the truth. I m 200 years old.( 重复多次,每次变换不同的年龄,偏大或偏小,以使枯燥单调的回答更有趣,学习生词 tell, truth, To tell you the truth.)6、Practice.( 让学生仿照例子对话,可变换年龄 )7、 T:(show the pupils the pictures again) Look at this man.He looks young.( 板书 He looks young)8、Practice: A competition. ( 让学生看图仿照上一例子造句,看哪组又快又好 )Step 4: Consolidation1、介绍大家的老朋友 Alien, 他来到 Jiamin 的家里,引导学生注意听他们的对话。用金太阳课件呈现课 文。2、听第二篇,告诉老师听到的内容。 (鼓励学生大胆开口,必要时可使用中文)3、带着老师的问题听对话,回答问题。4、教师 act out 对话。(在黑板上画简笔画,教师站在人物附近说出对白,试图模仿其中人物声音,使之 有趣点)5、Read the text.( After the tape, the teacher, in groups, in pairs, in roles, by themselves ) Step 6: Conclusion1 、小结(单词、句型等) 2 、让学生提问,教师释疑。3、对 Are you playing ball games with him?中的现在进行时进行整体学习,暂不拆分其语法成份,只对其语法现象稍作简单解释)Step 7: DevelopmentMake a survey:让学生互看家庭成员的照片,用所学句型调查同学家人的年龄,填表。如:P1:Hello, Wang Hai. Who s this?P2: Oh, he is my grandpa?P1:How old is your grandpa?P2: He is very old. He is seventy-two.Step 8: Assessment对学生的课堂表现作简要评价,适当给予加星奖励,作为口试评分标准之一。Step 9: Homework1、Copy the new words.(Activity Book P60)2、Listen to the tape and learn the new words and dialogue by heart.3、Draw a picture and make a simple dialogue after the model in P3.22Unit 1 Work with language一、设计思路本节课是 Unit 1 的第二课时,教学内容是 work with language 。学生在上学期已学习过其中的一些动词及动 词短语, 在上节课已初步学习过现在进行时, 本节课继续学习现在进行时, 重点是其陈述句式和一般疑问句式。 现在进行时情景性强,故应多创设情景,先大量进行口头操练,再进行适当的笔头练习,让学生掌握。二、教学目标1、复习所学动词、动词短语、形容词。2、巩固上节课所学的课文及主要句型。3、学习现在进行时,重点掌握其陈述句式和一般疑问句式。三、教学重、难点:1、动词的 ing 形式。2、现在进行时句型。四、教学过程Step 1 Leading-in1. Greetings.2. Free talk about age.3. Choose one or two pairs to act out the dialogue of Unit 1.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Sing a song: Are you sleeping?T:在刚才的歌曲中,重复率最高的词是什么?(板书Are you sleepi ng?引入本节课题的学习)2. A game. (先教师示范,后请学生玩,也可在小组内玩)(教师请一学生出来,根据老师的提示做动作)T: Are you writing? P: No, I m not.T: Are you playing computer games? P: No, Im not.T: Are you watching TV? P: Yes, I am.T: (对全班说) Oh, he is watching TV now.(板书现在进行时句子,be动词及V-ing分别用不同颜色标出,以引起学生注意。)3. 呈现书 P5 图,让学生造句,板书 ,be 动词及 V-ing 分别用不同颜色标出。She is doing housework now.She is skipping now.She is having breakfast now.She is singing now.( sing 虽然是生词,但学生也不陌生,稍加提示应能很快学会 )He is gardening now.He is watching TV now.He is running now.(熟读上述例子,启发学生观察,与学生一起归纳现在进行句子构成,总结动词加ing 的方法 )4. Practice 1Do exercise 3(Activity Book P2 )5. Practice 2 让学生比较黑板上的句子,口头把陈述句变成疑问名并回答。6. Sing a song: Are you sleeping?(这次要求学生把 sleeping 替换成 singing, cooking, skipping, running, gardening, sitting,swimming, driving 等,也让学生在经过紧张的练习后轻松一下)Step 3 Consolidation书 P5: describe these persons( 学习新词 person)小组学习,让学生根据提示,用最少 5 句话描述图中人物。各组最后派一代表任选一幅图描述,师生评价, 给予奖励,结果作为口试参考标准之一。Step 4 Conclusion 小结本节知识。Step 5 Homework1. 抄、背新单词。 (活动手册 P60)2. 仿照书P5例子,画一幅画并用最少 5个句子描述。(本题可口、笔头完成)Unit 2 My Birthday一、教学内容分析本节是 Unit 2 的第一课时,教学内容是一篇关于生日的对话,对话内容非常贴近生活。生日的话题是学 生十分感兴趣的话题,学生们已有不少过生日的经历,这对课文教学有利。对话中的祝贺语 Happy birthday 学生早已掌握。