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word2016年中考英语复习资料七年级英语上Starter units 1-3 一短语与句型1. Good morning /afternoon /evening. 答语:2. How are you? 答语:3. -Whats this /that in English? -Its _(map). /Its _(orange).4. -Spell it, please. - _(map). 同义句:_? 拓展:-Can you spell it, please? -_(map).t this /that? Its_(字母v).6.-What color is it? Its_(black).7. 五个元音字母是:_ _ _ _ _二语法:冠词的用法 冠词是置于名词之前,说明名词所表示的人或事物的一种虚词。分不定冠词,定冠词和零冠词。1.不定冠词a /an a用于读音第一个音素是辅音的单词或字母(b,c,d,g,j,k,p,q,t,u,v,w,y,z)前,如_ map desk pen book sofa. There is _ “b in the word “book.an用于读音第一个音素是元音的单词或字母(a,e,f,h,i,l,m,n,o,r,s,x)前,如_ orange eraser aunt uncle egg apple hour English book ID card There is _ “s in the word “spell.2.定冠词the 1指双方都知道的人或物 Who is _ girl ? _ pen is hers.2) 指第二次出现的人或物 I have a pen. _ pen is red. That is a ruler. _ ruler is Marys.3.零冠词:即不使用冠词。一般来说,在复数可数名词,不可数名词或专有名词前不使用冠词。如:Hamburgers are not healthy. My friend is in China.Unit 1 My names Gina.一 语法:含有be动词的一般现在时句型a. 肯定句:主语+be(am/is/are)+其他. 例如:b. 否认句:主语+be(am/is/are)+not+其他.c. 一般疑问句:Be(Am/Is/Are)+主语+其他 肯定回答:Yes, 主语+be(am/is/are). 否认回答:No, 主语+be(am/is/are)+not.d. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?二 短语与句型1.My name is Gina.(划线提问) 同义句: _ _ _ name ?2.His names Eric. 划线提问 同义句: _ _name? 3. Her names Mary. 划线提问 同义句: _ _ _name?4.I am Helen. 改为一般疑问句并作肯否回答 _ _ _? _, _ _._ ,_ _.5.My brother is great. (同上) _ _ _ great? _,_ _./ _,_ _.6.Nice to meet you. (答语: )7.几个缩写 whats= names= Im= hes= shes= s your/his/her/ones telephone number?_ 281-9176. 或:_ _ _ _ 281-9176.s your first name? _. Whats your last/family name? _.Unit2This is my sister.一 短语与句型1. This is my brother.(变复数) _ _ _ _.2. Those are oranges.(变单数) _ _ _ _.3. Hes my brother.(划线提问) _ _?4. Theyre my grandparents.(同上) _ _ _?5. These are my parents.(变一般疑问句并作肯否回答)_ _ _ parents? Yes,_ _./NO,_ _.6. Have a good day!同义句_ _ _ _! 或 _ _! 7.我的一X家庭照 _ 我的狗的名字_ 8.Here be +主语+其他 指“这儿有 be的单复数由主语决定 Here _ two nice photos of my family. 9.几个缩写:thats= whos= whore= theyre= this is不能缩写二 语法:一名词 指人或事物的名称,分为专有名词和普通名词。专有名词指个别人,事物,地点等专有的名称,如:Gina , China (首字母要大写)。普通名词按其所表示的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。1.不可数名词一般没有复数形式,也不能与a/an 或数词连用,但可用some ,much,lots of等修饰 如:milk, bread ,rice,homework,water,money ,food,fruit,salad,chicken,ice-cream2.可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。单数名词由a/an/one/the等修饰如an apple复数名词由大于1的数词或some,many,lots of等修饰如two apples名词变复数的规如此如下:(1)+s book _ map_ eraser_ key_ boy_ ruler_ bed_ bag_(2)辅+y结尾,改y为i+es dictionary family library strawberry party(3)以s,x,ch,sh结尾+es class_ box_ watch_(4)以o结尾 1无生命+s photo_ radio_ 2)有生命+es tomato_ potato_ hero_ Negro_注:少数名词的复数形式是不规如此的,如:man-men woman-women child-children sheep-sheep Chinese-Chinese等。(二) 名词所有格 表所属关系“的 the name of the dog/girl/city. the color of the bag/car. a photo of my family a map of China2.s所有格适用于有生命的名词a.