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2022年考博英语-天津师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Hoping that he might be able to ( )the problem, I asked Manio to look at the engine.问题1选项A.shed light onB.make light ofC.bring light toD.set light to【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。shed light on意为“阐明,解释”;make light of意为“对不在乎,轻视”;bring light to意为“为带来光明”;set light to意为“点燃,点着”。句意:我让马里奥看一下引擎,希望他能弄清楚这个问题。2. 单选题Crippling health care bills, long emergency-room waits and the inability to find a primary care physician just scratch the surface of the problems that patients face daily.Primary care should be the backbone of any health care system. Countries with appropriate primary care resources score highly when it comes to health outcomes and cost. The U.S. takes the opposite approach by emphasizing the specialist rather than the primary care physician.A recent study analyzed the providers who treat Medicare beneficiaries. The startling finding was that the average Medicare patient saw a total of seven doctors -two primary care physicians and five specialists-in a given year. Contrary to popular belief, the more physicians taking care of you dont guarantee better care. Actually, increasing fragmentation of care results in a corresponding rise in cost and medical errors.How did we let primary care slip so far? The key is how doctors are paid. Most physicians are paid whenever they perform a medical service. The more a physician does. Regardless of quality or outcome, the better hes reimbursed. Moreover, the amount a physician receives leans heavily toward medical or surgical procedures. A specialists who performs a procedure in a 30-minute visit can be paid three times more than a primary care physician using that same 30 minutes to discuss a patients disease. Combine this fact with annual government threats to indiscriminately cut reimbursements,physicians are faces with no choice but to increase quantity to boost income.Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash-only practices, further contributing to the decline of primary care.Medical students are not blind to this scenario. They see how heavily the reimbursement deck is stacked against primary care. The recent numbers show that since 1997, newly graduated U.S medical students who choose primary care as a career have declined by 50%. This trend results in emergency rooms being overwhelmed with patients without regular doctors.How do we fix this problem?It starts with reforming the physician reimbursement system. Remove the pressure for primary care physicians to squeeze in more patients per hour, and reward them for optimally managing their diseases and practicing evidence-based medicine. Make primary care more attractive to medical students by forgiving student loans for those who choose primary care as a career and reconciling the marked difference between specialist and primary care physician salaries.Were at a point where primary care is needed more than ever. Within a few years, the first wave of the 76 million Baby Boomers will become eligible for Medicare. Patients older than 85, who need chronic care most, will rise by 50% this decade.Who will be there to treat them?1.The authors chief concern about the current U.S health care system is( ).2.We learn from the passage that people tend to believe that( ).3.Faced with the government threats to cut reimbursements indiscriminately primary care physicians have to( ).4.Why do many new medical graduates refuse to choose primary care as their career?5.What suggestion does the author give in order to provide better health care?问题1选项A.the inadequate training of physiciansB.the declining number of doctorsC.the shrinking primary care resourcesD.the ever-rising health care costs问题2选项A.the more costly the medicine, the more effective the cureB.seeing more doctors may result in more diagnostic errorsC.visiting doctors on a regular basis ensures good healthD.the more doctors taking care of a patient, the better问题3选项A.increase their income by working overtimeB.improve their expertise and serviceC.make various deals with specialistsD.see more patients at the expense of quality问题4选项A.They find the need for primary care declining.B.The current system works against primary care.C.Primary care physicians command less respect.D.They think working in emergency rooms tedious.问题5选项A.Bridge the salary gap between specialists and primary care physicians.B.Extend primary care to patients with chronic diseases.C.Recruit more medical students by offering them loans.D.Reduce the tuition of students who choose primary care as their major.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。通读全文,可知作者提出了美国目前初级护理医师比例的严重失衡,造成这一现象的主要原因是薪酬,以及解决的方法,因此C选项“初级保健资源萎缩”符合题意。第2题:细节事实题。