对话中提到的生日礼物是一个 computer game, 能充分调动学生的兴趣。但对话中的某些表达 方法,如 This is from your dad and me.和 You are forgetting something. 可能会给学生造成理解上的错误,应让学生充分理解其意义。二、教学对象分析 本节教学内容能引起学生很大的兴趣,有利于调动学生的学习积极性,但要防止学生兴奋过头,造成课堂 调控上的困难。教师应注意引导,采用评价等手段加强调控,以取得最好的教学效果。三、教学目标1、语言知识1)掌握本节新单词 2 )能流利朗读课文, 语音语调正确, 能理解课文意思。 3) 掌握一些日常用语: Happy birthday! Thank you so much. You re forget something. Only joking.等。2、语言技能1)能在情景中使用所学日常用语。2)能较熟悉地使用 how old 句型及现在进行时进行口、笔头操练。3、学习策略通过课文的学习,能大胆在日常生活中使用英语。4、情感态度 懂得关心他人,尊重长辈。四、教学重、难点1)本节生词 2 )理解对话中的某些表达方法,如 This is from your dad and me. 和 You are forgetting something.五、教学策略根据课文内容,采用情景教学。六、教学媒体图片、实物 (a computer game)七、教学过程Step 1. Greetings and warming-up1. Greet the pupils.2.Sing a song: Happy birthday to me(歌曲源自迪斯尼神奇英语 )Step 2.Presentation1、T: Children. Today we are going to learn something about birthday. Whois having birthday? Our old friend, Yongxian. Today is Yongxian s birthday. He is very happy.(引入课题,板书课题 , 学习学生已非常熟悉的新词 happy, birthday Happy birthday!)2、Free talk. ( 让学生谈谈自己过生日的情景,鼓励学生大胆开口,必要时可使用中文 )3、T: Last month was my birthday. I had a good time, too. I was very happy. I was also soexcited.( 配合表情,重复几次,让学生理解 so excited 的意思并学习 )4、T: Do you know how old I am? I am 500 years old. Ps: Wow!5、T: Only joking! I am 30 years old. (当教师说 only joking 时,注意多用身体语言及动作表情让学生猜测其意思 )6、T:Do you know what I did on my birthday?P: No.T:I flew to the moon to have a birthday party with my friend Harry Potter!P: Wow.T: Only joking. I had my birthday at home.(配合身体语言及简笔画让学生明白句子意思,必要时作些中文解释,因为只有当学生理解了教师 句子意思后, 学生才能更好地猜测 only joking 的意思,学习才更有趣味, 当学生理解后学习生词 joke Only joking!)7、T:OK, boys and girls. We have talked a lot about our birthdays. Lets not forget ourold friend, don t forget his birthday!(学习新词 forget, 至此,本节主要新词已呈现并学习完,为课文学习打下了基础,剩余词汇可结合课 文学习,学生已接触过,部分词汇如 computer game , thank you 等学生已非常熟悉,因此应能容易掌 握)8、(教师接上引入课文对话的学习)How is Yongxian s birthday? Let s see.9、呈现课文六幅图,让学生做picture reading, 谈论图中人物可能在说些什么。10、让学生做 picture story telling, 中英结合把大概图意讲一讲。注意让学生理解 This is from your dad and me. 和 You are forgetting something. 的意义。Step 3. Consolidation1、 T: Are you right? Let s see.( 呈现课文 )2、Ask and answer questions. P8 exercise2.3、Read.( After the tape, the teacher, i n groups, in pairs, in roles, by themselves)Step 4. Development1、Listen and number the picture. P7 exercise 1.2、Retell the story about Yongxians birthday.( 充许学生根据自己的学习水平参考适当的提示,如看书、看图、看教师提供的 key words 等 )3、Sing a song: Happy birthday to Yongxian.Step 5. Conclusion1、 与学生一起归纳小结本节所学词汇。2、与学生一起归纳一些日常用语: I m so excited. Happy birthday! Thank you so much. Really?等。3、教师提问是否有同学本月过生日,若有全体师生为他 / 她唱一首生日歌。Step 6. Assessment对学生的课堂表现作一简要评价,适当给予加星奖励,作为口试评分标准之一。Step 7. Homework1、Copy the new words.(Activity Book)2、Listen to the tape and learn the new words and dialogue by heart.3、Tell your parents about Yongxian s birthday.Unit 2 Work with Language一、设计思路本节课是 Unit 2 的第二课时,教学内容是 work with language 。