单数名词+s 构成所有格 如_ (Mike) schoolbag your_(father)birthdayb.不以s结尾的复数名词+s构成所有格如 _(child) Day _(woman) Dayc.以s结尾的复数名词+构成所有格如 _(teacher) Day in your _爷爷奶奶的rooms格的转换the name of the dog = the _ name the room of my parents=my _ roomUnit3 Is this your pencil?一 短语与句型1.This is my pencil.(改一般疑问句并作肯否回答) _ _ _ pencil? _ , _ _. / _, _ _.2.These are my books. (同上)_ _ _ books? _,_ _. / _,_ _.3.-Are these your pencils? No,theyre _ (Bob).4.-Is this his green pen? -No, it isnt. The blue pen is _ (his).5.What/How about + sth.(名词,代词) / doing sth. 怎么样?1) I like hamburgers for dinner. What about _ (your)? 2) Lets play basketball.(同义句) How about _ _ ?6.Thank you / Thanks for + sth. / doing sth. 谢谢你1)Thank you for your help.同义句_ for your help.2) _ _ _ _ _ 谢谢你帮我 find my pen. 7.Thank you. / Thanks.答语_ _. / _ _. / _ _ _.8.excuse me “劳驾;打扰了 常用于询问,求助或请求之前_ _,Grace.Is this your pencil? 9.ask sb. for sth. 向请求 Is this puter game yours? _ the teachter _ it. 10.call sb. 给打 ; call+ 拨打 ;call sb. at+ 拨打号找某人My mother is at home. You can _ _ _ 685-6034.11. sb. at 往给某人发12.must 情态动词“一定,必须,后接动词原形,类似用法有can+动原“能,会 1) I lost my school ID card . I_ _(find) it . 2)- _ I_ you? Yes, please. I want to buy a sweater for my daughter.13. a set of keys 一串钥匙 Here _ a set of keys.14.几个缩写 :it is = is not = are not = 二 语法:代词的用法 单数 复数 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们人称代词主格 人称代词宾格形容词性物代名词性物代用法口诀:谓语前主格,动介后宾格,名前用形容,无名如此用名。1._(us) have a soccer ball. _(her) has a basketball.2.Let_(our) play volleyball. Lets play with _(he).3._(I) schoolbag isnt here. _(I) is at home.4.-Is this _(your)? No, it isnt. Its_(her).5._(she) pencils are black, but _(he) are white.指示代词:表“这个 this,“那个that,“这些these,“那些those等指示概念的代词。1) 用于介绍人或物 _ /_is my sister. _/_ are my parents. 2) 用于语言 Hello, _ is Mary. 我是 Is _ Ann? 你是吗? Whos _? 你是谁?3) this/that 的问句回答用it,these/those的问句回答用they-Whats this/that? It is.-What are these/those? They are.Unit4Wheres my schoolbag?一 短语与句型1. My pencil box is in my schoolbag. 变否认,一般疑问与肯否回答,划线提问My pencil box _ in my schoolbag._ _ pencil box in _ schoolbag?_,_ _. / _,_ _._ _ _ pencil box?2. The keys are on the sofa .同上The keys _ on the sofa._ the keys on the sofa? Yes,_ _. / No,_ _._ _ the keys? 3 .快点,加油 _ 录音机 _ 飞机模型_ here and there _ 3. 本书主要介词短语about: what /how about think aboutafter: after class/school after breakfast/lunch/dinnerat: at school/home at three(oclock) e- mail me at. call me at. at good prices at a good pricefor: thank you for your help thanks for for boys/girls for breakfast/lunch/dinner ask the teacher for it for two hoursfrom: from 12:00 to 1:00in: in the schoolbag in your grandparentsroom in purple in the first photo in January in my family in China in the morning/afternoon/evening in English in the school libraryof: a photo of my family the name of my dogon: on the table on your head on September fifth on the 12th on November 3rd watch.on TV on Sunday/under: under the desk under your bedwith: play with our friendsUnit5 Do you have a soccer ball?