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2022年考博英语-东北大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题The speaker was known to be quite the( ), so the program was well attended.问题1选项A.raconteurB.raquonteurC.racquonteurD.raqonteur【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项raconteur“健谈者;擅长讲故事的人”;B,C和D这三项在英语中不存在。句意:大家都知道这位演讲者的确是一位健谈者,所以这个节目有很多人参加。结合句意,故A选项正确。2. 单选题In order to( )the agreement between the employee and the employer, both sides must sign it.问题1选项A.extractB.endorseC.notifyD.validate【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项extract“提取;取出;摘录;榨取”;B选项 endorse“背书;认可;签署;赞同”;C选项notify“通告,通知;公布”;D选项validate“证实,验证;确认;使生效”。句意:为了使雇员和雇主之间的协议生效,双方必须在该协议上签字。因此D选项正确。3. 单选题According to the newspaper critic, the performances at the talent contest last night ( ) from acceptable to excellent.问题1选项A.variedB.recededC.averagedD.declined【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项vary“变化;变异”;B选项recede“后退;减弱”;C选项average“平均为”;D选项decline“下降;衰落;谢绝”。句意:这份报纸的评论家称,昨晚才艺大赛上的表演在从可接受的到极好的范围变化着。结合句意,A选项正确。4. 单选题Rocks which have solidified directly from molten materials are called igneous rocks. Igneous rocks are commonly referred to as primary rocks because they are the original source of material found in sedimentaries and metamorphics. Igneous rocks compose the greater part of the earths crust, but they are generally covered at the surface by a relatively thin layer of sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks are distinguished by the following characteristics: (1) they contain no fossils; (2) they have no regular arrangement of layers and (3) they are nearly always made up of crystals.Sedimentary rocks are composed largely of minute fragments derived from the disintegration of existing rocks and in some instances from the remains of animals. As sediments are transported, individual fragments are assorted according to size. Distinct layers of such sediments as gravel, sand, and clay build up, as they are deposited by water and occasionally wind. These sediments vary in size with the material and the power of the eroding agent. Sedimentary materials are laid down in layers called strata.When sediments harden into sedimentary rocks, the names applied to them change to indicate the change in physical state. Thus, small stones and gravel cemented together are known as conglomerates; cemented sand becomes sandstone; and hardened clay becomes shale. In addition to these, other sedimentary rocks such as limestone frequently result from the deposition of dissolved material. The ingredient parts are normally precipitated by organic substances, such as shells of clams or hard skeletons of other marine life.Both igneous and sedimentary rocks may be changed by pressure, heat, solution, or cementing action. When individual grains from existing rocks tend to deform and interlock, they are called metamorphic rocks. For example, granite, an igneous rock, may be metamorphosed into a gneiss or a schist. Limestone, a sedimentary rock, when subjected to heat and pressure may become marble, a metamorphic rock. Shale under pressure becomes slate.1.The primary purpose of the passage is to ( ).2.All of the following are sedimentary rocks EXCEPT ( ).3.The passage would be most likely to appear in a ( ).4.The relationship between igneous and sedimentary rocks may best be compared to the relationship between ( ).5.The authors tone in the passage can be best described as ( ).问题1选项A.explain the factors that may cause rocks to change in formB.show how the scientific names of rocks reflect the rocks compositionC.define and describe several diverse kinds of rocksD.differentiate between different kinds of igneous rocks问题2选项A.shaleB.schistC.sandD.gravel问题3选项A.newspaper feature explaining how oil is foundB.pamphlet promoting conservation of natural resourcesC.teaching manual accompanying an earth science textD.nonfiction book explaining where to find fossils问题4选项A.water and landB.sand and clayC.nucleus and cell wallD.leaves and compost问题5选项A.objectiveB.meditativeC.concernedD.ironic【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.