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第十四次讲座课前预习材料I否定对象A.全部否定1. Nothing is further away from the truth than this.这是离真相最远的。2. I have answered every single question, but my opponent has answered none.我每一个问题都回答出来了,但是我的对手一个都没有回答上。B.部分否定3All this is not necessary. ( 比较:All this is unnecessary.)不是所有都是必要的。2. All these metals are not good conductors. (比较:None of these metals are good conductors.)不是所有的金属都是良好的导体。3. Both these instruments are not precision ones. (比较:Neither of the instruments is a precision one)这两个仪器不都是精确的。4. I dont remember all their names. (比较:I remember none of their names.)他们所有人的名字我记不全。C.转移否定5. I dont think its right to make such a hasty decision.我认为这么仓促地做决定是不正确的。6. It is not our view that the substance or the tone of his remarks this morning will contribute to creating a lasting peace in the Middle East.我们的观点是,他今早的言论的要旨和语气并不能为中东的持久和平做出贡献。D.否定范围:从否定词开始有时可以一直延伸到句末:被否定的时机上是主语补足语或是状语(从句)7. They did not part good friends.他们一点也称不上是朋友。8. We havent called the meeting to discuss this question.我们开会完全不是为了讨论这个问题的。9. He didnt buy the book because he needed it.他不是因为需要才买这本书的。10. The Nazis had not instantly withdrawn from Africa or Sicily merely because of threat to their rear.纳粹不仅仅是因为他们后方存在的威胁而立刻从非洲和西西里撤离的。11. They do not conduct the dangerous experiment to serve their private interest, but to benefit man.他们进行危险的实验并不是为了满足自己的个人兴趣,而是为了人类的利益。II. 否定含义的判别某些动词具有消极方面的词汇意义,也属于否定含义的范围A. 如 deny, neglect, fail to, refuse to, exclude, miss overlook, ignore, lack, keep from protect, save等12. It is one of the most barbarous customs in the world, considering us as a civilized and a Christian country, that we deny advantage of learning to women.我们作为一个一个文明而且信奉基督教的国家的人民,却否认向妇女学习的优点,这是个世界上最野蛮的习俗。13. He fails to make the reader understand the verse, let alone enjoy it and delight in it.他没有能够让读者明白这诗句,更不用说欣赏它和从中获得快乐了。14. 16The manager told the shop-assistant to work on stock if she lacked a customer.经理与售货员说,如果她一个顾客都没有,就到仓库区工作。B. 某些抽象名词,如 absence, ignorance, exclusion15. The almost absence of any US sway with the parties directly involved in such a dangerous situation is sobering to say the least.在如此危险的处境当中,美国的党派却不动摇,至少称得上是清醒的。16. The failure of the teaching of grammatical rules to ensure correctness or expression has caused many people to throw grammar aside.保证语言正确性与表达通顺的语法规则的教育失败,导致了许多人把语法扔在一边。C.某些形容词,如little, few, absent, short of , free of/from, far from, safe from, inferior to19. Little is known at present about this oil field.现在他的油田少有人知。20It is very important that a drawing be free from ambiguities and be subject only to a single interpretation.一幅绘画不模棱两可,只有一个诠释方法是很重要的。 21Jane Austin was worried that Emma “might appear inferior in wit” to Pride and Prejudice.简奥斯汀担心,爱玛会不如傲慢与偏见那么风趣。22Far from admiring his paintings I disliked them intensely.我完全称不上是欣赏他的画,相反,我极度讨厌他的画。D. 某些介词,如below, beyond, above, off, past, beneath, behind, minus, within, but, against, instead of, out of, but for, in defect of23. Copies always fall below their original.模仿的总是远远不如它们的原作。24. He is above meanness and deceit.他简直比卑鄙和诡计多端更甚。25Mr. Shultz on Wednesday reiterated the administrations counterargument that the defenses were still needed as insurance against cheating.舒尔茨先生在星期三重申,政府对还需防范欺诈行为持反对意见。E.某些副词,如 hardly, seldom, barely, rarely, scarcely, little, few 26. Now, I have recalled these beginnings of the careers of Franklin, Darwin and Mozart because they strikingly illustrate a profound psychological truth the significance of which can scarcely be overestimated.现在,我回想起富兰克林,达尔文还有莫扎特他们的事业的开端,因为他们突出地证明了意义深远的精神上的真理里面所包含的意义,是怎样也不算被高估的。F.某些特定的词组搭配,如 (have) yet to, too.To, rather than, more than27Japan has begun offering HDTV (high-definition television) on a limited basis, and some European countries will start within two years. The United States, yet to choose an official HDTV system, may lag slightly behind.日本开始在有限的基础上提供高清电视,并且一些欧洲国家也将在两年内开始实行。但美国尚未正式采用高清电视系统,也许会稍微延后。28Six months after the invasion, they have yet to establish themselves as anything approaching the masters of all they survey.在入侵后过了六个月,他们还未宣布他们接近掌握了他们所有的调查。29. But for reasons that are undiscoverable, “refute” is now moving toward meaning “deny” more than it means “to prove by argument that the other fellows argument is false.但因为一些不知名的原因,“反驳”这个词现在倾向于是“否定”的意思,而不是“用论证来证明对方的言论是错误的”的意思。G.双重否定的表达30One such major breakthrough occurred in 1956, although it wasnt until later that we were filled in on its ramification.在1956年出现了一个这样的重大突破,尽管还没过多久,我们就深受它的副作用的影响了。31. His house is not seldom filled with water in a very rainy season.