一 语法:含有实义动词do的一般现在时句型a. 肯定句:主语+实义动词+其他.主语为第三人称单数时,动词也用第三人称单数形式,其余人称一律用动词原形。b. 否认句:主语+dont/doesnt+动词原形+其他.c. 一般疑问句:Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其他?肯定回答:Yes,主语+do/does.否认回答:No,主语+dont/doesnt.d. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词变单三有如下几种变化形式:1. 一般动词+s like_ help_ play_ get_ e_ want_ eat_ 2. 以s,x,ch,sh结尾的动词+es watch_ finish_ teach_ fix_ guess_3. 辅+y结尾的动词,变y为i,再+es study_4. 不规如此的:have_ go_ do_二短语与句型 1. I have a soccer ball. (变否认,一般疑问句与肯否回答,划线提问)I _ _ a soccer ball._ _ _ a soccer ball?Yes, _ _./ No, _ _._ _ you _?2. Frank has a basketball. (同上 ) Frank _ _ a basketball. _ Frank _ a basketball? Yes, _ _./ No, _ _. _ _ Frank _?3. let sb. do sth. 让某人干某事让他们走吧! _ _ _!让我去取它吧。_ _ _ _.让我们打篮球吧。那听起来不错。-_ _ _. -_ _ _.4. the same “ 一样的 ,后常接单数名词。 翻译:我们上一样的学校,在同一个班。 We _ _ _ _ _and we _ _ _ _ _.5.watch sth. on TV 在电视上看 I love sports, but I dont play them I only _ _ _ _! play +运动类名词(basketball,volleyball,baseball,tennis,soccer,ping-pong.)指做某项运动,后可加with sb. 指跟某人一起做某项运动 play + the +乐器类名词(piano,violon.) 指演奏某种乐器 如: He _ _ _ _ _(跟他朋友打篮球) after school . She can _ _ _ (弹钢琴). 7.助动词 do,does与其否认dont,doesnt有时可以代替实义动词的动作,如: I dont have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. I like apples, but my sister _. Gina doesnt play sports, but I _.“容易的 与 difficult “困难的 是一对反义形容词,形容词常用在be动词或系动词(sound,look)之后,构成系表结构,或用在名词之前作定语,修饰该名词。类似的形容词 还有nice,good,interesting,relaxing,boring. 如:-Lets play soccer. That sounds _.I dont like playing baseball. Its _ for me (to play baseball).This is an _ book. I like it very much.The sweater _ _看起来漂亮.Unit6Do you like bananas?一 短语与句型1. I like that yellow jacket. (变否认,一般疑问与肯否回答,划线提问)I _ _ that yellow jacket._ _ _ that yellow jacket?Yes, _ _. / No, _ _. _ _ you like?2. David likes the model plane.(同上)David _ _ the model plane._ David _ the model plane?Yes, _ _. / No, _ _._ _ David _?3. think about “思考,考虑动介结构Johns birthday dinner is next week. Lets _ _ the food.4. sports star 运动明星5. well (1) 作感叹词,意为“好,嗯,常放在句首表强调或停顿。 (2) 作副词,意为“好,对,令人满意地,修饰动词。如: Sports star eats well. He _ _ _ _(篮球打得很好). (3)作形容词,意为“身体好的,健康的。-How is your father? He is fine /_. David _ the volleyball star,Cindy Smith, _ her eating habits.7.eating habits 饮食习惯The boy likes hamburgers. He doesnt have _ _ _ _(好的饮食习惯).8.breakfast,lunch,dinner早餐/午餐/晚餐正餐(1) have breakfast /lunch /dinner 表“吃早中、晚餐,此短语中不能加the或a .但可以说 have a big /small breakfast / lunch /dinner .(2) “have/like /eat+食物+ for breakfast /lunch/dinner表示早中、晚餐吃 如:He _ _ (吃早餐) at 7:00 every morning .I like bread and milk for breakfast.(划线提问)_ _ _ like for breakfast? 9.healthy 形容词 “健康的,其名词形式为health;其反义词为unhealthy.Her grandfather is 80, but he is in good health / _.Hamburgers are _. I dont like them . 