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R. William Card25 Mather StreetBosto n, MA 02124bcard17 May 2003 (AS XXXVIII)Unto Francois la Flamme, Laurel King of Arms, and other members of the College of ArmsFrom Reynard des Montaignes, Blue Tyger HeraldGreetings, learned lords and ladies, and I hope this finds you well.It is the intent of the East Kingdom to register the following names and armory.There are 15 new names, titles, or changes of name and 17 new badges, devices or cha nges of device. The total is 32 submissi ons new to Laurel. There is 1 resubmissi on, a device.new name1. Alise Whenby (f)Alise: dated in that spelling to 1273 in Talans Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary ofEn glish Sur names 1,2. Whenby: un dated, in Cateli ne de la Mor la sourietes A Survey of the History of English Place-names 3. Accepts major or minor changes.1 http:/www.s-gabriel.org/names/tala n/rean ey/rea ney.cgi?Alice2 http:/www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/rea neyi ntro.html3 http:/www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/n ames/e ngpl nam.html2. Charles of Amesbury (m)new nameCharles: Man?s given name (Talan Gwynek, Late Sixteenth CenturyEn glish Give nNames 1). Amesbury: A tow n in Wiltshire, En gla nd, from 980 to 1540 the site of a nunnery (with a checkered reputati on) and in the 17ce ntury famed for its pipe-clay (“ Amesburiyncyclopedia Brittannica, v 1 p851). Submitted as “ Friar Charles de Amesbury, Wiltshire” , the name“ Charles Amesbury de Wiltshire ” was also suggsetfier, we couldfind no support for ,Amesbury? as a sta ndalone surn ame, and so acceptedas a gen eric geographic. Accepts major or minor cha nges.1 http:/www .sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/e ng16/e ng16mfreq.htmlnew device3. Cynthia of Oakenwode (-)Bendy sini ster Or and gules, an oak leaf ben dwise sable.Name registered 11/1992 (East). Device clear of Sorcha Carema n, (04/94 West), Or, semy of acorns gules, an oak leaf bendwise sinister sable, with one CD to the change in field, and one for the removal of the acorns.East Kingdom Letter of Intent117 May 20039. Guillem Gallo (m)new name & deviceAzure, a hurst of five oak trees arge nt.Name registered 10/1999 (East). Device clear of Blai ne de Navarre(February, 1982 via Caid): Purpure, two trees conjoined in fess arge nt.with one CD for the field and another for the number of trees.5. Eadwynn aet Hr?fneshyrste (-)new to Laurel deviceVert, a bend cotised Or, overall a unicorn rampant argent.Name registered 1/2003.6. Francesco Gaetano Greco da Foresta Orientale (-) transfer household nameHouse EastwoodName registered 8/98 (East). Tran sfer of household n ame, registered 5/96 (East), to Harold of Eastwood (below). Note that the Armorial seems to list the household name under“ Eastwood ” , registered to Francesco, notun der Fran cesco, as one of his registrati ons. A suitable release is attached.7. Geoffrey Bleasdale (m)new nameGeoffrey: a popular name in Nicolaas A Statistical Survey of Given Names in Essex Co., En gla nd, 1182-1272 1. Geoffrey is also in Withycombe, p. 128, from ME Geffrey; Goodw yn with spelli ng Geffrey dated to 1273. Bleasdale: header form, dated as Blesedale to 1228, in Ekwalls Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place Names, p. 48. No major changes, but submitter will accept either ,Bleasdale? or ,Blesedale? as appropriate for c. 1300 En gla nd.1 8. Guenuureth filia Thomas (f)new nameGuenuureth: dated in that spelling to the 10th century in Tangwystyls Cornish (and Other) Personal Names from the 10th Century Bodmin Manumissions 1. It is not directly cited in the article, rather it is men ti oned in the discussi on of the n amefilia: demonerriiethto”be appropriate for 9th cen tury Bret on in Academy of S. Gabriel Report #1936 2. Thomas: found in the 9th-12th cen turies in the Redo n Cartularies in a pers onal com muni cati on from Tan gwystyl (attached). Submitter