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2022年考博英语-西北大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题An abstract is( ) form of an academic article. Many journals publish abstracts so readers can decide if it is worthwhile to read the full version of the article.问题1选项A.conciseB.comprehensiveC.concreteD.conceptual【答案】A【解析】concise简明的,简洁的;comprehensive综合的,广泛的;concrete具体的,有形的;conceptual概念上的。句意:摘要是学术文章的简洁形式。许多学术期刊会刊登摘要,以便读者决定是否值得阅读全文。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题Her voice ( )as she admitted what she had done.问题1选项A.hesitatedB.injectedC.floatedD.slid【答案】A【解析】hesitate 踌躇,犹豫;inject 注入,注射;float 浮动,飘流;slid 滑落,不知不觉地陷入。句意:她承认自己所做的事时,她的表达有些犹豫。选项A符合句意。3. 单选题You must be ( )when buying a used car; be sure the engine is in good condition.问题1选项A.wearyB.zealousC.waryD.wily【答案】C【解析】weary 疲倦的,厌烦的;zealous 热心的,积极的;wary 谨慎的,考虑周到的;wily狡猾的,诡计多端的。句意:当你买二手车时一定要小心谨慎,确保发动机处于良好状态。选项C符合句意。4. 单选题They have always regarded a man of ( )and fairness as a reliable friend.问题1选项A.robustnessB.temperamentC.integrityD.compactness【答案】C【解析】robustness稳健性,健壮性;temperament气质,性情;integrity完整,正直;compactness简洁,紧密。句意:他们一直把正直、公正的人看作可靠的朋友。选项C符合语境。5. 单选题A major characteristic of parliamentary government is the fusion of executive and legislative powers in one body.问题1选项A.fixingB.strengthC.unionD.alignment【答案】C【解析】句意:议会制政府的一个主要特点是行政权和立法权合二为一。fusion意为融合。fixing 固定,加固;strength 力量,力气;union 联合,联盟,工会;alignment 队列,校准,结盟。选项C与之意思相近。6. 单选题The presidents enemies are spreading ill rumors to ( )his authority.问题1选项A.assertB.forgeC.undermineD.remain【答案】C【解析】assert维护,主张,声称;forge伪造,锻造;undermine破坏,削弱;remain保持,留下。句意:总统的敌人正在散布谣言去破坏他的权威。选项C符合句意。7. 单选题His father read the newspaper at the kitchen table, all the while delivering ( )on the politics of the day for the benefit of anyone within earshot.问题1选项A.complementsB.remarksC.speechD.animadversions【答案】D【解析】complement 补语,补足物;remark言辞;speech演讲,讲话;animadversion 批评,评语。句意:他的父亲坐在餐桌旁看报纸,一直批判当今政治只对极少数人有利。选项D更符合语境。8. 翻译题Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.My eldest daughter, an Internet consultant, is only 30, but she has already lived in five different houses in five different places and has had about six different jobs. Every time I visit her, I notice how many new things there are in her house, and how many things lie unused, out of date. What is even more striking is how many things there are which are not expected to lastdisposable things. Disposable plates and glasses, disposable towels and babies, nappies (尿布). It sometimes seems that we live in an age of the disposable.(1)This phenomenon of constant change runs through everything in life nowadays, from fashion to music, from medicine to motorcars, from education to employment. Two important factors seem to be driving these changes. The first is the rapid growth in knowledge and the consequent rapid development of technology. The second is the revolution in communications, which means that knowledge is spread faster and more widely than ever. Our times are often called “the information age” and the effect is to bring about “the knowledge economy”. New technologies and new knowledge bring about the need for new skills.(2)The speed with which these technologies are being created is such that all of us are faced with the challenge of learning new skills, not just once, but several times. What we knew yesterday is often obsolete today.I remember my daughter saying to that she was at “the cutting edge” of her particular field. But within five years, she said, she would have to do something new and different to keep up. There is a great need for flexibility and problem-solving than before. Tasks require a greater integration of skills. (3)The rewards of life go to the multi-skilled, to flexible teams of workers each capable of contributing in a range of ways.