主要是一些有关生日会的短语。学生对这些 短语非常熟悉,但要学习其英语表达。由于教学内容是几个孤立的短语,若分别学习可能会显得不够有条理。 同时,又由于这些短语能串成一个完整的生日故事,故采取了故事的形式来组织教学。二、教学目标1、巩固动词 ing 形式。2、继续学习现在进行时,重点是其特殊疑问句式的问答。三、教学过程Step 1 Warming-up1. Chant: sit sit sittingput put puttingswim swim swimmingget get gettingrun run runningshop shop shoppingforget forget forgetting(设计这一环节的目的是让学生熟练这些需双写再加 ing 的单词,因为这些词学生更容易出错)2. Sing a song: It s party time. ( 歌曲源自迪斯尼神奇英语 )Step 2 Presentation and Practice1. T: Children, now it s party time. It s time to have a birthday party! Whose birthday is it today? Oh, Tille and Pluto are having their birthday parties now. Let s see how their partiesare?(Tille 和 Pluto 是迪斯尼神奇英语中两卡通动物形象,在 party time 中,他俩是生日的主角,根据教学需 要,教师只剪辑了其中某些片断, 在 Tille 的生日会上有以下场景: sing a birthday song, blow out the birthday candles, give her a birthday present. 在 Pluto 的生日会上有以下场景: wear a birthday hat , cut the birthday cake, eat the birthday cake, play party games. 教师让学生欣赏他们的生日会,之后 提问。教师在最后可用提问或实物的方式引出 give her a birthday card 从而把本节所有短语呈现完整 )2. T: What is/are she/he/they doing? He/She/They is/are引导学生说出活动,其中有新单词,但由于学生很熟悉生日会及有动画,学生应能理解,若学生不能用英语 表达,允许他们说中文,教师说英语引出本节短语并学习 , 同时板书上述句型。 )3. Practice1)Read the above phrases.2)师生做动作说短语或说短语做动作,采用竞赛方式进行,看谁反应最快 , 给予奖励。4. DevelopmentT: Tille and Pluto are very happy at the party. Look at this girl. Her name is Lily. Today is her birthday too. She is very excited. What is she doing? Look at his birthday photos and make up astory. (此环节是让学生根据课文 P10 图编一小故事, 让学生小组讨论并试着把它复述出来, 学生可自已编,也可看老师提供的 key words 编)key words 如下:Today is Lilys birthday. She is very. She is . She looks very beautiful. Hisfather is . His mother is .Her friends are. Now Lily isand . Her friends are happy, too. Look,they are and. They arehaving a good time.5. Conclusion and assessment1) 小结本节所学短语。2 )引导学生归纳 have, cut 加 ing 的方法。3) 评价。6. Homework1). Copy the new words and learn them by heart.(活动手册 P62)展出)2) 参考活动手册 P8 ex6 给 Lily 做一张 birthday card. (可将部分精美的 birthday cardsModule 2Unit4 Hobbies一、教学内容分析:本课的主题是 hobbies 。在前面的学习中,学生已经学习了主语为第三人称单数,现在进行时的陈述句。 本节主要是继续学习主语为复数形式的现在进行时态,其中包括了新句型,一般疑问句 Are you ing? 以及 回答 Yes, I am. / No, I m not. ,特殊疑问句 What are you doing?以及回答 I m ing. ,此外学生还将通过与他们生活实际相近的教学活动,在情景中理解和掌握新词组 listening to the radio, playing the guitar, painting the picture, reading a story-book 。二、教学对象分析: 学生刚刚接触现在进行时态的学习,虽然比较陌生,但是承接了上一个 Module 的学习,学生已经开始掌 握了现在进行时的一些基本的语法规律。所以,学生需要老师的正确引导和大量的操练,以旧知识为基础,引 出新知识,达到新旧知识的有效结合。三、教学目标:1 、语言知识:1) 掌握课文中的四会单词,两个新的句型Are you ing? 以及回答 Yes, I am. / No, I m not. , Whatare you doing? 以及回答 I m ing. ,以及动词词组。2) 通过情景理解课文。2 、语言技能:1) 能流利并准确的说出有关hobbies 的单词,能仿照课文句子完成说话2) 任务活动3) 能运用所学的知识完成一些笔头练习。3 、情感态度:1) 培养学生从小热爱运动,锻炼身体的好习惯。2) 在学习过程中学会与同学相互协作,友好相处。4 、学习策略: 结合教材和学生的特点,在本节课的教学方法设计中,从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,科学安排教学内容,合理设计教学任务,开展形式多样的教学活动。