由文章第三段中Contrary to popular belief, the more physicians taking care of you dont guarantee better care.(与人们普遍的看法相反,医生照顾你的次数越多,就不能保证更好的护理)可知人们通常认为医生照顾病人越多,就越好。第3题:细节事实题。由文章第四段和第五段中physicians are faces with no choice but to increase quantity to boost income. Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash-only practices(医生们别无选择,只能增加数量以增加收入。拒绝妥协质量的初级保健医师要么被逐出行业,要么从事与一些现金相关的行业)可知D选项“以牺牲质量为代价看更多的病人”符合题意。第4题:推理判断题。由文章第六段They see how heavily the reimbursement deck is stacked against primary care.(他们看到了费用返还体制是如何严重地弄虚作假,不利于初级护理)可知B选项“现行制度是针对初级护理”符合题意。第5题:细节事实题。文章倒数第三段提出了解决初级护理的一些措施,包括:改革医生返还费用制度;减轻初级保健医生压力;免除选择初级护理作为职业的学生贷款;缩小专科医师与初级护理医师薪水的差异。因此A选项“缩小专家和初级保健医生之间的工资差距”符合题意。3. 单选题The heat in summer is no less ( )here in this mountain region.问题1选项A.concentratedB.extensiveC.intenseD.intensive【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。concentrated意为“集中的”;extensive意为“广泛的”;intense意为“激烈的,强烈的,非常的”;intensive意为“加强的,集中的”。句意:这个山区夏天的酷热也同样强烈。4. 单选题Some hard plastics can be ( )metals in manufacturing machine parts.问题1选项A.substituted forB.taken the place ofC.replaced inD.given way to【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。substitute for意为“替代,取代”;take the place of意为“代替”,一般指取代某人的位置;replace in意为“以代替”,replace后直接接宾语;give way to意为“向让步,被替代”。句意:在生产机器零件时,一些硬塑料可以取代金属。5. 单选题There is nothing like the suggestion of a cancer risk to scare a parent, especially one of the over-educated, eco-conscious types. So you can imagine the reaction when a recent USA Today investigation of air quality around the canons schools singled out those in the smugly green village of Berkeley, Calif, as being among the worst in the country. The citys public high school, as well as a number of daycare center, preschools, elementary and middle schools, fell in the lowest 10%. Industrial pollution in our town had supposedly turned students into living science experiment breathing in a laboratorys worth of heavy metals like manganese, chromium and nickel each day. This is in a city that requires school cafeterias to serve organic meals. Great, I thought, organic lunch, toxic campus.Since December, when the report came out, the mayor, neighborhood activists and various parent-teacher associations have engaged in a fierce battle over its validity, over the guilt of the steed-casting factory on the western edge of town, over union jobs versus childrens health and over what, if anything, ought to be done. With all sides presenting their own experts armed with conflicting scientific studies, whom should parents believe? Is there truly a threat here? We asks one another as we dropped off our kids, and if so, how great it is? And how does it compare with the other, seemingly perpetual health scares we confront, like panic over lead in synthetic athletic fields? Rather than just another weird episode in the town that brought you protesting environmentalists, this latest drama is a trial for how todays parents perceive risk, how we try to keep our kids safe-whether its possible to keep them safe-in what feels like an increasingly threatening world. It raises the question of what, in our time, “safe” could even mean.“Theres no way around the uncertainty”,says Kimberly Thompson, president of Kid Risk, a nonprofit group that studies childrens health. “That means your choices can matter, but it also means you arent going to know if they do.” A 2004 report in the journal Pediatrics explained that nervous parents have more to fear from fire, car accidents and drowning than from toxic chemical exposure. To which I say: Well, obviously. But such concrete hazards are beside the point. Its the dangers parents cant-and may never-quantify that occur all of sudden. Thats why Ive rid my cupboard of microwave food packed in bags coated with a potential cancer-causing substance, but although Ive lived blocks from a major fault line for more than 12 years, I still havent bolted our bookcases to the living room wall.1.What does a recent investigation by USA Today reveal?2.What response did UAS Todays report draw?3.How did parents feel in the face of the experts studies?4.What is the view of the 2004 report in the journal Pediatrics?5.Of the dangers in everyday life, the author thinks that people have most to fear from( ).问题1选项A.Heavy metals in lab tests threaten childrens health in Berkeley.B.Berkeley residents are quite contented with their surroundings.C.The air quality around Berkeleys school campuses is poor.D.Parents in Berkeley are over-sensitive to cancer risks their kids face.问题2选项A.A heated debate.B.Popular support.C.Widespread panic.D.Strong criticism.问题3选项A.They felt very much relieved.B.They were frightened by the evidence.C.They didnt know who to believe.D.They werent convinced of the results.问题4选项A.It is important to quantify various concrete hazards.B.Daily accidents pose a more serious threat to children.C.Parents should be aware of childrens health hazards.D.Attention should be paid to toxic chemical exposure.