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2013年六月四级英语快速阅读和阅读理解答案和解析1. A. they are not rescued once a new edition comes out2. B. They havent fixed all the shortcomings of print books.3. A. they find it troublesome to take notes with an iPad.4. D. they are no more than print versions put on a screen5. C. a platform for building multimedia content6. A. share his learning experience with the best and brightest thinkers7. C. professors can join in students online discussions8. manpower to put together each one9. cost10. remains to be seen【整体点评】这是一篇讨论电子课本能否取代纸质课本的议论文。电子书在现在社会已逐渐推广,因此,该话题对于考生而言并不陌生。文章通过对比,电子课本和纸质课本的优劣,最后,得出结论:电子课本未来能否取代纸质课本仍然是一个未知数。文章整体脉络清晰,论点鲜明。考生只要依照文章顺序,按图索骥,答对本篇阅读中的题目还是相对容易的。【逐题细评】1. 答案:A. they are not rescued once a new edition comes out解析:【细节题】。由关键词the biggest problem 定位至文章第二段首句。由“But the worst part is that print editions of textbooks are constantly undergoing revisions.”可知,纸质版课本最大的问题是经常修订,因此,正确答案为A。2. 答案:B. They havent fixed all the shortcomings of print books.解析:【细节题】。由第三段“Which is why digital textbooks, if they live up to their promise, could help ease many of these shortcomings. But till now, theyve been something like a mirage (幻影) in the distance,”可知,电子课本没能解决纸质书的所有问题。因此,正确答案为B。3. 答案:A. they find it troublesome to take notes with an iPad.解析:【细节题】。由Kalpit Shah定位到第五段。由“They werent using it as a source of communication because they couldnt read or write in it.”可知,他们不使用电子书,是因为他们不能用电子书进行读写,因此,正确答案为A。4. 答案:D. they are no more than print versions put on a screen解析:【细节题】。由Inkling CEO Matt Maclnnis 定位到第九段。由 “What I mean by that is the current perspective of the digital textbook is its an exact copy of the print book. Theres Course Smart, etc., these guys who take an image of the page and put it on a screen.”可知,Course Smart现在的电子课本只是对纸质课本的复制,因此,正确答案为D。5. 答案:C. a platform for building multimedia content解析:【细节题】。由第十段首句“He calls Inkling a platform for publishers to build rich multimedia content from the ground up, with a heavy emphasis on real-world functionality.”可知,Matt Maclnnis 认为,Inkling是为出版商搭建丰富的多媒体资源的一个平台,因此,正确答案为C。6. 答案:A. share his learning experience with the best and brightest thinkers解析:【细节题】。由第14段首句 “But the most exciting part about Inkling,to me,is its notation (批注)system.”和第16段最后一句“The best comments are then sorted democratically by a voting system, meaning that your social learning experience is shared with the best and brightest thinkers.”,可知,最令作者兴奋的是,它的批注系统可以让用户与最优秀的人分享学习经验,因此,正确答案为A。7. 答案:C. professors can join in students online discussions解析:【细节题】。由第17段首句,“As a bonus, professors can even chime in (插话) on discussions.”可知,作为一项福利,教授们可以参与学生们的晚上讨论,因此,正确答案为C。8答案:manpower to put together each one解析:【细节题】。由第21段“Each interactive textbook is a media-heavy experience built from the ground up, and you can tell that it takes a respectable amount of manpower to put together each one.”可知,因此,答案为manpower to put together each one。9答案:cost解析:【细节题】。由第22段“For now the app is also iPad-exclusive, and though a few of these educational institutions are giving the hardware away for free, for other students who dont have such a luxury it,s an added layer of cost and an expensive one at that”可知,因此,答案为cost。