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七年级下册1-6英语重点、难点知识总结:1. Wheres your pen pal from? 你的笔友来自哪里? -My pen pal is from Japan. 我的笔友来自日本。-Where are you from? 你来自哪里? - I am from Hangzhou. 我来自郑州。2. Where does his pen pal come from? 他的笔友来自哪里? -He She comes from England. 他/她来自英国。3. Where does heshe live? 他/她 住在哪里? -He She lives in Paris. 他/她住在巴黎。4. What language does he she speak? 他/她讲什么语言? -HeShe speaks English and a little French.他/她讲英语和一点法语。5. Whats your favorite subject? 你最喜爱的学科是什么? - My favorite subject is English . 英语。6. I can speak Chinese and a little English. 我会讲中文和一点儿英语。7. I think China is a very interesting country. 我认为中国是一个很有趣的国家。8. Please write and tell me about yourself. 请写信告诉我关于你自己的情况。9. 短语:pen pal 笔友 be from come from 来自 speak English 讲英语 a little English 一点儿英语 go to the movies 去看电影 write to sb.(宾格)给某人写信 on weekends在周末 tell sb about sth 告诉某人有关某事 too difficult 太难了 play sports do sports 做运动 arrive / live in +大地点arrive / live at +小地点 live +here there(副词) in+ 国家/城市(大地点) years old 岁 an action movie 一个动作片1. 问路的三种方式:Is there a supermarket near here? 这附近有家超市吗?Wheres the supermarket around here? 超市在哪里?Can you tell me the way to the supermarket? 你能告诉我去超市的路吗?2. There is a an + 名词单数 / There are + 名词复数 / There is + 不可数,后常接地点。“某地有某物。” There be中的be动词的单复数形式要与主语单复数形式相一致。There is a dog / are some dogs in front of the house. 房前有一条狗 / 一些狗。 Is there a post office near the school? 学校附近有一家邮局吗? Yes, there is. 有。No, there isnt.没有。Are there any apples on the apple tree? 苹果树上有苹果吗? Yes, there are. 有。 No, there arent.没有。in 在里 on 在上面 near 在附近 next to紧挨着 between and 在中间 behind 在后面 across from 在对面 in front of 在(外部的)前面 in the front of 在(内部)的前面 post office 邮局 pay phone 公用电话 on the right / left 在右边 / 左边 turn left / right 向左/ 右拐 go straight 一直向前走 the beginning of 的开始 take a walk =have a walk 散步 have fun 玩得开心 take a taxi 乘出租车 play the violin 拉小提琴 in the neighborhood 在附近 a quiet street 一条安静的街道 a busy street 一条繁忙的街道 be hungry 饿了 a small house with an interesting garden 一个带有一个有趣的花园的小房子 let sb. do sth.让某人做某事(let加动词原形) go through 穿过去 on your right 在你的右边a good place to have fun 一个可以玩得开心的好地方 have a good trip 旅途愉快 Excuse me.打扰了。1. 你为何想看狮子?Why do you want to see the lions? 2. 你为什么喜欢考拉?Why do you like koalas? 3. 你喜欢什么动物?What animals do you like? 4. 有几分, 一点kind of a box of一箱 play with和一块儿玩 get up起来during the day在白天期间 at night在夜里 every day每天(放在句首或句尾作时间状语) 5. 频率词never(从不)sometimes(有时)often(经常)usually(通常) always(总是) 放在be后:She is often angry.她经常生气。 I am always friendly to others. 我总是对他人友好。 放在实义动词前:He sometimes gets up late. 他有时起床晚 She usually goes to bed at 9:00.1. What do you do? 你是干什么的?What does she / he do? 她 / 他是干什么的?Im a waiter. 我是一个侍者/服务生。 She / He is a doctor. 她 / 他是一个医生。2. What do you want to be? 你想当什么? I want to be an actor. 我想当演员。 What does he / she want to be? 他 / 她想当什么? He / She wants to be a reporter. 他 / 她想当记者。3. give用法 give sb sth(双宾结构)=give sth to sb. 把某物给某人 Please give me a box of oranges. 请给我一箱苹果。=Please give a box of oranges to me. 若物是代词,不用于双宾结构。You cant give it to him.不可说成You cant give him it.4. get sth from sb. 从某人处得到某物:We can get money from the bank.我们能从银行得到钱。You cant get anything from me.你不能从我这儿得到任何东西。5. in the day/during the day在白天6.talk用法:“谈话”,名词和动词, have a talk 谈话=talk, 前者中talk是名词,后者中talk是动词。 Dont talk in class.不要在班里说话。 talk with sb.和某人交谈 talk to sb.