通过采取小组教学、游戏教学以及TPR的教学方法,以达到减轻学生学习的难度的目的,让学生积极投入到课堂中,激发他们学习英语的兴趣。四、教学重、难点:教学重点:课文的理解与新句型的学习。 教学难点:一般疑问句 Are you ing? 以及回答 Yes, I am. / No, Im not.特殊疑问句 What are you doing? 以及回答 I m ing.五、教学手段:图片和多媒体六、教学过程:教学过程:一、Warming up分小组竞赛,说出多种不同的 hobbies 。通过比赛的形式来复习动词的 ing 形式,并且紧扣课文主题,学生对Hobbies 有一个初步的认识。二、Presentation1)通过 warming up ,引入 Unit 的主要话题: Hobbies 。(板书) 根据图片,老师向学生提出问题: What is he/she doing? 通过老师引导学生回答,引出课文的几个动词词组,他们分别是: listening to the radio (板书)playing the guitar(板书)painting the picture (板书) reading a story-book (板书)working on the computer,cooking the dinner 这个环节首先是为学生指出学习目标,明确学习方向。并且呈现新知识,让学生初步感知课文的内容。2) 使用刚才六个动词词组的图片进行游戏教学请学生A抽取其中一张图片(例如: playing the guitar ),其余学生去猜猜他手中图片的内容。 其余学生只能使用一般疑问句: Are you playing the guitar?如猜对了回答 Yes, I am. ,错的回答 No, I m not. 。 这个环节利用图片做游戏,老师通过示范呈现新句型 Are you ing? ,并且引导学生对 Are you ing? 以 及它的回答进行操练。学生在猜的过程中,可以使用句子去获取信息,具有一定的意义性。3) ChantWhat, what, what are you, what are you doing?I m listening to the radio.I m reading a story-book.What, what, what are you, what are you doing?I m playing my guitar.I m painting my picture.What, what, what are you, what are you doing?I m working on the computer.I m cooking the dinner.What, what, what are you, what are you doing?I m singing in the room.I m fishing by river.And you?Oh, I m going doing my homework.Chant 一共分三遍:首先是老师示范,并且在示范的过程中,按照 chant 里出现的 9 个动词词组的顺序,把这些动词的图片贴在黑 板上,一边 chant 一边贴,排成九宫格的形状。这里学生可以通过看和听,理解这首 chant 的意思接着,老师利用TPR方法,和学生们一起chant ,一边 chant ,一边配合动作。学生在这里从“输入”转换到“输出” 最后,老师只做动作,尝试由学生自己进行,从“看”和“听”转换到“说”和“做”chant这首 c h a n t ,再次巩固了课文中出现的动词词组,不但呈现了新句型 What are you doing? 而且把课文的 主要内容也基本呈现出来了,通过这个chant,可以帮助学生更容易地上口课文的句子,再配合TPR更加深他们的理解和记忆。三、Consolidation通过chant,已经用图片组成了一个九宫格。利用这些图片,让学生以小组为单位进行 Bingo 的游戏,达到操练 What are you doing? 句型的目的。 A: What are you doing?B: I m reading a story-book. (选择 reading a story-book 的格子)B: What are you doing?A: I m listening to the radio.(选择 listening to the radio的格子)如此类推通过Bingo游戏,学生互相进行对话问答,巩固What are you doing?句型,以及课文中的动词词组。配合小组合作的形式,可以使学生更容易投入到操练中。学生为了赢得游戏,就需要进行有目的性的对话交流,达到意义操练的目的。四、Development1)在语言操练足够的条件下,根据课文的图片,老师和学生分角色整体呈现课文,课文的内容可以根据情况进行适当的改动,具体如下:T: (Janet) Ps: (Ben)J: Are you listening to the radio?(出现 Ben is playing the guitar.的图片)B: No, I m not.J: What are you doing?(出现 Ben is reading a story-book.的图片,呈现单词still )B: I m playing the guitar.J: Are you still play ing the guitar?B: No, I m not.J: What are you doing?B: I m reading a story-book.(略)学生在更为开放的思维模式下使用刚刚学完的内容,跟老师一起分角色呈现出课文,学生更具有代入感, 师生之间合作创设出课文的情景,帮助学生进一步理解课文内容。1) 呈现课文老师就课文内容提出问题:Is Mrs. Webb cook ing the dinner?让学生进行小组讨论,并展开情感教育。Mrs. Webb说谎是不对的2) 课文的全班朗读、分组朗读、表演等活动。五、总结和Homework背诵课文和新单词,听写单词。