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2022年考博英语-西南科技大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The United Nations( )much to world peace and order.问题1选项A.has attributedB.have attributedC.has contributedD.have contributed【答案】C【解析】考查词义辨析。attributeto“把归因”,contributeto“对作贡献”。表示国家、地名等专用名词做主语时,后面谓语用单数形式,句意:联合国为世界和平与秩序做出了巨大贡献。所以本题的正确答案是C选项。2. 单选题The essential weakness of the old and traditional education was not just that it emphasized the necessity for provision of definite subject-matter and activities. These things are necessities for anything that can rightly be called education. The weakness and evil was that the imagination of educators did not go beyond provision of a fixed and rigid environment of subject-matter, one drawn moreover from sources altogether too remote from the experiences of the pupil. What is needed in the new education is more attention, not less, to subject-matter and to progress in technique. But when I say more I do not mean more in quantity of the same old kind. I mean an imaginative vision which sees that no prescribed and ready-made scheme can possibly determine the exact subject-matter that will best promote the educative growth of every individual young person; that even new individual sets a new problem; that he calls for at least a somewhat different emphasis in subject-matter presented. There is nothing more blindly stupid than the convention which supposes that the matter actually contained in textbooks of arithmetic, history, geography, etc., is just what will further the educational development of all children.But withdrawal from the hard and fast and narrow contents of the old curriculum is only the negative side of the matter. If we do not go far in the positive direction of providing a body of subject-matter much richer, more varied and flexible, and also in truth more definite, judged in terms of the experience of those being educated, than traditional education supplied, we shall tend to leave an educational vacuum in which anything may happen. Complete isolation is impossible in nature. The young live in some environment whether we intend it or not, and this environment is constantly interacting with what children and youth bring to it, and the result is the shaping of their interests, minds and charactereither educatively or mis-educatively. If the professed educator gives up his responsibility for judging and selecting the kind of environment that his best understanding leads him to think will be contributive to growth, then the young are left at the mercy of all the unorganized and casual forces of the modern social environment that inevitably play upon them as long as they live. In the educative environment the knowledge, judgment and experience of the teacher is a greater, not a smaller factor, than it is in the traditional school. The difference is that the teacher operates not as a judge set on high and marked by arbitrary authority but as a friendly co-partner and guide in a common enterprise.1. In the authors view, the basic fault of old education consists in( ).2. The author agitates reforms in the( ).3. It seems that new educationalists favor( ).4. There will be the risk of forming an educational blank if( ).5. Pupils may be well guarded against ill social influences as long as( ).问题1选项A.the inadequate supply of specific subjects and programsB.the poor imaginative capacities of educatorsC.providing inflexible educational conditionsD.making pupils read textbooks with outdated content问题2选项A.old subject-matter to follow technological advancesB.stale teaching materials and teaching methodsC.prescribed textbooks and unchanging systemsD.general consent about multipurpose textbooks问题3选项A.teaching pupils according to each ones talentB.introducing the latest information to the youthC.rendering instruction close to pupils experiencesD.supplementing all textbooks with fresh materials4. There will be the risk of forming an educational blank if( ).