10.want 动词,“想要,需要(1) want sth. 想要什么(2) want to do sth. 想要做什么(3) want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做什么He _ _ _ (想要一辆自行车).He _ _ _ _ _(想要买一辆自行车).He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (想要父亲买一辆自行车).I like ice-cream, but I dont eat _. I _ _ _ _ _(不想变胖).Unit7 How much are these socks?一 语法:基数词的构成与用法1. 含义:基数词表示数目的多少。如:one,two,three,thirteen,twenty等。2. 构成与记忆规如此:10-12单独记:213-19是以“个位数+teen构成: 13,15,18特殊记:320-90整十位数的基数词由相应的个位数字后加-ty构成: 20,30,40,50,80特殊记:421-29的两位数的表达是整十位数加个位数,中间加上连字符“-,如:21,42,78分别是:5100可以写成 a hundred或 one hundred 200 _ _ 3. 用法:1表示年龄,基数词放在years old之前。 He is_(12) years old. (2)表示人或物的数量,放在名词之前。There are _ days of a week. (3)表示顺序,编号,放在名词之后。 I am in Class _,Grade _. (4)用来计算基数词作主语当单数。 _ and _ is _(2+6=8). 二短语与句型 1.trousers,shorts,shoes,socks等词通常以复数形式出现,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。但当它们和a pair of连用作主语时,谓语动词根据pair的数来变化。 These shoes _ 25 dollars. This pair of shoes _ small.3. how much (1) 用来询问物品的价格,意为“多少钱,常用句型:-How much + is /are +主语?问 -Its /Theyre +钱数.答同义句:Whats the price of +主语?问 The price of+主语 / It+is+钱数.答Eg: -How much _ the green sweater? - _ 80 yuan.同义句:-_ _ _ _ the green sweater? -_ _ _ the green sweater _ 80 yuan.Eg: -How much _ these black trousers? -_ 30 dollars.同义句:-_ _ _ _ these black trousers? -_ _ _ these black trousers _ 30 dollars. (2) how much 还可用来询问不可数名词的数量。用“how much+不可数名词表多少 而用“how many+可数名词复数来询问可数名词的数量。如: _ _ milk do you want? _ _ apples do you need?4. 购物用语:(1) Can /May I help you? Yes, please. I need /want . / No, thanks.同义句:-What can I do for you? - I want.(2) How much is /are.?(3) How /What about.?(4) Ill take it /them .(5) Ill take two pairs. Here you are.(6) -Thank you. -Youre wele.5. need 动词“需要(1) need sth. 需要某物 (2) need to do sth. 需要干某事He _ _ _需要一件毛衣for school.The woman _ _ _ _ _需要买一顶帽子 for her daughter.6. 完成句子,每空一词。(1) e and buy your clothes _ _ _ _(我们大减价).(2) We sell all our clothes _ _ _ _ (以很合理的价格).(3) We have green sweaters _ only $15!(4) Yellow sweaters _ only $12!(5) _ boys, we have black trousers _ only $22!(6) For girls, we have skirts _ _ (紫色的)for only $20!Unit8When is your birthday?一 语法:序数词的构成与用法1. 含义:序数词表示事物的先后顺序(第几),往往与定冠词the连用。2. 基变序记忆规如此:(1)1,2,3单独记,第一_,第二_,第三_ .(2)遇4以后加-th,第四_,第六_,第七_,第十_. (3)遇5和12变ve为f再加-th,第五_,第十二_. (4)遇8只加-h,遇9去e加-th,第八_,第九_. (5)整十的基数词除10外变y为i再加-eth, twenty_. (5)多位数只将个位变为序数词,其他数位不变。twenty-one_. (6)序数词的前面要加定冠词the,但其前有物主代词,名词所有格,指示代词等修饰时,如此不必再用the。 Tina is twelve. Today is her _ birthday.二.单词、短语与句型 1.MONTHS:12个月份名词无论何时何地首写字母要大些。 January,_,_,_,_,_, _,_,_,_,_,_.2.There are _ months in a year.3._ is the first month of a year.4._ es after August.(同义句: ).5. busy 形容词,“忙碌的;无暇的,同义词:have no time /not have time其反义词为free“有空的(have time)1)be busy 很忙 My father has no time. He _ _.2)be busy with sth.