(4)To succeed in this new world of work, individuals will have to regard their careers not just as a process of gathering experience, but as a process of learning new things on an almost continuous basis. All this suggests to me that the relationship between education and employment has changed radically over the last few years. (5)One could summarize the change by saying that when I learned things in order to achieve life-long employment while my children need to pursue life-long learning in order to stay employed.【答案】1. 这种不断变化的现象如今贯穿着生活中的一切,从时装到音乐,从医药到“摩托车”,从教育到就业。2.创造技术的速度是这样的,我们大家都面临着不只是一次,而是多次地学习新技能的挑战。3.生活的奖赏趋向多种技能,以及每个职工在一个灵活的团队能够在多方面做出贡献。4.为了在这种新的工作世界中成功,个人将不得不考虑自己的事业不仅是一种收集经验的过程,也是一个连续不断地学习新事物的过程。5.人们可以总结说,我学东西是为了获得终生的就业机会,而我的孩子则需要终生学习,以维持就业。9. 单选题The framework of the special theory of relativity can be constructed from the assumption of absolute invariability of the speed of light.问题1选项A.argumentationB.hypothesisC.convictionD.definition【答案】B【解析】句意:狭义相对论的框架可以由光速的绝对不变性的假设来构建。assumption 假定,设想;argumentation争论,论证;hypothesis假设;conviction 定罪,确信;definition定义,解说。选项B与之意思相近。10. 单选题Psychologists think of attitudes as being predisposition toward objects or events that determine the way people react to different stimuli.问题1选项A.prior inclinationsB.prescriptionsC.precautionsD.principal commitments【答案】A【解析】心理学家认为态度是对事物或事件的一种倾向,它决定了人们对不同刺激的反应方式。predisposition意为“ 倾向”。prior inclinations 倾向,爱好;prescriptions 医药处方; precautions预防措施,预警;principal commitments主要承诺。选项A与之意思相近。11. 翻译题1.Libraries other than those listed above require additional registration before you can access their collections.2.In the past, he used to tell us of his expeditions through the woods and fields round his home, and how he explored the solitary brooks and ponds; and then he described the curious animals and birds he saw.3.七月份中国消费物价指数与去年同期比下降了 0.9%, 而六月份该指数下降了 0.8%。【答案】1.除了上面列举的图书馆外,使用其他图书馆的藏书,你还需要另行注册。2.以前他时常对我说关于他在他家周围的森林和原野中探险的事,以及他怎样找到一些偏僻的溪流和池塘的情形,然后他会描述他所见到的珍禽异兽。3.Chinas consumer price index in July dropped by 0.9 percent compared with that of the same period in last year and the index fell 0.8% in June.12. 单选题Plays are an important form of entertainment in most countries. Two kinds of drama unique to Japan are Noh and Kabuki. Music is used in both types of drama. Originally, men performed both mens and womens parts in Noh and Kabuki plays. But the similarities end there.Kabuki costumes are fancy, bright, and heavy. Real gold is used on them. On the other hand, Noh costumes are quite simple. Kabuki stages are huge. The stage sets are elaborate. Noh stages are only 18 feet (5.4 meters) square. The only scenery used is background wall with a tree painted on it. A scene changes when the Noh actors change their places. The audience must use a lot of imaginations.Noh plays started in the fourteenth century to entertain the upper class. The form of the play has not changed much since that time. All parts of a Noh play must follow a certain set of rules. To a person unfamiliar with Noh drama, a Noh actor may look as if he is sleepwalking. The action of the play is slow. Every movement is controlled. Certain actions stand for certain things. For example, a few steps forward mean the end of a journey. An important part of a Noh play is the chorus that chants much of the story.Kabuki plays were developed in the seventeenth century for the common people. Theatre was the main amusement of the merchants of that time. Kabuki plays give a clear picture of those merchants tastes and ideas. The colorful costumes reflect their gay moods. The heroes are often warriors who perform daring feats. The players wear thick makeup. They exaggerate their movements and facial expressions to communicate feeling.Music is very important to Kabuki plays, Kabuki actors sing, dance, and speak their lines while the music is played in the background. The music may sound strange at first, but it makes the action on the stage more exciting. Musicians play instruments such as flutes, drums, and gongs. They also use the samisen, a three-stringed instrument shaped somewhat like a banjo. Another instrument has two small blocks of wood that are banged on the floor.1.What do Noh and Kabuki share in common?2.Which statement is true about the Kabuki plays?3.One of the differences between Noh and Kabuki plays is that ( ).4.Kabuki plays can inform us about( ).5.What musical instruments are used in Kabuki plays?