【试题解析】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章描述了igneous rocks 火成岩、sedimentary rocks 沉积岩及metamorphic rocks变质岩这三种岩石。因此判断C项“定义和描述了几种 不同种类的岩石”正确。2.【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干可以定位到原文尾段“For example, granite, an igneous rock, may be metamorphosed into a gneiss or a schist.”,中文大意为:例如,属于火成岩的花岗岩,可能变形成片麻岩或结晶片岩。B选项“片岩”正确,符合题意。3.【试题解析】推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章描述了igneous rocks 火成岩、sedimentary rocks 沉积岩及metamorphic rocks变质岩这三种岩石,判断C选项“附带在地球科学课本上的教学手册”,正确。4.【试题解析】推理判断题。由题干关键词igneous and sedimentary rocks可以定位到原文第一段 “Igneous rocks are commonly referred to as primary rocks because they are the original source of material found in sedimentaries and metamorphics.”,中文翻译为:火成岩通常被称为原生岩,因为它们是在沉淀物和变质物体中被发现的原材料。故选D“树叶和(树叶)堆肥”。5.【试题解析】观点态度题。通读全文,作者的对三种岩石的描述都客观的。因此A选项“客观的”符合题意。5. 单选题They worked for the complete( )of slavery for so long that they contributed their youth to this ideal.问题1选项A.abortionB.absorptionC.abolitionD.abomination【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项abortion“流产,堕胎,(计划等)失败”;B选项absorption“吸收;全神贯注,专心致志”;C选项abolition“废除;废止”;D选项abomination“厌恶;憎恨;令人厌恶的事物”。句意:他们为彻底废除奴隶制度工作了如此长的时间,以至于将自己的青春奉献给了这个理想。结合句意,C选项正确。6. 单选题Well, no gain without pain, they say. But what about pain without gain? Everywhere you go in America, you hear tales of corporate revival. What is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they presiding over is for real.The official statistics are mildly discouraging. They show that, if you lump manufacturing and services together, productivity has grown on average by 1.2% since 1997. That is somewhat faster than the average during the previous decade. And since 2001, productivity has increased by 2% a year, which is more than twice the 1988-1997 average. The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle, and so is not conclusive evidence of a revival in the underlying trend. There is, as the treasury secretary says, a “disjunction” between the mass of business anecdote that points to a leap in productivity and the picture reflected by the statistics.Some of this can be easily explained. New ways of organizing the workplace all that re-engineering and downsizing are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy, which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in education and training. Moreover, most of the changes that companies make are intended to keep them profitable, and this need not always mean increasing productivity: switching to new markets or improving quality can matter just as much.Two other explanations are more speculative. First, some of the business restructuring of recent years may have been ineptly done. Second, even if it was well done, it may have spread much less widely than people suppose.Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bon Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much “re-engineering” has been crude. In many cases, lie believes, the loss of revenue has been greater than the reductions in cost. His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied re-engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-term profitability. BBDOs Allen Rosenshine is blunter. He dismisses a lot of the work of re-engineering consultants as mere rubbish “the worst sort of ambulance-chasing.”81.According to the author, the American economic situation is ( ).82.The official statistics on productivity growth ( ).83.The author raises the question “What about pain without gain?” because ( ).84.What does the word “blunter” (para.5, line 6) mean?85.Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?