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2022年考博英语-浙江大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题A passer-by was quick enough to( )the falling child and drew him out the path of a lorry.问题1选项A.put awayB.lifted upC.grabbed atD.sought after【答案】C【解析】动词词组辨析。put away收拾;放好;lifted up升起;举起;鼓舞;grabbed at抓住,抓牢;sought after找寻,探索。句意:一个过路人很快地抓住了那个摔倒的孩子,把他拖出了卡车的轨道。选项C符合句意。2. 单选题Very few scientists( )with a completely new answer to the worlds problem.问题1选项A.come onB.come upC.come inD.come round【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。come up with 提出,想出。故答案为B。come on快点,开始;come around苏醒,恢复知觉;come in流行。只有选项B可以和with搭配。句意:很少有科学家能对这个世界的问题给出一个全新的答案。3. 单选题The( )of jet travel has made the world seem smaller.问题1选项A.remarkB.relationshipC.removalD.innovation【答案】D【解析】形近词辨析。remark评论;relationship关系;removal去掉;innovation发明。句意:喷气式飞机旅行的发明似乎使世界变小了。选项D符合句意。4. 单选题The United States has historically had higher rates of marriage than those of other industrialized countries. The current annual marriage (1 ) in the United States about 9 new marriages for every 1, 000 people is (2 ) higher than it is in other industrialized countries. However, marriage is (3 ) as widespread as it was several decades ago. (4 ) of American adults who are married(5 ) from 72 percent in 1970 to 60 percent in 2002. This does not mean that large numbers of people will remain unmarried(6 ) their lives. Throughout the 20th century, about 90 percent of Americans married at some(7 ) in their lives. Experts (8) that about the same proportion of todays young adults will eventually marry.The timing of marriage has varied (9 ) over the past century. In 1995 the average age of women in the United States at the time of their first marriage was 25. The average age of men was about 27. Men and women in the United States marry for the first time an average of five years later than people did in the 1950s. (10) , young adults of the 1950s married younger than did any previous (11) inU. S. history. Todays later age of marriage is(12) the age of marriage between 1890 and 1940. Moreover, a greater proportion of the population was married (95 percent) during the 1950s than at any time before (13). Experts do not agree on why the marriage rush of the late 1940s and 1950s occurred, but most social scientists believe it represented a (14) to the return of peace and prosperity after 15 years of severe economic (15) and war.问题1选项A.rateB.ratioC.percentageD.poll问题2选项A.potentiallyB.intentionallyC.randomlyD.substantially问题3选项A.not any longerB.no moreC.no longerD.not any more问题4选项A.A proportionB.The proportionC.The numberD.A number问题5选项A.declinedB.deterioratedC.deducedD.demolished问题6选项A.pastB.passingC.throughoutD.through问题7选项A.periodB.levelC.pointD.respect问题8选项A.projectB.planC.promiseD.propose问题9选项A.unexpectedlyB.irregularlyC.flexiblyD.consistently问题10选项A.BesidesB.HoweverC.WhereasD.Nevertheless问题11选项A.descendantsB.ascendantsC.populationD.generation问题12选项A.according toB.in line withC.based onD.caused by问题13选项A.and afterB.or afterC.or sinceD.ever since问题14选项A.refusalB.realizationC.responseD.reality问题15选项A.repressionB.aggressionC.restrictionD.depression【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A第6题:C第7题:A第8题:A第9题:D第10题:B第11题:D第12题:B第13题:B第14题:C第15题:D【解析】(1)名词词义辨析。根据破折号后面的内容可以推测,这里应为结婚率,选项A正确。ratio 比例;percentage百分数;poll 选举之投票,均不符合原文。(2)副词词义辨析。potentially 潜在地;intentionally故意地;randomly 随便地;substantially实质上,大体上。根据句意:美国目前的年结婚率大体上远高于其他工业化国家。选项D符合句意。(3)副词短语辨析。选项A和B一般放于修饰词后;选项C一般放于修饰词之前;选项D意为再也不。根据句意:然而,婚姻不再像几十年前那样普遍。选项C符合原文。(4)考查冠词用法。根据下文百分比可排除选项C和D,而百分比是已知的,所以用定冠词the,选项B正确。(5)动词词义辨析和上下文语义。declined下降,衰退;deteriorated恶化的,变质的;deduced推理;demolished拆毁,破坏。根据下文“from 72 percent in 1970 to 60 percent.说明是呈下降趋势的,所以选项A符合原文。(6)介词词义辨析。throughout their lives为固定搭配,意为整个一生。(7)名词词义辨析。根据原文,这里指生活中的某一阶段,用period符合原文。(8)上下文语义。