问题4选项A.the rigid school curricula are thoroughly transformedB.the negative effect of old education is only partly recognizedC.the traditional subject-matter totally substitutes for new oneD.the replacement of unvarying courses with flexible ones fails5. Pupils may be well guarded against ill social influences as long as( ).问题5选项A.educators discard their liability for the being-educatedB.teachers have sound judgment to make the right choiceC.instructors help establish conditions favorable to pupils growthD.schoolmasters function as equal co-operators in a joint business【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:A第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.事实细节题。题干:在作者看来,旧教育的基本错误在于_。根据关键词“basic fault”和“old education”可以定位到文章第一段The essential weakness of the old and traditional education was not just that it emphasized the necessity for provision of definite subject-matter and activities. These things are necessities for anything that can rightly be called education. The weakness and evil was that the imagination of educators did not go beyond provision of a fixed and rigid environment of subject-matter, one drawn moreover from sources altogether too remote from the experiences of the pupil.(旧的和传统的教育的本质弱点不仅仅是它强调提供明确的主题和活动的必要性。这些东西对于任何可以被称为教育的东西都是必需的。教育工作者的缺点和不幸是,他们的想象力不能超越为学生提供一个固定的、僵化的学习环境,而且他们的学习来源与学生的经历相距甚远。),B选项“教育工作者缺乏想象力”,符合原文表达的意思。A选项“特定科目和课程供应不足”和C选项“提供固定的教育条件”,和原文表达的意思冲突,D选项“让学生阅读内容过时的课本”在文中并没有提及,综上所述,本题的正确答案是B选项。2.事实细节题。题干:作者在_上鼓励改革。根据题干可以定位到文章第一段第四句话What is needed in the new education is more attention, not less, to subject-matter and to progress in technique.(新教育所需要的是更多的关注,而不是更少的关注素材和技术的进步。),可知A选项“跟随技术进步的老题材”符合题意。B选项“陈旧的教材和教学方法”,C选项“规定的教科书和不变的系统”和D选项“对多用途教科书的普遍认可”在文中均未提及。综上所述,本题的正确答案是A选项。3.事实细节题。题干:新的教育学家似乎更青睐_。根据题干可以定位到文章第一段What is needed in the new education is more attention, not less, to subject-matter and to progress in technique. But when I say more I do not mean more in quantity of the same old kind. I mean an imaginative vision which sees that no prescribed and ready-made scheme can possibly determine the exact subject-matter that will best promote the educative growth of every individual young person;(新教育所需要的是更多的关注,而不是更少的关注素材和技术的进步。但是,当我说“更多”的时候,我并不是指同样的数量上的“更多”。我指的是一种富有想象力的愿景,认为没有现成的计划可以确定最能促进每个年轻人教育成长的确切主题;),原文表达的意思是没有固定的教材可以促进每个年轻人的成长,不同的年轻人应该使用不同的教育素材,因此A选项“因材施教”,符合题意。B选项“向青年介绍最新的信息”,C选项“贴近学生的经验进行教学”,D选项“用新材料补充所有教科书”,均不符合原文意思,所以本题的正确答案是A选项。4.细节推理题。题干:如果_,将有形成教育空白的风险。根据关键词“educational blank”可以定位到文章第二段第二句If we do not go far in the positive direction of providing a body of subject-matter much richer, more varied and flexible, and also in truth more definite, judged in terms of the experience of those being educated, than traditional education supplied, we shall tend to leave an educational vacuum in which anything may happen.(如果我们不能比传统教育提供一个主题更丰富、更多样和灵活的主体的正确方向,不能在事实上比传统教育更加明确,不能判断针对这些教育的经验,针对任何发生的事情,我们都将可能形成教育空白。),D选项“用灵活的课程替代不变的课程失败了”说法与句意一致。A选项“僵化的学校课程被彻底改变了”与句意相反。B选项“旧教育的负面影响只被部分认识到”,在文中没有提及,说法无根据。C选项“传统的题材完全取代了新的题材”与句意相反。综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。5.主旨大意题。题干:只要_,学生们就可以很好地防范不良的社会影响。根据题干可以定位到文章第二段The young live in some environment whether we intend it or not, and this environment is constantly interacting with what children and youth bring to it, and the result is the shaping of their interests, minds and charactereither educatively or mis-educatively. If the professed educator gives up his responsibility for judging and selecting the kind of environment that his best understanding leads him to think will be contributive to growth, then the young are left at the mercy of all the unorganized and casual forces of the modern social environment that inevitably play upon them as long as they live.(不管我们愿意与否,年轻人都生活在某种环境中,而这种环境不断地与儿童和青少年带给它的东西相互影响,其结果是他们的兴趣、心智和性格的塑造是受教育的或者是受误导的。如果自诩的教育家放弃判断和选择在他的理解下有利于成长的环境的责任,那么年轻人就会任由现代社会环境中所有无组织的、随意的力量摆布,只要他们活着,这些力量就不可避免地会对他们产生影响。),所以只有教育者判断和选择对年轻人有利的环境,才能避免他们受到不良的影响,B选项“老师有足够的判断力来做出正确的选择”,符合题意。