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2022年考博英语-湘潭大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Most scholars agree that Isaac Newton, while formulating the laws of force and gravity and inventing the calculus in the late 1600s, probably knew all the science there was to know at the time. In the ensuing 350 years an estimated 50 million research papers and innumerable books have been published in the natural sciences and mathematics. The modem high school student probably now possesses more scientific knowledge than Newton did. Yet science to many people seems to be an impenetrable mountain of facts.One way scientists have tried to cope with this mountain is by becoming more and more specialized. Another strategy for coping with the mountain of information is to largely ignore it. That shouldnt come as a surprise. Sure, you have to know a lot to be a scientist, but knowing a lot is not what makes a scientist. What makes a scientist is ignorance. This may sound ridiculous, but for scientists the facts are just a starting place. In science, every new discovery raises 10 new questions.By this calculus, ignorance will always grow faster the knowledge. Scientists and laypeople alike would agree that for all we have come to know, there is far more we dont know. More important, every day there is far more we know we dont know. One crucial outcome of scientific knowledge is to generate new and better ways of being ignorant - not the kind of ignorance that is associated with a lack of curiosity or education but rather a cultivate, high-quality ignorance. This gets to the essence of what scientists do - they make distinctions between qualities of ignorance. They do it in grant proposals and over beers at meetings. As James Clerk Maxwell, probably the greatest physicist between Newton and Einstein, said, Thoroughly conscious ignorance . is a prelude to every real advance in knowledge.This perspective on science - that it is about the questions more than the answers - should come as something of a relief. It makes science less threatening and far more friendly and in fact, fun. Science becomes a series of elegant puzzles and puzzles within puzzles - and who doesnt like puzzles? Questions are also more accessible and often more interesting than answers; answers tend to be the end of the process, whereas questions have you in the thick of things.Lately this side of science has taken a backseat in the public mind to what I call the accumulation view of science - that it is a pile of facts way too big for us to ever hope to conquer. But if scientists would talk about the questions, and if the media reported not only on new discoveries but the questions they answered and the new puzzles they created, and if educators stopped trafficking in facts that are already available on Wikipedia - then we might find a public once again engaged in this great adventure that has been going on for the past 15 generations.1.Which of the following is best supported in this passage?2.Why is it a relief that science is about the questions more than the answers?3.The expression take a backseat in paragraph 5 probably means( ).4.What is the authors greatest concern in the passage?问题1选项A.A scientist is a master of knowledge.B.Knowledge generates better ignorance.C.Ignorance is a sign of lack of education.D.Good scientists are thoroughly ignorant.问题2选项A.Because people like solving puzzles.B.Because questions make science accessible.C.Because there are more questions than answers.D.Because questions point the way to deep answers.问题3选项A.take a back place.B.have a different role.C.be of greater priority.D.become less important问题4选项A.The involvement of the public in science.B.Scientists enjoyment of ignorance.C.The accumulation of scientific knowledge.D.Newtons standing in the history of science.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A【解析】第1题:1.