问题1选项A.not as good as it seemsB.at its turning pointC.much better than it seemsD.near to complete recovery问题2选项A.exclude the usual rebound in a business cycleB.fall short of businessmens anticipationC.meet the expectation of business peopleD.fail to reflect the true state of economy问题3选项A.he questions the truth of “no gain without pain”B.he does not think the productivity revolution worksC.he wonders if the official statistics are misleadingD.lie has conclusive evidence for the revival of businesses问题4选项A.reasonableB.disturbedC.more insensibleD.franker问题5选项A.Radical reforms are essential for the increase of productivity.B.New ways of organizing workplaces may help increase productivity.C.The reduction of costs is not a sure way to gain long-term profitability.D.Opening up new markets may increase the companies profitability.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干定位到原文第二段“The official statistics are mildly discouraging.”中文翻译为:官方的统计数字有点令人气馁。故选A“没有看上去那么好”。2.【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干定位到原文第二段“There is, as the treasury secretary says, a disjunction between the mass of business anecdote that points to a leap in productivity and the picture reflected by the statistics.”中文翻译:正如财政部长说的,生产力发生飞跃的商业传奇与统计数字所反映的情况之间存在着一种“脱节”。可知最佳答案为B选项“低于商人的预期”。3.【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干定位到原文第一段“What is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they presiding over is for real.”中文翻译:商人们认为自己主持着生产力革命,但是要确定是否确有其事却更加困难,以及尾段“BBDO s Allen Rosenshine is blunter. He dismisses a lot of the work of re-engineering consultants as mere rubbish.”中文翻译为:BBDO公司的艾伦罗森希纳更加直率。他把许多重组咨询专家所做的工作视为垃圾。可以推断出答案选择B“他认为生产力革命并未奏效”。4.【试题解析】词汇题。A: reasonable“合理的,公道的”;B: disturbed“打扰的:心烦意乱的”;C: more insensible“更无动于衷的”;D: franker“更直率的”。根据题干定位到原文第五段“BBDO s Allen Rosenshine is blunter. He dismisses a lot of the work of re-engineering consultants as mere rubbish.”中文翻译为:BBDO公司的艾伦罗森希纳更加直率。他把许多重组咨询专家所做的工作视为垃圾,推测出blunter有“更直率的”含义,故选D。5.【试题解析】细节事实题。根据B选项“组织工作场所的新方法可以帮助提高生产力”可以定位到原文第三段“New ways of organizing the workplace all that re-engineering and downsizing are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy.”中文翻译为:组织工作场所的新方法所有那些重新设计和缩小规模的做法只是对一个经济的整体生产力做出了一个方面的贡献,根据C选项“降低成本并不能保证带来长期利润”可以定位到原文尾段“His colleague, Michael Beer, says that far too many companies have applied re-engineering in a mechanistic fashion, chopping out costs without giving sufficient thought to long-term profitability.”中文翻译为:他的同事,迈克比尔说,太多的公司已用机械的方式进行重组,在没有充分考虑到长期赢利能力的情况下降低了成本。根据D选项“打通新市场可能增加公司的利润率”可以定位到原文第三段“Moreover, most of the changes that companies make are intended to keep them profitable, and this need not always mean increasing productivity: switching to new markets or improving quality can matter just as much.”中文翻译为:另外,公司的大部分改革都是为了赢利,而这种需求并不总是意味着提高生产力:转向新的市场或改善产品质量也会有同样的功效。只有A选项未在文中提及,符合题意。7. 单选题She thought it could do no harm to( )her escort a bit, at least on his taste in wines.问题1选项A.complementB.flatterC.flattenD.decorate【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项complement“补足;补充”;B选项flatter “奉承;谄媚;使高兴”;C选项flatten“击败;摧毁;使 平坦”;D选项decorate“装饰;布置”。句意:她认为,稍微奉承下她的陪同不可能带来害处,至少在奉承其对葡萄酒的品味上不可能带来害处。结合此处语境,B选项正确。8. 翻译题Passage OneNone of the much flaunted appeals of cigarette advertisers, such as superior taste and mildness, induces us to become smokers or to choose one brand in preference to another. Despite the emphasis put on such qualities by advertisers, they are minor considerations. This is one of the first facts we discovered when we asked several hundred people from all walks of life, why they liked to smoke cigarettes. Smoking is as much a psychological pleasure as it is a physiological satisfaction.What is the nature of this psychological pleasure? It can be traced to the universal desire for self-expression. (2) None of us ever completely outgrows our childhood. We are constantly hunting for the carefree enjoyment we knew as children. As we grew older, we had to subordinate our pleasures