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Module 7I. 听力理解A) 图意理解:在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三张图片,选择与其意思相符的那一个答案。每小题读一遍。( )1. A B C( )2. A B C( )3. A B C( )4. A B C( )5. A B CB) 句子理解:在下列每小题内,你将听到一个问句并看到供选择的A、B、C三个答语。找出能回答你所听到的那个问句的最佳选项。每小题读一遍。( )6. A. I was having dinner.B. Yesterday.C. I will have a picnic. ( )7. A. A. He is a teacher.B. He was thinking of his friend.C. He is sleepy.( )8. A. From 9 to 10 yesterday.B. Tomorrow.C. Classroom( )9. A. He was doing his homework.B. No, they werent. C. They were going shopping.( )10. A. It was great.B. Last Friday.C. I will.C) 对话理解:下面你将听到五组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每小题读两遍。( )11. A. A teacher.B. A doctor.C. A driver( )12. A. Traditional music. B. Rap. C. Pop music.( )13. A. Talking with the foreign teacher.B. Meeting some Englishmen.C. Chatting on the Internet.( )14. A. Going to Italy.B. Eating pizza.C. Boating in Italy.( )15. A. Returning home.B. Returning to childhood.C. Growing rice.D)文章理解:听下面一段文章,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。问题已给出,文章读两遍。( )16. What were Berts family doing in the photo?A. Watching the rabbits.B. Having a picnic.C. Running.( )17. What was Bert doing in the photo?A. Watching the rabbits.B. RunningC. Looking at the flowers.( )18. What were the rabbits doing?A. Sleeping.B. Eating.C. Running out of their holes.( )19. What was Berts mother doing in the photo?A. Planting some flowers.B. Looking at the flowers.C. Picking some flowers.( )20. Who was flying a kite?A. Berts brother and Bert.B. Berts mother and sister.C. Berts father and brother.二、单项填空从下列每小题所给的A、B和C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. He always has much work _ . Hes so busy.A. did B. to do C. does D. doing( )2. Of all the animals, I think dogs are _.A. the most friendlyB. most friendly C. more friendly D. friendly( )3. I often see him _ a walk by the lake.A. takesB. to takeC. take D. taking( )4. The Blacks live in a house _ a big swimming pool.A. inB. underC. from D. with( )5. -Do you have your summer plan, Bill? -Well, I want to do _ to relax with my family.A. interesting somethingB. anything interestingC. something interestingD. interesting anything( )6. Lily _ her homework at home at this time yesterday.A. is doingB. was doingC. has done D. will do( )7. -What film did you see yesterday? -It was a film _ Black September.A. calledB. callingC. to call D. call( )8. There is a beautiful bird _ the tree.A. onB. inC. to D. of( )9. We were showing several visitors around the school when we _ you and Tom.A. seeB. to seeC. seeing D. saw( )10. The boy was _ in bed and reading a book.A. lieB. lyingC. lied D. lay( )11. The light of this room is _ dark for Tom _ read at night.A. too; toB. enough; toC. too; not to D. not enough; of( )12. -Whats wrong with Li Ming? -He _ from the bike this morning.A. got outB. fell downC. looked out D. went into( )13. _ the street, and you can see the factory.A. Jump overB. Go acrossC. Take off D. Go over( )14. -Look at the dog. Its _ today. -Maybe it is ill.A. sureB. strangeC. loudD. tiring( )15. -What did the teacher say just now? -Sorry. I didnt catch it. I _ about something else.A. thinkB. will thinkC. was thinkingD. thinks三、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的备选答案中选出最佳选项。 One day a farmer _1_ in a field near a forest. A hare ran towards him, it _2_ him until it _3_ close to him. Then it turned away quickly and ran in a big tree, it_4_ its neck against the tree and _5_ at once. The farmer was happy because he _6_ a good meal. He _7_ down his spade and decided _8_ near the tree and wait for another one, he waited for a long time, but no more hares _9_. It was getting dark. The farmer was then tired and hungry. He was disappointed for he _10_any hares.