找某人谈话 talk about sth.谈论某事 例:I want to talk to you.我想找你谈谈。 She is talking with her son.她正和儿子谈话。 She is talking about her family / her sons study / Tom. 她在谈论她的家庭 / 她的儿子的学习情况 / 有关Tom 的情况。7. out用法:当副词,后无宾语时无of May I go out now?我现在可以出去了吗? She is out. 她在外面。 但接宾语时先加of: She cant go out of the park.她不能走出这个公园。 He is out of the office.他在办公室外。8. ask用法(P21, 3a) ask可以译为“请”:He asks me to go with him.他请我和他一块儿去。 也可译为“问”,常接双宾结构:May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗? ask (sb) for“要”,后接物。Can I ask (you) for some meat? 我可以(向你)要些肉吗?9. work hard努力工作(work是动词,hard是副词) She works very hard.她工作很努力。 Please work hard at English.请努力学英语。 hard work艰苦的工作 (hard是形容词,work是名词) Teaching English is hard work. 教英语是艰苦的工作。10. as作为: He works as a farmer.他(的职业)是个农民。 (work as后接职业)We want a man as a shop assistant. 我们需一个当店员的男子。She got a job as a waiter.她得了份招待员的工作。 11. Call Alan at 555-3937 按照555-3937给Alan打电话。 12. work for 为工作(后接对象) Wen Jiabao works for the people. 温家宝为人民而工作。 Yao Ming works for Rockets.姚明为火箭队工作。13. want sth想要某物: I want some eggs.我想要些鸡蛋 want to do sth想要做某事:I want to have a look at it. 我想看看它。want sb to do sth.想让某人做某事:She wants me to help her. 她想让我帮她。1. Whats he doing? 他正在做什么? He is reading. 他在读书。 Whatre you doing? 你在做什么? Im watching TV.我在看电视。2. Are you cooking? 你在做饭吗? Yes, I am. 是的,我在做饭。No, Im not.不,我没在做。3. When do you want to go? 你什么时候想要去? Lets go at six oclock. 咱们6点钟去吧。4. Do you want to go to the movies? 你想看电影吗? Sure. 当然想啦。5. Whats / Whos he waiting for? 他在等什么 / 等谁?6. Who are they talking to / with? 他们在和谁交谈? What are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么?7. Here is a photo of my family. 这儿有我的一张家庭照。 Here are some photos. 这有一些照片。8. on the phone / the computer / the Internet / the film / the newspaper / the radio (有the) 通过电话 / 电脑 / 因特网 / 电影 / 报纸 / 收音机 on TV通过电视1. 短语: on vacation在度假 go on vacation去度假 take a photo照相 look cool看起来酷look at =have a look at看一看 some,others 一些另一些 on the beach 在海滩上2. be surprised at sth对某事感到惊讶 Im surprised at your words. 我对你的话感到惊讶。 be surprised to do sth做某事很惊讶 Im surprised to see her in the street. 在街上见到她我很惊讶。3. How is the weather today / in Beijing? 今天的天气 / 北京的天气怎么样? = Whats the weather like today / in Beijing? 4. Its cloudy / windy / sunny / rainy / snowy. 天是多云的 / 有风的 / 晴朗的 / 有雨的 / 有雪的。 Its raining / snowing. 天在下雨 / 下雪。5. How is it going? 近况如何? (Its) Not bad. / Not good. /Great! / Terrible! / Pretty good. / Just so so.不坏 / 不太好 / 好极了 / 糟糕的 / 相当好 / 一般 (马马虎虎)6. Thank you (=Thanks) for joining 感谢你加入 / 收看7. Everyone is having a good time. 每个人都正玩得开心。 (have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself, 过得愉快, 玩得开心)8. 有些表示心理活动的动词的ing和ed形式分别修饰物和人。如: interesting令人感兴趣的(有趣的), interested感到有趣的(感兴趣的), relaxing令人放松的, relaxed感到放松的 exciting令人兴奋的, excited感到兴奋的surprising令人惊讶的, surprised感到惊讶的1. 短语:talk about sth(见上面3、4单元) look for 寻找 2. ask for sth索求某物: Can I ask for some meat? 我可以要些肉吗? ask sb for sth 向某人要某物 She wants to ask me for some help. 他想向我寻求帮助。3. hope to do sth 希望做某事: I hope to see you soon. 我希望很快见到你。 She hopes to come. 她希望来。 hope也可接宾语从句: I hope you have a good trip.祝你旅途愉快。 I hope she can come. 我希望她能来。4. in order to + 动词原形, “为了做某事”: He runs fast in order to catch the bus. 为赶车他跑得很快。 I work very hard in order to improve my study. 为了提高成绩我工作很努力。3 / 3文档可自由编辑打印


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