to work and to the necessity for unceasing effort. Smoking, for many of us, then, became a substitute for our early habit of following the whims of the moment; it becomes a legitimate excuse for interrupting work and snatching a moment of pleasure.Most of us are hungry for rewards. We want to be patted on the back. A cigarette is a reward that we can give ourselves as often as we wish. When we have done anything well, for instance, we can congratulate ourselves with a cigarette, which certifies, in effect, that we have been “good boys.”Passage Two(3) There is increasing media coverage surrounding carbon footprints. Businesses are facing mounting stakeholder pressure to show their commitment to measuring and reducing carbon emissions. As awareness amongst consumers is growing, organizations are being asked to report on the activities they are undertaking to reduce their carbon footprint. Until recently, most carbon offsets were commonly done by planting trees.Yet how effective are new trees in offsetting the carbon footprint? A new study suggests that the location of the new trees is an important factor when considering such carbon offset projects. (4) Planting and preserving forests in the tropics is more likely to slow down global warming. But the study concludes that planting new trees in certain parts of the planet may actually warm the Earth. The new study, which combines climate and carbon-cycle effects of large-scale deforestation in a fully interactive three-dimensional climate-carbon model, confirms that planting more tropical rainforests could help slow global warming worldwide.The research, led by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory atmospheric scientist Govindasamy Bala, appears in the April 9-13 online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.According to the study, new forests in mid-to high-latitude locations could actually create a net warming. Specifically, more trees in mid-latitude locations like the United States and most of Europe would only create marginal benefits from a climate perspective. But those extra trees in the boreal forests of Canada, Scandinavia and Siberia could actually be counterproductive, Bala said.Forests affect climate in three different ways: they absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help keep the planet cool; they evaporate water to the atmosphere and increase cloudiness, which also helps keep the planet cool; and they are dark and absorb sunlight (the albedo effect), warming the Earth. Previous climate change mitigation strategies that promote planting trees have taken only the first effect into account.“Our study shows that only tropical rainforests are strongly beneficial in helping slow down global warming,” Bala said. “It is a win-win situation in the tropics because trees in the tropics, in addition to absorbing carbon dioxide, promote convective clouds that help to cool the planet. In other locations, the warming from the albedo effect either cancels or exceeds the net cooling from the other two effects.”The study concludes that by the year 2100, forests in mid-and high-latitudes will make some places up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than would have occurred if the forests did not exist.(5) The authors caution that the cooling from deforestation outside the tropics should not be viewed as a strategy for mitigating climate change. “Preservation of ecosystems is a primary goal of preventing global warming, and the destruction of ecosystems to prevent global warming would be a counterproductive and perverse strategy.” Said Ken Caldeira, from the Carnegie Institution and a co-author of this report.Directions: Each of the following two passages has some underlined parts. Translate the underlined parts into Chinese and write your translation on the Answer Sheet.【答案】Passage One(1)【参考译文】香烟广告商所十分炫耀的香烟吸引力中,如出众的味道和温和,没有一种引诱我们去变为吸烟者或偏好地选择一个品牌。