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Module 3单元检测一、按正确顺序排列下单词1. t, a, r, d, t, i, i, n, o, a, l_2. a, u, s, s, g, a, e, s_3. f, d, i, f, e, r, n, e, t_4. l, i, d, e, i, o, c, u, s_5. m, a, h, b, r, u, g, e, r_6. a, s, n, d, i, w, c, h_7. e, a, r, y, l_8. b, k, r, e, f, a, a, s, t_二、英汉互译吃早饭_吃午饭_吃晚饭_ 一顿传统英国晚餐_在学校_ cook Chinese food_very much_last night_给某人某物_an email from Lingling_三、写出下列单词的过去式has_say_eat_drink_buy_give_do_are_like_see_get_is_四、判断下列单词划线部分发音是否一致,用“”或“”表示( ) 1. teacher please( ) 2. week sea( ) 3. head meat( ) 4. sweater deaf( ) 5. here there ( ) 6. hear near( ) 7. their where ( ) 8. bear pear( ) 9. great eat ( ) 10. really read五、选择( ) 1. I_ at school yesterday.A. was B. were C. am( ) 2. I_ sausages and bread last night.A. have B. had C. has( ) 3. This is an email_ English food.A. for B. on C. about( ) 4. Lingling had some noodles_ dinner.A. for B. to C. on( ) 5. Shes got a letter_ her good friends.A. for B. to C. from( ) 6. I_ juice last night and I_ milk tonight.A. drink, drink B. drank, drank C. drank, am going to drink( ) 7. I_ toast and jam, but he_ bread.A. like, like B. likes, likes C. like, likes( ) 8. Please give_ a book.A. he B. her C. I( ) 9. Give the book_ the boy, please.A. to B. in C. on( ) 10. _did you eat yesterday? At a fast food restaurant.A. What B. When C. Where六、用所给动词适当形式填空1. He_ (eat) hamburger yesterday.2. She_ (buy) some bread tomorrow.3. They_ (have) an English dinner last night.4. I want to_ (drink) some milk.5. Amy likes_ (eat) sandwiches.6 We_ (give) a nice present to her last month.7. There_ (be) lots of buses now, but there_ (be) not any twenty years ago.8. My father didnt_ (learn) English, but he_ (learn) now.七、从B栏中找出合适的答语。A栏 B栏( ) 1. Was he at school? a. Yes, he did.( ) 2. Did he go to the park? b. At 8:00.( ) 3. What was your father before? c. No, he wasnt.( ) 4. What did you do last night? d. He was a worker.( ) 5. When did you have dinner? e. I went to my friends home.八、按要求做1. She plays table tennis every day. (用yesterday改写句子)_2. Grandma is going to cook Chinese food for Lingling. (用last night改写)_3. He is going to go to London next week. (用last week改写)_4 Tom did his homework at home. (变否定句)Tom_ _ his homework at home.5. Daming went to the zoo yesterday. (变否定句)_6. They were students three years ago. (变一般疑问句)_7. We ate some rice last night. (划线提问)_8. Did your mother buy a new kite? (否定回答)_九、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)A Piece of Meat(一块肉)A dog has a large piece of meat in his mouth. Near the water he looks down and sees himself in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has also a large piece of meat in his mouth. He says to himself: I want to get his meat. Then I can have two pieces. He opens his mouth to bark and his meat goes down into the water.判断正(T)误(F):( ) 1. There is a dog with a large piece of meat in his mouth.( ) 2. He sees another log in the water but he doesnt know its only himself.( ) 3. He thinks the dog in the water is himself.( ) 4. At last he has two pieces of meat.( ) 5. The dog is very clever.十、小作文Where did you go last Sunday?What did you do?What did you eat/drink?要求:用通顺的语言描述上周日你去过哪里,做过什么,一日三餐都吃些什么?不少于50个单词。_参考答案:一、略二、略三、 had, said, ate, drank, bought, gave, did, were, liked, saw, got, was,四、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 五、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C六、1. ate 2. is going to buy 3. had 4. drink 5. eating 6. gave 7. are, were 8. learn, is learning七、1. c 2. a 3. d 4. e 5. b 八、略九、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 十、略


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