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人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教案Period One教学目标:1. 学会打招呼的用语:Hello! / Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! 2. 识别和掌握八个人名: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 教学重点、难点:1.词汇:Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 2.句型:Hello! Good morning!教学过程: Step 1. Warming-up 1. 课前上课铃响教师就播放Good morning歌曲。 2. 师生初次见面,教师通过自我介绍和问候学生,让学生放轻松,消除与教师间的陌生感,开始亲近教师。教师自我介绍并用Hello! / Good morning! 问候学生。帮助学生用Hello! / Good morning! 作回应。 Step 2. Play a game.绝大多数学生都会背诵26个字母表,因此学生参与这个游戏会相当积极。通过这个游戏首先可以锻炼他们迅速反应的能力;以英语名字作为奖励(老师提前准备好很多的英文名字),也使学生较有新鲜感,让他们自己选择自己的名字,使他们会更容易记住自己的名字。Play the game like this: Teacher says a letter, for example C, then let the Students tell the letters which is before and after C. The one who says B, D first is the winner. The winner can get a chance to choose an English name first.Step 3. Presentation 1.用预先制作的图片或挂图介绍八个人物和姓名。 2.出示Bob的图片,帮学生说Hello, Bob! 或 Good morning, Bob! 然后利用其他图片介绍其他七位人物的名字。 Step 4. Game在幻灯片上通过闪现头像来测试学生对这八个人物的特征和名字的记忆,然后出示7位人物的头像,让同学们看看少了哪一位人物的头像,有助于锻炼他们的反应力和注意力。获胜者也以英语名字作为奖励。Step 5. Presentation.出示Bob头像和时钟(早上),让同学们猜Bob会对我们说什么。然后帮助同学们练习说Hello!或者 Good morning!通过图画上的场景让学生进行猜测,满足学生的好奇心, 也让他们了解Good morning的使用。Step6. Work on 1a. 看1a图并写出图中人物名字,看有什么规律。这部分内容培养了学生的观察能力。 Step7. Work on 1b. Listen and repeat. 听录音,并跟读。Step8. Work on 1c. 同桌练习1a对话,老师在教室移动聆听帮助。并鼓励学生尽可能用自己刚才得到的英语名字进行操练,不会读的可以请教老师。当然允许他们使用自己的中文名字进行练习。关键是要鼓励学生大胆开口,愿意说的良好习惯。 Step9.Homework 1.熟悉八个人名,与图片联系,辨别性别。 2.用所学语言问候家人或朋友。 3.只做自己的姓名卡片,学会读自己的英文名字。板书设计:Unit 1 Good morning!Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, HelenHello! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!课后反思: 人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教案Period Two教学目标:1.学会正确朗读和书写Aa-Hh八个字母。2.了解一些常用缩略字的含义。3.巩固所学的八个人名。4.记住自己和同伴的英文名字。教学重点、难点:1.记住自己和同伴的英文名字。2.八个字母的正确书写和记住尽可能多的名字。教学过程:Step 1. Warming-upGreet all the students with : Hello, . or Good morning, . using their English names. At the same time let them repeat their names and try to remember their names. 让学生带上自己制作的有自己名字的卡片,可以让师生早日熟悉对方,也便于学生之间的互相了解。通过打招呼既复习了旧课,也可以让学生正确读出自己的名字,学会如何用自己名字与朋友交流。 Step 2.Presentation Show different letters on the slide picture and see if they can read them. First big letters, then small letters. 因为大部分同学对字母有些了解,通过这种方式既进行了复习,也可以知道他们对哪些字母掌握是不是很好,在后面的教学中加以注意。 Step 3. Learn the letters.1.Listen and repeat the eight letters. 从认读大小写字母开始,先学会正确地朗读,然后过渡到正确规范地书写,循序渐进让学生扎实巩固地掌握从Aa-Hh 这八个字母。2.Find the small letters for these big letters. 3.Listen and number the letters they hear. 4.Look and copy. 5. Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair. Step 4. Game.(Which letter is missing?) Show seven big letters(from A-H) on the slide picture, see who can find the missing letter. Then show seven small letters. Students play the game in a group of four. Everyone should get ready for two pieces of paper with seven big letters and seven small letters. 通过这个游戏既可以培养学生的反应能力,又可以巩固他们对字母的掌握。尤其通过四人小组游戏,既让他们锻炼了书写,又给了学生一个彼此熟悉和合作的机会。有助于以后活动的组织。 