根据原文:专家预测,现在的年轻人中最终结婚的比例也大致相同。project除了计划、工程的意思外,还有预测的意思。所以本题选A。(9)副词词义辨析和上下文语义。unexpectedly出乎意料地;irregularly 不规则地;flexibly柔软地;consistently持续地,不断地。句意:在过去的一个世纪里,结婚的时间一直在变化。选项D符合原文。(10)逻辑关系。根据前后句义可知,此处表转折。However和 Whereas都有然而的意思,但Whereas后面通常接整个句子,和句子间不用逗号隔开。Besides和Nevertheless 不符合原文。所以本题选B。(11)名词搭配。descendants 子孙,后裔;ascendants优势,运道;population人口;previous generation意为上一代人,所以选项D符合原文。(12)介词词组辨析。according to按照;in line with与一致;based on基于;caused by由造成。句意:现在的晚婚年龄与1890年至1940年的结婚年龄是一致的。选项B符合原文。(13)固定搭配。at any time before or after为固定搭配,意为:在前后的任何时间。(14)词义辨析。refusal to拒绝,推却;realization为名词,意为实现;response to对做出回应;reality为名词,意为现实。句意:大多数社会科学家认为,这是对和平回归的一种回应。选项C符合原文。(15)固定搭配。economic depression 为固定搭配,意为:经济萧条,符合上下文。所以本题选D。5. 翻译题一直以来,哈佛大学要求在校本科生除了自己的主修专业课程之外,还要修习一系列课程,以确保他们受到的本科教育涵盖了宽泛的研究课题和研究方法。哈佛大学新的通识教育项目(general education program)大胆地致力于将学生在课堂上学到的知识与校园围墙外的生活,甚至毕业后的生活联系起来。通识教育课程的内容和其他的课程内容具有相连性,但教学方式并不一样。通识教育课程的目的不是将学生带入一门学科,而是将一门学科融入学生的生活。通识教育项目把艺术和科学与学生们面临的21世纪的世界以及毕业后的生活联系起来,让学生了解哈佛大学所有的研究课题和研究技巧。通识教育课程由本科生主修专业课程之外的一系列课程组成,从而取代了过去30多年来一直实行的核心课程体系(core system)。目前,有很多的通识教育课是由经过较大修改的核心课程转化而来,其他诸如“生命的定义,从夸克(quark)到意识”这类课程就是全新的了。这些新课程将课堂学习和其更广泛的含义联系起来,不仅是跨学科的,还超越了课堂本身。其中有些课程还是由不同系别的教授联合授课的。在新的课程体系中,学生必须在八大课程类别中各选择一门课程。这种新的体系鼓励教授们以校外教学、动手实验、客座演讲和其他新颖模式进行大胆创新,当然也同样鼓励学生去大胆创新。【答案】Traditionally, the undergraduates of Harvard University are required to study their major subjects as well as a series of other courses in order to ensure their undergraduate education covers extensive research themes and methods. The general education program at Harvard University bravely aims at combining the knowledge the students learn in classes with the life outside campus or even the life after graduation. The content of the general education program is of connection with other subjects, but the teaching method is different. The target of general education program is not to immerse a student into certain subject, but to introduce that subject into the life of that student. The general education program links art and science together with the 21th century facing the student and the life after the graduation, making students familiar with all the research themes and methods.The general education program consists of a wide range of courses besides the major subjects for the undergraduates, and supercedes the core system that has been practiced for the past three decades. At present, many courses under the general education program derive from major core courses, and some other subjects such as The Definition of Life, From Quark to Consciousness are completely new. These courses combine the class learning with wide implication, which are not only inter-discipline, but also beyond class learning itself, and some of which are taught by different professors from different disciplines.Under the new curriculum system, students will have to choose one course from each of the eight course categories. The new system encourages professors to be bold with out-of-school teaching, hands-on experiments, guest speakers and other innovative models, as well as students.6. 单选题In March 1974 one of the most astonishing archaeological discoveries of the twentieth century was unearthed in the county of Lintong, Shaanxi Province. An entire army of life-sized warriors and horses, buried for more than 2,200 years, began to be uncovered. These replicas had been placed in trenches around the still-unexcavated tomb of Qinshihuang, the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.). Each of the many hundreds of life-sized warriors was constructed of baked clay and painted with a variety of colors. Most were obviously intended as individual portraits.The head shapes of these figures and the expressions on their faces were, more or less, individualized, and so each man could be identified as to his place of regional