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2022-2023年ACCA英国注册会计师试题库含答案(300题)1. 单选题 A company makes a component for one of its products in-house. It uses an average of 5,000 of these throughout the year. The production rate for these components is 500 per week and the cost of holding one item for the year is $1.50. The factory is open for 50 weeks per year. The company has calculated that the economic batch quantity is 2,000. What is the production setup cost per batch?A $213B $240C $480D $960考点 Chapter6Accountingformaterials解析 Annual production rate = 500 x 50 = 25,000 Using the economic batch quantity formula given,2,000= V(2 x setup cost x 5,000)/(1.5 x (1-5,000/25,000)2,0002 = 2 x setup cost x 5,000/1.5 x 0.8 Setup cost = 2,0002 x 1.5 x 0.8 /2 x 5,000 Setup cost = $4802. 材料题 What was the sales volume profit variance for February?A $900 (F)B $1,200 (F)C $900 (A)D $2,100 (A)考点 考点:Chapter22Applicationofperformancemeasurement解析 Budgeted sales volume per month =Budgeted material cost of sales /Standard material cost per unit=$2,300/$10=230 unitsBudgeted profit margin per unit=Budgeted monthly profit margin /Budgeted monthly sales volume=$6,900/230=$30per unitBudgeted sales volume 230 unitsActual sales volume200 unitsSales volume variance in units 30 units (A)Standard profit per unit x$30Sales volume variance in $ $900(A)3. 单选题 The following statements refer to qualities of good information: (i) It should be communicated to the right person. (ii) It should always be completely accurate before it is used. (iii) It should be understandable by the recipient. Which of the above statements are correct? A (i) and (ii) onlyB (i) and (iii) onlyC (ii) and (iii) onlyD (i), (ii) and (iii)考点 Chapter2Sourcesofdata解析 The information should be sufficiently accurate given time and cost constraints. Managers should be made aware of the degree of accuracy of the information.4. 单选题 Expiry of a fixed-term contract without renewal amounts to a dismissal.A TrueB False考点 Chapter9Dismissalandredundancy解析 True. Non-renewal constitutes dismissal.5. 单选题 A company which makes two products, Alpha and Zeta, uses activity-based costing toabsorb its overheads. It has recently identified a new overhead cost pool for inspectioncosts and has decided that the cost driver is the number of inspections. The following information has been provided: Total inspection costs $250,000 Alpha Zeta Production volume (units) 2,500 8,000 Machine hours per unit 1 1.5 Units per batch 500 1,000 Inspections per batch 4 1 What is the inspection cost per unit for product Alpha? A $23.81B $17.24C $71.43D $80.00考点 Chapter2aActivitybasedcosting解析 Alpha batches (2,500/500) = 5; therefore inspections required for Alpha (5 4) = 20Zeta batches (8,000/1,000) = 8; therefore inspections required for Zeta (8 1) = 8OAR = $250,000/28 = $8,928.57Alpha cost/unit = (20 $8,928.57)/2,500 units = $71.436. 单选题 Zee plc is a retailer of sportswear. Last year its turnover was 3 million and its balance sheet total was1.5 million. Zee plc is exempt from audit. A TrueB False考点 Chapter19Othercompanyofficers解析 Although its turnover and balance sheet total suggest the company is small and exempt from audit,the company is a plc and therefore the exemption does not apply. Zee plc must have an audit.7. 简答题 Explain two factors that should be considered when designing divisional performance measures.考点 Chapter21Performancemeasurement解析 Factors that should be considered when designing divisional performance measures. These include:Each measure should be simple to calculate and to understand so that managers can see the effect of the decisions that they make on the measurement of their divisions performance.Each measure should be fair to the manager of the division and only include items that are within their control.8. 单选题 The following balances have been extracted from the nominal ledger accounts of Tanya,for bank loan is unknown.There are no other accounts in the main ledger .Payables$ 27,000 Capital66,000 Purchases160,000 Sales300,000O ther expenses110,000 Receivables33,000 Purchase returns2,000 Non-current assets120,000 Cash in bank18,000 Bank loanUnknownWhat is the credit balance on the bank loan account? A $46,000B $102,000C $78,000D $34,000考点 Chapter16Correctionoferrors解析 9. 单选题 The following extract is taken from the production cost budget of S Co. Production (units) 2,000 3,000 Production cost ($) 11,100 12,900 What is the budget cost allowance for an activity level of 4,000 units? A $7,200B $7,500C $13,460D $14,700考点 Chapter16Thebudgetaryprocess解析 Units $High activity 3,000 12,900Low activity 2,000 11,100Increase 1,000 1,800Variable cost per unit =$1,800/1,000=$1.80 per unitFixed cost, substituting in high activity = $12,900 - (3,000 x $1.80) =$7,500Budget cost allowance for 4,000 units: $Variable cost (4,000 x $1.80) 7,200Fixed cost7,500 14,700Option A is the variable cost allowance only and option B is the fixed cost allowance only. If you selected option C your variable cost per unit calculation was upside down ($1,000/1,800 instead of $1,800/1,00010. 