2019中考英语 八上 Unit 3-4重点短语句型和练习 人教新目标版

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2019中考英语 八上 Unit 3-4重点短语句型和练习 人教新目标版_第1页
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2019中考英语 八上 Unit 3-4重点短语句型和练习 人教新目标版_第3页
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U34重点短语句型和练习第一部分:一、阅读理解。阅读下列短 文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Good books are like wise friends. They support you, and help you understand the world. TIME and AMAZON listed some of the best books of 2015 for young readers. Teens have picked out three of them. Have you read all of them?Absolutely Almost Lisa Graff, USAlbie has always been an “almost”. Hes almost good at sports. Hes almost smart enough to pass his spelling test. He almost makes his parents proud. In fact, Albie has a long list of the things he not very good at. However, things begin to change when Albie gets a new babysitter, Calista. She helps him work out all of the things he is not good at. What will happen to this “almost” boy?This One SummerJillian Tamaki & Mariko Tamki, CanadaEvery summer, Rose goes with her mum and dad to a lake house in Awago Beach. Its their relaxing time. Roses friend Windy is always there,too. But this summer is different. Roses mum and dad keep fighting. Rose and Windy want to escape from it, but they find themselves with a whole new set of problems. They meet a local teen, but later he is caught up in something bad . It really a summer of sorrow (悲伤) and growing up.The Fourteenth Goldfish Jennifer L. Holm, USEleven-year-old Ellie has never liked change. She misses fifth grade. She misses her old best friend. She even misses her dearly dead goldfish. Then one day a strange boy shows up. He looks a lot like Ellies grandfather, a scientist whos always been crazy about immortality (永生).Could this strange boy really be Ellies grandpa? Has he finally found the secret to immortality with Ellie?1.Who wrote the book Absolutely Almost?A.Jennifer L. Holm. B. Mariko Tamaki. C. Jillian Tamaki. D. Lisa Graff.2.Whats the difference for Rose this summer?A.She lost something important. B.She doesnt have a holiday.C. She cannot meet her friend. D.Her parents keep fighting.3.Why does Ellie miss everything in the past?A.Because she has never liked change.B.Because she meets a strange boy later.C. Because her grandfather is a scientist. D.Because the secret to immortalityis found.4.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Albie always does well in everything before.B.Good books can help you understand the world.C.Ellies dearly dead goldfish comes back to life.D.All the books were written by American writers.参考答案14、DDAB 二、任务型阅读。阅读短文,按要求完成问题。Have you ever thought that you might win a Nobel science prize? No! The world of science seems too far away from everyday life. ButLee Jong-Ho(李钟镐), a South Korean scientist doesnt think so. His series of books How the Nobel Prize has Made Our World came out in a Chinese version(版本) this month.In his books, Li says that many everyday things would be impossible without the work of the winners of the Nobel science prizes. For example, the German scientist Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald won the Nobel Prize in 1909 for his research oncatalysts(催化剂). His work led to the invention of theplastics(塑料). Think about the plastic bags in supermarkets. Lis book is full of such interesting stories.Teens talked to Li about how we can have a better understanding of science.Teens: How should teenagers think about the Nobel science prizes?Li: First, they should recognize (认识到) the importance of the awards. If they themselves want to be scientists, they shouldnt focus on winning a Nobel Prize. They need to concentrate (集中) on the basics. If they work hard at their studies, the rewards will come in time.Teens: How do you know if you should be a _?Li: If you are acurious person, you could be a scientist. If youre interested in finding out the secrets of everyday life andsolving(解决) its problems, then maybe science is the right choice for you. For example, as a kid, I once tried to invent arefrigerator(冰箱) that works without electricity(电)! 1题补全句子;2题简略回答问题;3题在原文横线上填上合适的词;4题总结文章的主旨大意;5题把划线句子翻译成汉语。1. From the first paragraph, we know Lee Jong-Ho doesnt think _.2. Whose work led to the invention of theplastics?_.3. _.4. _.5. _.【参考答案】1. the world of science seems too far away from everyday life2. Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald3. Scientist4. Science is around you5. 如果你是一个好奇的人,你就可能成为一名科学家。三、重点短语回顾1. _关心;在意2. _只要;既然 3. _与不同;与有差异 4. _使显现;使表现出 5. _和相同;与一致 6. _确切地说;事实上;实际上 7. _与相像的、类似的 8. _小学 9. _到目前为止;迄今为止 10. _有相同特征 11. _各种类型的;各种各样的 12. _是的职责;由决定13. _发挥作用;有影响 14. _编造(故事、谎言等) 15. _例如 16. _认真对待参考答案:1. care about2. as long as3. be different from4. bring out5. the same as6. in fact7. be similar to8. primary school9. so far10. have.in common11.all kinds of12. be up to13. play a role14.make up15. for example16. take.seriously第二部分:一、完形填空Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these hobbies can get in the way of school work. Parents may worry about their childrens 1 at school.Liu Yu is a running star 2 his school running team and he has always wanted to be a professional athlete. However, his parents wont allow him to train as 3 as he would like to. His father says “Of course we want to see Liu Yu 4 his dreams. We 5 running. But he needs to be realistic. 6 he is getting older, he must think about what will happen if he 7 a professional runner in the end.Liu Yu doesnt really agree. His parents have taught him the 8 of working hard. Liu Yu understands this. But he 9 about running. Being a professional runner is the only thing 10 he has ever wanted to do. Mr Liu says 11 people can become professional athletes. He needs to 12 time on his homework. Liu Yu knows his parents 13 him. He thinks he should be allowed to make decisions for 14 . Only then 15 have a chance of achieving his dream.1. A. likesB. healthC. gradeD. success2. A. inB. onC. ofD. from3. A. muchB. manyC. moreD. careful4. A. to achieveB. realizeC. get toD. reach5. A. arent againstB. have no againstC. forD. agree6. A. NowB. ThatC. SinceD. When7. A. isnt going to beB. couldnt beC. doesnt becomeD. wont become8. A. goodnessB. importanceC. necessaryD. way9. A. is seriousB. likesC. dreamD. careful10. A. thatB. whatC. whichD. in which11. A. quite a fewB. strongC. very fewD. No many12. A. takeB. spendC. costD. pay13. A. look afterB. take care ofC. careD. care about14. A. her parentsB. themselvesC. herD. himself15. A. he canB. did heC. does heD. will he【参考答案】15DBABA610CCBAA1115CBDDD二、重点句型展现1. I think a good friend _ _ _. 我认为好朋友使我开怀大笑。2. Thats_ I like reading books and _ _in class. 那就是我为什么喜欢读书,在课堂上学习更努力的原因。3. _ _ _ _ _ 970 AM? 你觉得970 AM怎么样?4. Does Tara work _hard _Tina. 塔拉和蒂娜学习一样努力吗?5. Talent shows are getting_ _ _ _. 达人秀变得越来越流行。参考答案:1. makes me laugh2. why; study harder3. What do you think of4. as; as5. more and more popular6


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