will accept minor cha nges.1 http:/www.s-gabriel.org/names/ta ngwystyl/bodmi n/celtic.htm2 http:/www.s-gabriel.org/1936Or, a cocks head couped gules.Guillem: a com mon n ame from Arva 1s Catala n Names from 12th and 13th Century Charters 1. Gallo: dated 1231 as ,Roi Gocaluez Gallo?. (Diez Melc npApellidos Castellano-Leoneses, p 304). The name is Castilia n, not Catala n, but we were un able to find a Catala n equivale nt. Submitter desires a Catala n n ame, and will accept minor cha nges.1 http:/www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/catala n/10. Guillem Gallo (-)new badge(Fieldless) A cocks head couped gules combed, beaked, and wattled arge nt.Name on this letter, above.11. Guiseppina Sciarrino (f)new nameGuiseppina: is found as an un dated varia nt of Guiseppe (De Felice, p. 196). Guiseppe dated to 1282-1532 in Arya nhwys Italian Give n Names from the On li ne Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532 1. Sciarrino: from Girolamo Caracausi, Dizionario Onomastico della Sicilia (Palermo, 1994), s.nn. Sciarra, Sciarri no. The author (Caracausi) no tes that Sciarra may also derive from a place n ame. There is a scharri n ear Forza dAgro and a place n ear Tarpa ni that appears as Xarra around 1439. (Academy of S. Gabriel report #2510) 2. Submitter desires an Italian name that sounds like ,jasm in e?, and will accept minor cha nges.1 http:/www.ellipsis.cx/lia na/names/flore nce1282-1532.html2 http:/www.s-gabriel-org/251012. Gwineth Llyn Lloyd (-)new deviceGules, on a loze nge Or a catam ount rampa nt sable.Name on East Kin gdom Letter of 23 Feb 2003, for actio n Ju ne 2003.13. Harold of Eastwood (-) receive transfer of household nameHouse EastwoodName registered 6/95 (East). Tran sfer of household n ame, registered 5/96 (East), from Francesco Greco (above). A suitable acceptance is attached.East Kingdom Letter of Intent317 May 200318. Johann van Antwerp (-)new to Laurel deviceHeeinn: from Geir Bassi, in Anyanhwys Viking Names found in the Landn mabok 1. inna rauei: meaning ,the red?, also from Geir Bassi, in Anyanhwys Viking Bynames found in the Landn a mabo k 2. Submitted as Hedinn the Red, with documentation from William Morris? mid-19th century translation of Snorri Sturluson?s 13-century Sk ldskap rmal 3 Although Morris writes fine romantic prose (check it out!), a more modern transliteration is appropriate.We have accepted the normalized Old Norse spelling and a translation of the name. Submitter will accept other minor cha nges.1 http:/www.ellipsis.cx/lia na/n ames/la ndn amabok.html2 http:/www .sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/vikb yn ames.htm3 .au/armidale/napress/viklg nds.htm15. lohne Mac Dhaidh (m)new name & deviceVert, a chevr on arge nt betwee n three dogs rampa nt Or.Iohne: A Scottish version of ,John? (13th & 14th Century Scottish Names,1) Mac Dhaidh: ,Son of David? David I, king of Scotland 1124-1153, David II, 1329-1371. (En cyclopedia Britta nnica 11th editio n, v 7 p 869).Submitter desires a Scottish form of Joh n Dade, of the Gunn sept.However, Blue Tyger was not able to find either surname in the Scottish, nor ,mac Dhaidh?, nor a better approximation to it than ,mac David?.Submitter will accept major or minor cha nges.1 http:/www.s- gabriel.org/names/sy monF reser/scottish14/scottish14_sur.html16. Isabel of Rosley (-)new to Laurel deviceAzure, a castle and on a chief embattled argent three roses proper.Name on East Kin gdom letter of 7 Jan 2003, for actio n 5/2003. The submissi on is now clear of con flict with Michelle of Thescorre (May 1997), Azure, a castle and on a chief arge nt, three frogs sejant azure. with one CD for the cha nge of type of sec on dary (chief to chief embattled) and one CD for the cha nge in type and tin cture of the tertiaries.17. Janet Kempe (-)new to Laurel devicePurpure, on a pall arge nt three violets purpure.Name registered 9/1995 (East).Quarterly arge nt and azure, two lymphads azure.Name