Step 5. Presentation Show some letters and ask them to read first, and then guess what they stand for. If they have difficulties, Teacher can give them some hints.让学生学会注意观察日常生活中出现的一些常用缩写词的含义,培养他们仔细观察的能力。Step 6. 2e. Talk about what these letters mean. 通过讨论解决问题,帮助培养他们的合作精神。Step 7. Practice. In groups of four, Ss introduce their English names first. Then practice Good morning,. to each other like the dialogue they heard just now on the tape. 通过介绍让小组间的成员互相了解和记住彼此的英文名字,通过模仿听到的对话进行操练,加深他们对句型的理解。 Homework 1.Copy these eight big and small letters five times. 2.Find as many letters like HB, CD, BBC as they can. 板书设计:Unit 1 Good morning!A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H hHB CD BBC课后反思: 人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教案Period Three教学目标: 1.学会不同时段打招呼的用语。 2.学习熟识朋友见面的问候语和应答。 3.记住尽可能多的同学的名字。 教学重难点: 1.句型:Good afternoon! Good evening! -How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you? Im OK. 2.用英文名字来跟朋友打招呼问候。 Step1. Warming-up. 1. Greet the students. 通过问候帮助学生记忆所学对话和同学的英语名字,加深印象。通过汇报找到的缩写字母,既检查了作业的完成,又开阔了学生的思维。2. Students practice greetings in groups of four using their English names. 3. A report on What do these letters mean? Ask some students to give their reports. Step2. Presentation 1. Use clocks to teach morning, afternoon and evening. Let students know different time we use different words. 2. Show some pictures to help them say, Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. 使用时钟让学生清楚地认识这三个单词的区别,学会在不同时段来使用它们。通过图片的场景进一步加深对这三个句子的理解和应用。 Step3. 3a. Listen and number the pictures.1-3听录音,让学生培养起良好的听的习惯,也有助于培养他们的专心和注意力集中。 Step4. 3b. Practice the conversations in 3a with your partner. 与同伴练习3a中的对话。在听的基础上,及时纠正自己的发音。Step5. Look and say. Show different pictures with different time and let students practice the dialogue in pairs. 用学生喜欢的卡通人物来进行操练,可以激发他们的积极性,提高操练效果。 Step6. 3cListen to the conversation. Then practice it with your partner. 先听后读再操练,有助于学生循序渐进地学习。 Step7. Practice. 1. In groups of four or five, practice the dialogue in 3c with their English names. 2. Play a game. Who has the most friends? Students move round the classroom and try to know as many friends as they can and practice the dialogue with them. Lets see who has the most friends in just three minutes. Students should point to the persons and tell their names. The winner can get a present. 先通过小组活动熟悉所学对话,然后通过游戏进一步熟悉全班同学的名字。通过游戏培养了学生的竞争精神,当然也训练了他们的反应能力,并有助于增强他们的交际能力。其实也是回家作业的一个 很好检查。 Homework Greet all the classmates after class and try to remember their English names. 板书设计:Unit 1 Good morning!HB CD BBC 课后反思: 人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教案Period Four教学目标: 1.学会一首英语歌曲。2.巩固本单元所学字母,单词及句型。3.学会将相同音素字母和单词归类。教学重难点: 学好这首英语歌曲及将相同音素字母和单词归类。Step1. Warming-up. Greetings.( Let all the students practice with their English names.) 复习前一课时内容,熟悉班级同学的英语名字。既检查了学生的作业,又有助于培养他们听说的能力,同时也是对字母的有效复习。 Step2. Letter Bingo. Play a game like this: Fill in blanks with Aa-Hh. One of them can be used twice. Students should write both the big ones and the small ones. Students circle the letters they hear. If the circled letters are in a row, they win. 