A选项“教育者放弃他们对受教育者的责任”和原文的意思相反,排除。C选项“教师帮助建立有利于学生成长的条件”,教师只能帮助判断和选择环境,而不是主动创造条件,所以C选项不对。D选项“校长在联合企业中扮演平等的合作者的角色”,在文中并没有提及。综上所述,本题的正确答案是B选项。3. 单选题Rumours are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into( )ones.问题1选项A.turbulentB.tragicC.vulnerableD.suspicious【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项turbulent“动荡的”;B选项tragic“悲剧的,悲痛的”;C选项vulnerable“易受攻击的”;D选项suspicious“可疑的,怀疑的”。句意:谣言无处不在,它散布恐怖情绪,损害声誉,把稳定的局面搅得混乱不堪。所选形容词应与句中calm相对应,所以本题A选项符合句意。4. 单选题Faced with the( )difficulties, they are determined to carry on their program.问题1选项A.satisfactoryB.attributableC.intangibleD.innocent【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项satisfactory“满意的,符合要求的”; B选项attributable “归属的,属性的”;C选项intangible“无形的,触摸不到的,难以理解的”;D选项innocent“无辜的,无罪的”。句意:面对无形的困难,他们下定决心继续他们的项目。由选项意思和句意可知,C选项符合句意。5. 翻译题Translate the following text into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.当科学家希望用一种声音说话时,他们往往会采用一种非常不科学的方式:共识报告。其理念是:将多个专家的知识浓缩为一种能够解决争议、帮助制定政策的单一看法,但是达成这种共识往往违背这些目标,并且会削弱其本欲凸显的权威。专家小组开始会提出许多有价值的原理和建议。然而,形成专家共识的讨论确实在“政治”上的共通性大于其在“科学”上的相同之处。【答案】When scientists want to speak with one voice, they tend to do so in a very unscientific way: consensus report. The idea is to condense the knowledge of multiple experts into a single view that can resolve disputes and help policy making. But reaching such a consensus often defeats those goals and undermines the authority. The panel will begin with many valuable principles and suggestions. However, the discussions that form expert consensus do have more intercommunity with “politics” than with “science”.6. 单选题A( )statement will very likely be one that appears to be convincing on the surface, but which, upon closer examination, is not so.问题1选项A.plausibleB.reasonableC.credibleD.laudable【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项plausible“看似可信的,花言巧语的”;B选项reasonable “合理的,公道的”;C选项credible“可靠的,可信的”;D选项laudable“可赞誉的,值得称赞的”。句意:一个看似可信的陈述很可能是表面上看起来令人信服的,但在仔细检查后,却并非如此。由选项意思和句意可知,A选项符合句意。7. 单选题Last month the first baby-boomers turned 60. The bulky generation born between 1946 and 1964 is heading towards retirement. The looming “demographic cliff” will see vast numbers of skilled workers dispatched from the labor force. The workforce is ageing across the rich world. Within the EU the number of workers aged between 50 and 64 will increase by 25% over the next two decades, while those aged 20-29 will decrease by 20%. In Japan almost 20% of the population is already over 65, the highest share in the world. And in the United States the number of workers aged 55-64 will have increased by more than half in this decade, at the same time as the 35-to-44-year-olds decline by 10%.Given that most societies are geared to retirement at around 65,companies have a looming problem of knowledge management, of making sure that the boomers do not leave before they have handed over their expertise along with the office keys and their e-mail address. A survey of human-resources directors by IBM last year concluded: “When the baby-boomer generation retires, many companies will find out too late that a careers worth of experience has walked out the door, leaving insufficient talent to fill in the void.”Some also face a shortage of expertise. In aerospace and defense, for example, as much as 40% of the workforce in some companies will be eligible to retire within the next five years. At the same time, the number of engineering graduates in developed countries is in steep decline.A few companies are so squeezed that they are already taking exceptional measures. Earlier this year the Los Angeles Times interviewed an enterprising Australian who was staying in Beverly Hills while he tried to persuade locals to emigrate to Toowoomba, Queensland, to work for his engineering company there. Toowoomba today; the rest of the developed world tomorrow?If you look hard enough, you can find