on East Kingdom letter of 15 Dec 2002, for action 4/2003. The device does not con flict with Lee Sharpeyes (May 1992), Quarterly arge nt and azure, four dhows reversed coun tercha nged. There is a CD for the nu mber of charges, and there is a CD for cha nging color of half the primary charges (half blue and half white vs. all blue).19. Nataliia Anastasiia Evgenova Sviatoslavina vnuchka (-)new deviceGules, three wolves teeth issuant from sinister argent.Name registered 4/1996 (East) Device is clear of: Veni amin Nafano vich Medved nikogotev, (06/95 West), Sable three wolfs teeth issua nt from dexter argent, with one CD for the field, and one for the placement of the teeth. Clear of Ulfheth inn the Bold, (04/96 Caid), Sable, two wolfs teeth issuant from sinister argent, with one CD for the field, and one for the number of teeth. Probably clear of Stefe n of Naught (July 1983), Gules, three piles issua nt from sini ster throughout in point arge nt, each charged to sinister with a mullet of seven points sable. There is a CD for removing the tertiary charges and there is probably ano ther for the differe nee betwee n a pile throughout and a wolfs tooth.20. Pierre dAbbeville (m)new namePierre: from Le Petit Robert, ,Peter?, the chief of Christ?s apostles. Also found in An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris” 1. Also in WithycomAbbp.v24&also from Le Petit Robert. A tow n on the river Somme, orig in ally a depe ndency of the abbey af St. Riquier, then chartered in 1184, site of the Gothic church of St. Vulfram, 15-17th c, with a flamboya nt fa?ade. Often occupied by the En glish, she retur ned for good to France in 1477. (Easter n Crow n denies any kno wledge of Fren ch, but Blue Tyger reads it adequately well.) Submitter is a n ative speaker of French and will accept no cha nges. 1http:/www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html#P21. Robert de Bury atte Okeforde (m)new nameRobert: there are several ,Roberts? and one ,Robert atte Forde? in The Men Behind the Masque: Office-holdi ng in East An glia n Boroughs, 1272-1460 1. De Bury: One Robert de Bury is fou nd in Mari Elspeth nic Brya ns An Index to the 1332 Lay Subsidy Rolls for Lincoln shire, England 2. However, he does not merit an article in the Encyclopedia Brittannica (not even an in dex en try), so there is no con flict. Atte Okeforde: Oak is dated to period in the OED. There is an ,Oakford? in Devon shire, an ,Oakford? in Dyfed, an ,Okeford Fitzpa ine? and a ,Child Okeford? in Dorset, so it would seem a com mon formatio n. (AA Road Atlas of Brita in).Submitter will accept major or minor cha nges.1 Mt p:/2 http:/www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/Li ncLSR/.East Kingdom Letter of Intent517 May 200322. Sancha de Flores (-)resub deviceGules, a columb ine slipped and leaved arge nt.Name registered 10/2002 (East). Device submitted at that time,“ Gules,two plum flowers in bend slipped in annulo argent” , returned for conflictwith Roberto Raim ondo of Mons Ton itrus,“ Quarterly sable and gules, inbend two cinquefoils argent ” . That conflict is now clear, with 1 CD for the field and ano ther for 1 columb in e-flower vs. 2 cinq uefoil-flowers.This may possibly con flict with the badge of Aeruin as Sruth Waleis (July 1991, West): (Fieldless) A daffodil slipped and leaved argent. There is a CD for fieldless. There may or may not be a CD for type of flower. The same issue arises with Gwe nllian de LIsle (Nov 1991, West): Per pale sable and purpure, a morning glory issua nt from base, slipped and leaved argent., where there is one CD for the field and a possible CD for type. Is it n ecessary to blaz on the columb in eflower ,embowed? to assert its positi on as differe nt from the upright daffodil or the mornin g-glory ,issua nt from base?23. Sancha de Flores (-)new badge(Fieldless) A columb ine gules slipped and leaved arge nt.Name registered 10/2002 (East). This badge has the same possible con flicts