推理判断题。题目提问以下哪一项在这篇文章中得到了最好的支持?根据第三段中“ One crucial outcome of scientific knowledge is to generate new and better ways of being ignorant - not the kind of ignorance that is associated with a lack of curiosity or education but rather a cultivate, high-quality ignorance. 科学知识的一个关键成果是产生新的、更好的无知方式不是那种与缺乏好奇心或教育相关的无知,而是一种有教养的、高质量的无知。”确定B选项“知识产生更好的无知”正确。2.推理判断题。题干:为什么科学关注的是问题而不是答案?由题干中的question、answer可定位到文章第四段最后一句“Questions are also more accessible and often more interesting than answers; answers tend to be the end of the process, whereas questions have you in the thick of things”,作者认为,人们更容易了解问题(questions are also more accessible)。因此选项B符合题意。3.推理判断题。题目提问第5段中take a backseat”是什么意思?根据文章“Lately this side of science has taken a backseat in the public mind to what I call the accumulation view of science - that it is a pile of facts way too big for us to ever hope to conquer. 最近,科学的这一面在公众心目中,我称之为科学的累积观点-对我 们来说,这一堆事实太多而永远无法企盼征服。”以及根据文章最后一句话中 “a public once again engaged in this great adventure一位公众再次参与了这场伟大的冒险”可知此处表示公众对科学的对比态度,D选项“变得不那么重要了”正确。4.推理判断题。题干:作者在这篇文章中最关心的是什么?全文讲的是科学与大众的关系,文章最后总结道“then we might find a public once again engaged in this great adventure that has been going on for the past 15 generations”,作者关注的是让大众参与到科学中来。因此选项A符合题意。第2题:第3题:第4题:2. 单选题Politicians, environmentalists and businessmen from all over the world assembled to discuss the way of( )atmosphere pollution.问题1选项A.cutting upB.cutting downC.cutting offD.cutting out【答案】B【解析】动词短语辨析。根据句意来自世界各地的政治家、环保人士和商人们都聚集在一起来讨论减少大 气污染的方法。可知此处是指要讨论减少大气污染的方法,因 此应填表示“减少”的含义,A选项cut up “切碎”; B选项cut down “砍倒,减少”;C选项cut off “切断,隔绝”;D选项cut out “切断,删掉”。 B选项正确。3. 单选题Our visual perception depends on the reception of energy reflecting or radiating from that which we wish to perceive. If our eyes could receive and measure infinitely delicate sense-data, we could perceive the world with infinite precision. The nature limits of our eyes have, of course, been extended by mechanical instruments; telescopes and microscopes, for example, expand our capabilities greatly. There is, however, an ultimate limit beyond which no instrument can take us: this limit is imposed by our inability to receive sense-data smaller than those conveyed by an individual quantum of energy. Since these quanta are believed to be indivisible packages of energy and so cannot be further retied, we reach a point beyond which further resolution of the world is not possible. It is like a drawing a child might make by sticking indivisible discs of color onto a canvas.We might think that we could avoid this limitation by using quanta with extremely long wavelengths; such quanta would be sufficiently sensitive to convey extremely delicate sense-data. And these quanta would be useful, as long as we only wanted to measure energy, but a completely accurate perception of the world will depend also on the exact measurement of the lengths and positions of what we wish to perceive. For this, quanta of extremely long wavelengths are useless. To measure a length accurately to within a millionth of an inch, we must have a measure graduated in millionths of an filch; a yardstick graduated in inches is useless. Quanta with a wavelength of one inch would be, in a sense, measures that are graduated in inches; Quanta of extremely long wavelength are useless in measuring anything except extremely large dimensions.Despite these difficulties, quanta have important theoretical implications for physics. It used to be supposed that, in the observation of nature, the universe could be divided into two distinct parts, a perceiving subject and a perceived object In physics, subject and object were supposed to: be entirely distinct, so that a description of any part of the universe would be independent of the observer. The quantum theory, however, suggests otherwise, for every observation involves the passage of a complete