( ) 1. A. was working B. is worked C. working D. are working( ) 2. A. werent see B. not seen C. doesnt see D. didnt see( ) 3. A. do B. were C. was D. done( ) 4. A. has broken B. broke C. break D. have broken( ) 5. A. died B. went C. pass D. throughout( ) 6. A. will have B. would have C. would had D. have( ) 7. A. put B. gets C. lain D. wrote( ) 8. A. standing B. to stand C. to be stood D. to stood( ) 9. A. comes B. come C. came D. has come( ) 10. A. hasnt got B. hadnt got C. didnt get D. get四、阅读理解AOnce Effendi had a joke with the Prime Minister(宰相). He said that the Minister would die the next day. The next day, the Minister fell to the ground from the horse and really died. When the king learned this, he got angry and sent his men to catch Effendi at once.When Effendi was brought to him, the king shouted angrily, “Effendi, since(既然)you knew when my Minister would die, you must know the date of your own death. Say it out, or youll die today.”Effendi looked at the king for a while. Then he answered, “But how can I know? Ill die two days earlier than you.” The king was afraid that if he killed Effendi, he himself would die after that. He thought he must keep Effendi alive as long as possible, so he let Effendi go.根据短文内容,选出最佳答案。 ( )1. This story tells us_ . A. how Effendi fooled the king B. when the king would die C. why the Minister died D. Effendi knew the dates of everyones death ( )2. The prime Minister died because _ . A. Effendi killed him B. Effendi said he would die C. he was badly ill D. he fell off the horse ( )3. Why did the king ask Effendi to tell him the date of Effendis own death? A. Because the king wanted to know when he himself would die. B. Because he wanted to find an excuse to kill Effendi. C. Because he himself had known the date of Effendis death D. Because he wanted to know when Effendi would die( )4. The king let Effendi go because _ . A. he hoped to live a long life B. he was afraid of Effendi C. he didnt believe Effendis words D. he knew he would die two days later( )5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Effendi played a joke on the Minister. B. The king was afraid of death C. Effendi didnt know when the king would die D. If the king killed Effendi, he himself would die two days laterB Once upon a time , there was a little girl called Nvwa .One day ,when Nvwa went boating on the Easten Sea ,a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized(倾覆). Nvwa dropped into the sea .Her spirit(灵魂) turned into a beautiful bird. And people called it Jingwei. Nvwas father was an emperor. (A) He was very unhappy when he saw Jingwei!(B)这只鸟非常恨(hate)大海,就决定把大海填满。Every day, it flew around between the mountain and the sea, carrying a small stone from the mountain and dropped it into the sea. It didnt stop doing that all day and all night.From this story comes the idiams (成语) “The bird Jingwei tries to fill the sea”. We use it to describe people who never give up until they reach their goal.阅读短文,按要求完成下列各题。6.将(A)处的句子译成汉语。 7.将(B)处的句子译成英语。 8. What was the girls name? 9. What did the bird use to fill up the sea? 10.Whats the Chinese meaning of “The bird Jingwei tries to fill the sea”? 五、完成句子1. 贝蒂很喜欢喝茶,所以她想和朋友一起开个茶会。 Betty likes tea very much so she wants to _ _ _ _ with her friends.2. 偶尔大明会读一些小说。 Daming will read some novels.3. 刚才凯西正在考虑搬到上海去。 Just now Kathy _ _ _ moving to Shanghai.4. 一只熊从门口跑了过去。 A bear _ the door.5. 由于大雾,飞机降落在了海滩上。 The plane _ _ the beach because of a thick fog.六、补全对话根据对话内容,从下面的方框中选择适当的话语填入对话的空白处,使对话意思完整。有两项是多余选项。A. Is she a blind writer?B. But she never lost heart.C. I will read it later.D. How do you like her book The Story of My Life?E. What happened to her.F. I dont want to read it.G. Whats it about?A: Have you ever read the book The story of My Life written by Helen Keller?B: By Helen Keller? 1 _A: Yes, you are right. She is very brave and caring(有爱心的)woman. She has written many books, encouraging people of right against(与作斗争) difficulties.B: 2 _A: Maybe when she was only 19 months old, a serious disease(疾病)made her unable to see.B: Thats really terrible for a girl to be in dark for so long.A: Yes, 3 _B: 4_A: Oh, Its wonderful. Hope you will read it, too.B: All right, 5 _七、根据首字母提示补全所缺单词使文章意思完整通顺。 