origin. The square-faced, broad-foreheaded, prominent-cheekbone,heavy-featured, big-mouthed and wide-cheeked ones were modeled after natives of central Shaanxi. The shorter, round-faced, sharp-chinned, and thin-lipped soldiers were modeled after persons from the province of Sichuan. Others were clearly from Gansu, and there were some who appeared to be members of various minorities in northwestern China. Each had its own hairdo: the ones with long hair had this knotted at the right side of the head because the Qin people esteemed the right.To the surprise of both Chinese and Western archaeologists, a few of the clay soldiers showed non-Chinese characteristics, possibly being persons from as far away as Arabia or Persia. This was particularly surprising because it had long been assumed that there were no persons from outside China living there in such ancient times.Yet a century later the historical record does indicate limited contact with foreigners. There is one report in the annals of the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D. 25-220) of a Roman juggler who arrived in China by way of Burma in A.D. 109, and another of the arrival of an envoy from Macedonia at about the same time. And the Roman historian Lucius Annaeus Florus mentions the coming of a Chinese envoy to Rome as early as the reign of Augustus (27 B.C.-A.D.14).But extensive contacts between China and the West didnt really begin until the northern Silk Road was gradually developed after 138 B.C. This overland route started at present-day Xian and passed through theWestern Corridor beyond the Yellow River, Xinjiang, Farghana (now Uzbekistan), Persia (Iran) and Tajik (Iraq) where it met western boundary of the Roman Empire.For more than a thousand years this northern Silk Road provided a route for caravans that brought to China dates, saffron powder and pistachio nuts from Persia; glass bottles from Egypt, and many other expensive and desirable goods from other parts of the world. And the caravans went home with their camels and horses loaded down by bolts of silk brocade and boxes filled with lacquer ware and porcelains.Another Silk Road, documented in the geography section of the History of Han Dynasty was a sea route that began at the ports of Xuwen and Hepu on the Reizhou Peninsula in South China (near which the city of Beihai is now located), passed through the Malacca Strait and ended in Burma or the Huangchi Kingdom of southern India.More Chinese porcelains and silks reached Europe by this route than by the overland one because of pirates and storms at sea. Subsidiary branches of this Silk Road of the Sea reached such places as Korea, Japan, and the Philippines to allow for the exchange of various goods not readily available over the land route. For example, as early as the third century A.D., the Philippines were shipping gold to China by this route.1.Each excavated warriori( ) .2.Which of the following statement is NOT true?3.Archaeologists were surprised by the exotic characteristics of the clay solder because( ) .4.It could be inferred from the last paragraph that( ) .5.In the passage Silk Roadrefers to( ) .问题1选项A.was given a unique facial expression and hair styleB.was made of stone or clayC.was painted with one colorD.was modeled after natives of central Shaanxi问题2选项A.The clay warriors were as big as real people.B.Solders long hair was knotted at the right side for convenience.C.A solders appearance could tell where he was from.D.The solders represented people of different nationalities.