quantum from the object to the subject, and it now appears that this passage constitutes an important coupling between observers and observed.We can no longer make a sharp division between the two in an effort to observe nature objectively. Such an attempt at objectivity would distort the crucial interrelationship of observer and observed and observed as parts of a single whole.But, ever for scientists, it is only in the world of atoms that this new development makes any appreciable difference in file explanation of observations.1.The primary purpose of the passage is to( ).2.The author uses the analogy of the childs drawing at the end of the first paragraph primarily in order to( ).3.According to the passage, quanta with an extremely long wavelength cannot be used to give complete information about the physical world because they( ).4.According to the passage, the quantum theory can be distinguished from previous theories of physics by its( ).问题1选项A.discuss a problem that hinders precise perception of the worldB.point out the inadequacies of accepted unite of measurementC.criticize attempts to distinguish between perceiving subjects and perceived objectsD.compare and contrast rival scientific hypotheses about how the world should be measured and observed.问题2选项A.illustrate the ultimate limitation in the precision of sense-data conveyed by quantaB.show the sense of helplessness scientists feel in the face of significant observational problemsC.anticipate the objections of those scientists who believe that no instrumental aid to observation is entirely reliableD.disparage those scientists who believe that measurement by means of quanta offers an accurate picture of the world问题3选项A.exist independently of sense-dataB.are graduated only in inchesC.cannot with present-day instruments, be isolated from quanta of shorter wavelengthD.provide an insufficiently precise means of measuring length and position问题4选项A.insistence on scrupulously precise mathematical formulationsB.understanding of the inherent interrelationship of perceiver and perceivedC.recognition of the need for sophisticated instruments of measurementD.emphasis on small-scale rather than on large-scale phenomena【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:D第4题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。根据文章大意可知文章主要讲到了我们视觉感知的局限性阻碍人类精确感知世界的问题,随后由该问题引入极长波长量子的概念并加以讨论,所以这篇文章的主要目的是讨论阻碍人类精确感知世界的问题,所以A选项讨论一个阻碍对世界的精确认知的问题正确; B选项 “指出现行测量单位的不合理性”、C选项 “对于将观察者与被观察物进行区分的行为 进行批判”和D 选项“比较不同的科学对于如何测量和观察世界的问题的不同假设”都只是文章中的细节部分。2.推理判断题。文章在第一段的末尾运用了类比的修辞手法,要想找到作者以孩童作画作比的目的需要往回追溯,分析文章第一段的倒数二、三句“There is, however, an ultimate limit beyond which no instrument can take us: this limit is imposed by our inability to receive sense-data smaller than those conveyed by an individual quantum of energy. Since these quanta are believed to be indivisible packages of energy and so cannot be further retied, we reach a point beyond which further resolution of the world is not possible. 然而,任何仪器都无法超越一个极限:这个极限是由我们无法接收比单个量子能量所传递的更小的感官数据所造成的。由于这些量子被认为是不可分割的能量包体,因此不能进一步退退,我们达到了一个无法进一步解决世界问题的地步。”推断出A选项是对这两句的句义转述,符合题意。3.细节事实题。根据文章第二段第二、三句“And these quanta would be useful, as long as we only wanted to measure energy, but a completely accurate perception of the world will depend also on the exact measurement of the lengths and positions of what we wish to perceive. For this, quanta of extremely long wavelengths are useless.” “ 当我们只需测量能量时,这些带有极长波长的量子是有用的。但是对世界绝然精确的感知,还将有赖于对我们所期望感知的物体的长度以及位置作出准确的测量,而在这一方面带有极长波长的量子就没有什么作用了”确定带有极长波长的量子不能用来获取物质世界的信息的原因为D选项 “不能对长度和位置进行精确测量”。4.细节事实题。根据第三段的最后两句“In physics, subject and object were supposed to:.and it now appears that this passage constitutes an important coupling between observers and observed.”主要讲到了在物理学中,主体和客体被假定为绝然互不相关的,然而,量子理论暗示情形恰恰相反,因为每一项观察都涉及一个完整的量子从客体到主体的过渡,而现在看来,这一过渡构成了观察者与被观察物之间的一种重要的结合。由此可知量子理论和己有的物理理论之间的区别在于量子理论对于观察者与被观察物内在联系的理解,B选项正确。4. 