10. 答案:remains to be seen解析:【细节题】。由23段“Whether digitally interactive ones like Inkling actually take off or not remains to be seen, and we probably wont have a definite answer for the next few years.”可知,因此,答案为remains to be seen。47. H. lowest48. J. maximum49. D. component50. I. maintain51. A. allowing52. G. increasingly53. B. avoidable54. K. prevent55. L. principle56. C. briefly【解析】47. 答案:H. lowest根据上下文可以判断需要选择一个形容词来修饰risk,根据句子意思,需要选择lowest“最低的”,句子的意思是:人人都知道怎么步行,并且步行受伤的风险最低。因此正确答案为H. lowest。48. 答案:J. maximum根据上下文可以判断需要选择一个形容词来修饰maximum,根据句子的意思,需要选择maximum“最大的”,句子的意思是:为了从步行中获得最大的收益。因此正确答案为J. maximum。49. 答案:D. component根据上下文可以判断需要选择一个名词来与important搭配,根据句意判断strength training力量训练应该是physical activity体育活动的一个组成部分,所以要用component“部分、成分”。因此正确答案为D. component。50. I. maintain根据上下文可以判断需要选择一个动词原型与build做并列成分,根据句意“力量训练的目的是为了增强和_骨骼和肌肉质量”,所以选择maintain“维持”符合文意。因此正确答案为I. maintain。51. 答案:A. allowing根据上下文可以判断需要选择现在分词引导伴随状语,根据上一句“一般而言,你会想要每周做两到三次力量训练”,而这么做会使你在训练之间有恢复期,所以选allowing“允许,使(可能)”符合文意。因此正确答案为A. allowing。52. 答案:G. increasingly根据上下文可以判断需要选择副词修饰形容词important,而根据句子的意思可以得知“随着年龄的增长,柔韧性和平衡感训练愈发重要”,所以increasingly符合文意。因此正确答案为G. increasingly。53. 答案:B. avoidable根据上下文可以判断需要选择形容词作为be动词are后面的表语,由上文可知经常性肌肉紧张和关节僵硬,这些是可以通过运动避免的,所以avoidable“可避免的”符合文意。因此正确答案为B. avoidable。54. 答案:K. prevent根据上下文可以判断需要选择动词原形,该句话中的these指代上文的“经常性肌肉紧张和关节僵硬”,下文中提到“通过让肌肉更强壮和使关节润滑”,可知动词应该为prevent“预防,阻止”。因此正确答案为K. prevent。55. 答案:L. principle根据上下文可以判断需要选择名词与general“一般的,大体的”搭配,根据后文可知选择principle“原则”。因此正确答案为L. principle。56. 答案:C. briefly根据上下文可以判断需要选择副词来修饰动词stretch“伸展”,根据句意“只要身体保持某个姿势有一定时间了,用反向的姿势稍微伸展一下身体是很有用的”。可知briefly“短暂地;简要地”符合文意。因此正确答案为C. briefly。【总评】这是一篇讨论控制垃圾食品消费的议论文。文章介绍了Rand公司两位研究人员的建议:即借鉴控酒措施的经验,对售卖此类食品的地点和方式进行控制。文中具体介绍了这么做的原因以及一些具体条例。57. What does the author say about junk food?答案:C . Its temptation is too strong for people to resist.【解析】推理题。由关键词Junk food定位至文章第一段。由“Junk food is everywhere. Were eating way too much of it. Most of us know what were doing and yet we do it anyway.(垃圾食品无处不在,这样的食品我们吃得实在是太多了,我们大多数人都知道我们在做什么,但是我们还是在这么做)”可知,垃圾食品对人们的诱惑实在是太强了,以至于人们无法抵挡。选项B中的“ill reputation”在文中没有提到,所以,正确答案为C。58. What do the Rand researchers think of many of the policy measures to control obesity?答案:C. They are based on wrong assumptions.【解析】推理题。由关键词policy measures, obesity定位至文章第三段。文中提到“Many policy measures to control obesity (肥胖症)assume that people consciously and rationally choose what and how much they eat (很多控制肥胖症的政策都是假定人们能够有意识、理智地选择吃什么、吃多少)”,而第四段中进一步提到“In contrast many regulations that dont assume people make rational choices have been successfully applied to control alcohol(那些没有假定人们会作出理智选择的规章条例在控酒方面取得了成功)”。由此可以推知,很多控制肥胖症的政策措施都是基于错误的假设前提的,所以,正确答案为C。59. Why do policymakers of alcohol control place density restrictions?答案:D. Easy access leads to customers over-consumption.【解析】推理题。由关键词density restrictions,obesity定位至文章倒数第三段。由“These(即density restrictions) make alcohol less easy to get and reduce the number of psychological cues to drink.”可知,因为购买的途径很简单的话会导致消费者过度消费。所以要颁布这样一项限制措施,就是为了减少人们购买酒类饮品的数量。所以,正确答案为D。60. What is the purpose of Californias rule about alcohol display in gas stations?