companies that have begun to adapt the workplace to older workers. The AARP, an American association for the over-50s, produces an annual list of the best employers of its members. Health-care firms invariably come near the top because they are one of the industries most in need of skilled labor. Other sectors similarly affected, says the Conference Board, include oil, gas, energy and government.Near the top of the AARP s latest list comes Deere & Company, a no-nonsense industrial-equipment manufacturer based in Illinois; about 35% of Deere s 46,000 employees are over 50 and a number of them are in their 70s. The tools it uses to achieve that flexible working, telecommuting, and so forth also coincidentally help older workers to extend their working lives. The company spends “a lot of time” on the ergonomics of its factories, making jobs there less tiring, which enables older workers to stay at them for longer.Likewise, for more than a decade, Toyota, arguably the worlds most advanced manufacturer, has adapted its workstations to older workers. The shortage of skilled labor available to the automotive industry has made it unusually keen to recruit older workers. BMW recently set up a factory in Leipzig that expressly set out to employ people over the age of 45.Needs must when the devil drives. Other firms are polishing their alumni networks. IBM uses its network to recruit retired people for particular projects. Ernst & Young, a professional-services firm, has about 30,000 registered alumni, and about 25% of its “experienced” new recruits are former employees who return after an absence.But such examples are unusual. A survey in America last month by Ernst & Young found that “although corporate America foresees a significant workforce shortage as boomers retire, it is not dealing with the issue.” Almost three-quarters of the 1,400 global companies questioned by Deloitte last year said they expected a shortage of salaried staff over the next three to five years. Yet few of them are looking to older workers to fill that shortage; and even fewer are looking to them to fill another gap that has already appeared. Many firms in Europe and America complain that they struggle to find qualified directors for their boards when the pool of retired talent from those very same firms is growing by leaps and bounds.Why are firms not working harder to keep old employees? Part of the reason is that the crunch has been beyond the horizon of most managers. Nor is hanging on to older workers the only way to cope with a falling supply of labor. The participation of developing countries in the world economy has increased the overall supplywhatever the local effect of demographics in the rich countries. A vast amount of work is being sent offshore to such places as China and India and more will go in future. Some countries, such as Australia, are relaxing their immigration policies to allow much needed skills to come in from abroad. Others will avoid the need for workers by spending money on machinery and automation.1. According to the passage, the most serious consequence of baby-boomers approaching retirement would be( ).2. The following are all the measures that companies have adopted to cope with the ageing workforce EXCEPT( ).3. “The company spends a lot of time on the ergonomics of its factories” means that( ).4. In the authors opinion,American firms are not doing anything to deal with the issue of the ageing workforce mainly because( ).5. Which of the following best describes the authors development of argument?