通过学生填入字母的大小写复习了八个字母的书写;通过听指令圈出所听到的字母,既有助于培养学生的注意力又是对字母读音的一个有效复习。加上游戏本身的趣味性,使复习字母变得不再枯燥。 Step3. 4a. Write the names of the children on page S1. Then write the names in alphabetical order. Step4. 4b. Listen and repeat.Step5. 4c. Read the letters and words in column 1. Then try to read the new words in column 2. 通过自我检查,让学生及时发现学习中存在的问题,然后学会如何去解决问题,既培养了学生解决问题的能力,也培养了他们自学的能力。这部分内容对学生而言有一定难度,通过尝试,观察让学生自己进行小结,归纳,有助于培养他们的自学能力。当然教师必要的指导也是必不可少的。 Step6. Listen and sing the song Play the tape for students listen first. Then sing after the tape. At last just play the music and let students sing together. Then let the boys have a try ,then the girls. 学会这首歌曲也就意味着掌握了本单元的重点句型。学歌既是一种美的熏陶,也是复习的一种有效手段。 Homework Get ready for a picture with different letters in it. 板书设计:Unit 1 Good morning!Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! How are you? How are you? How are you? Im fine, thanks. Im fine, thanks. Im fine, thanks. How are you? How are you? How are you? Im OK. Im OK. Im OK.课后反思: 人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?教案Period One教学目标:1.复习巩固字母Aa-Hh2.复习打招呼的用语、朋友见面的问候语和应答教学重点、难点:1.字母的正确书写和认读。2.7个表示物体的单词的熟练掌握。教学过程: Step 1. Warming-up 1. Good morning/afternoon/evening! How are you? Im fine, thanks.How are you? Im OK. 引导学生在真实的交际中运用Starter Unit 1中学到的日常用语,让学生体会学英语的乐趣和成功的快乐。Step 2. Play a game.让学生从闪烁的画面中通过快速的思维,说出其中是什么字母。 “Whats this?Its ”是本单元的重点句型。通过这个游戏,让学生在听说中首先建立一定的感性认识,体现听说领先的原则。Play the game like this: Teacher shows a letter quickly and asks : “Whats this?” Get the students to answer the questions like this: “ I think its A / B.”Step 3. GameTeacher shows a part of a letter and asks : “Whats this?” Get the students to answer the questions like this: “ I think its A / B.” Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether theyre right or wrong. 在幻灯片上通过闪现字母进行猜测,从猜谜游戏到新知识呈现,学生在悬而未决的心理状态下学习新知识,因注意力相对集中和兴趣被有效激活,对所学的东西印象深刻。Step 4. Presentation.1a Look for the small letters in the picture for these big letters. Check ()the ones you found. 在图中找出下列字母的大小写,在找到的字母后打。Step 5. Work on 1b. 播放1b录音,同学们先听。第二次播放1b录音,同学们跟读,培养学生学习兴趣和良好习惯。 Step 6. Work on 1c. 同桌练习根据1a练习对话,然后编写对话,老师在教室移动聆听帮助。并鼓励学生尽可能用自己刚才得到的英语名字进行操练,不会读的可以请教老师。当然允许他们使用自己的中文名字进行练习。关键是要鼓励学生大胆开口,愿意说的良好习惯。 Step 7.Homework 制作从I 到 R的卡片,并涂上颜色。板书设计:Unit 2 Whats this in English?Whats this?I think its 课后反思: 人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?教案Period Two教学目标:1.学习字母Ii Rr。2.学习key,pen, map, ruler, orange, quilt, jacket7个词汇3.学习辨认物体 (Identify things):Whats this in English? Its . .教学重点、难点:1. 学习字母Ii Rr以及它们的写法。教学过程: Step 1. Warming-up 1. Good morning/afternoon/evening! How are you? Im fine, thanks.How are you? Im OK. 继续巩固Starter Unit 1中学到的日常用语,让学生体会学英语的乐趣和成功的快乐。Step 2. Play a game.Find out the letters:Teacher shows the letters very quickly get the students to call out the letters they see. 通过游戏的形式复习已学知识,最大程度地调动了学生的有意注意力,在轻松愉快的课堂氛围里,学生的积极性容易被调动,思维容易被激活Step 3. 2a Listen and repeat. 听录音并跟读。Step 4. 2b Listen and number the letters you hear 1-10. 听录音,根据所听到的顺序为字母编号。Step 5. 2c Look and copy. 观察并抄写下列字母。在这里注意,要给同学们讲一讲这几个字母的笔顺Step 6. 