Once two young men went to the countryside for a holiday. One day when they were t_1_ a walk across a field, they s_2_ heard a loud noise. Then a bear appeared(出现) and began to c_3_ at them. They were very much a_4_ and began to run, but the bear went on chasing(追赶) them. Finally one of them climbed up a tree and the o_5_ jumped into a large hole. Soon the man in the hole came out. At o_6_ the bear chased him back into the hole. The man came out of the hole again, and again the bear chased him back. This h_7_five or six times. At last the man on the top of the tree became very a_8_, and shouted to his friend in the hole, “How foolish you are! Stay in the hole for a while, or the bear will keep us here all day. ”The man j _9_ out of the hole again and said, “Thats all right for you to s_10_ so, but there is a wolf in the hole! ” 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _八、书面表达写作背景:昨天晚上8点半停电了。假设你是汤姆,请用第一人称描述一下你们一家人当时在做什么。写作提示:家人包括,祖父母,妈妈,爸爸,姐姐。写作要求:尽量包括提示中内容,再适当发挥;感受要符合活动的主题;不少于60词。供参考短语:light 灯,go off熄灭,washing machine 洗衣机_(十一中吴静雅老师、三中苗玉红老师)Module 8I. 听力理解A) 图意理解:在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三张图片,选择与其意思相符的那一个答案。每小题读一遍。( )1. A B C( )2. A B C( )3. A B C( )4. A B C( )5. A B CB) 句子理解:在下列每小题内,你将听到一个问句并看到供选择的A、B、C三个答语。找出能回答你所听到的那个问句的最佳选项。每小题读一遍。( ) 6. A. Delicious.B. Windy.C. Relaxing.( ) 7. A. For five minutes.B. With his friend.C. In the shop.( ) 8. A. I didnt go there.B. Me, too.C. Theyre bad.( ) 9. A. No, I dont.B. Yes, I will.C. Who will?( ) 10. A. Thank you.B. No, it isnt.C. I didnt know.C) 对话理解:下面你将听到五组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每小题读两遍。( )11. A. Cleaning the room.B. Playing computer games.C. Doing his homework.( )12. A. His friend. B. His brother. C. His father.( )13. A. Fine.B. Rainy.C. Snowy.( )14. A. At home.B. In the office.C. In the park.( )15. A. He had short straight hair. B. He had short curly hair. C. He had long curly hair.D)文章理解:听下面一段文章,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。问题已给出,文章读两遍。( )16. Where was the man coming from when he first saw the UFO?A. A restaurant.B. A party.C. Work.( )17. When did the man report what he saw?A. About 12:00 am.B. About 3:00 am.C. About 5:00 am.( )18. What jumped out in front of the mans car?A. A monkey.B. A cat.C. An alien.( )19. Where was the man when he woke up?A. On a train.B. On the street.C. At the party.( )20. What did the police officer ask the man to do?A. Call the hospital.B. Have a drink.C. Contact the newspaper.二、单项填空从下列每小题所给的A、B和C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. The snake bit him _ the hand.A. byB. onC. inD. from ( )2. Yesterday I saw a pen on the ground and _.A. picked up itB. picked it upC. take it upD. took it up( )3. When I came in, they _ in the room.A. were playingB. are playingC. playedD. plays( )4. I first met Dick six months ago. He _in a factory at that time.A. had workedB. was workingC. is workingD. has worked( )5. Youd better help the old _ the road.A. acrossB. crossC. crossingD. crossed( )6. You can take a photo _ your mobile phone.A. onB. forC. withD. of( )7. Please _ attention to _ care of your baby.A. give, takeB. pay, takeC. pay, takingD. giving, take( )8. I was playing computer games _ he was doing his homework.A. whenB. whileC. afterD. until( )9. Mary saw it _ when she was walking near the river.A. happenB. happensC. happenedD. to happen( )10. You should hand in your homework _.A. in a timeB. on timeC. at a timeD. in time( )11. When I went to Alices, she _ in bed reading.A. is going to lieB. is lyingC. has layD. was lying( )12. -What _ you _ when I rang you up yesterday? -I _ TV.A. did, do, watchB. was, doing,was watchingC. were, doing, was watchingD. were, doing, were watching( )13. What was she doing when the plane _?A. reachedB. arrivedC. arrived inD. get to( )14. Dont ride side _ side with your friends. Its dangerous.A. byB. formC. onD. by( )15. -Did you see David come in? -No. _.A. He was getting outB. I was reading a newspaperC. Im sorry to hear that.D. Im care of it.