板书设计:Hobbieslistening to the radio Are you ing? Yes, I am. / No, I m not.playing the guitarWhat are you doing? I m ing.pain ti ng the picture readi ng a story-bookliste ningplay ingpain ti ngreadi ngworki ngcook ingsi ngingfishi ngdoi ngUnit 4 Work with language一、教学内容分析:本节课是 Unit 2 的第三课时,本节课我们继续学习,巩固关于第三人称单数,复数的现在进行时的表达, 通过设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,创设情境,希望学生能在实际的情景中运用所学的知识,提高学生的语言 运用能力,二、教学对象分析:学生在1至4单元已学习有关兴趣爱好的短语及句型:What is she/he doing ? She/He isAre youYes, I am. No, I m not .What are you doing? I m doing the .对现在进行时的表达与现在分词已有了较好的了解,但需要不断的巩固三、教学目标:1 、语言知识:1)学习四会单词 fish 以及巩固有关兴趣爱好的动词短语的现在分词形式,2)学习,巩固第三人称单数,复数的现在进行时的表达2、语言技能:1)能流利并准确的说出有关兴趣爱好的动词短语,能仿照句子完成对话任务活动2)能运用所学的知识完成一些笔头练习。3、情感态度:1)让学生体会良好兴趣爱好的作用。2)在学习过程中学会与同学相互协作4、学习策略:1 )积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务2) 能积极运用本课所学的句型进行表达和交流,并能较好的运用到实际生活中。四、教学重、难点:1 能熟练地掌握第三人称单数,复数的现在进行时的表达,弄清主谓语的一致关系。2 能熟练地掌握动词现在分词的发音与书写五、教学过程:一、 Warming-up and leading-in1、学生唱歌 The singing song ”。(To warm up and create a happy atmosphere of learning English.)2、 I m singing, What are you doing? Are you ? Yes, I am. No, I用同学们的有关兴趣爱好的相片复习 .Do you know what is Mr Chen doing now?有关兴趣爱好的相片复习What is she/he doing ?She/He is 以及几个动词词组:m not . I m doing the 利 利用同学们熟悉的老师们的板书 What is she/he doing ?She/He is listening to the radio, playing the guitar,painting the picture, reading a story-book, cooking the dinner”.),watching TV, playing computer games,What are the 优生尝试回答 Yes./ No, they老师同时板书上述句子working on the computer,( 引出课题“ Good hobbies二、presentation and practice1、利用同学们熟悉的老师们的有关兴趣爱好的相片 What is xxx/xxx doing ? She/He is xxx is playing table tennis, xxx is playing table tennis, too. They are playing table tennis.2、利用同学们的有关兴趣爱好的相片,教师提问boys/girls/men/ladies/children doing ?Are they doing are playing table tennis./skipping / playing badminton3 、让全班跟读老师,熟练上述句子4 、对上述句子进行替换练习 , 学习 fish, fishing 如 What are the boys/girls/men/ladies/children doing? they are playing table tennis用 They are playing basketball/running/gardening5 、四人组之间操练,由两个人做动作,一个人问,一个人猜, What are they doing? they are doing 三、conclusion1 区别第三人称单数与复数的现在进行时的表达,弄清主谓语的一致关系。四、development1、Do exercises 1 in P19 of Students Book2 、 Do exercises2,3 in U4 of 3 、 check the answers五 homework1、Do exercises1,4 and 5 in U4 of 2、Read p19 in Students BookUnit5 What the Aliens Enjoy Doing、教学目标:1、To learn these words with 4-skill: fun, have fun,out there,sea2、To recycle the present continuous and vocabulary of hobbies in a strikingly unusual way.3、To provide opportunities to practice the present continuous tense.4、To provide opportunities to develop the ability to use English for communication.5、To initiate a healthy lifestyle through good hobbies and the love for the earth-ourhome.