问题3选项A.no contact with foreigners at that time was known to themB.no one had ever seen foreignersC.no foreigners came to China before 138 B.C.D.no record of foreign visits was available问题4选项A.more merchants were killed on the sea routeB.certain goods were too precious to be transported by landC.trade between China and southeast Asia brought more money to the governmentD.the sea route was advantageous over the land route问题5选项A.a land route by which silk brocade was transported to the WestB.any route which connected China with other countriesC.flow of goods from China to other countriesD.caravans that did business with China and other countries【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.根据第一段的倒数第二句“Each of the many hundreds of life-sized warriors was constructed of baked clay and painted with a variety of colors.”可知选项B和C错误,根据第三段可知,兵马俑部分人物是模仿陕西中部的当地人,还有部分是模仿四川、甘肃、少数民族的人等,所以选项D也错误。选项A每一个士兵都有自己独特的面部表情和发型,正确。2.根据一二段的内容可知选项A、C、D均正确,只有选项B错误。根据第二段最后一句“Each had its own hairdo: the ones with long hair had this knotted at the right side of the head because the Qin people esteemed the right.”可知,长头发的士兵在右边扎个结不是为了方便,而是因为秦国人都很尊重这个发型。3.根据第三段的最后一句“This was particularly surprising because it had long been assumed that there were no persons from outside China living there in such ancient times.”因为长期以来人们一直认为,在如此古老的时代,没有来自中国以外的人住在那里。选项A符合原文。4.最后一段主要讲海上丝绸之路相对于陆上丝绸之路来说要更好一些,它可以交换在陆路上不易获得的各种货物,比如黄金。选项D正确。5.文中的丝绸之路是指任何连接中国和其他国家的线路,选项B正确。选项A丝绸织锦运往西部的陆路,除了丝绸织棉还有瓷器等其他东西,除了陆路还有海路,所以错误;选项C商品从中国流向其他国家,还有其他国家运来中国的,所以错误;选项D是与中国和其他国家做生意的商队,也不正确。7. 单选题Any country has good reason to want its citizens to be as healthy as possible, since one of its greatest resources is an active population. No country wants its people to suffer unnecessarily from ill health.This was the kind of thinking which led to the introduction of a health service in many countries. In Britain this has developed into a “Welfare State” in which all citizens, rich and poor alike can get most health treatment free. The money for this is partially raised by contributions from employers andemployees.As three decades have shown, such automatic arrangements are not always ideal and there are arguments for and against the Health Service. The number of patients treated every year and the cost of treatment are much greater than was estimated. This means that the people who work for the HealthService-doctors, nurses and other hospital staff have much more routine work to do and as a result they have little time for preventive medicine. The Health Service does need more staff a need that can only be met if more money is made available to it.However, a powerful argument for the Health Service is that many people are able to receive expensive treatment which they could never afford themselves. Sometimes this free treatment is abused and people visit their doctors when they dont really need to. Because they have so many patients,doctors cannot spend as long with each one as they would like, and some people prefer to pay for private treatment so that their doctors can give them more time. In fact, some wealthy people feel that they should pay, and so free more money for treatment to others.1.In the authors view, Britain is a Welfare State in that( ).2.We can infer from the passage that( ).3.The best title for the passage would be( ).4.The author mentions that some wealthy people prefer to pay for private treatment because ( ).5.The word “abused” (Para. 4) means( ).问题1选项A.all citizens are entitled to a free medical treatment in some senseB.poor, unlike the rich, could enjoy free medical treatmentC.health service is highly developed in BritainD.Britain doesnt allow its people to suffer unnecessarily from ill health问题2选项A.the Health Service is introduced to many other countries by BritainB.the Health Service has been introduced and developed for 30 years in BritainC.an active population is the greatest resource in BritainD.all citizens in Britain have a good opinion of the Health Service问题3选项A.A Welfare StateB.Importance of the Health ServiceC.Disadvantages of the Health ServiceD.The Health Service问题4选项A.their doctors can give them more time leave from workB.those doctors have better medical instrumentsC.they might save some money for the poorD.their doctors have a stronger sense of responsibility for the patients问题5选项A.destroyedB.used in wrong wayC.ignoredD.wasted【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.