问题1选项A.Music is used in both types of drama.B.Women performed both mens and womens parts in the beginning.C.Both mens andwomens parts were played by males in the earlier period.D.Both A and C.问题2选项A.Costumes are funny, light and rough.B.Stages are 18 feet square.C.A background with a tree painted on it is the only scenery.D.The performers must use all their imaginations.问题3选项A.Noh is slowerB.Noh is simplerC.Noh is more colorfulD.Noh is more exciting问题4选项A.likes and dislikes of the 17th century common peopleB.the tastes of the 17th century Japanese merchantsC.the life style of the ruling classD.the courageous deeds of the soldiers问题5选项A.Flutes, gongs and two blocks of wood.B.Drums and samisens.C.Gongs, drums and wooden hammers.D.A and B.【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。根据第一段的三四句“Music is used in both types of drama. Originally, men performed both mens and womens parts in Noh and Kabuki plays.”两种戏剧都使用音乐。最初,男性在能剧和歌舞伎剧中同时扮演男性和女性角色。选项A和C均正确,所以本题选D。2.推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“Kabuki costumes are fancy, bright, and heavy.”可知选项A错误;选项B和C都是描述能剧的,所以只有选项D正确。3.推理判断题。根据最后三段的内容可知,选项C和D是描述歌舞伎剧,首先排除;选项B在文中没有提及;选项A符合原文,所以正确。4.细节事实题。根据倒数第二段的第三句“Kabuki plays give a clear picture of those merchants tastes and ideas.”歌舞伎剧清楚地展现了这些商人的品味和思想。选项B符合原文。5.细节事实题。根据最后一段的最后几句“Musicians play instruments such as flutes, drums, and gongs. They also use the samisen, a three-stringed instrument shaped somewhat like a banjo. Another instrument has two small blocks of wood that are banged on the floor. ”可知选项A和B都有提及,所以选项D正确。13. 单选题All individuals are required to ( )to the laws made by their governments.问题1选项A.obeyB.conformC.concedeD.observe【答案】B【解析】obey服从,听从;conform遵守,使一致,顺从;concede承认,退让;observe观察,注意到,评论。 句意:所有个人都必须遵守政府制定的法律。选项B符合句意。14. 单选题The population of Seattle is a conglomerate of people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.问题1选项A.a companyB.a fluctuationC.an assortmentD.a matching【答案】C【解析】句意:西雅图的人口是由来自不同种族和文化背景的人组成的群体。conglomerate意为聚结,凝聚成团。a company 一家公司;a fluctuation 起伏,波动;an assortment 分类,混合物;a matching匹配,一致。选项C与之意思最为相近。15. 单选题Radio stations are proliferating over the Internet, so more and more Americans can listen to hometown stationseven if they live in Nome or In Miami.问题1选项A.roamingB.transmittingC.increasingD.broadcasting【答案】C【解析】句意:无线电台在互联网上激增,因此越来越多的美国人可以收听家乡电台的节目即使他们住在诺姆或迈阿密。proliferating意为“激增,大量生存产”。roaming漫步,闲逛;transmitting传送,传递;increasing增加,增大;broadcasting广播。选项C与之意思相近。16. 单选题The present contract is done in Chinese and English, both texts being equally( ).问题1选项A.validB.warrantC.rationD.effect【答案】A【解析】valid正当的,合法的,有效的;warrant根据,证明,委任状;ration定量, 配给量;effect影响,效果,作用。句意:本合同有中英文两个版本,它们具有同等效力。选项A符合句意。17. 单选题Not again! This is the third time that I ( )my keys since I( ) home this morning.问题1选项A.am losing / was leavingB.had lost / leftC.lose / had leftD.have lost /left【答案】D【解析】ItThis iswas the first/second. time that.,that从句的时态根据前面的is或was来定,是is时用现在完成时,was则用过去完成时,所以选项D正确。18. 单选题The black clouds of gathering thunderstorm look quite ( ).问题1选项A.ominousB.negligibleC.overcastD.obscure【答案】A【解析】ominous 预兆的,不吉利的;negligible 微不足道的,可忽略的;overcast 愁闷的,阴暗的;obscure 昏暗的, 晦涩的,不清楚的。句意:乌云密布的雷暴看起来很不吉利。选项A更符合语境。19. 单选题The hotel was a four-storey building away from the university where most competitors were accommodated.问题1选项A.put upB.put downC.put inD.put over【答案】A【解析】accommodated在这里指容纳,安置。put up提供,建造,举起;put down 放下,镇压;put in 提交,放入;put over 推迟,驶过。选项A放在句中最为恰当,符合语境。20. 单选题The Americans lost the nuclear weapon monopoly when the Soviets exploded their first atomic bomb.问题1选项A.controlB.businessC.superiorityD.privilege【答案】A【解析】句意:苏联第一颗原子弹爆炸后,美国失去了核武器的垄断地位。monopoly意为“垄断,专卖”,也就是具有控制权。所以control与之意思相近。


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