他的房子经常在雨季浸满水。32. This is a matter of no small consequence.这是个会产生不小后果的事件。33. You cannot be too careful.你不能够太谨慎。34. No man can have too much knowledge and practice.没有人能够拥有过多的知识和习惯。35. The importance of curbing inflation cannot be overemphasized.控制通胀的重要性不可以被过多强调。36. These scientists could not believe the two Curies more.这些科学家们十分相信居里夫妇。37. Before long her white sails were no more than a speck upon the waters.不久,载着她的船上的白帆就犹如水上的一个小斑点了。III. 正说与反说每一种语言都有其自身独特的否定方式,英语和汉语也不例外。如这两种语言中:A: Are you not going tomorrow?B: No, Im not going.上面的no应该译作“是的”,以免引起误解。而“我认为他不对”,“我想他不会来了”应该分别译作:I dont think he is correct.I dont think he will e.可见,一种语言中的肯定形式可能在另一种语言中表示否定意义。下面是英译汉肯定结构、否定结构的三种一般处理方法(A,B,C)以及汉译时应该注意的三种情况(D,E,F):A 英语为肯定式,汉语译作否定式。这类方法可以广泛用语各种词类、短语、甚至句子的翻译。1. Such a chance was denied (to) me. (v.)我不能获得这样一个机会。2. Time is what we want most, but what, alas, many use worst. (adv.)时间是我们最想要的东西,但是,哎呀,许多时候都没有被我们利用好。3. I have read your article. I expect to meet an older man. (adj.)我阅读过你的文章,希望可以与一个老练的作家见面。4. It was beyond his power to sign such a contract. (prep.)他没有权利签署这样一个合约。5. The guerrillas would rather fight to death before they surrendered. (conj.)游击队员在战死前绝不投降。6. The criminal is still at large. (phrase)犯罪率依然很高。7. If it worked once, it can work twice. (sentence)可一可再。B 英语为否定式,汉语译作肯定式,其使用范围和前者类似。1.The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanation.在经过他多番解释后,疑问依旧没有解决。2.All the articles are untouchable in the museum.在博物馆里的所有物件都不可以碰触。3.He manifested a strong dislike for his fathers business.他对他父亲的生意显示出强烈的不满4.Dont lose time in posting this letter.别浪费时间寄这封信了。5.Such behaviours couldnt long escape notice.这种行为不会被长时间忽视的。C 同一英语词语,既可译作汉语的肯定式,又可译作否定式。1. Im new to the work.我是这项工作的新手。2. He is free with his money.他乱花自己的钱。3. He realized that he was in trouble.他意识到他遇到麻烦了。4. The station is no distance at all.车站完全不远。5.It is no less than a fraud.这简直就是诈骗。D 英语中的双重否定结构1. There is no rule that has no exception.没有不可解释的规则。2. There is not any advantage without disadvantage.优点总是与缺点同在的。3. It never rains but it pours.这已经不是下雨了,而是滂沱大雨。4. It is impossiblebut that a man will make some mistakes.一个人难免会犯一些错误。5. I am not reluctant to accept your proposal.我愿意接受你的提议。6. Its significance and importance can never be overemphasized.它的意义与重要性是怎样强调也不为过的。E 貌似否定的拐弯抹角的肯定。1He didnt half like the girl.他完全喜欢这个女孩。2. I couldnt feel better.我感觉再好不过了。3. I could not agree with you more.我再同意你不过了。4. If that isnt what I want!这正是我想要的!5. He cant see you quick enough.他恨不得马上见到你。F 英语否定的陷阱:几种容易出错的句型1) not because1. The engine didnt stop because the fuel was finished.引擎不是因为燃料用尽而停止运作的。2. Dont scamp your work because you are pressed for time.不要因为被时间催赶而草率地完成你的工作。3. In that city, we had never suffered discrimination because we were Jews.在那个城市,我们永远不会因为我们是犹太人而受到歧视。4. This version is not placed first because it is simple.这个说法并不是因为它简单而被放在最前的。5. But two systems are not necessarily identical, or even very similar because they have some properties in mon.这两个制度不是因为它们有相同的性质而必然相似或者甚至是相同的。2) cannot too1. The importance of this conference cannot be overestimated.会议的重要性怎样强调也不为过。2. I shall never be able to stress too much for your kindness.我怎样强调你的善良也不为过。3.I cannot state too strongly my appreciation of the part you played in the negotiation in order to bring about the desired result.在希望达到期望的结果的协商中,你所参与贡献的部分,我无论怎么形容我的欣赏也不为过。4. You cannot be too careful in proofreading.在校对的时候你再仔细也不为过。3) all/every not1. All that glitters is not gold.不一定只有金子才会发光。2. All are not thieves that dogs bark at.不是所有狗吠的都是贼。3. No, everything is notstraightened out.不,不是所有东西都可以理清的。4. Everybody didnt understand it.这不是所有人都明白的。4) both . not1. But you see, we both cannot go.但你看到了,我们不可以两个都走。2. Both the instruments are not precise ones.不是所有的仪器都是精密的。5) for all.1. You may leave at once for all I care.你可以立刻离开,尽管我介意。2. He seemed as fresh as ever, for all that I never saw him drink or eat. 尽管我从没见过他吃喝,但是他看上去就像从前一样年轻。6) not . as/like1. The number of people who consult psychiatrists today is not, as is sometimes felt, a symptom of increasing mental ill health.今天咨询心理医生的人不像有时候感觉到的那样有那么多的精神疾病的症状。2. He does not limit his principal advisers to a special field of concentration like Mr. Truman.他不像杜鲁门先生那样,把他的主要顾问限定在某一集中领域中。3. Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them.许多人认为蜘蛛不是昆虫,甚至和昆虫没有什么联系。County continuation records has examined and approved the draft, spirit, believe, prehensive Yearbook of zhuanglang already prepared draft, entered the phase of evaluation. Civil air defense work


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