单选题In parts of the Arctic, the land grades into the land fast ice so( )that you can walk off the coast and not know you are over the hidden sea.问题1选项A.permanentlyB.imperceptiblyC.irregularD.precariously【答案】B【解析】副词辨析题。A选项permanently “永久地,长期不变地”; B选项imperceptibly “极细微地,察觉不到地” ;C选项irregularly “不规则地,不整齐地”; D选项precariously “不安全地, 不牢靠地”。根据句意在北极的部分地区,陆地逐渐变成固定冰,这一点难以觉察。你可以远离海岸,却不知道自己在隐秘的海洋之上。B选项正确。5. 单选题Although the intellectual and artistic achievements of this ancient civilization were, even by modem standards, extraordinarily( ), its level of technical and mechanicaldevelopment was by no means( )to that of modem technology.问题1选项A.primitive .superiorBparableC.primeval. equivalentD.influential. subordinate【答案】D【解析】形容词辨析题。A选项primitive “原始的,非常的”;superior “出众的,优秀的”; B选项sophisticated“ 复杂的,精致的”;comparable“可比的”; C选项primeval 原始的”;equivalent “等价的”; D选项influential “有影响力的”; subordinate “次要的,从属的”。根据句意虽然这个古代文明的知识和艺术成就即使按现代的标准也相当有影响力, 但是它的技术和机械的发展绝不逊色于现代技术。D选项正确。 6. 单选题Belying his earlier reputation for( )as a negotiator, Morgan had recently assumed a more ( )stance for which many of his erstwhile critics praised him.问题1选项A.inflexibility . . unreasonableB.impropriety.oscillatoryC.intransigence . . tolerantD.success . authoritative【答案】C【解析】名词和形容词词义辨析。A选项的inflexibility “不屈性,顽固”;unreasonable “不合理的,不公正的”;B选项的impropriety “不合适,不恰当”;oscillatory “振动的,动摇的,变动的;C选项的intransigence “不妥协,强硬”;tolerant “忍受的,容忍的,宽容的”;D选项的 success “成功,胜利”;authoritative “命令式的,专断的,权威式的”。根据句意 与他先前亳不让步的谈判者的声誉相反,摩根近来采取了一种更为缓和的立场,所以许多他先前的批判者转而称赞他确定C选项正确。7. 单选题A man, with his mind( )by personal trivia, cannot possibly accomplish anything at any post.问题1选项A.presumedB.precededC.preoccupiedD.prescribed【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析。根据句意一个只专注于个人琐事的人是无论如何也不可能完成任何事情的。可知这里是指“只专注于个人琐事的人”,A选项presume “假定”; B选项precede “领先,优于”;C选项preoccupy “抢先占有,使全神贯注”;D选项prescribe “规定,开处方”。C选项的preoccupied by. “专注于 ”正确。8. 单选题The diplomat, selected for her demonstrated patience and skill in conducting such delicate negotiations,( )to make a decision during the talks because any sudden commitment at that time would have been( ).问题1选项A.resolved.detrimentalB.hesitated. warrantedC.declined. inopportuneD.struggled. unconscionable【答案】C【解析】词义辨析题。第一个空的选项:resolve “决定,溶解”;hesitate “犹豫,有疑虑”;decline “下降,衰落,婉拒”:struggle “努力,挣扎,对抗”,根据关键词patience和sudden commitment可以推断出第一个空应选则填入declined:第二个空的选项:detrimental “不利的,有害的”;warranted “保证的,担保的”;inopportune “不适当的,不合时机的”;unconscionable “昧着良心的,肆无忌惮的,过度的”根据第一个空的选词和句意因在如此微妙的谈判中表现出来的耐心和技巧而当选的这位外交官拒绝在会谈中做出决定,因为在那种情况下,任何突然的承诺都是不恰当的确定第二个空填入inopportune,C选项正确。9. 单选题Before sitting for the entrance examination for postgraduate students, many candidates try to familiarize themselves with the formula of the exam by doing( )tests.问题1选项A.simulatedB.imitatedC.stimulatedD.illustrated【答案】A【解析】动词辨析题。A选项simulated “模拟的,模仿的,仿造的”,simulated test “模拟试题”;B选项imitated “模仿的,仿造的(强调对某物的仿造或对某人的模仿)”;stimulate “受刺激的”; D选项illustrated “有插画的”。根据句意在参加研究所入学考试之前,很多应试者已经通过做很多模拟试题来使自己更熟悉考试了。A选项表示模拟试题正确。10. 单选题One of the good things for men in womens liberation is that men no longer have to pay women the old-fashioned courtesies.In an article on the new manners, Ms. Holmes says that a perfectly able woman no longer has to act helplessly in public as if she were a model. For example, she doesnt need help getting in and out of cars. ”Women get in and out of cars twenty times a day with babies and dogs. Surely they can get out by themselves at night just as easily.She also says there is no reason why a man should walk on the outside of a woman on the sidewalk Historically the man walked on the inside so he caught the garbage thrown out of a window. Today a man is supposed to walk on the outside. A man should walk where he wants to. So should a woman. If, out of love and respect, he actually wants to take the blows, he should walk on the inside because thats where attackers are all hiding these days.As