2d Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair. 补全每组所缺的大小写字母。感受成功的快感。在展示自我的过程中,学生体验到勇敢、积极、大胆所带来的愉快的心情体验。Step7. 2e Talk about what these letters mean. 谈谈下列字母或字母组合的含义。开放型的任务培养学生的动脑或拓展能力,同时为下一课时作好准备。Step 8.Homework 用英语写下自己卧室的物品名称。板书设计:Unit 2 Whats this in English?What is this in English?It is a/an map/orange课后反思: 人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?教案Period Three教学目标:1.巩固句型:Whats this in English? Its a (an) . . Spell it, please. R-U-L-E-R, ruler.2.复习巩固字母Ii-Rr及元音字母a, e, i, o在开音节和闭音节中的发音规则。教学重点、难点:.Whats this in English? Its a (an) . . Spell it, please. R-U-L-E-R, ruler. .相同元音音素的掌握。教学过程: Step 1. Warming-up 1. Greetings.2. Sing a song: Whats this? 教一首短歌Whats this?,让学生体会学英语的乐趣和成功的快乐。Step 2. Play a game.1. Get one of the student choose one picture or real object in the box, he only can use his body language, let the others guess what it is. Using :Whats this in English? Is this a / an -?Yes / No. Can you spell it, please? -在游戏的同时,最大程度地调动了学生的有意注意力,在轻松愉快的课堂氛围里,学生的积极性容易被调动,思维容易被激活,还训练了学生听的听力,为下一环节奠定基础。Step 3. 3a Listen and number the pictures1-8. 在训练学生听的能力的同时,也复习了单词,自然的过渡到下个环节。Step 4. 3bListen and complete the words under the pictures in 3a. 补全每组所缺的字母。感受成功的快感。在展示自我的过程中,学生体验到勇敢、积极、大胆所带来的愉快的心情体验。Step 5. 3c Listen to the conversation. Then practice it with your partner.Step 6. 3d Listen to the conversations and number the words you hear1-4.Step7. 3e Talk about the things in the picture. 与同伴谈谈图中的物品。开放型的任务培养学生的动脑或拓展能力,同时为下一课时作好准备。Step 8.Homework 背诵用英语写下自己卧室的物品名称。板书设计:Unit 2 Whats this in English?Whats this in English?Its a (an) . .Spell it, please.R-U-L-E-R, ruler.课后反思: 人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?教案Period Four教学目标:1.句型:Whats this in English? Its a (an) . . Whats that in English? Its a (an) . .2.继续加强巩固字母Ii-Rr的学习,同时学习元音字母a, e, i, o在开音节和闭音节中的发音规则。教学重点、难点:.Whats this in English? Its a (an) . . Whats that in English? Its a (an) . .本单元单词。教学过程: Step 1. Warming-up 1. Greetings.2. Having a dictation。听写学过的单词,也是对单词的巩固过程。Step 2. 4a Fill in the missing letters. 补全所缺字母。通过这种形式,学生从补全所缺字母方面既复习了字母,又巩固了单词。Step 3. Number the words in alphabetical order1-15.根据首字母顺序为字母编号。这一环节也是对以前学过的字母的一个复习,对同学们来说也不太难。Step 4. A guessing gameTeacher shows a part of a thing, get the students to guess out the name, using: Whats this in English? I think its a/anSpell it, please. 在游戏中,学生运用所学语言知识解决实际问题,活跃了课堂气氛,渐趋疲劳的注意力得到松弛。还可以让学生用已经掌握的单词与同伴交流,达到合作、互助的目的。Step 5. 4c Listen and repeat. 听录音并跟读。学生必须全神贯注地听,并快速认读字母和单词,训练了学生的听力以及敏捷的判断力和反应能力。教师还可以通过此活动来检查学生的字母发音。Step 6. 4d Read the letters and words in column 1. Then try to read the new words in column 2. 朗读第一栏的字母和单词,并试着读出第二栏的生词。让学生会自我小结与评估,形成性评价丰富了终结性评价的不足,增强学生学习的信心,培养学生创造性思维。同时,让语言知识的学习与巩固以积极的方式从课内延伸到课外。Step7. Homework 1.背写本课单词。2.复习整单元学习内容。板书设计:Unit 2 Whats this in English?Whats this in English?Its a (an) . .Whats that in English?Its a (an) . .课后反思: 人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 3 What color is it?教案Period One教学目标:1.学习英语字母S-Z。2.能在四线格里正确地书写S-Z的大、小写。教学重点、难点:字母的大小写格式,避免书写错误,做到书写正确、美观。