单选题 X department is a division of W Plc. X department usually has a quarterly wages cost of $4,500,000. Quarterly material costs are usually around $2,000,000. W Plc made a central decision to award all employees a wages increase of 2%.Which of the following variances for the latest quarter are worth investigating?(i) Direct material price variance $400 (A)(ii) Labour rate variance $90,000 (A)(iii) Sales volume variance $4,000,000 (F)A (i) and (iii) onlyB (i) and (ii) onlyC (i), (ii) and (iii)D (iii) only考点 Chapter16Thebudgetaryprocess解析 The direct material price variance is too small to be material and is therefore not worth investigating. The labour rate variance can be explained by the company wide increase of 2% and so it is not worthy of investigation.The sales volume variance is large and should be investigated, even though it is favourable. Managers need to plan for the future and need to know whether the increase in sales is a one off or likely to continue into the next quarter.11. 填空题 This objective test question contains a question type which will only appear in a computer-based exam, but this question provides valuable practice for all students whichever versionof the exam they are taking. At the end of 20X1, an investment centre has net assets of $1m and annual operatingprofits of $190,000. However, the bookkeeper forgot to account for the following: A machine with a net book value of $40,000 was sold at the start of the year for $50,000,and replaced with a machine costing $250,000. Both the purchase and sale are cashtransactions. No depreciation is charged in the year of purchase or disposal. The investmentcentre calculates return on investment (ROI) based on closing net assets. Assuming no other changes to profit or net assets, what is the return on investment (ROI)for the year? 考点 Chapter17Divisionalperformanceandtransferpricing解析 Revised annual profit = $190,000 + $10,000 profit on the sale of the asset = $200,000Revised net assets = $1,000,000 $40,000 NBV + $50,000 cash $250,000 cash +$250,000 asset = $1,010,000 ROI = ($200,000/$1,010,000) 100 = 19.8%12. 材料题 Division Y of Chardonnay currently has capital employed of $100,000 and earns an annual profitafter depreciation of $18,000. The divisional manager is considering an investment of $10,000 inan asset which will have a ten-year life with no residual value and will earn a constant annual profitafter depreciation of $1,600. The cost of capital is 15%. Calculate the following and comment on the results. (i) The return on divisional investment before and after the new investment (ii) The divisional residual income before and after the new investment 考点 考点:Chapter17Divisionalperformanceandtransferpricing解析 (i) Return on divisional investment (ROI) Before investment After investmentDivisional profit $18,000 $19,600Divisional investment $100,000 $110,000Divisional ROI 18.0% 17.8%The ROI will fall in the short term if the new investment is undertaken. This is a problemwhich often arises with ROI, as noted in part (a) of this solution.(ii) Divisional residual incomeThe residual income will increase if the new investment is undertaken. The use of residualincome has highlighted the fact that the new project returns more than the cost of capital(16% compared with 15%).13. 单选题 Aluki fixes prices to make a standard gross profit percentage on sales of 20%. The following information for the year ended 31 January 20X3 is available to compute her sales total for the year. $ Inventory: 1 February 20X2 243,000 31 January 20X3 261,700 Purchases 595,400 Purchases returns 41,200 What is the sales figure for the year ended 31 January 20X3? A $669,375B $702,600C $772,375D $741,480考点 Chapter17Incompleterecords解析 $669,375 $Cost of sales243,000Opening inventory 595,400Purchases Less (41,200)purchases returns 797,200Less: closing inventory (261,700) 535,500 : Sales = 535,500 x 100/80 = $669,375 14. 单选题 Which of the following statements about disability discrimination law is not true?A The requirements only effect employers of more than 20 employeesB Employers must adjust working arrangements or the physical features of premises to remove any disadvantage to disabled peopleC For an individual to be defined as a disabled person, the physical or mental impairment must have an adverse effect of more than 12 months duration D Public bodies have additional duties to protect and promote equality for disabled people考点 Chapter13Diversityandequalopportunities解析 Rationale: The duty is to make reasonable adjustments. The other statements are true.15. 单选题 A manager is assessing the performance of her team members. In accordance with the appraisal system of the organisation, she has been given a list of characteristics and performance elements, with notes on how to interpret and apply the terms: integrity, punctuality and so on. She is required to comment on how each appraisee measures up in terms of each factor Which appraisal technique is this organisation using? A Overall assessmenB GradingC Behavioural incidentD Guided assessment考点 Chapter17Performanceappraisal解析 Rationale: Overall assessment is narrative comment without the guidance on how the termsshould be applied. Grading uses rating scales (definitions of performance on each characteristic from 1-5, say). Behavioural incident methods compare specific behaviours against typical behaviour in each job. 16. 