问题5选项A.the uncertainB.the quantifiableC.an earthquakeD.unhealthy food【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由文章第一段中So you can imagine the reaction when a recent USA Today investigation of air quality around the canons schools singled out those in the smugly green village of Berkeley, Calif, as being among the worst in the country.(因此,你可以想象,最近今日美国对全国学校周围空气质量的调查,将加利福尼亚州的伯克利绿色村庄也列为全国空气质量状况最差的地区之中)可知选C。第2题:细节事实题。由文章第二段第一句中Since December, when the report came out, the mayor, neighborhood activists and various parent-teacher associations have engaged in a fierce battle over its validity(自去年12月该报告发布以来,市长、社区积极分子和各种家长教师协会就该报告的有效性展开了激烈的讨论)可知选A。第3题:细节事实题。由文章第二段中With all sides presenting their own experts armed with conflicting scientific studies, whom should parents believe?(由于各方都提出了一些支持各自观点的专家,但这些专家的科学研究是相互矛盾的,家长应该相信谁?)以及后面的一连串提问,可知父母对这些观点感到困惑,不知道该相信谁,因此选C。第4题:推理判断题。由文章最后一段中A 2004 report in the journal Pediatrics explained that nervous parents have more to fear from fire, car accidents and drowning than from toxic chemical exposure.(儿科杂志2004年的一份报告解释说,神经紧张的父母对火灾、车祸和溺水的恐惧比有毒化学暴露更多)可推测父母对日常容易遇到的事故更担心,因此选B。第5题:推理判断题。由文章最后一段中Theres no way around the uncertainty. Its the dangers parents cant and may never-quantify that occur all of sudden.(无法避免这种不确定性这是父母无法也可能永远不会量化突然发生的危险)可推测作者认为父母最大的恐惧来源于不确定性,因此选A。6. 单选题I dont mind a bit if you bring your friends in for a drink, but it is rather too much when sixteen people arrive( )for dinner.问题1选项A.unusuallyB.excessivelyC.unexpectedlyD.consequently【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。unusually意为“非常,特别地”;excessively意为“过渡地”; unexpectedly意为“未料到地,意外地”;consequently意为“所以,因此”。句意:我一点儿不介意你带你的朋友来喝一杯,但意外地带来十六个人来吃晚饭就有点太多了。7. 单选题I was addressing a small gathering in a suburban Virginia living room-a womens group that had invited men to join them. Throughout the evening one man had been particularly talkative frequently offering ideas and anecdotes while his wife sat silently beside him on the couch. Toward the end of the evening I commented that women frequently complain that their husbands dont talk to them. This man quickly concurred. He gestured toward his wife and said shes the talker in our family. The room burst into laughter the man looked puzzled and hurt, its true he explained. “When I come home from work I have nothing to say. If she didnt keep the conversation going wed spend the whole evening in silence.”This episode crystallizes the irony that although American men tend to talk more than women in public situations they often talk less at home. And this pattern is wreaking havoc with marriage.The pattern was observed by political scientist Andrew Hacker in the late 1970s. Sociologist Catherine Kohler Riessman reports in her new book Divorce Talk that most of the women she interviewed but only a few of the me gave lack of communication as the reason for their divorces. Given the current divorce rate of nearly 50 percent that amounts to millions of cases in the United States every year a virtual epidemic of failed conversation.In my own research complaints from women about their husbands most often focused not on tangible inequities such as having given up the chance for a career to accompany a husband to his or doing far more than their share of daily life-support work like cleaning cooking and social arrangements. Instead, they focused on communication. “He doesnt listen to me”: “He doesnt talk to me.” I found as Hacker observed years before that most wives want their husbands to be first and foremost conversational partners but few husbands share this expectation of their wives.In short the image that best represents the current crisis is the stereotypical cartoon scene of a man sitting at: the breakfast table with a newspaper held up in front of his face while a woman glares at the back of it wanting to talk.1.What is most wives main expectation of their husbands?2. Judging from the context, the phrase wreaking havoc (Line 3, Para. 2) most probably means( ).3.All of the following are true EXCEPT( ).4.Which of the following can best summarize the main idea of this text?5.In the following part immediately after this text, the author will most probably focus on( ).问题1选项A.Talking to them.B.Trusting them.C.Supporting their careers.D.Sharing housework.问题2选项A.generating motivationB.exerting influenceC.causing damageD.creating pressure问题3选项A.men tend to talk more in public than womenB.nearly 50 percent of recent divorces are caused by failed conversationC.women attach much importance to communication between couplesD.a female tends to be more talkative at home than her spouse问题4选项A.The moral decaying deserves more research by sociologists.B.Marriage break-up stems from sex inequalities.C.Husband and wife have different expectations from their marriage.D.Conversational patterns between man and wife are different.