二、教学重点、难点:1、The present continuous tense2、Understand and read the dialogue三、教学准备:Pictures, tape, recorder四、教学过程:Activity 1:Leading-in1) Guessing game: Look at the part of the pictures and guess the verb phrases (playing the guitar,fishing, painting, singing, listening to the radio, reading, working, playing table tennis,play ing computer games )(Who can say the correct answer his group can go forward for one step)2) Teach “fun” “have fun ” “having fun ” “sea” through the gameActivity 2:Pre-task1) Tell the pupils Dim misses his kids very much after leaving home for some time (We know Dim thealien comes to visit Jiamin. He misses his kids(chidren) very much. He has 5 kids, they are , ) and ask them to look at the pictures on P21 and guess what they are enjoy doing , then list their answers on the blackboard. (Who guesses an activity his group can go forward for one step)Activity 3:While-task1) Introduce the dialogue(Dim wants to know what his kids are doing. Look, he is talking tothem through a microphone.) .Play the tape and ask the pupils to find out what the aliensare doing.2) Get ready for the new dialogue3) Pupils choose the activities the aliens are doing on the blackboard.4) Play the tape again, ask the pupils to look at the key words and fill in the blanks orally.Teach “out there ”.2) Read after the tape, underline the words or expressions they are not sure, then match the names of the 5 aliens with what they enjoy doing on the blackboard.Let the pupils understand the dialogueActivity 4:Post-task1) Ask the pupils to read the dialogue and fill in the blanks:Dim: What are you _ doing ?Aki: I m a picture.Eki: I min the.Oki & Iki: We re playing.Uki: We re playing.The kids are allfun.2)Ask the pupils to read after the tape recording and the teacher.3)Ask some pupils to act out the dialogue, they can look at some key words on the blackboard.4)Sum up un it5 and tick out the key senten ces.To practice the dialogue德育(环境教育)渗透内容Tell the pupils :“ Good hobbies make you a happy life. ”“ Love the earth-our only home.板书设计(板书 1)Un it2 What the Alie ns Enjoy doi ng?AkiEkiIkiOkiUkiMatchGroup Con testplay ing table tennis liste ning to musicplayi ng musictak ing photosfishi ngplay ing ball gamespain ti ng(板书2)Dim: What are youdoi ng?Aki: I ma picture.Eki: I min the .Iki & Oki: We re playingUki: We re playing.The kids are allfun.Homework: 1. Listen and read P22, try to recite and act out the dialogue.2. Copy the new words and the key senten ces.3. Do Ex2 on P22.Unit 5 Work with Lan gue教学目标:1.学习更多嗜好的词watching TV/reading/singing/swimming/listeningto work/making a modelship/da ncin g/play in g/s ingin g/pa intin g/fish ing.2. 巩固学习一般现在进行时态。教学重点和难点1. 词句的教学2 一般现在进行时态动词的变化规则。教学过程:一、Revision1. Liste n and singing.二、Pre-task1. 游戏复习(让学生做动作表演,其他学生猜)Ss: What is he doi ng?S1:He is liste ning Ss: Are you liste ning?S1:Yes, I am. / No ,I am no t. I am read ing.(巩固学习 fishing.listeningto the radio. Watching TV reading.Cooking. Painting.) 并伺机学习 makinga model ship. dancing.三、


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