单选题 Which of the following functions are fulfilled by a goods received note (GRN)?(i) Provides information to update the inventory records on receipt of goods(ii) Provides information to check the quantity on the suppliers invoice(iii) Provides information to check the price on the suppliers invoiceA (i) and (ii) onlyB (i)and(iii) onlyC (ii) and(iii) onlyD (i) only考点 Chapter6Accountingformaterials解析 Among other things, the GRN is used to update the inventory records and to check that the quantity invoiced by the supplier was actually received. The GRN does not usually contain price information. Therefore the correct answer is A.17. 单选题 A company uses process costing to value its output. The following was recorded for the period: Input materials 2,000 units at $4.50 per unit Conversion costs 13,340 Normal loss 5% of input valued at $3 per unit Actual loss 150 units There were no opening or closing inventories.What was the valuation of one unit of output to one decimal place? A $11.8B $11.6C $11.2D $11.0考点 Chapter21Performancemeasurement解析 nput costs = 2,000 units x $4.50 = $9,000Conversation costs= $13,340Normal loss= 5% x 2,000 units x $3 =$300Expected output= 2,000 units - 100 units =1,900 unitsCost per unit of output =Input costs/ Expected output=$9,000 + $13,340 - $300/ 1,900 units=$22,040/1,900 units=$11.6 (to one decimal point)18. 单选题 Which of the following would not form part of a fraud response plan?A Suspending staff suspected of fraudulent activityB Investigating the activities and contacts of a suspected fraudsterC Fraud awareness training and recruitment controls.考点 Chapter10Identifyingandpreventingfraud解析 Rationale: These are measures for fraud prevention and control. A fraud response plan specifically deals with investigating and dealing with the consequences of identified frauds. This includes taking immediate steps to secure the security of records that will be investigated (option A) and launching an investigation into the method and extent of fraud (option B) 19. 单选题 Which of the following statements regarding treasury shares is correct?A Only public limited companies may create treasury sharesB A company may exercise voting rights on its treasury sharesC Treasury shares may be reissued for cash without the usual issuing formalities考点 Chapter15Sharecapital解析 Any limited company may create treasury shares by purchasing its own shares for cash or out ofdistributable profit. It cannot exercise voting rights attaching to the shares, but may re-issue them forcash without the usual issuing formalities.20. 单选题 Which of the following items might be a suitable cost unit within the credit control department of a company?(i) Stationery cost(ii) Customer account (iii) Cheque received and processed A Item (i) onlyB Item (ii) onlyC Item (iii) onlyD Items (ii) and (iii) only考点 Chapter4Costclassification解析 It would be appropriate to use the cost per customer account and the cost per cheque received and processed for control purposes. Therefore items (ii) and (iii) are suitable cost units. Stationery costs, item (i), is an expense of the department, therefore it is not a suitable cost unit.21. 材料题 材料全屏 A company has a budgeted material cost of $125,000 for the production of 25,000 units per month. Each unit is budgeted to use 2 kg of material. The standard cost of material is $2.50 per kg.Actual materials in the month cost $136,000 for 27,000 units and 53,000 kg were purchased and used.58 【单项选择题】 What is the direct labour rate variance for the company in 20X3? A $400 (A)B $2,500 (F)C $2,500 (A)D $3,200 (A)考点 考点:Chapter21Performancemeasurement解析 $2,300 hours should have cost (x $7)16,100but did cost18,600Rate variance2,500(A)22. 简答题 Camberwell runs a construction company. Classify the following costs by nature (direct or indirect) in the table below. Cost Direct Indirect Bricks Plant hire for long term contract Builders wages Accountants wages 考点 Chapter4Costclassification解析 Cost Direct IndirectBricks 对Plant hire for long term contract 对Builders wages 对Accountants wages对23. 材料题 What was the actual usage of direct material during February?A 800 kgB 1,000 kgC 1,200 kgD None of these考点 考点:Chapter22Applicationofperformancemeasurement解析 Since there was no change in inventories, the usage variance can be used to calculate the material usage.Saving in material used compared with standard=$400(F) /$2 per kg=200 kgStandard material usage for actual production (200 units x 5kg) 1,000kgUsage variance in kg 200kg(F)Actual usage of material 800kg24. 不定项选择题 Which of the following statements about target costing is not true?A Target costing is better suited to assembly orientated industries than service industries that have alarge fixed cost base.B Costs may be reduced in target costing by removing product features that do not add value.C A target cost gap is the difference between the target cost for a product and its projected cost.D Products should be discontinued if there is a target cost gap.考点 Chapter2bTargetcosting解析 Products should be discontinued if there is a target cost gapFor services that have a large fixed cost based, other methods of cost control may be


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