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IV.听录音,填入所缺的单词。(10 分)PEP 版 6 年级英语上册:期中检测题(有答案)时间: 45 分钟 满分: 100 分听力部分(30 分)I.听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。(10 分)()1. A. pair()2. A. there()3. A. your()4. A. way()5. A. box()6. A. teacher()7. A. goes()8B. pearC. peachB. theirC. theyreB. tooC. twoB. dayC. mayB. booksC. bookB. doctorC. workerB. getsC. get. A. teachers B. Teachers C. teachersB. leaves C. lives B. ray C. rainbow()9. A. leaf( )10. A. rainn.听录音,排顺序。(5 分)( ) And then?() Excuse me. Where is the post office?( ) Thank you!() Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Its on the left.( ) It s east of the cinema.川.听录音,请根据对话及问题选择正确答案。(5 分)()1. A. Go to the zoo. B. Go to the park. C. Go to the country.()2. A. Visit her teacher. B. Visit her friends. C. Visit her grandparents.()3. A. Saturday morning. B. Saturday afternoon. C. Sunday morning.( )4. ABy bus.B. By train.C. By plane.()5. A. Play games.B. Play chess.C. Read a magazine.1._ do you go to school?I go to school by _ .2. Where is the _, please?Its next to the _ .3. What are you going to do on the _?_Im going to buy a _ book.4. Whats your _ ?I like_ kites.5. What does the _ come from?It comes from the _ .笔试部分 (70 分)I.根据首字母提示补全单词。(10 分)1. What is your fathers h_ ?2. My mother sings well. She is a s_ .3. She is a teacher. She t_ music.4. Her brother puts the s_ into the soil.5. We s_ help our parents.n.按要求改写单词。(10 分)1. ride(现在分词形式)_2. there is 缩写形式)_3. Tim(所有格形式)_4. sing (名词形式 )_5. we ( 宾格形式 )_6. 1(物主代词)_7. watch(第三人称单数形式)_8. hobby(复数形式)_9. play (现在分词形式 )_10. rain ( 形容词 )_m.单项选择。(10 分)()1. Mr Black is_teacher.A. they B. Theys C. their()2._ one do you like?A. Which B. Where C. Who()3._ you ofte n water your flowers?A. do B. Do C. Does()4. You can see a sprout_several days.A. on B. for C. in()5. I put my flower_ the sun every day.A. in B. for C. on()6. This is Mr Lis room._room is clea n.A. HeB. His C. A()7. Im in_ room.A. he B. my C. me()8. Joh n_draw ing pictures.A. like B. likes C. liki ng()9. A: Wheres Joh n?B:_A. Hes over there.B. Which one?C. Oh, shes in the classroom.()10. How many_ are there in the classroom?A. boy B. girl C. boys and girlsIV.按要求写句子。(10 分)1. Does your father go to work by subway?(作肯定与否定回答)2. My aunt works jn_a_supermarket.对画线部分提问)3. Jane likes to sing.对画线部分提问)4. There is some bread on the plate 改为一般疑问句)5. Jacks mother is fine.对画线部分提问)V选择恰当的句子补全对话。(10 分)A. Youre welcome.B. Which bus shall I take?C. I dont know.D. You can take a bus to go there.E. Please ask the woma n over therA: Excuse me sir. Could you tell me the way to Shenzhen Safari Park?B: Sorry, _1_ rm a tourist here. _2_A: Excuse me madam. How can I go to Shenzhen Safari Park?C: Go to the bus stati on on your right. _3_A: _4_C: You can take a No.365 bus.A: Thanks very much.C: _5_W.阅读理解。(12 分)The North Wind and the SunThe n orth wind and the sun are good frie nds. But one day they quarrel(争吵)about someth ing.“I am stronger than you,” the cold north wind says. “Indeed(事实上)youare not. Im stronger than you ” answers the soft warm sun.Just the n they see a man walk ing along the road.“ I can get that mans hat off his head ” the wind says.“ I can get that mans hat off his head too,” an swers the sun.“Then lets see who can get the mans hat off his head” says the wind. “Theone who can do that first is stro nge”“OK! You try it first,” says the soft warm sun.“ All right ! ” So the n orth wi nd beg ins to blow. But the harder the wi nd blowsthe tighter the man holds his hat and the coat. The wind cant make him take them off.“ It is my turn now,” the sun says. So the sun comes out and shines downwarmly upon the man.The man feels hot. He takes off his hat first and then even his coat.“ Thats eno ugh! You are stron ger tha n,l ” the wind says.A. 判断正(T)误(F)。()1.The n orth wind and sun are frien ds.()2.They n ever quarrel with each other.()3.Its very easy for the north wind to take off the mans hat.()4. The sun can make the man take off thehat.B. 回答问题并填空。1. Is there a man walking along the road? _, there_.2. Is he weari ng a hat or a cap?He is weari ng_ .3. What do the sun and the wind want to do?They want to see who can_ the mans hat_ .4. Who wi ns at last? _ wi ns.VD .写作。(8 分)请同学们根据下面所给出的内容以“ My friend ”为题,写一篇小作文。Lucy 王燕上海市阳光小学I六年级二班中国人年龄:12 岁长头发瘦家庭情况:妈妈:会计爱好:唱歌,跳舞爸爸:工程师 爱好:打篮球,看书要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范;不得少于50 个单词。参考答案及听力材料听力部分I. 1.1 want to buy a pair of shoes.2. There are some students in the class.3. Nice to meet you,too.4. May I go to the park with you?5. I need a big box of paper.6. My uncle is a worker.7. How can I get there?8. Happy Teachers Day!9. I can see three leaves.10. What a beautiful rainbow!(1 5 A A B C A 6 10 C C C B C)n. A: Excuse me. Where is the post office?B: It s east of the cinema.A: And then?B: Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. ItA: Thank you!(3 1 5 4 2)川.M : Where are you going on the weekend Chen Jie?C: I m going to the country.M : What are you going to do there?C: I m going to visit my grandparents.s on the left.


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