忙于某事 I_ _ _ my homework every evening.3)be busy doing sth.忙着做某事The students _ _ _忙于完成their homework.6.用on,in,at表时间1on + 具体某一天 / 具体某一天的早、中、晚 / 怎样的早、中、晚 例如: on Sunday on the morning of October 1st = in the morning on October 1st on Monday evening on a spring afternoon on a warm/cold morning on January 2nd2in + 时间段例如:in the morning / afternoon / evening in 2012 / in spring / in April3)at + 几点, 固定用法例如: at 8:00 at 7:00 in the morning at three this afternoon at noon/ night 7.询问人的年龄用以下句型:1)How old + be +主语? 几岁? 2)Whats +形容词性物主代词/名词所有格 +age? 3)Whats the age of+sb.? 翻译:你多大了? _ _ _ _ ?同义句 _ _ _ ?同义句 _ _ _ _ _ ? 你妹妹几岁? _ _ _ _ _ ? 同义句 _ _ _ _ ? _ _ _ _ _ _ ? 同义句8.-Happy birthday !(答语). -_ _ / _.9.翻译:1)-你的生日是什么时候?-我的生日是八月九日。 -_ _ _ _ ? -_ _ _ _ _ _./ -_ _ _ _. 2)在12号,我们有两场球赛。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.3)你想来我的生日聚会吗? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _? 10.几个短语: 这个学期_ 有一次学校出游_下个月_ 有一次艺术节_有一场英语聚会_ 有一次廉价售书_Unit9My favorite subject is science. 一单词、短语与句型 1.Subjects:体育_ 美术_ 科学_ 音乐_ 历史_ 数学_ 语文_ 英语_ 地理_ 2.My favorite subject is art.(划线提问) (同义句: I _ art _.)_ _favorite subject?(同义句:_ _ do you _ _?) 3.Her favorite subject is science.(同义句) She _ science_.s Lin Meis favorite subject?(同义句) _ subject _ Lin Mei _ _? 5.表星期的七个单词,任何时候都要大写。星期天_ 星期一_ 星期二_ 星期三_星期四_ 星期五_ 星期六1)_ is the first day of a week.2)Thursday is _ _ day of the week.3)There are _ _ in a week.4)_ es after Monday.(同义句:_.)5)Tuesday es before _.(同义句:_.)6)问今天是星期几的句型:-What _ is it today? _ Saturday. 6.交际用语:1)-_ your day? Its OK.2)- I like _ because _ _ _ is Saturday! -Haha! _ _ _. I like Friday, too.3)-What _ your favorite _? Science and math.4)-Why _ Bob like P.E.? -_ _ fun.5)-_ your music teacher? Ms. Xie.6)-_ your favorite _? Basketball.7)-_ your favorite _? Friday. 7.have +科目,表“上课;有课 havea(n) + 科目+ class/lesson,表“上一节课 如: 1)He_ _ (上语文课) at 8:00. 2)I_ _ _ _(上一节英语课) _ 8:50_ 9:35. 8.finish 动词“完成,完毕 1) finish sth. 完成某事 My classes _(finish) at 1:50. 2) finish doing sth.完成做某事 He_ _ his homework at 9:00pm(做完). 9. useful 形容词,“有用的,有益的由use动词+ful后缀构成,类似的有: helpful, thankful,careful等。 The teacher says math is _,_ I think it is difficult. 10.for+一段时间 We have a class _ 45 minutes. 11. 短语: 在那以后_,上一节美术课_, 从到某某_,难但有趣_二书面表达: 假设Sally是你的好朋友,根据下面的提示,以My good friend为题,写一篇50词左右的短文,介绍一下Sally,可适当发挥。1. 她12岁2. 她的是77345693. 她喜欢西红柿和鸡肉4. 她最喜欢的科目是数学5. 她有三个篮球和两个排球 My good friend七年级英语下Unit1 Can you play the guitar?一 语法:情态动词can“会,能,表示能力,没有人称和数的变化,其后接动词原形。句式结构为:肯定句:主语+can+动词原形+其他.否认句:主语+can+not+动词原形+其他.一般疑问句:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?简略回答:肯Yes,+主语+can. 否No,主语+cant.Eg: David can speak English well. 否: David _speak English well.一般疑: _ David _ English well? 答: Yes, _ _./ No, _ _.1.play v.游戏,扮演,演奏,播放,玩耍; n.play+(basketball/soccer/volleyb


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