事实细节题。根据关键词“Welfare State”定位到第二段第二句“In Britain this has developed into a Welfare State in which all citizens, rich and poor alike can get most health treatment free.”所有公民,无论贫富,都可以免费获得大部分医疗服务。选项A符合原文。2.细节推断题。选项A和选项C在文中没有提及;根据第三段的第一句“As three decades have shown, such automatic arrangements are not always ideal and there are arguments for and against the Health Service. ”three decades意为30年;公众支持和反对卫生服务都有,并不都是好的评价;所以选项B符合原文,而选项D错误。3.主旨思想题。结合全文内容可知,本文主要是讲医疗服务的发展,其有利条件和不利条件,所以选项D更能概括全文,其他选项只是文中的片段。4.细节推理题。根据关键词“wealthy people”定位到最后一段的最后一句“In fact, some wealthy people feel that they should pay, and so free more money for treatment to others.”事实上,一些富人觉得他们应该付钱,这样就可以把多余的钱让给其他人治疗。选项C符合原文。5.词汇推断题。根据第四段的第二句“Sometimes this free treatment is abused and people visit their doctors when they dont really need to.”有时这种免费治疗被滥用,有些人在不需要的时候也去看医生。由此可知他们是用了错误的方法,选项B符合原文。8. 单选题At the last committee meeting, the motion that the club( )open until midnight was defeated.问题1选项A.remainsB.remainC.remainedD.would remain【答案】B【解析】虚拟语气。motion表示提议、建议,后面要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用should+动词原形,所以本题选B。9. 单选题For the reasons, the newspaper is having( )problems in the north of the country.问题1选项A.distributionB.regulationC.recognitionD.destruction【答案】A【解析】形近词辨析。distribution分布, 分配;regulation管理, 规则;recognition识别, 承认;destruction破坏。句意:由于这些原因,这份报纸在这个国家的北部遇到了发行问题。选项A符合句意。10. 单选题You can do it if you want to, but in my opinion its not worth the( )it involves.问题1选项A.forceB.trialC.attemptD.effort【答案】D【解析】名词词义辨析。force力量;trial试验,审讯;attempt企图,试图;effort努力。句意:如果你想,你可以去做,但在我看来,它不值得你为之付出努力。选项D符合句意。11. 单选题You are likely to get a promotion because of the profitable ( ) you made for the company last month.问题1选项A.transitionB.transfusionC.transferD.transaction【答案】D【解析】transition过渡,转变;transfusion输血,输液;transfer转移,转让;transaction交易。句意:你有可能得到提升,因为你上个月为公司做了一笔赚钱的交易。选项D符合句意。12. 单选题The biographer has to dance between two shaky positions with respect to the subject. Too close a relation, and the writer may lose objectivity. Not close enough, and the writer may lack the sympathy necessary to any effort to portray a mind, a soul the quality of life. Who should write the biography of a family, for example? Because of their closeness to the subject, family members may have special information, but by the same token, they may not have the distance that would allow them to be fair. Similarly, a kings servant might not be the best one to write a biography of that king. But a foreigner might not have the knowledge and sympathy necessary to write the kings biographynot for a readership from within the kingdom, at any rate.There is no ideal position for such a task. The biographer has to work with the position he or she has in the world, adjusting that position as necessary to deal with the subject. Every position has strengths and weakness: to thrive, a writer must try to become aware of these, evaluate them in terms of the subject, and select a position accordingly.When their subjects are heroes or famous figures, biographies often reveal a democratic motive: they attempt to show that their subjects are only human, no better than anyone else. Other biographies are meant to change us, to invite us to become better than we are. The biographies of Jesus found in the Bible are in this class.Biographers may claim that their account is the authentic” one. In advancing this claim, they are helped if the biography is “authorized” by the su


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