教学过程: Step 1. Guessing game Teacher shows a part of a letter and asks : “Whats this?” Get the students to answer the questions like this: “ I think its A / B.” Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether theyre right or wrong. 这一部分的Guessing game主要是为了让学生从不完整的画面中通过想象力,猜出其是什么字母,既复习学过的字母,又丰富学生的想象力。而“Whats this?Its ”既是前一单元的重点句型,也是下一课时使用频率较高的一个句型。 Step 2. 1aLook at the picture. Write the letter for each color. Step 3. 1bListen and repeat .Play the recording. Stop the tape after each letter and have students repeat. Check pronunciation and correct if necessary.Step 4. 1cPractice the conversations in the picture with your partner. Then make your own conversation.这项活动首先让同桌之间练习,然后邻桌练习,老师在教室走动,有需要时及时帮助。即巩固了第二单元的句型,又为下一节课做好准备。练习完后,同桌之间编写对话。对初学者来说Ss、Xx和Yy这三个字母容易受数学老师的影响发音不准确,可能比较难读准,因此学生应仔细去听,老师应耐心纠正。Step 5.Homework 1.Copy the letters Ss-Zz.2.Make color letter cards.板书设计:Unit 3 What color is it?Whats this?I think its S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z课后反思: 人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 3 What color is it?教案Period One教学目标:1.学习英语字母S-Z。2.能在四线格里正确地书写S-Z的大、小写。教学重点、难点:字母的大小写格式,避免书写错误,做到书写正确、美观。教学过程: Step 1. Guessing game Teacher shows a part of a letter and asks : “Whats this?” Get the students to answer the questions like this: “ I think its A / B.” Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether theyre right or wrong. 这一部分的Guessing game主要是为了让学生从不完整的画面中通过想象力,猜出其是什么字母,既复习学过的字母,又丰富学生的想象力。而“Whats this?Its ”既是前一单元的重点句型,也是下一课时使用频率较高的一个句型。 Step 2. 1aLook at the picture. Write the letter for each color. Step 3. 1bListen and repeat .Play the recording. Stop the tape after each letter and have students repeat. Check pronunciation and correct if necessary.Step 4. 1cPractice the conversations in the picture with your partner. Then make your own conversation.这项活动首先让同桌之间练习,然后邻桌练习,老师在教室走动,有需要时及时帮助。即巩固了第二单元的句型,又为下一节课做好准备。练习完后,同桌之间编写对话。对初学者来说Ss、Xx和Yy这三个字母容易受数学老师的影响发音不准确,可能比较难读准,因此学生应仔细去听,老师应耐心纠正。Step 5.Homework 1.Copy the letters Ss-Zz.2.Make color letter cards.板书设计:Unit 3 What color is it?Whats this?I think its S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z课后反思: 人教版(新目标)初中七上Starter Unit 3 What color is it?教案Period Three教学目标:1.继续学习有关颜色的对话。2.学会发现和绘画颜色,用各种可以调动学生积极性的活动来提高学生的活跃性,激发他们参与讨论的热情。同时可以对学生进行美育教育,从小培养他们对美的正确认识。教学重点、难点:Color作为动词的用法。教学过程: Step 1. Warming up Use colored pens to write down the letters their partners says. 既复习了字母又巩固了颜色。Step 2. Play a game老师在袋子里面装一些各种颜色的小球,让同学们去摸,并问What color is it?,学生回答Its Step 3. 3aListen and color the things. 该环节主要是复习前面所学过的单词,并给所听到的为物品涂色。起到承前启后的作用。Step 4. 3bListen again. Complete the sentencesStep 5 3cListen and complete the chart.该环节即要写出对话中的物品,又要写出对话中所提到物品的颜色。再次从音、形上巩固颜色。Step 6 3dMake conversations using the things in 3a-3c.通过同桌合作和组间比赛活动,提高学生的合作能力和竞争能力,促使学生学会体验实践、参与合作与交流的学习方式。Step 7.Homework 1. Copy the conversations in 3d and write down the Chinese meaning.2. Colors can make colors.板书设计:Unit 3 What color is it?A: Whats this in English?B: Its a key.A: Spell it, please.B:K-EY.A: What color is it?B: Its yellow.课后反思:


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