far as manners are concerned, I suppose I have always been a supporter of womens liberation. Over the years, out of a sense of respect, I imagine, I have refused to trouble women with outdated courtesies.It is usually easier to follow rules of social behavior than to depend on ones own taste. But rules may be safely broken, of course, by those of us with the gift of natural grace. For example, when a man and woman are led to their table in a restaurant and the waiter pulls out a chair, the woman is expected to sit in the chair. That is according to Ms. Ann Clark, I have always done it the other way according to my wife.It came up only the other night. I followed the hostess to the table, and when she pulled the chair out, I sat on it quite naturally since it happened to be the chair I wanted to sit in.Well, my wife said, when the hostess had gone, you did it again?Did what ? ,I asked, utterly confusedTook the chairActually, since Pd walked through the restaurant ahead of my wife, it would have been awkward. I should think, not to have taken the chair. I had got there first after all.Also, it has always been my custom to get in a car first, and let the woman get in by herself. This is a courtesy I insist on as the stronger sex, out of love and respect. In times like these, there might be attackers hidden about. It would be unsuitable to put a woman in a car then shut the door on her, leaving her at the mercy of some bad fellow who might be hiding in the back seat.1.It can be concluded from the passage that( ).2.By saying you did it again”, the authors wife means that( ).3.Which of the following is NOT the reason why the author gets into a car before a woman?问题1选项A.its safe to break rules of social behaviorsB.in womens liberation men are also liberatedC.women are becoming more competent than beforeD.men should walk in the outside of a pavement问题2选项A.the author should have shown his politeness by pulling out the chair for herB.the author should not have sat down before she didC.the author should not have sat in the chair pulled out by the waitressD.the author should have walked behind her问题3选项A.He intends to be polite to the womanB.He does that by force of habitC.He wants to protect the woman from hidden dangerD.He thinks women nowadays are as capable as men【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。题干询问从这篇文章可以得出,。由第五段中“It is usually easier to follow rules of social behavior than to depend on ones own taste. But rules may be safely broken, of course, by those of us with the gift of natural grace. 通常,遵守社会行为准则比根据自己的品味行事更容易。当然,我们这些天生优雅的人可以安全地打破规则。”确定A选项“打破社会行为准则是安全的”太绝对;由第一段中“One of the good things for men in womens liberation is that men no longer have to pay women the old-fashioned courtesies. 在妇女解放运动中,男人的好处之一是不再需要向女人支付旧式的礼遇。”确定B选项“在妇女的解放中,男性也被解放了”正确。C选项“女性正变得比以前更有能力”在文中没有提及;由第三段第二句“A man should walk where he wants to.男性应该在他想走的地方走路”确定 D项“男性应该走在人行道的外侧”与原文不符。2.推理判断题。题干询问说“你又做了一次”,作者的妻子意味着。根据第五段第三句“For example, when a man and woman are led to their table in a restaurant and the waiter pulls out a chair, the woman is expected to sit in the chair. That is according to Ms. Ann Clark, I have always done it the other way according to my wife. 例如,当一个男人和一个女人在餐馆被领到他们的桌子前,服务员拉出一把椅子,这个女人应该坐在椅子上。根据安克拉克女士的说法,我总是用另一种方法来做。”,下文就举出作者自己做得相反的例子和倒数第三段中回答“Took the chair坐了这个椅子”,可以确定C选项 “作者不应该坐在被女侍者拉出的椅子上”正确。3.细节事实题。题干询问以下哪一项不是作者比女士先上车的原因?。由最后一段第一句 “Also, it has always been my custom to get in a car first, and let the woman get in by herself. This is a courtesy I insist on as the stronger sex, out of love and respect. 而且,我的习惯是先上车,让女士自己上车。这是一种礼貌,我坚持作为更强的性别,出于爱和尊重。”确定A选项“他想对女性有礼貌”和B选项“他这那样做是出于习惯”是作者先于女性上车的原因;也确定D选项“他认为今天的女性如男人一样有能力”不是作者先于女性上车的原因,符合题意,正确;由最后一段中 “In times like these, there might be attackers hidden about. 在这样的时候,可能会有攻击者隐藏起来。”确定C选项“他想保护女性不受隐藏的危险的伤害”也是作者先于女性上车的原因。


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