问题5选项A.a vivid account of the new book Divorce TalkB.a detailed description of the stereotypical cartoonC.other possible reasons for a high divorce rate in the U.SD.a brief introduction to the political scientist Andrew Hacker【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:B【解析】第1题:推理判断题。由文章第一段中women frequently complain that their husbands dont talk to them(女人经常抱怨他们的丈夫不和她们交谈)可推测大多数妻子对丈夫的主要期望是与他们交谈,因此选A。第2题:词义题。generating motivation意为“产生动机”;exerting influence意为“发挥影响”;causing damage意为“造成伤害”;creating pressure意为“创造压力”。由文章第二段中although American men tend to talk more than women in public situations they often talk less at home, and pattern is wreaking havoc with marriage.(尽管美国男人在公共场合比女人说话更多,但他们在家里经常少说话,这种模式正在wreaking havoc婚姻)以及第三段中gave lack of communication as the reason for their divorces(没有沟通是他们离婚的原因)可知C选项最符合句意。第3题:细节事实题。由文章第二段中although American men tend to talk more than women in public situations they often talk less at home可知A、D选项正确,由第四段中Instead they focused on communication可知C选项正确,因此选B。第4题:推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段中most wives want their husbands to be first and foremost conversational partners but few husbands share this expectation of their wives(大多数妻子希望丈夫成为最重要的谈话伙伴,但很少有丈夫对妻子抱有同样的期望)可推测妻子与丈夫对谈话有不同的认知,因此选D。第5题:推理判断题。文章主要讲述了家庭生活中妻子与丈夫对谈话认知的差异,那么接下来作者将继续围绕这一主题进行展述,最有可能对the stereotypical cartoon进行详细描述,因此选B。8. 单选题My second claim concerns individual differences. Owing to the accidents of( ), environment, and their interaction, no two of us exhibit the same intelligence in precisely the proportions.问题1选项A.heredityB.heirC.heritageD.supplement【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。heredity意为“遗传”;heir意为“继承人”;heritage意为“遗产”;supplement意为“增补,补充”。句意:我的第二项主张涉及个人差异。由于遗传、环境,以及它们之间的相互作用的偶然性,没有任何东西在同一智力方面展现出完全相同的程度。9. 单选题Successful businessmen today are likely to be young aggressive and well-educated. ( )they are willing to take risks to achieve success.问题1选项A.After allB.All in allC.OverallD.Above all【答案】D【解析】考查副词辨析。after all意为“毕竟”;all in all意为“总的来说,大体而言”;overall意为“大致上,总体上”;above all意为“首要的是,尤其”。句意:今天成功的商人可能是年轻、有进取心和受过良好教育的人。重要的是,他们愿意冒险取得成功。10. 单选题Glass ( )provide a useful function in sectioning off and enclosing an area when the desired effect is to maintain visual transparency.问题1选项A.separationsB.segregationsC.partitionsD.isolations【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。separation意为“分离,分开”;segregation意为“隔离”;partition意为“划分”;isolation意为“隔离”。句意:玻璃分割提供一个有用的功能,在切断和包围某一区域时,所预期的效果是保持视觉的透明度。11. 单选题To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul. Simone Weil argued in the mid-twentieth century. Even our virtual playgrounds pay homage to the deeply felt need for place: MySpace was, until recently, called “a place for friends; Second Life mimics real-life places with its homes, offices, and restaurants. What is different about mobile playgrounds is that mobile devices force real life and virtual life (and real places and virtual places) to try to coexist in a way they never have before.We want to see this as a good, enabling thingI can fire off that e-mail to the office and then get back to relaxing on my vacation!but it is instructive to go to a playground today: even on a weekend, you will see parents engrossed in their iPhones and BlackBerrys while their children make increasingly loud bids for their attention. The November 2, 2009 cover of The New Yorker sadly and beautifully satirized this trend: it shows an illustration of children out trick-or-treating, basked in the glow of houselights, while their parents bask in the glow of the smart-phone in which they are rapt. Even our leisure time, it seems, has been colonized by our need to stay connected and it is a constant struggle to set limits on our engagement with the virtual world so that we can attend to the real one in front of us.And when we decide to leave home entirely, we find it difficult to leave the demands of work behind. Consider the cruise ship industry: every year, more than three million people board a Carnival Cruise ship to take a vacation. They spend a great deal of time eating and gambling, and then eating some more. The perpetual buffets that have long been a staple of the cruise ship lifestyle cater to one kind of hunger; Carnival now caters to another one that seems counterintuitive in vacationers eager to get away from it all: staying connected. With their twenty-four-hour Internet cafes, onboard WiFi, and an advertising campaign that features bikini-clad patrons lounging on deck chairs with laptop computers, Carnival Cruise Lines has enthusiastically responded to the demands of patrons who seek an ideal of maritime escape but still want to check their e-mail several times


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