尽管广告商强调此类品质,但是它们却是次要的考虑。这是我们在询问数百位来自各行各业的人为何喜欢吸烟时,所发现的最初事实中的一件。吸烟是一种心理享受,也是一种生理满足。(2)【参考译文】我们没有人能完全摆脱我们的童年。我们一直在寻找儿时那种无忧无虑的享受。随着年龄的增长,我们不得不把我们的乐趣置于工作和必须的不断的努力之下。于是,对我们许多人来说,吸烟代替了我们早年一时冲动的习惯;这成了打断工作、享受片刻快乐的正当借口。Passage Two(3)【参考译文】媒体对碳排放量的报道越来越多。企业受到利益相关方越来越大的压力,要求它们表现出测量和减少碳排放的承诺。随着消费者意识的提高,各企业被要求报告他们为减少碳排放量而开展的活动。直到最近,大部分的碳抵消都是通过植树来完成的。(4)【参考译文】在热带地区种植和保护森林更有可能减缓全球变暖。但研究得出的结论是,在地球的某些地区种植新树木实际上可能会使地球变暖。这项新的研究在一个完全互动的三维气候碳模型中结合了大规模森林砍伐对气候和碳循环的影响,证实种植更多的热带雨林有助于减缓全球变暖。(5)【参考译文】作者警告说,热带以外森林砍伐的降温不应被视为减缓气候变化的策略。“保护生态系统是防止全球变暖的首要目标,为了防止全球变暖而破坏生态系统将是一种适得其反的错误策略。”9. 单选题There was much( )among the cyclists after the difficult ride.问题1选项A.camaraderieB.camradeneC.commraderieD.comraderie【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项camaraderie“友情”;B,C和D这三项在英语中不存在。句意:在这个艰难的骑行后,这些骑车者之间产生了很多友情。结合句意,故A选项正确。10. 单选题The chairman made a( )statement before the opening ceremony.问题1选项A.intensiveB.intermediateC.preliminaryD.solitary【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项intensive“加强的;集中的;透彻的;加强语气的”;B选项intermediate“中间的,中级的”;C选项preliminary “初步的;开端的;预备性的”;D选项solitary“孤独的;独居的”。句意:在开幕式之前,这位主席做了一个预备性的陈述。根据句意,判断出C选项正确。11. 单选题The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it was( )to the issue at hand.问题1选项A.irrationalB.unreasonableC.irrelevantD.invalid【答案】C【解析】【试题解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项irrational“不合理的”;B选项unreasonable“不合理的;非理智的”;C选项irrelevant“不相干的;不切题的”;D选项invalid“无效的;有病的;残废的”。句意:这位法官判定这一证据是不予采纳的,理由是它与手头的案件是不相干的。C选项正确。12. 单选题After a big Thanksgiving, most people feel( )from the tryptophan in the turkey.问题1选项A.slipshodB.languidC.diminutiveD.extemporaneous【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项slipshod“潦草的;穿着不整洁的”;B选项languid“倦怠的;呆滞的;软弱无力的”;C选项diminutive“小的,小型的,微小的”;D选项extemporaneous“即席的,临时的;不用讲稿的”。句意:在一个丰盛的感恩节后,大多数人因火鸡中的色氨酸而感觉软弱无力。结合句意,故B选项正确。13. 单选题His newly published book advanced the( )that whales are as intelligent as humans.问题1选项A.rulingB.proposalC.hypothesisD.protocol【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项ruling“统治,支配;裁定”;B选项proposal“提议,建议;求婚”;C选项hypothesis“假设”;D选项protocol“协议;草案;礼仪”。句意:他最新出版的书提出鲸鱼如同人类一样聪明的假设。结合句意,C选项正确。14. 单选题Her letter was in such a casual crawl, and in such pale ink, that it was( ).问题1选项A.vagueB.illegibleC.ambiguousD.intelligible【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项vague“模糊的;含糊的;不明确的;暧昧的”;B选项illegible“难辨认的;字迹模糊的”;C选项ambiguous“模糊不清的;引起歧义的”;D选项intelligible“可理解的;明了的”。句意:她的文字是如此随意的爬行和如此暗淡,以至于它是难辨认的。根据句意可知B选项正确。15. 单选题UK and China has something similar in their compulsory education system. Firstly, both in UK and China, “most children receive free educational finance from public funds, but small portions attend schools wholly independent of public financial support. Secondly, both of the two countries have laws to ensure compulsory education. Thirdly, the two countries have the same curriculums. For example, according to Zhu Yongtao and Wang Lili, foreign languages are taught as an integral part of the curriculum, reflecting the importance of Britishs relationship with Europe and Chinas relationship with English speaking countries. Fourthly, students in China and UK both spend 6 years finishing primary education. Fifthly, there are some important exams for students in compulsory education systems in China and UK. In UK, there are two main examinations. The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is usually taken by 16-year-old children. The General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level (GCEA level), is normally taken at the end of the second year by 19-year-old students. In China, except for an exam for the sixth grade graduates in primary school, there is a high school entrance examination for Junior 3 students.There are lots of differences between China and UK in compulsory education. It can be divided into five parts.Firstly,


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