as the device, above, and the same blaz on questio n.24. Sidonia Zaridina (f)new nameSidonia: dated to 527-641 in Com mon Names of the Aristocracy in the Roma n Empire Duri ng the 6th and 7th Centuries 1. Zaridina: as “Zarides ” in 1295 2, modified as appropriate for a woma n 3 from Personal Names of the Aristocracy in the Roma n Empire During the Later Byzantine Era 2, 3, 4. Submitter will accept minor changes.1 http:/www .sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/byza nti ne/PLRE_fe m_n ames.html2 http:/www .sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/byza nti ne/family_ names.html3 http:/www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/byza nti ne/structures.html4 http:/www .sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/byza nti ne/femi nizi ng.html.25. Silvia Wilkinson new nameSilvia: Withycombe, p. 270. Wilkinson: Rea ney & Wilso n, p. 493. Submitter will accept minor cha nges.East Kingdom Letter of Intent617 May 200326. Temair ingen Muiredaich (f) new to Laurel name & devicePer bend sini ster ray onny vert and arge nt semy of grapes purpure, a fox sejant con tour ny arge nt.Temair: dated 655 (p. 170 of OCorrain & Maguire, Irish Names). Allegedly found at Early Irish Feminine Names from the Index to OBrie ns Corpus Gen ealogiarum Hiberniae 1. Inghean: found in Quick and Easy Gaelic Names by Euphrick. Muiredaich: dated to before the 12th century, in Tangwystyls 100 Most Popular Mens Names in Early Medieval Irela nd 3. This supersedes any previous submissi ons un der the name Tamarrion de Sidana. Submitter will accept major or minor changes.1 http:/www.s-gabriel.org/names/ta ngwystyl/obrie n/2http:/www.medievalscotland.org/scot names/quickgaelicb yn ames/i ndex.sh tml2 http:/www.s-gabriel.org/names/ta ngwystyl/irish100/27. Temair ingen Muiredaich (-)new to Laurel badgePurpure, a fox seja nt con tour ny arge nt with in a bordure ermine.Clear of Freyd s 6iThelam?rk (February 1992, East): Purpure, a fox seja nt with in a bordure arge nt. There is one CD for seja nt vs. seja nt con tour ny (X.4.h), and ano ther for bordure ermine vs. bordure arge nt (X.4.d).28. Tobyn Kembold (-)new to Laurel deviceGules, a drag on sejant close gules and a bordure sable.Name registered 1/18/2003, East. Device clear of:Ludwig Gr o(Aug 1998 Meridies), Or, a drag on segrea nt gules, a bordure embattled sable 1 CD for segrea nt vs. seja nt close, and ano ther for embattled vs. plai n. Clear of Gareth Deufreuddwyd ap Rhys (Jan 1991 West), Or, a wyvern erect gules with in a bordure per bend sini ster sable and gules. 1 CD for erect vs. seja nt close, and ano ther for half the bordure being gules. Clear of David Drake Van deleer (Ja n 1992 Eastpr, a drag on segrea nt vert with in a bordure sable 1 CD for segrea nt vs. seja nt close, and ano ther for vert vs. gules. Clear of Robert McMah on (in process, Aethelmearc)Or, i n pale a wyver n seja nt sable and a wyver n seja nt gules. 1 CD for 2 wyver ns vs. 1 drago n, ano ther for the bordure. Clear of Wilhelm Rotbart aus Bayer nOr, a five headed hydra seja nt affronte gules. 1 CD for sejant affronte vs. sejant, another for the bordure.East Kingdom Letter of Intent717 May 200329. Tommaso Valeriano (-)new devicePer bend sable and purpure, a sword betwee n six mullets two, two, and two arge nt.Name registered 1/18/2003, East.30. Violante Louren?) (f)new name & devicePer saltire sable and gules, a moon in her ple nitude with in a bordure arge nt.Violente: woman?s given name, from Juliana de Lunas Portugese Names 1350-1450 1,2. Louren?o: a patr ony mic byn ame, which appare ntly does not take the disti nctive suffix,-ez? (ibid. 1,2). Submitter will accept minor cha nges.1 http:/www.s-gabriel.org/names/julia na/portugese2 http:/www .sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/portuguese.htmIn service to Crown and College, ReynardEast Kingdom Letter of Intent817 May 2003


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