问题1选项A.a loss of knowledge and experience to many companiesB.a decrease in the number of 35-to-44-year-oldsC.a continuous increase in the number of 50-to-64-year-oldsD.its impact on the developed world whose workforce is ageing问题2选项A.making places of work accommodate the needs of older workersB.using alumni networks to hire retired former employeesC.encouraging former employees to work overseasD.granting more convenience in working hours to older workers问题3选项A.the company attaches great importance to the layout of its factoriesB.the company improves the working conditions in its factoriesC.the company attempts to reduce production costs of its factoriesD.the company intends to renovate its factories and update equipment问题4选项A.they have not been aware of the problemB.they are reluctant to hire older workersC.they are not sure of what they should doD.they have other options to consider问题5选项A.introducing the issueciting ways to deal with the issuedescribing the actual statusoffering reasons.B.describing the actual statusintroducing the issueciting ways to deal with the issueoffering reasons.C.citing ways to deal with the issueintroducing the issuedescribing the actual statusoffering reasons.D.describing the actual statusoffering reasons-introducing the issueciting ways to deal with the issue.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.事实细节题。题干:根据文章,婴儿潮一代(指出生于生育高峰期的人,生育高峰儿),即将退休的最严重后果将是_。根据题干定位到第一段第一句话Last month the first baby-boomers turned 60. The bulky generation born between 1946 and 1964 is heading towards retirement. The looming “demographic cliff” will see vast numbers of skilled workers dispatched from the labor force. The workforce is ageing across the rich world.(上个月,婴儿潮一代迎来了60岁生日。1946年至1964年出生的庞大一代正走向退休。即将出现的“人口悬崖”将导致大量熟练工人从劳动力市场流失。发达国家的劳动力都在老龄化。),所以D选项“它对劳动力老龄化的发达国家的影响”,符合题意。A选项“对许多公司来说是知识和经验的损失”,在文中并未提及,故排除。B选项“35-44岁人数的减少”,C选项“50-64岁人数的持续增长”,都是工人年龄未来的趋势而不是后果,所以不符合题意。综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。2.推理判断题。题干:以下是各公司为应付劳动力老化而采取的所有措施,除了_。根据文章第六段第二句话The tools it uses to achieve that flexible working, telecommuting, and so forth also coincidentally help older workers to extend their working lives. (用来实现这一目标的工具灵活工作、远程办公等等也巧合地帮助了年长的员工延长了他们的工作寿命。),可知A选项“使工作场所适应年长工人的需要”和D选项“给年长的工人在工作时间上提供更多的便利”,是公司采取的措施,故排除A,D选项。根据文章第八段第二句话Other firms are polishing their alumni networks. (其他公司也在完善他们的校友网络),可知B选项“利用校友网络来雇佣退休的前雇员”,也是公司采取的措施之一。只有C选项“鼓励前雇员到海外工作”,在文中没有提及。综上所述,本题的正确答案是C选项。3.推理判断题。题干:“公司在工厂的人体工程学上花费了大量时间”,意味着_。根据题干定位到文章第六段最后一句话The company spends “a lot of time” on the ergonomics of its factories, making jobs there less tiring, which enables older workers to stay at them for longer.(该公司在工厂的人体工程学上花费了“大量时间”,使那里的工作不那么累人,从而使年老的工人在那里呆的时间更长。),A选项“公司非常重视工厂的布局”,B选项“公司改善了工厂的工作条件”,C选项“公司试图降低工厂的生产成本”,D选项“公司打算更新工厂和设备”,以上选项只有B选项才能是在人体工程学的基础上使工作不那么累人。综上所述,本题的正确答案是B选项。4.事实细节题。题干:在作者看来,美国公司没有采取任何措施来解决劳动力老龄化问题,主要是因为_。根据题干定位到文章最后一段第一句话Why are firms not working harder to keep old employees? Part of the reason is that the crunch has been beyond the horizon of most managers. Nor is hanging on to older workers the only way to cope with a falling supply of labor. (为什么公司不努力留住老员工?部分原因是,问题已经超出了大多数管理者的能力范围。抓住老员工不放也不是应对劳动力供应下降的唯一办法。),所以D选项“他们会考虑其他选择”符合题意。A选项“他们还没有意识到这个问题”,B选项“他们不愿意雇佣年长的工人”和C选项“他们不确定他们应该做什么”,在文中均没有提及。综上所述,本题的正确答案是D选项。5.推理判断题。题干:下面哪一个最好地描述了作者的论证过程?文章第一段第一句话就引出话题,描述现状Last month the first baby-boomers turned 60.(上个月,婴儿潮一代迎来了60岁生日)。接下来第一、二、三段具体展开了带来的问题。第四、五、六、七、八段都在说明公司采取的一些措施,第九,十段则是在说明公司对劳动力老龄化问题不采取措施的原因,所以只有B选项符合文章的论述过程。综上所述,本题的正确答案是B选项。8. 单选题Whether you are logging on to your personal computer, using a credit card, or disarming a door security system, passwords or PINs (personal identification numbers) guard access to numerous regular operations.It is estimated that within ten years, consumers could be faced with handling more than 100 passwords! Given the popularity of passwords, how can you choose ones that are sufficiently complicated to be secure yet are simple enough to remember?There are basic guidelines to bear in mind. Dont use as a password your name or that of a member of your family, even in modified form. Also avoid using your telephone number, your Social Security number, or your address. Such information can easily be obtained by a determined hacker.In ad


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