答案:D. To get alcohol out of drivers immediate sight.【解析】推理题。由关键词California定位至文章最后一段。Display and sales restrictions: Californi a has a rule prohibiting alcohol displays near the cash registers in gas stations, and in most places you cant buy alcohol at drive-through facilities. At supermarkets, food companies pay to have their wares in places where theyre easily seen. One could remove junk food to the back of the store and ban them from the shelves at checkout lines.关键词display,由此可知主要强调要把垃圾食品淡出人们的视线。所以,正确答案为D。61. What is the general guideline the Rand researchers suggest about junk food control?答案:C. Borrowing ideas from alcohol control measures.【解析】细节题。由关键词Rand researchers定位到第二段。文中提到“So heres a suggestion offered by two researchers at the Rand Corporation: Why not take a lesson from alcohol control policies and apply them to where food is sold and how its displayed? take a lesson即borrow ideas,由此可知,Rand公司的研究人员建议借鉴控酒措施的经验,所以,正确答案为C。Section B Passage 2【总评】本文为我们分析了柯达公司虽然看到了市场前景,但是并没有在战略上把握机会,等意识到错误时,已经为时已晚,并最终走向衰败。对于一出生就接触各种数码产品的考生来说,柯达也许是个并不熟悉的企业,这或许会对阅读带来一定影响。而且本文也有不少商务用语,如strategy(战略,策略)、sponsorship(赞助),及一些关键词如anticipate(预期、预计)等,难度并不算小。所以平时对于词汇的积累是快速理解阅读内容的关键。62. B. Its approaching its downfall.【解析】细节题。从全文第一句中的bankruptcy (破产) 以及第二段第一句Although many attribute Kodaks downfall to complacency. 可知柯达已经衰落了。所以正确答案为B。根据第全文第一句a sad, though not unexpected turning point 可知柯达的衰败,是早有预期的,而不是突然的,排除答案A. It went bankrupt all of a sudden;根据第一段最后一句. but ultimately failed to adapt to the digital revolution可知柯达最终没有适应数字革命,排除答案C. It initiated the digital revolution in the film industry;根据第一段内容,dominate用的是过去分词形式,即柯达在胶卷市场占主导地位是过去的事实,而非现今,排除答案D. It is playing the dominant role in the film market.63. A. To show its early attempt to reinvent itself.【解析】推理题。柯达发明第一台数码相机的例子出现在第二段,该段一开始指出很多人将柯达的衰败归结于柯达的自满,但是这个解释并没有承认柯达在自我改造上做出的努力。接下来作者用柯达发明了第一台数码相机来例证柯达在reinvent上的尝试。所以正确答案为A。答案C. To show its quick adaptation to the digital revolution.与第一段最后一句ultimately failed to adapt to the digital revolution. 相冲突,且发明了第一台数码相机并不足以说明其顺应了数码革命。64. D. They are deeply stuck in their glorious past.【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词large companies和switch定位到第四段最后一句Large companies have a difficult time switching to new markets because there is a temptation to put existing assets into the new businesses. 根据此句可知,大公司不能进入新市场的原因是他们在开创新业务的过程中,依然不愿放弃现有的优势。接来下第五段用柯达的事例继续阐释了这句话的含义,即 too rooted in the successes of the past for it to make the clean break necessary to fully embrace the future,沉溺于过去的辉煌,而不能完全拥抱未来。所以正确答案为D. They are deeply stuck in their glorious past.65. A. A burden.【解析】细节题。根据第五段最后一句话Their history was so important to them. Now their history has become a liability.可知柯达的历史已成自身发展的负担。burden是对liability的同义转换。所以正确答案为A。66. C. Its refusal to sponsor the 1984 Olympics.【解析】细节题。最后一段第一句说柯达在过去几十年间的衰败是戏剧性的。之后通过一个个例子来举例说明。从文中Kodaks decision not to pursue the role of official film for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics was a major miscalculation.可知柯达犯的主要错误是没有赞助1984年的奥林匹克。而对手富士拿到了竞标,并由此赢得了市场上的永久立足点。所以正确答案为C。友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!6 / 6


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