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Unit 4 TV programmes检测题听力原文及参考答案一、 听力部分第一部分 听对话,回答问题本部分共有10个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。1. W:The drink tastes great. What is it?M: Its watermelon juice.2. M: Whats wrong with me?W: Well, nothing serious. Take the medicine and youll feel better.3. W: Which star sign were you born under?M: Libra. People who born under the star sign of Libra are polite and fair.4. W:Shall we leave now?M: Theres no need to hurry. Its just 6 oclock. There are four hours left.5. M:Oh!You have a new watch, Mrs Green!W:You wont believe it.I bought it three and a half years ago.6.W:I went to my hometown this summer and I met a lot of friends. Where did you go?M:Me,too.But I didnt visit my friends. I visited my primary school teachers.7.M:Where is Mr Smith?W:He has gone to Nanjing. He was asked to give a talk there.8.M: May I borrow your bike, Linda?W:Sorry,John.My bike is broken. You may use Lilys or Lucys.9.M:The jumper is too small for me. Do you have one in a bigger size?W:Im sorry,but XL is the biggest size we have.10.M:Do you mind if we dont go to the cinema tonight? I can hardly keep my eyes open after studying all day. W:No,it doesnt matter. We can go tomorrow or next week.第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。听第一段对话,回答第11至12小题。W:Mike,have you packed your bag for our trip yet?M:No,I havent, Mum.W:You should hurry up. Well leave tomorrow.M:OK.What do I need to bring?W:Well,you need clothes,of course.You should also take a camera.There will be many exciting things to see in New York.M:Right.I should also take a map to help us to find all the museums we want to visit.W:Good idea.Dont forget an umbrella as well.M:OK. Ill go and pack after dinner. 听第二段对话,回答第13至15小题。W:Excuse me,which is the way to the nearest shoe shop?M:Theres one on the King Road.W:Thank you,but how can I get to the shop?M:Its not far from here.Walk straight along the road. After three blocks,youll see a post office on your right. The shop is just behind it. W:How long do you think it will take me to get there?M:About 20 minutes at the most.Anyway,you can take the No.22 bus.W:Id rather go there by bus.By the way,where is the bus stop,please?M:Just across the road.The bus stop is in front of the hospital gate.W:Thanks a lot. M:You are welcome.听一篇短文,回答第16至20小题。My name is Tony. Im 15 years old. Every morning I get up at half past six and catch a bus to my school just outside London. The school day begins at 8 am and finishes at 3 pm. We often have sports in the morning, which means playing football in autumn or tennis in summer. My favourite subject is Information Technology, because in the class we learn how to use computers. At lunchtime most students play on the playground and eat the sandwiches they have bought from home.Next week we will go on work experience. Each student should visit a different place of work to learn about jobs. This will help think about what we want to do in the future.15 ABABA 610 ABAAA 1115 CBBCC 1620 CBCCA二、笔试部分I.1. habit 2. latest 3. cover 4.disappeared 5. surprising.6. weekly 7. presentation 8. announced 9. coming 10.directed .11. take part in 12. how to 13. Does,watch 14. didnt finish 15. How long.16. is full of 17. directed by 18. took a close look at 19. coming,live 20. didnt realize how much. 21.A on 关于。22.B hard的比较级是harder;harder and harder越来越猛烈。23.D while表示两个动作同时进行。24.D such修饰名词,意为“如此”。25.A far too意为“太”。26.C live现场直播的。27.B the number of+n.作主语,谓语动词用单数;a number of +n.作主语,谓语动词用复数。28.D until直到29.D at work在工作。30.A from.to.从到 . 31.C make mistakes犯错误。 32.B while 引导时间状语从句。 33.B what作write的宾语。 34.D 句意:当你在写的过程中,说话中出现的很多错误都会很容易地被发现。 35.A do better in在方面做得好。 36.C 由前句 “If you are slow in speaking.”及“either aloud or to yourself.”可知。 37.D 句意:重要的事情是选择一些有趣的东西来读。 38.B 句意:对你来说,它不必太难。 39.B guess their meanings猜出它们的意思。 40.A 句意:当它们与这个句子无关紧要时。 .41.C 由第一段第四句可知。42.D 由第二段第一句可知。43.D 由第二段第五句可排除A项;由第二段第一、二两句可排除B项;由第二段第四句可排除C项;且由第一段最后一句也可知选A项。44.D 由第三段第三句可知。45.C 由第二段倒数第一、二两句可知。46.T 由表格中CCTV Channel 1 12:30 Legal Report可知该句正确。47.F 由表格中的内容可知,喜欢足球比赛,应该看SXTV Channel 7。因此该句错误。48.T 由表格中XATV Channel 15:30 TV Play可知该句正确。 49.F 由 “My sister is only six years old.”及表格中CCTV Channel 1 12:30 Legal Report可知该句错误。 50.F 由表格中CCTV Channel 3 21:00 The Latest Music可知该句错误。. 51. listening 52.当人们和孩子说话时,他们经常用孩子能理解的简单话语。53. This teaches them how to pronounce the language.54. They use language to talk about things that interest them.55.此题为主观题,凡合理的答案均可得分。如:No. We can learn English better by correcting mistakes. .One possible version:My name is Li Ming. I like watching TV very much. One of my favourite TV programmes is Sports World. It starts at 6:30 pm and finishes at 8:00 pm every day. The show always has a lot of latest information, including many different sports, such as swimming, basketball and football. Some of the basketball and football matches are covered live in the programme. There are also a number of interviews with sports stars. Every Sunday evening, you can hear a weekly round-up of what is happening in sports.I like the programme a lot because it makes me relaxed and enjoy many interesting matches. But I only spend half an hour watching it every day.


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