三、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的备选答案中选出最佳选项。Is it safe to talk on the phone while driving? There have been many accidents while _1_ were talking on the phone. Now some people want to _2_ if driving while talking on the phone is dangerous. _3_ there is a car accident, the police ask if the driver was _4_ a mobile phone. They _5_ the information in a report. The information is _6_ and now people want to study it.There were some very _7_ car accidents because drivers were using mobile phones. Drivers sometimes _8_ to watch the road carefully when they are using their phones. Not looking at the road can be _9_, so its important for drivers to watch _10_ is going on around them. Some day there may be laws(法律) against using cell phones while driving.( )1. A. aliensB. driversC. pilotsD. policemen( )2. A. look forB. care aboutC. find outD. take off( )3. A. BeforeB. WhileC. WhenD. As( )4. A. usingB. buyingC. makingD. taking( )5. A. imagineB. rememberC. writeD. do( )6. A. takenB. savedC. playedD. made( )7. A. hugeB. badC. freeD. worse( )8. A. likeB. wantC. forgetD. remember( )9. A. difficultB. differentC. dangerousD. safe( )10. A. whenB. whatC. whereD. how四、阅读理解AAccident Report FormAccidentA car hit against a tree. Some people got injured(受伤) in the car.Weather conditions(状况)There was a heavy rain.Date of callMay 9, 2008Time of call10:30 pmName of callerMrs SmithPlaceNew Star Road, BeijingConditions of victims(受害者)Mr Smith hurt his head. Mrs Smith hurt her left leg. Their daughter was frightened(惊吓)ActionPolicemen arrived at 10:40 pm and sent them to the Peoples Hospital at 10:50 pm根据事故报告表,选出最佳答案。( )1. Mrs Smith called the police at _. A. 10:30 am B. 10:30 pm C. 10:40 pm D. 9:00 pm( )2. There were _ people in the car when the accident happened A. four B. two C. three D. five( )3. _ hurt the head in the accident. A. Mr Smith B. Their daughter C. Mrs Smith D. The reporter( )4. It was _ that evening. A. sunny B. rainy C. cloudy D. foggy( )5. Which of the following is true? A. The car hit against a house. B. Their daughter hurt her leg and was sent to the hospital. C. The car accident happened on New Star Road in Beijing. D. The accident happened on May 9, 2007.BIt was very windy when I woke up last Tuesday morning. As soon as I set off for the airport, it began to rain heavily. What a great way to start a holiday!While I was driving to the airport, the storm got worse. Suddenly, a huge flash of lightning struck a tree. It came straight down just metres in front of my car. The fallen tree completely blocked(堵塞) the road, so I was stuck. I tried to call for help on my mobile, but the line was dead.I was sure that Id miss my plane, so I turned on the radio and tried to get used to the idea. Soon there was a loud knock at the window. To my surprise, it was a young man in leather clothes, “Need a ride?” he asked. My plane was leaving in an hour so I didnt think twice. I took my bags, climbed carefully onto the motorcycle and shouted, “To the airport please!”It was my first time on a motorcycle so I was badly frightened. The young man drove so fast that I kept my eyes shut all the way. Suddenly, the motorcycle came to a stop. “Here we are, sir!” he said. I looked at my watch and there were only ten minutes left. I was just in time for my flight. The young man wished me a nice trip, then quickly drove away.根据短文内容,完成下列任务。6. What was the weather like when the writer woke up last Tuesday morning?_7. 翻译画线的句子。_8. The writer thought he would miss his plane before the young man appeared, didnt he?_9. How did the writer feel when he was riding on his motorcycle?_10. How long did it take the young man to drive the writer to the airport?_五、完成句子1. 你还有什么要说的吗? Do you have to say?2. 他们一知道了是什么蛇咬了Henry时,就给他开了合适的药。 They learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicine.3. 那次事故发生在一条叫旺旺的小狗身上。 The accident a little dog Wangwang.4. 兄弟两个并排坐着看电视。 The two brothers are watching TV by sitting .5.


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